Followim Example Bilong Olketa wea Faithful Long Jehovah
“Wanem nao Jehovah laekem iu for duim? Hem laekem iu for duim stret samting, for evritaem laek for faithful, and for hambol taem iu duim wanem God laekem!”—MIC. 6:8.
SONG: 63, 43
1, 2. Wanem nao David duim wea showimaot hem faithful long God? (Lukim piksa long start bilong study.)
SAUL and 3,000 soldia bilong hem lukaotem David long wilderness long Judah for killim hem dae. Bat long wanfala naet, David and olketa man bilong hem kasem camp bilong Saul and olketa soldia bilong hem. Evriwan sleep, so David and Abishai wakabaot kwaet go pasim olketa soldia, and olketa lukim Saul deepim sleep. Abishai tok smol go long David: “Iu letem mi spiarim hem go long graon wantaem nomoa, and bae mi no need for duim mek-tu taem.” Bat David no letem hem for killim dae Saul. Hem sei long Abishai: “No killim hem dae, bikos eniwan wea killim dae man wea Jehovah anointim hem guilty.” Then David sei: “Long tingting bilong Jehovah, hem no stret for mi duim samting againstim man wea hem anointim!”—1 Sam. 26:8-12.
2 David luksavve long stret samting for duim mekem hem faithful long Jehovah. Hem savve hem shud respectim Saul, and hem no Micah 6:8.
laek duim eni nogud samting long Saul. Why nao olsem? Bikos God chusim Saul for king long Israel. Distaem tu, Jehovah laekem evriwan wea worshipim hem for faithful long hem and for respectim olketa wea God givim paoa long olketa.—Readim3. Hao nao Abishai showimaot hem faithful long David?
3 Abishai respectim David bikos hem savve God chusim David for kamap king. Bat bihaen David kamap king, hem duim olketa bigfala sin. Hem durong witim waef bilong Uriah, and hem talem Joab for mek sure Uriah hem dae long wanfala faet. (2 Sam. 11:2-4, 14, 15; 1 Chron. 2:16) Joab hem brata bilong Abishai, so maet Abishai savve long datfala samting wea David duim. Nomata olsem, hem gohed for respectim David. And tu, Abishai hem bigman long army and isi nomoa for hem iusim paoa wea hem garem for mekem hemseleva king, bat hem no duim datwan. Abishai sapotim David and protectim David from olketa enemy.—2 Sam. 10:10; 20:6; 21:15-17.
4. (a) Wanem nao showimaot David hem faithful long God? (b) Olketa wanem nara example nao bae iumi storyim?
4 David hem faithful long Jehovah long full laef bilong hem. Taem David hem young hem killim dae datfala giant Goliath, wea “tok daonem army bilong God”! (1 Sam. 17:23, 26, 48-51) Taem David hem king, Nathan wea hem profet bilong Jehovah, mas go for stretem hem bikos hem duim olketa bigfala sin. Stretawe David talemaot hem rong, and hem repent. (2 Sam. 12:1-5, 13) Bihaen, taem David hem olo, hem givim staka samting for help witim waka for buildim temple bilong Jehovah. (1 Chron. 29:1-5) Tru nao, nomata David duim samfala big sin, hem gohed faithful long God. (Ps. 51:4, 10; 86:2) Long disfala study bae iumi storyim example bilong David and olketa narawan long taem bilong hem wea bae helpem iumi for evritaem faithful long Jehovah. And iumi bae story raonem olketa fasin wea savve helpem iumi for evritaem faithful long God.
5. Wanem leson nao iumi savve lanem from wanem Abishai duim?
5 Abishai sei hem laek for killim dae Saul bikos hem laek for showimaot hem faithful long David. Bat from David savve hem no stret for duim nogud samting long “man wea Jehovah anointim,” David no letem Abishai for killim dae King Saul. (1 Sam. 26:8-11) Iumi lanem wanfala important leson from disfala story: Taem iumi mas chus hu nao bae iumi faithful long hem, olketa Bible principle savve helpem iumi for duim stret samting.
6. Nomata iumi laek for faithful long olketa fren and olketa long famili bilong iumi, wanem nao iumi mas tingim?
6 Iumi laek for faithful long olketa wea iumi lovem, olsem olketa fren or olketa long famili bilong iumi. Bat from iumi no perfect, heart bilong iumi savve laea long iumi. (Jer. 17:9) So sapos samwan wea iumi lovem hem duim nogud samting and hem lusim truth, iumi mas no forget, hem important for iumi faithful long Jehovah winim eni narawan.—Readim Matthew 22:37.
7. Hao nao wanfala sista gohed faithful long God taem hem kasem wanfala hard samting?
7 Sapos samwan long famili bilong iu hem disfellowship, iu savve showimaot iu faithful long Jehovah. Olsem example, wantaem mami bilong Anne, [1] wea disfellowship, ringim Anne for sei hem laek kam lukim hem. Mami bilong Anne sei hem sorre bikos famili no laek story witim hem. Diswan mekem Anne tu hem sorre, and hem sei bae hem raetem leta go long mami bilong hem. Bifor Anne raetem datfala leta, hem ting raonem samfala Bible principle. (1 Cor. 5:11; 2 John 9-11) Long datfala leta, Anne talem long kaenfala wei hao mami nao lusim famili taem hem duim sin and no laek for repent. Anne talem mami bilong hem hao sapos hem kam bak long Jehovah, hem savve hapi moa.—Jas. 4:8.
8. Olketa wanem fasin nao savve helpem iumi for faithful long God?
8 Olketa wea faithful long God long taem bilong David, olketa hambol, kaen, and no fraet. Bae iumi storyim wei wea thrifala fasin hia savve helpem iumi for faithful long Jehovah.
9. Why nao Abner laek for killim dae David?
9 Jonathan, son bilong Saul, and Abner wea hem bigman bilong army, lukim taem David holem kam hed bilong Goliath for showim long King Saul. Jonathan kamap fren bilong David and gohed for faithful long hem. (1 Sam. 17:57–18:3) Bat Abner no kamap fren bilong David. And bihaen, hem helpem Saul for lukaotem David for killim hem dae. (1 Sam. 26:1-5; Ps. 54:3) Jonathan and Abner savve God chusim David for kamap nextfala king long Israel. Nomata olsem, bihaen Saul dae, Abner no sapotim David. Bat hem laekem son bilong Saul, Ish-bosheth, for kamap king. Gogo, maet Abner laekem hemseleva for kamap king dastawe hem durong witim wanfala waef bilong King Saul. (2 Sam. 2:8-10; 3:6-11) Why nao wei wea Jonathan ting long David hem difren from Abner? Bikos Jonathan hem faithful long Jehovah and hem hambol, bat Abner no olsem.
10. Why nao Absalom no faithful long God?
10 Absalom, son bilong King David, hem no faithful long God bikos hem no hambol. Hem laek for kamap king, so hem tekem “wanfala chariot and olketa horse and 50-fala man for ran go firstaem long hem.” (2 Sam. 15:1) And tu, hem switim staka Israelite for saedem hem. Hem laek for killim dae dadi bilong hem tu, nomata hem savve Jehovah nao chusim David for king long Israel.—2 Sam. 15:13, 14; 17:1-4.
11. Wanem nao iumi lanem from example bilong Abner, Absalom, and Baruch?
11 Taem samwan no hambol and laek for kasem paoa, hem bae no isi for hem gohed faithful long God. From iumi lovem Jehovah, iumi no laek for olsem Abner and Absalom wea tingim olketa seleva nomoa and duim nogud samting. Bat iumi mas careful nogud iumi start for laekem staka selen or iumi laek garem waka wea mekem iumi garem bignem. Datwan bae spoelem wei wea iumi fren witim Jehovah. For lelebet taem, Baruch, wea hem secretary bilong Jeremiah, laekem samting wea hem no garem and datwan mekem hem Jer. 45:4, 5) Baruch obeyim wanem Jehovah talem. And iumi tu mas obeyim Jehovah, bikos klosap nao hem bae finisim disfala nogud world.
no hapi for worshipim God. Then Jehovah sei long Baruch: “Bae mi brekem daon evri samting wea mi buildim, and bae mi aotem evri samting wea mi plantim long datfala ples. Bat samting wea iu duim nao, iu gohed for aftarem olketa bigfala samting for iuseleva. Iu mas stop for duim datwan.” (12. Storyim example wea showimaot wei for tingim iumiseleva savve mekem iumi for no faithful long God.
12 Daniel, wanfala brata long Mexico, mas chus hu nao hem bae faithful long hem. Hem laek for maritim wanfala gele wea no worshipim Jehovah. Daniel sei: “Mi gohed for raraet long hem nomata bihaen mi kamap pioneer.” Bat then Daniel luksavve hem duim nomoa samting wea hemseleva laekem, and hem no faithful long Jehovah. Hem luksavve hem mas hambol. So hem story long wanfala elder abaotem datfala gele. Daniel sei: “Datfala elder helpem mi for luksavve sapos mi laek for faithful long God, mi mas stop for raet leta long datfala gele. Bihaen mi prea staka taem and mi krae tu, mi stop for raet long datfala gele. No longtaem bihaen, mi barava enjoyim ministry.” Gogo Daniel maritim wanfala sista wea lovem Jehovah and distaem tufala duim circuit waka.
13. From Nathan faithful long God, wanem nao hem duim taem David duim bigfala sin?
13 Taem iumi faithful long Jehovah, datwan savve helpem iumi for duim samting for helpem olketa narawan. Profet Nathan gohed for faithful long Jehovah and hem faithful tu long David. Bihaen David durong witim wanfala marit woman and killim dae hasband bilong hem, Jehovah talem Nathan for go kaonselem David. Nathan no fraet and hem obeyim Jehovah. And tu, hem showimaot hem wise and hem story long kaenfala wei long David. Hem laek for helpem David for luksavve hem duim olketa bigfala sin. So hem story long David abaotem wanfala rich man wea stealim smol sheepsheep bilong wanfala poor man. Taem David herem datfala story, hem barava kros long wanem datfala rich man duim. Then, Nathan sei long hem: “Iu nao datfala man!” David luksavve hem duim bigfala sin.—2 Sam. 12:1-7, 13.
14. Hao nao iumi savve showimaot iumi faithful long Jehovah and olketa fren and relative bilong iumi?
14 Iumi tu savve showimaot iumi faithful Leviticus 5:1; Galatia 6:1.
long Jehovah taem iumi duim samting for helpem olketa narawan. Olsem example, waswe sapos iu savve wanfala brata or sista hem duim bigfala sin? Maet iu no laek for talem eniwan abaotem datwan, especially sapos hem gudfala fren bilong iu or hem relative. Nomata olsem, iu savve iu mas faithful long Jehovah. So followim example bilong Nathan for obeyim Jehovah, and story long kaenfala wei witim datfala brata or sista. Talem hem for go story witim olketa elder and for hem kwiktaem duim datwan. Sapos hem no go story witim olketa elder, iu nao shud duim datwan. Taem iu duim olsem, iu showimaot iu faithful long Jehovah. And tu, iu showimaot iu kaen long datfala brata or sista bikos olketa elder savve helpem hem for fren gud moa witim Jehovah. Olketa bae kaen long hem taem olketa trae for stretem hem.—ReadimIUMI MAS NO FRAET
15, 16. Why nao Hushai mas no fraet mekem hem faithful long God?
15 Hushai hem wanfala gud fren bilong King David. Taem olketa Israelite laek for mekem Absalom kamap king, Hushai mas no fraet mekem hem gohed for faithful long God and long David. Hem savve Absalom and olketa soldia bilong hem kam long Jerusalem and David hem ranawe. (2 Sam. 15:13; 16:15) So wanem nao Hushai duim? Waswe, hem disaed for sapotim Absalom and no David? Nomoa. Nomata David hem olo and staka pipol laek for killim hem dae, Hushai gohed for faithful long David bikos hem savve Jehovah chusim David for king. So Hushai go long Maunt Olive Tree for story witim David.—2 Sam. 15:30, 32.
16 David talem Hushai for go bak long Jerusalem and act olsem hem fren bilong Absalom mekem Absalom followim advaes bilong hem, and no advaes bilong Ahithophel. Hushai no fraet and hem showimaot hem faithful long Jehovah taem hem duim wanem David talem, nomata hem putim laef bilong hem long danger. David askem Jehovah for helpem Hushai, and Jehovah duim datwan. Absalom followim advaes bilong Hushai and no advaes bilong Ahithophel.—2 Sam. 15:31; 17:14.
17. Why nao iumi mas no fraet mekem iumi faithful long Jehovah?
17 Iumi mas no fraet mekem iumi faithful long Jehovah and obeyim hem. Staka wea worshipim Jehovah gohed faithful nomata olketa famili member, pipol wea olketa waka witim, or gavman laekem olketa for duim samting wea God no laekem. Olsem example, Taro hem brata wea stap long Japan. Start long taem wea hem smol boy, Taro evritaem laek duim samting wea mekem parents bilong hem hapi. Hem evritaem obeyim dadi and mami, no bikos hem mas duim datwan, bat bikos hem lovem tufala. Bat taem hem start for studyim Bible witim Olketa Jehovah’s Witness, parents bilong hem againstim hem. Hem barava sorre, and hem no isi for hem talem tufala hem disaed finis for go long olketa meeting. Taro sei: “Tufala barava kros long mi, and for staka year tufala no laekem mi for visitim olketa long haos. Mi askem Jehovah for helpem mi for no fraet for duim wanem mi disaedem. Distaem tufala no kros tumas, and mi savve visitim tufala.”—Readim Proverbs 29:25.
18. Wanem gud samting nao iu lanem long disfala study?
18 Olsem David, Jonathan, Nathan, and Hushai, iumi tu savve barava hapi sapos iumi gohed faithful long Jehovah. Iumi no laek for olsem Abner and Absalom wea no faithful. Hem tru, iumi no perfect and samfala taem iumi duim samting wea no stret. Bat iumi laek for showimaot long Jehovah, iumi luksavve hem barava important for iumi faithful long hem.
^ [1] (paragraf 7) Mifala changem samfala nem.