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Hapi—Nambawan Fasin Iumi Kasem From God

Hapi—Nambawan Fasin Iumi Kasem From God

KLOSAP evri pipol laek for hapi. Bat from iumi stap long olketa last day evriwan feisim olketa samting wea “hard tumas.” (2 Tim. 3:1) Olketa samting wea savve isisi mekem man no hapi hem nao sik, wei for no garem waka, nogud samting hem happen, wei for sorre from samwan dae, feeling for wari, or maet eni nara samting. Olketa wea worshipim Jehovah tu maet isisi wikdaon and start for no hapi. Sapos diswan kasem iu, wanem nao bae mekem iu hapi moa?

For ansarem datfala kwestin, iumi need for minim gud wanem kaen hapi nao hem tru wan, and hao nao olketa narawan gohed hapi nomata olketa kasem hard taem. Bae iumi lanem tu wanem iumi savve duim for hapi and gohed keepim datfala hapi.


Wei for hapi hem difren from wei for laflaf nomoa. Olsem example: Taem man drunk, hem savve laflaf krangge tumas. Bat taem hem normal bak hem no laflaf nao, and maet hem mas deal witim olketa problem bilong hem. Kaen hapi hia hem for lelebet taem nomoa and hem no tru wan.—Provebs 14:13.

Bat, real hapi hem feeling wea stap long heart bilong iumi. Hem feeling wea iumi garem taem iumi expectim or kasem wanfala gud samting. Iumi savve gohed hapi tu nomata nogud samting happen long iumi. (1 Thess. 1:6) Nomata iumi wari abaotem wanfala samting iumi still savve hapi. Olsem example, olketa whipim olketa aposol bikos olketa preach abaotem Jesus. Bat, “nomata datfala hae kot spoelem olketa, olketa hapi nomoa from olketa savve God nao letem datwan for kasem olketa bikos olketa faithful for followim Jesus.” (Acts 5:41) Olketa no hapi bikos olketa whipim olketa, bat olketa hapi from olketa gohed faithful long Jehovah. Disfala hapi hem tru wan.

Iumi no born witim kaen hapi olsem and hem no savve kamap seleva nomoa. Why nao olsem? Bikos real hapi hem wanfala wei bilong holy spirit bilong God. Holy spirit savve helpem iumi for garem “niufala wei,” wea part long datwan hem wei for hapi. (Eph. 4:24; Gal. 5:22) And taem iumi hapi, bae hem isi for iumi deal witim olketa problem.


Hem plan bilong Jehovah for olketa gud samting for happen long disfala earth, no olketa nogud samting iumi lukim distaem. Nomata olsem, olketa nogud samting wea pipol duim, nating spoelem wei wea Jehovah hapi. Bible sei Jehovah hem “datfala hapi God.” (1 Tim. 1:11) And tu, olketa gud samting wea pipol bilong hem duim mekem heart bilong “[Jehovah] hapi.”—Provebs 27:11.

Iumi savve followim example bilong Jehovah for hapi nomoa nomata samting wea iumi expectim hem no happen olsem hao iumi laekem. Winim wei for wari, iumi savve tingim olketa gud samting iumi kasem distaem, and patient for weitim olketa gud samting wea bae happen long future. *

Bible garem staka example abaotem olketa wea gohed hapi nomata olketa kasem staka problem. Staka taem laef bilong Abraham stap long danger and olketa narawan kosim trabol for hem. (Jenesis 12:10-20; 14:8-16; 16:4, 5; 20:1-18; 21:8, 9) Nomata Abraham kasem olketa hard taem hia, hem gohed hapi nomoa. Why nao olsem? Bikos hem tingim hope wea hem garem for stap long niu world anda long rul bilong Messiah. (Jenesis 22:15-18; Heb. 11:10) Jesus sei: “Abraham, barava luk forward long samting wea mi bae duim. Hem lukim datwan and hem hapi tumas.” (John 8:56) Iumi savve olsem Abraham taem iumi gohed for ting raonem olketa samting long future wea bae mekem iumi hapi.—Rome 8:21.

Olsem Abraham, aposol Paul and fren bilong hem Silas tu no forgetim olketa promis bilong God. Tufala garem strong faith, and gohed hapi nomata tufala kasem hard taem. Olsem example, bihaen olketa whipim tufala nogud and putim tufala long prison, “long midolnaet [tufala] gohed prea and singsing for praisem God.” (Acts 16:23-25) Hope bilong Paul and Silas mekem tufala strong and hapi nomoa bikos tufala luksavve tufala safa for Christ. Iumi savve followim example bilong Paul and Silas taem iumi tingim evritaem olketa gud samting wea kamaot from wei for faithful for worshipim God.—Phil. 1:12-14.

Distaem, staka example stap abaotem olketa brata and sista bilong iumi wea gohed for hapi nomata olketa feisim olketa problem. Olsem example, long November 2013, Super Typhoon Haiyan spoelem central part long Philippines and distroem winim 1,000 haos bilong olketa Witness long there. Haos bilong George wea stap long Tacloban hem distroe. Hem sei: “Nomata olketa samting hia happen, olketa brata hapi nomoa. Hem no isi for explainim datfala hapi wea mifala feelim.” Sapos iumi ting raonem wanem Jehovah duim for iumi, bae iumi gohed hapi nomata iumi kasem hard taem. Wanem nao samfala nara samting wea Jehovah provaedem wea mekem iumi hapi?


Wanfala main reason why iumi hapi hem bikos iumi fren gud witim Jehovah. Tingim, hem barava Haefala God long universe and iumi savve long hem. Hem nao Dadi, God, and Fren bilong iumi!—Sams 71:17, 18.

And tu, iumi tinghae long laef wea iumi kasem from Jehovah and wei for enjoyim datwan. (Eklesiastes 3:12, 13) From Jehovah wakem iumi for garem tingting and hem laekem iumi for fren witim hem, iumi savve minim olketa plan bilong hem and duim wanem hem laekem. (Col. 1:9, 10) Dastawe iumi luksavve why iumi laef and iumi savve wanem for duim. Bat staka pipol distaem no savve why iumi laef. Paul storyim wei wea iumi barava difren. Hem sei: “‘No eniwan hem lukim or herem or tingim olketa samting wea God redyim for olketa wea lovem hem.’ Bat iumi minim olketa samting hia, bikos God iusim spirit bilong hem for showim long iumi.” (1 Cor. 2:9, 10) Iumi hapi taem iumi minim wanem Jehovah laekem and savve long plan bilong hem.

Tingim olketa nara samting Jehovah duim for pipol bilong hem. Iumi hapi bikos iumi savve kasem forgiveness for olketa sin bilong iumi. (1 John 2:12) From God showimaot mercy, iumi garem hope for laef insaed niu world wea klosap tumas. (Rome 12:12) Nomata distaem Jehovah givim iumi staka fren wea iumi savve worship tugeta. (Sams 133:1) Bible talem tu hao Jehovah protectim pipol bilong hem from Satan and olketa demon bilong hem. (Sams 91:11) Sapos iumi ting raonem olketa blessing wea iumi kasem from God, datwan bae mekem iumi barava hapi go moa.—Phil. 4:4.


Sapos Christian hapi finis, waswe, hem savve hapi go moa? Jesus sei: “Mi talem olketa samting hia long iufala, mekem iufala barava hapi.” (John 15:11) Diswan showimaot iumi savve mekem hapi for grow. Iumi no just hapi, bat iumi savve barava hapi. Iumi savve markem hapi witim fire. Sapos iumi laekem fire for hot go moa, iumi mas putim staka firewood long hem. Long sem wei, taem iumi strongim spiritual saed datwan bae mekem iumi hapi go moa. Tingim, holy spirit nao mekem iumi for gohed hapi. So for mekem iumi hapi go moa, iumi need for prea evritaem for spirit bilong Jehovah and ting raonem toktok long Bible wea holy spirit bilong God helpem olketa man for raetem.—Sams 1:1, 2; Luke 11:13.

And tu, taem iu busy for duim olketa samting wea mekem Jehovah hapi, iu savve barava hapi. (Sams 35:27; 112:1) Why nao olsem? Bikos God creatim iumi for “tinghae long [hem], an mas obeim toktok blong hem. Hem nomoa wanem yumi mas duim.” (Eklesiastes 12:13) So really, hem wakem iumi for duim wanem hem laekem. Dastawe taem iumi duim wanem Jehovah laekem, bae iumi barava hapi and enjoyim laef. *


Taem iumi gohed mekem grow wei for hapi, bae iumi feel gud and kasem staka gud samting. Olsem example, Jehovah bae hapi long iumi from iumi gohed for hapi taem iumi duim waka bilong hem nomata iumi kasem staka problem. (Diutronomi 16:15; 1 Thess. 5:16-18) And tu, from hapi wea iumi garem hem tru wan, bae iumi no laek for aftarem material samting and bae iumi willing for mekem olketa sakrifaes for Kingdom bilong God. (Matt. 13:44) Taem iumi lukim gud samting wea kamaot from olketa sakrifaes hia, bae iumi barava hapi, feel gud, and savve mekem olketa narawan hapi tu.—Acts 20:35; Phil. 1:3-5.

Wanfala man for duim research abaotem health long University of Nebraska long United States hem raet olsem: “Sapos iu hapi and satisfae distaem, bae datwan maet helpem iu for stap healthy long future.” Diswan hem fitim wanem Bible talem, wea sei: “Man hemi hapi, laef hemi helti.” (Provebs 17:22) Tru nao, taem iu mekem grow wei for hapi, bae iu garem gudfala health tu.

Nomata iumi stap long olketa hard taem, iumi savve mekem grow trufala hapi wea savve stap for olowe sapos iumi kasem holy spirit thru long prea, study, and wei for ting raonem toktok bilong Jehovah. And tu, iumi savve hapi go moa taem iumi tingim olketa blessing iumi kasem distaem, followim example bilong narawan, and duim wanem God laekem. Then iumi bae barava lukim hao toktok long Sams 64:10 hem tru, wea sei: “Evri stretfala pipol bae i hapi fogud long wanem [Jehovah] hemi bin duim. Ya, bae olketa save faendem sefples long hem.”

^ par. 10 Iumi bae storyim nara wei bilong holy spirit wea hem nao patient long nara article wea bae kamap bihaen.

^ par. 20 For mekem grow wei for hapi, lukim box, “ Samfala Nara Samting for Mekem Grow Wei for Hapi.”