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‘Talem Thankiu for Evri Samting’

‘Talem Thankiu for Evri Samting’

WASWE, iu man for tinghae and talem thankiu lo narawan? Datwan hem kwestin wea man seleva savve ting raonem. Bible showimaot hao staka pipol distaem bae no garem wei for tinghae. (2 Tim. 3:2) Maet iu meetim samfala pipol wea tingse olketa fit for kasem evri samting and for narawan duim samting for olketa. Luk olsem, olketa tingse olketa no need for thankiu for wanem olketa kasem. Iu maet agree hao no eniwan lo iumi bae feel gud for stap witim kaen pipol olsem.

Bat, Jehovah talem olketa servant blo hem: “Showimaot iufala thankiu.” So iumi mas ‘talem thankiu for evri samting.’ (Col 3:15; 1 Thess. 5:18) Really, taem iumi garem wei for tinghae and talem thankiu datwan savve barava helpem iumi. Samfala reason stap wea pruvim datwan.


Wanfala reason why iumi shud garem wei for tinghae and talem thankiu, hem bikos datwan savve helpem iumi for garem positive tingting abaotem iumiseleva. Staka taem man wea sei thankiu bae hapi, and man wea iu thankiu lo hem bae hapi tu. Why nao wei for sei thankiu mekem iumi and olketa narawan for hapi? Tingim disfala example: Taem iu luksavve olketa narawan duim samting for iu, waswe, datwan hem no showimaot iu important lo olketa? Olketa tingim iu. Taem olsem, datwan bae mekem iu hapi. Tingim hao datwan nao maet happen lo Ruth. Boaz barava kaen lo Ruth. So taem Ruth luksavve dat samwan tingim hem, datwan mekem hem hapi tumas.—Rut 2:10-13.

Hem barava fitim for iumi thankiu lo God. Staka taem maet iu tingim olketa spiritual and physical present wea hem givim iu and wea hem gohed for provaedem. (Diutronomi 8:17, 18; Acts 14:17) Winim wei for just tingim olketa gudfala wei blo Jehovah nomoa, hem gud for tekem taem for ting raonem staka blessing wea God givim lo iu and olketa wea iu lovem. Wei for ting raonem kaenfala fasin blo Creator blo iu, bae mekem iu tinghae go moa lo hem and bae helpem iu luksavve hao Jehovah lovem and tinghae lo iu.—1 John 4:9.

Bat iumi no just tingim nomoa wei wea Jehovah kaen and olketa blessing wea hem givim; iumi shud thankiu lo Jehovah from hem gud tumas. (Sams 100:4, 5) Pipol savve sei “wei for talem thankiu savve mekem pipol feel hapi.”


Nara reason why wei for tinghae and talem thankiu hem gud samting hem bikos hem strongim wei for fren gud tugeta. Iumi evriwan need for feelim hao samwan tinghae lo samting wea iumi duim. Taem iu talem thankiu lo samwan for wei wea hem kaen, bae iutufala fren gud tugeta. (Rome 16:3, 4) Staka taem pipol wea garem wei for talem thankiu, olketa nao savve helpem narawan. Olketa luksavve taem narawan kaen lo olketa, and datwan muvim olketa for kaen tu lo datfala man. Yes, wei for helpem narawan savve mekem man hapi. Olsem Jesus talem: “Man wea givim samting hem barava hapi winim man wea kasem samting.”—Acts 20:35.

Robert Emmons, wea hem codirector blo wanfala project lo University lo California wea study abaotem wei for talem thankiu, hem sei: “Man wea savve talem thankiu hem luksavve lo wei wea iumi evriwan depend lo each other, lo wei for givim samting and kasem samting.” Really, laef blo iumi evriwan hem depend lo each other lo staka difren wei. Olsem example, samfala savve provaedem kaikai or givim help saed lo medical. (1 Cor. 12:21) Samwan wea garem wei for tinghae bae talem thankiu for wanem olketa narawan duim for hem. Waswe, hem wei blo iu for talem thankiu for wanem narawan duim for iu?


Nara reason for garem wei for tinghae hem bikos hem helpem iu for garem positive tingting winim wei for ting lo olketa negative samting. Mind blo iu hem savve waka olsem wanfala filter. Wanfala filter savve stopem samfala samting, and lo semtaem hem letem samfala samting for go thru. Lo sem wei tu, mind blo iu savve blokem samfala samting from tingting blo iu, bat lo semtaem hem letem iu for tingim olketa nara samting. Bae iu savve tingim olketa positive samting and no tingim tumas olketa problem. Sapos hem kamap wei blo iu for sei thankiu evritaem, bae datwan helpem iu for luksavve lo olketa gud samting, and mekem iu for tinghae go moa. Taem iu tinghae lo olketa gud samting lo laef datwan bae helpem iu for duim wanem aposol Paul talem: “Mas evritaem hapi bikos long Lord.”—Phil. 4:4.

Wei for tinghae helpem iu for no garem negative tingting. Hem bae hard for iu garem wei for tinghae and lo semtaem iu garem feeling for jealous, sorre and kros. Pipol wea garem wei for tinghae no laekem tumas olketa material samting. Olketa hapi nomoa lo wanem olketa garem and no ting for kasem staka samting.—Phil. 4:12.


From iu wanfala Christian, iu luksavve Satan laekem iu for sorre and feel wikdaon taem iu feisim olketa problem lo olketa last day. Satan bae hapi tumas sapos iu garem negative tingting and wei for komplen. Sapos iu garem kaen wei olsem, datwan bae affectim wei wea iu preach lo olketa narawan abaotem gud nius. For garem wei for tinghae hem join witim olketa wei blo holy spirit, olsem wei for hapi lo olketa gud samting wea God givim iu and for garem faith lo olketa promis blo hem.—Gal. 5:22, 23.

From iu wanfala lo olketa pipol blo Jehovah, iu bae agree witim wanem disfala article storyim abaotem wei for talem thankiu. Nomata olsem, iu luksavve hao hem no isi for evritaem garem positive tingting and wei for tinghae. Bat, no letem datwan for discouragem iu. Iu savve garem wei for tinghae. Hao nao for duim datwan? Lo each day, iusim lelebet taem for ting raonem wanem nao olketa samting lo laef wea iu savve thankiu for hem. Taem iu duim datwan, bae hem kamap moa isi for iu garem wei for tinghae. Datwan bae mekem iu moa hapi winim olketa wea tingim nomoa olketa problem lo laef. Tingim evritaem olketa gud samting wea God and olketa narawan duim wea encouragem iu and wea mekem iu hapi. Iu savve raetem daon olketa samting hia lo wanfala buk. And evriday iu savve raetem insaed datfala buk tu-thri samting wea iu tinghae lo hem.

Samfala pipol wea study abaotem wei for tinghae and talem thankiu sei, “taem iumi evritaem showimaot wei for tinghae datwan savve changem wei wea brain blo iumi waka and datwan bae mekem iumi feel gud abaotem iumiseleva.” Man wea tinghae, hem man wea evritaem hapi. So tingim olketa blessing wea iu kasem, enjoyim olketa gud samting wea iu kasem lo laef, and evritaem showimaot wei for tinghae! Winim wei for ting nating lo olketa gud samting, “yumi mas tengkiu long [Jehovah], bikos hemi gud tumas.” Tru nao, ‘talem thankiu for evri samting.’—Fas Kronikols 16:34; 1 Thess. 5:18.