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Kasem Gud Samting From Bible Reading blo Iu

Kasem Gud Samting From Bible Reading blo Iu

“Hao, iu minim samting wea iu readim?”​—ACTS 8:30.

SONG 97 Toktok Bilong God Hem Givim Laef


1. Wat nao showim dat olketa Scripture important lo Jesus?

 TINGIM go sapos iu lo there taem Jesus teach. Staka taem nao bae iu herem hem baeheartim olketa Scripture! First toktok wea Jesus talem bihaen hem baptaes, and olketa last toktok hem talem bifor hem dae, hem olketa quote from Scripture. b (Deut. 8:3; Sams 31:5, SIPB; Luke 4:4; 23:46) Insaed thri and haf year wea Jesus duim ministry blo hem, staka taem Jesus readim, quotem, and explainim olketa Scripture lo pipol.​—Matt. 5:17, 18, 21, 22, 27, 28; Luke 4:16-20.

Lo full laef blo Jesus, hem showimaot hem lovem olketa Holy Raeting and evri samting wea hem duim hem showimaot datwan (Lukim paragraf 2)

2. Taem Jesus growap, wat nao helpem hem for savve gud lo olketa Scripture? (Lukim piksa lo front page.)

2 Staka year bifor Jesus startim ministry blo hem, staka taem hem readim and herem Word blo God. Masbi lo haos, hem herem Mary and Joseph quotem olketa Scripture taem famili story tugeta. c (Deut. 6:6, 7) Iumi sure evri Sabbath Jesus go witim famili lo sinagog. (Luke 4:16) Lo there, masbi hem lisin gud taem olketa readim olketa Scripture. Gogo, Jesus lane for readim olketa Holy Raeting. Datwan helpem Jesus for savve gud lo olketa Scripture and hem lovem and followim. For example, taem Jesus 12 years hem go lo temple. Olketa teacher wea savve gud lo Law blo Moses “barava sapraes long hao [Jesus] ansarem olketa kwestin and long bigfala savve wea hem garem.”​—Luke 2:46, 47, 52.

3. Wat nao bae iumi storyim lo disfala article?

3 Iumi tu savve lovem and savve gud lo Bible taem iumi readim evritaem. Bat hao nao iumi savve kasem gud samting taem iumi read? Iumi savve lane from samting wea Jesus talem lo olketa wea savve lo Law, olsem olketa scribe, Pharisee, and Sadducee. Staka taem olketa bigman hia readim olketa Scripture, bat datwan no helpem olketa. Jesus talem thrifala samting wea showimaot olketa nating kasem gud samting from olketa Scripture. Wat hem talem lo olketa bae helpem iumi tu for impruvim hao for (1) minim wat iumi readim, (2) faendem olketa spiritual treasure, and (3) for letem Bible changem laef blo iumi.


4. Wanem nao Luke 10:25-29 teachim iumi abaotem wei for readim Bible?

4 Iumi laek for barava minim wat iumi readim lo Bible. If iumi no duim diswan, bae iumi no really kasem gud samting. For example, tingim taem wea Jesus story witim wanfala man wea “savve gud long Law.” (Readim Luke 10:25-29.) Taem datfala man ask abaotem wat hem need for duim for kasem laef olowe, Jesus helpem hem for tingim wat Word blo God talem taem hem sei: “Wanem nao law talem? Long tingting bilong iu, wanem nao Law sei man mas duim?” Datwan mekem man hia givim stretfala ansa bikos hem quotem scripture abaotem wei for lovem God and lovem narawan. (Lev. 19:18; Deut. 6:5) Bat tingim next kwestin blo datfala man: “Hu nao olketa hia wea mi mas lovem?” Datfala kwestin showimaot man hia no minim wanem hem readim. So hem no savve hao for applyim olketa scripture hia lo stretfala wei lo laef blo hem.

Hem wanfala skill for minim gud wat iumi readim

5. Hao nao prea and for read slow savve helpem iumi for minim Bible?

5 Iumi savve minim gud Bible if iumi garem olketa gudfala habit for readim Bible. Diswan hem samfala idea wea savve help. Prea bifor iu read. Iumi needim help blo Jehovah for minim gud Bible, so iumi savve askem hem for holy spirit for helpem iumi for concentrate. Then read slow, datwan bae helpem iu for minim gud samting wea iu readim. Taem iu read big or read followim audio Bible reading, maet datwan bae helpem iu. If iu lukim and herem lo semtaem, datwan savve helpem iu for ting raonem and minim, and hem bae kasem mind and heart blo iu. (Josh. 1:8) Taem iu read finis, prea moa lo Jehovah and thankiu lo hem for disfala present, Bible. And askem hem for helpem iu for duim wat iu readim.

Hao nao for raetem olketa short note savve helpem iu for minim and rememberim samting iu readim? (Lukim paragraf 6)

6. Why nao hem gud for askem olketa kwestin and raetem short note taem iu read? (Lukim tu piksa.)

6 Iumi storyim tufala idea moa wea savve helpem iumi for minim gud Bible. First, askem olketa kwestin abaotem wat iu readim. Taem iu readim wanfala story, askem olketa kwestin hia: ‘Hu nao olketa wea insaed story? Hu nao hem story? Hem story lo hu, and why? Lo wea and wat taem nao diswan happen?’ Olketa kwestin olsem savve helpem iu for tingting and followim olketa main idea lo story. Mek-tu, raetem short note taem iu read. Taem iu raet, datwan forcem mind for ting raonem wat for raetem and datwan bae helpem iu for minim gud story. And hem savve helpem iu tu for rememberim wat iu readim. Iu savve raetem olketa kwestin, wat iu lanem from research, olketa main point, hao for followim, or raetem hao iu feel abaotem datwan. Olketa note olsem savve helpem iu for ting lo Bible olsem message from God for iu.

7. Wanem nao wanfala wei iumi needim taem iumi readim Bible, and why nao olsem? (Matthew 24:15)

7 Jesus storyim wanfala important wei for iumi garem mekem iumi minim gud Bible. Hem nao wei for luksavve. (Readim Matthew 24:15.) Wat nao hem minim for luksavve lo samting? Hem minim for luksavve hao wanfala idea join witim nara idea, and hao wanfala idea difren from narawan, and for luksavve lo wanfala point wea maet lo firstaem hem no mas klia. And tu, Jesus sei iumi needim disfala wei mekem iumi luksavve lo olketa samting wea fulfillim Bible profesi. Iumi needim tu disfala wei bikos hem helpem iumi for kasem gud samting from wat iumi readim lo Bible.

8. Hao nao wei for luksavve helpem iu taem iu read?

8 Jehovah savve givim wei for luksavve lo pipol blo hem. So prea lo hem for helpem iu garem datfala wei. (Provebs 2:6, SIPB) Hao nao iu savve duim samting followim prea blo iu? Ting raonem gud wat iu readim, and lukim hao hem join witim olketa samting wea iu savve finis. For helpem iu, duim research lo olketa pablikeson olsem Research Index for Olketa Jehovah’s Witness. Olketa study tul hia bae helpem iu for luksavve lo mining blo olketa scripture and for lukim hao iu savve followim lo laef. (Heb. 5:14) Taem iu read witim wei for luksavve, datwan bae increasim savve blo iu abaotem Bible.


9. Wanem important truth nao olketa Sadducee no acceptim?

9 Olketa Sadducee savve gud lo first faevfala buk blo olketa Hebrew Scripture, bat olketa no acceptim olketa important truth insaed olketa buk hia. For example, tingim ansa blo Jesus taem olketa Sadducee kwestinim resurrection hope. Hem askem olketa: “Hao, iufala no read abaotem datfala tree wea fire gohed bonem insaed buk wea Moses raetem? God . . . sei long Moses: ‘Mi nao God bilong Abraham and God bilong Isaac and God bilong Jacob.’” (Mark 12:18, 26) Nomata olketa Sadducee readim datfala story staka taem, kwestin wea Jesus askem showim hao olketa no acceptim wanfala important truth, wea hem nao teaching abaotem resurrection.​—Mark 12:27; Luke 20:38. d

10. Wat nao iumi shud duim taem iumi read?

10 Wat nao leson? Taem iumi read, iumi laek ting raonem gud evri information insaed wanfala verse or wanfala story lo Bible, mekem iumi savve lanem samting from datwan. Iumi no just laek for luk nomoa for olketa main teaching, bat luk tu for olketa important truth and principle wea no isi for lukim.

11. Hao nao iu savve iusim 2 Timothy 3:16, 17, for faendem olketa spiritual treasure lo Bible?

11 Hao nao iu savve faendem olketa spiritual treasure taem iu readim Bible? Tingim wat 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 storyim. (Readim.) Hem sei: “Evri toktok insaed long olketa Holy Raeting . . . hem savve” (1) teachim pipol, (2) showim samting wea no stret, (3) stretem evri samting, and (4) stretem tingting blo pipol. Fofala point hia savve helpem iu taem iu readim wanfala Bible buk wea iu no iusim staka taem. Ting raonem hao datfala story teachim iu abaotem Jehovah, plan blo hem, or abaotem olketa principle blo hem. Ting raonem hao datfala story showim samting wea hem no stret. For duim lo diswan, tingim hao olketa verse hia helpem iu for luksavve and rejectim eni rong tingting or eni nogud wei, and hao hem helpem iu for gohed faithful lo Jehovah. Lukim hao iu savve iusim datfala story for stretem eni rong idea wea maet iu herem lo ministry. And luk for eni point from olketa verse hia wea stretem tingting blo iu for iu garem sem tingting blo Jehovah abaotem samting. Taem iu duim 4-fala samting hia, bae iu faendem olketa spiritual treasure wea helpem iu for kasem gud samting from Bible reading blo iu.


12. Why nao Jesus askem kwestin hia lo olketa Pharisee “Hao, no enitaem iufala read abaotem?”

12 Jesus askem tu kwestin hia “Hao, no enitaem iufala read abaotem?” for showim hao olketa Pharisee garem rong idea abaotem wat olketa readim lo olketa Holy Raeting. (Matt. 12:1-7) e Lo dat taem, olketa Pharisee sei olketa disaepol blo Jesus brekem law blo Sabbath. Jesus ansarem olketa taem hem quotem tufala example lo olketa Holy Raeting, and wanfala verse from Hosea for showim hao olketa Pharisee nating minim why law blo Sabbath stap, and olketa nating showim mercy. Why nao olketa man hia no change followim wat olketa readim insaed Word blo God? Bikos taem olketa read, olketa praod and laek nomoa for judgem narawan. From datwan, olketa no minim nao wat olketa readim.​—Matt. 23:23; John 5:39, 40.

13. Wanem kaen wei nao iumi shud garem taem iumi readim Bible, and why nao olsem?

13 Story blo Jesus helpem iumi for luksavve hao taem iumi readim Bible hem important for iumi hambol. Iumi no olsem olketa Pharisee, bat iumi mas hambol and willing for lane. Iumi mas “hambol for letem God plantim toktok bilong hem insaed long [iumi].” (Jas. 1:21) If iumi hambol, bae iumi letem Bible for changem wei blo iumi. Iumi mas no praod or judgem narawan taem iumi readim Bible bikos datwan savve stopem iumi for lanem samting abaotem mercy, feel sorre lo pipol, and for showimaot love.

Hao nao bae iumi luksavve if iumi letem Bible for changem iumi? (Lukim paragraf 14) f

14. Wat nao bae showim if iumi letem Bible for changem iumi? (Lukim tu piksa.)

14 Hao iumi treatim narawan bae showim if iumi letem Bible for changem iumi. From olketa Pharisee no letem Word blo God kasem heart blo olketa, olketa “judgem olketa wea no guilty.” (Matt. 12:7) Lo sem wei tu, hao iumi ting lo olketa narawan and treatim olketa bae showim if iumi letem Bible for changem iumi. For example, waswe, hem wei blo iumi for storyim gudfala wei blo olketa narawan, or wik point blo olketa? Hao, iumi showim mercy and willing for forgive, or iumi judgem narawan and gohed for keepim kros? Ansa for olketa kwestin hia bae showim if iumi letem Bible for sheipim tingting, feeling, and wanem iumi duim.​—1 Tim. 4:12, 15; Heb. 4:12.


15. Wat nao feeling blo Jesus abaotem olketa Holy Raeting?

15 Jesus lovem tumas olketa Holy Raeting, and profesi lo Psalm 40:8 storyim feeling blo hem. Hem sei: “O God blo mi, mi hapi tumas for duim will blo iu. Law blo iu hem stap deep insaed lo mi.” From Jesus lovem olketa Holy Raeting, hem hapi and gohed faithful for worshipim Jehovah. Iumi tu savve hapi and gohed faithful if iumi readim and lovem wanem Bible talem.​—Sams 1:1-3, SIPB.

16. Wat nao iu savve duim for kasem gud samting from Bible reading blo iu? (Lukim box “ Wanem Jesus Talem Savve Helpem Iu for Minim Gud Wat Iu Readim.”)

16 Iumi laek followim wat Jesus storyim and example blo hem taem iumi impruvim hao iumi readim Bible. Iumi savve impruv lo hao iumi minim olketa scripture, taem iumi prea, read slow, askem olketa kwestin, and raetem olketa short note. Iumi iusim wei for luksavve taem iumi ting raonem gud wat iumi readim and iusim olketa Bible pablikeson. Taem iumi lukaotem olketa spiritual treasure wea stap lo Bible, bae iumi savve hao for iusim gud olketa scripture, nomata olketa scripture wea iumi no savve gud tu. And iumi letem Bible for changem iumi taem iumi gohed for hambol taem iumi readim Bible. Taem iumi followim olketa idea hia, iumi bae kasem gud samting from Bible reading blo iumi, and fren klos witim Jehovah.​—Sams 119:17, 18, SIPB; Jas. 4:8.

SONG 95 Laet Gohed for Kamap Braet

a Iumi wea worshipim Jehovah traem best for readim Bible evriday. Staka pipol readim Bible tu, bat olketa no really minim wat olketa readim. Datwan happen tu lo pipol lo taem blo Jesus. So taem iumi lukluk gud lo wanem Jesus talem lo olketa wea readim Word blo God, bae iumi lanem samfala gud samting wea bae helpem iumi for kasem gud samting from Bible reading blo iumi.

b Taem Jesus baptaes and kasem anointing from holy spirit, luk olsem lo datfala taem nao hem just rememberim laef blo hem lo heven.​—Matt. 3:16.

c Mary savve gud lo olketa Scripture and hem savve quotem. (Luke 1:46-55) Luk olsem, Joseph and Mary no garem inaf selen for peim own copy blo olketa Scripture. So masbi tufala lisin gud taem olketa readim Word blo God lo sinagog mekem tufala rememberim.

d Lukim article lo Wastaoa blo March 1, 2013, wea garem title, “Fren Gud Witim God​—‘Hem God Bilong Olketa wea Laef.’

e Lukim tu Matthew 19:4-6, wea Jesus askem sem kwestin tu lo olketa Pharisee: “Hao, iufala no readim?” Nomata olketa readim story abaotem creation, olketa nating acceptim tingting blo God abaotem marit.

f PIKSA: Lo wanfala meeting lo Kingdom Hall, wanfala brata wea lukaftarem audio and video mekem samfala mistek. Nomata olsem, bihaen meeting, olketa brata praisem hem from hem duim best blo hem winim for storyim nomoa mistek blo hem.