SONG 3 Jehovah Givim Strong, Hope, and Wei for No Fraet
Olketa Tias blo Iu Hem Spesol lo Jehovah
“Kolektem olketa tias blo mi lo skin botol blo iu. Iu raetem finis insaed lo buk blo iu.”—PS. 56:8.
Disfala article storyim hao Jehovah barava understandim olketa painful feeling wea iumi deal witim and bae hem givim comfort wea iumi needim.
1-2. Olketa wat kaen situation nao savve mekem iumi for krae?
IUMI evriwan savve krae samfala taem. Taem iumi kasem situation wea mekem iumi barava hapi, maet tias foldaon from eye blo iumi. Maet iu krae tu taem wanfala important or spesol samting happen, for example, maet iu hapi tumas taem pikinini blo iu hem born, taem iu tingim bak olketa naes memory, or taem iu welkamim wanfala gud fren wea iu no lukim for longtaem.
2 Bat staka taem, ium krae bikos lo pain wea iumi feelim deep insaed lo heart blo iumi. For example, maet iumi krae taem samwan mekem iumi feel nogud. Iumi maet krae bikos lo bigfala pain wea iumi kasem taem iumi sik or lusim wanfala loved wan lo dae. Lo taem olsem, iumi maet feel olsem profet Jeremiah taem Babylon distroem Jerusalem. Jeremiah sei: “Tias lo eye blo mi ran olsem stream . . . Tias gohed ran daon from eye blo mi, and hem no savve stop nao.”—Lam. 3:48, 49.
3. Hao nao Jehovah feel taem hem lukim olketa servant blo hem safa? (Isaiah 63:9)
3 Jehovah savve hao many tias nao foldaon from eye blo iumi bikos lo hard taem wea iumi kasem. Bible sei hem barava luksavve lo olketa painful situation wea olketa servant blo hem feisim, and hem herem taem iumi krae go lo hem for help. (Ps. 34:15) Bat, Jehovah duim moa samting winim for just lukim and herem iumi nomoa. Hem olsem wanfala loving dadi wea barava sorre taem hem lukim pikinini blo hem krae, and hem barava laek for help.—Readim Isaiah 63:9.
4. Wat nao samfala example lo Bible teachim iumi abaotem Jehovah?
4 Lo Word blo hem Bible, Jehovah showim wat hem savve duim taem olketa servant blo hem krae. Iumi savve lukim diswan lo situation blo Hannah, David, and King Hezekiah. Wat nao mekem olketa krae? Wat nao Jehovah duim taem olketa krae go lo hem for help? And hao nao example blo olketa savve comfortim iumi taem tias blo iumi foldaon bikos lo sorre, samwan betrayim iumi, or iumi feel hopeles?
5. Situation blo Hannah mekem hem feel hao?
5 Hannah feisim tu-thri problem wea mekem hem for sorre and krae. Wanfala lo olketa problem hia hem bikos hasband blo hem garem nara waef, Peninnah, wea heitim hem. And worse go moa, Hannah no savve garem pikinini, bat Peninnah garem staka pikinini. (1 Sam. 1:1, 2) Peninnah evritaem tok spoelem Hannah bikos hem no savve garem pikinini. Hao nao bae iu feel if iu nao insaed kaen situation olsem? Hannah barava feel nogud so hem “gohed krae and no laek kaikai,” and heart blo hem “barava feel nogud.”—1 Sam. 1:6, 7, 10.
6. Wat nao Hannah duim for kasem comfort?
6 Wat nao Hannah duim for kasem comfort? Wanfala samting wea helpem Hannah, hem nao for go lo tabernacle, ples blo tru worship. Lo there, maet klosap entrance blo courtyard blo tabernacle, “hem start for prea lo Jehovah and hem krae and no savve stop.” Hem begim Jehovah and sei: “Lukim hard samting wea kasem servant blo iu, and iu tingim mi.” (1 Sam. 1:10b, 11) Hannah prea and pourimaot feeling blo hem lo Jehovah. Taem Jehovah lukim tias blo beloved dota blo hem, masbi datwan barava tasim heart blo hem!
7. Wat nao comfort wea Hannah kasem taem hem pourimaot heart blo hem lo Jehovah?
7 Hao nao Hannah feel afta hem pourimaot heart blo hem lo Jehovah lo prea and kasem encouragement from Hae Priest Eli? Bible sei: “Datfala woman go and hem kaikai, and hem no wari nao.” (1 Sam. 1:17, 18) Nomata situation blo hem no change yet, Hannah hem feel beta. Hem givim go evri hevi and sorre feeling blo hem lo Jehovah. Jehovah lukim situation blo hem, herem krae blo hem, and bihaen, Jehovah blessim Hannah taem hem letem hem for garem pikinini.—1 Sam. 1:19, 20; 2:21.
8-9. Olsem Hebrew 10:24, 25 showim, why nao iumi shud evritaem traem best for attendim olketa Christian meeting? (Lukim tu piksa.)
8 Leson for iumi. Hao, iu deal witim eni hard taem wea mekem iu sorre and krae? Maet iu sorre bikos wanfala famili member or fren hem dae. Lo taem olsem, maet man laek for stap seleva. Bat olsem Hannah wea kasem comfort and encouragement taem hem go lo tabernacle, iu tu savve kasem comfort taem iu attendim olketa Christian meeting, even if iu no laek for go. (Readim Hebrew 10:24, 25.) Taem iumi lisin lo olketa comforting scripture from Bible lo olketa meeting, Jehovah savve helpem iumi for changem negative tingting witim olketa positive tingting. Datwan savve helpem iumi for kontrolem feeling blo iumi, even if situation blo iumi hem no kwiktaem impruv.
9 Lo olketa meeting, iumi savve enjoyim wei for associate witim olketa brata and sista wea kea abaotem iumi, and taem iumi herem kaenfala toktok and lukim love wea olketa showim, datwan savve barava comfortim iumi. (1 Thess. 5:11, 14) Tingim experience blo wanfala spesol pioneer brata wea waef blo hem dae. Hem sei: “Samfala taem tias foldaon from eye blo mi. And bae mi sidaon seleva lo wanfala kona and gohed for krae. Bat olketa meeting savve barava encouragem mi. Mi kasem comfort from olketa naesfala toktok blo olketa brata and sista. Nomata mi stress or wari bifor mi go lo meeting, taem mi kasem lo there, evritaem bae mi feel beta.” Taem iumi go lo olketa meeting, Jehovah savve iusim olketa brata and sista for helpem iumi.
10. Hao nao iumi savve followim example blo Hannah taem iumi barava sorre tumas?
10 Hannah kasem comfort tu taem hem prea and pourimaot heart blo hem lo Jehovah. Iu tu savve “putim evri wari bilong iufala long hand bilong [Jehovah],” and iu savve sure hem herem iu. (1 Pet. 5:7) Wanfala sista wea olketa man for steal killim dae hasband blo hem sei: “Mi feel olsem heart blo mi hem barava pisis and hard for hem heal. Mi kasem comfort and peace taem mi prea lo loving Dadi blo mi lo heven, Jehovah. Samfala taem mi no savve wat for talem, bat Jehovah hem understandim mi. Taem mi feel sorre tumas, mi savve prea for peace. Taem olsem, bae mi feelim peace lo mind and heart and mi kasem strong for duim wat mi need for duim for datfala day.” Taem iu pourimaot evri wari blo iu lo Jehovah, tias blo iu tasim heart blo hem, and hem minim pain wea iu feelim lo heart blo iu. Nomata situation wea mekem iu for wari hem no finis, Jehovah savve givim iu peace lo heart and helpem iu for no wari. (Ps. 94:19; Phil. 4:6, 7) And hem bae blessim wei wea iu faithful and no givap.—Heb. 11:6.
11. Olketa hard situation wea David deal witim mekem hem feel hao?
11 During lo laef blo David, hem deal witim staka hard situation wea mekem tias foldaon from eye blo hem. Hem mas deal witim wei wea olketa narawan heitim hem and olketa wea hem trustim, olketa betrayim hem. (1 Sam. 19:10, 11; 2 Sam. 15:10-14, 30) Wantaem, hem raet and sei: “Mi wik fogud from mi sorre tumas. Lo full naet tias blo mi tuwetem bed blo mi. Tias blo mi fulap nao lo kusun chair blo mi from mi krae fogud.” Why nao David feel olsem? Hem sei, datwan hem “bikos lo evri pipol wea kam for spoelem mi.” (Ps. 6:6, 7) Nogud samting wea olketa narawan duim againstim David mekem heart blo hem for feel pain and tias blo hem no savve stop nao.
12. Olsem Psalm 56:8 showim, wat nao David sure lo hem?
12 Nomata David feisim staka hard taem, hem sure dat Jehovah lovem hem. Hem raet olsem: “Jehovah bae herem saond blo krae blo mi.” (Ps. 6:8) Lo narataem, David talem disfala interesting toktok wea stap lo Psalm 56:8. (Readim.) Toktok lo disfala verse hem showim hao Jehovah hem barava kea. David feel olsem Jehovah kolektem tias blo hem insaed wanfala botol or raetem insaed wanfala buk. David hem sure Jehovah lukim and tingim pain wea hem feelim. David convince dat loving Dadi blo hem lo heven, savve wat hem go thru lo hem and savve tu lo hao datwan affectim hem.
13. Taem olketa narawan mekem iumi feel nogud, wat nao savve comfortim iumi? (Lukim tu piksa.)
13 Leson for iumi. Hao, iu gohed for deal witim olketa stress and wari bikos samwan mekem iu feel nogud or samwan wea iu trustim hem betrayim iu? Maet heart blo iu brek bikos samwan wea iu frenim or marit partner blo iu lusim iu, or maet samwan wea iu lovem hem stop for servem Jehovah. Wanfala brata wea waef blo hem duim adultery and lusim hem sei: “Mi barava shock and no bilivim wat hem happen. Mi feel iusles, sorre, and kros.” If iu deal witim wei wea samwan mekem iu feel nogud or samwan wea iu trustim hem betrayim iu, iu savve kasem comfort taem iu savve hao Jehovah no savve lusim iu. Datfala brata hem sei: “Mi luksavve hao samfala taem relationship wea iumi garem witim olketa narawan hem savve fail, bat Jehovah nao hem Rock blo iumi. Nomata wat hem happen, Jehovah evritaem lo there for iumi. Hem bae no lusim olketa loyal wan blo hem.” (Ps. 37:28) Tingim tu, dat love blo Jehovah hem winim love blo eni human being. Nomata iumi feelim bigfala pain bikos samwan betrayim iumi, datwan hem no affectim hao Jehovah kea abaotem iu. (Rome 8:38, 39) Important samting for tingim: Nomata hao nao narawan hem treatim iu, Dadi blo iu lo heven lovem iu.
14. Wat nao Psalm 34:18 talem wea comfortim iumi?
14 Taem iumi deal witim wei wea samwan betrayim iumi, iumi savve kasem comfort from toktok blo David lo Psalm 34:18. (Readim.) Wanfala reference buk hem sei olketa wea “discourage,” hem maet minim “olketa wea feel olsem no eni gud samting stap for olketa luk forward for hem.” Wat nao bae Jehovah duim for olketa wea feel nogud olsem? Olsem wanfala loving dadi wea comfortim and karem pikinini blo hem wea sorre, Jehovah “stap klosap” lo iumi, hem kea and redi for help if iumi feel discourage bikos samwan lusim iumi or betrayim iumi. Hem laekem tumas for comfortim and healim heart blo iumi wea brek. And hem provaedem staka samting for iumi luk forward for hem, wea datwan bae helpem iumi for no givap lo olketa hard taem wea iumi gohed for feisim.—Isa. 65:17.
15. Wat nao situation wea Hezekiah feisim wea mekem hem for krae?
15 Taem King Hezekiah blo Judah hem 39 years old, hem kasem wanfala serious sik. Profet Isaiah talem dat Jehovah sei Hezekiah bae dae from datfala sik. (2 Ki. 20:1) Luk olsem, situation blo Hezekiah hem hopeles. Hezekiah sorre tumas taem hem herem datfala nius, so hem gohed for krae. Hem prea and begim Jehovah for helpem hem.—2 Ki. 20:2, 3.
16. Wat nao Jehovah duim taem Hezekiah prea and krae go lo hem?
16 Taem Jehovah lukim olketa tias and herem prea blo Hezekiah datwan tasim heart blo hem and hem sorre lo Hezekiah, and sei: “Mi herem prea blo iu. Mi lukim tias blo iu. So mi bae healim iu.” Jehovah showimaot mercy, and thru lo Isaiah, hem promis for letem Hezekiah for laef for samfala year moa and for rescuem Jerusalem from hand blo olketa lo Assyria.—2 Ki. 20:4-6.
17. Hao nao Jehovah strongim iumi taem iumi deal witim olketa serious situation lo health blo iumi? (Psalm 41:3) (Lukim tu piksa.)
17 Leson for iumi. Hao, iu feisim wanfala situation saed lo health wea luk olsem hem hopeles? Prea lo Jehovah, even if iu krae go lo hem. Bible promisim iumi dat “Dadi wea kaen and sorre long iumi,” bae givim comfort wea iumi needim lo olketa hard taem wea iumi feisim. (2 Cor. 1:3, 4) Distaem iumi no expectim dat Jehovah bae finisim olketa problem blo iumi, bat iumi savve depend lo hem for strongim iumi. (Readim Psalm 41:3.) Thru lo holy spirit, Jehovah givim iumi strong, wisdom, and peace lo mind for helpem iumi deal witim situation blo iumi. (Prov. 18:14; Phil. 4:13) And tu, hem strongim iumi taem hem provaedem hope lo Bible dat lo future no eniwan bae sik.—Isa. 33:24.
18. Wat nao scripture wea comfortim iu taem iu deal witim olketa situation wea barava hard? (Lukim box “ Olketa Comforting Toktok for Draem Tias blo Iumi.”)
18 Hezekiah kasem comfort from toktok blo Jehovah. Iumi tu savve kasem comfort from Word blo God. Jehovah putim lo Bible olketa toktok wea savve comfortim and strongim iumi taem iumi feisim olketa hard situation. (Rome 15:4) Taem wanfala sista lo West Africa herem dat hem garem cancer, hem krae staka taem. Hem sei: “Wanfala scripture wea barava comfortim mi, hem Isaiah 26:3. Nomata staka taem iumi no savve kontrolem olketa hard taem wea iumi feisim, datfala verse helpem mi for luksavve dat Jehovah savve givim iumi peace lo mind wea bae helpem iumi kontrolem hao iumi react lo olketa hard taem.” Hao, iu tu garem wanfala scripture wea comfortim iu taem iu deal witim situation wea barava hard or even hopeles?
19. Wat kaen future nao iumi luk forward for hem?
19 Distaem iumi stap deep insaed lo olketa last day, and iumi expectim olketa samting wea kosim tias for increase go moa. Bat olsem iumi lanem from example blo Hannah, David, and King Hezekiah, Jehovah lukim olketa tias wea foldaon from eye blo iumi, and datwan barava tasim heart blo hem. Olketa tias blo iumi hem barava spesol lo hem. So taem iumi feisim olketa hard situation, iumi laek prea and pourimaot heart blo iumi lo Jehovah. Iumi no laek for isolatem iumiseleva from olketa brata and sista lo kongregeson. And iumi laek for gohed kasem comfort from olketa toktok wea stap lo Bible. Iumi sure dat if iumi gohed faithful and no givap, Jehovah bae blessim iumi. Datwan includim datfala nambawan promis hao lo future hem bae draem evri tias wea foldaon from eye blo iumi bikos lo sorre, samwan betrayim iumi, and bikos iumi feel hopeles. (Rev. 21:4) Then lo datfala taem only tias wea bae foldaon from eye blo iumi, hem olketa hapi tias.
SONG 4 “Jehovah Hem Shepherd Bilong Mi”