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Gohed for Hambol Nomata Hem No Isi Samfala Taem

Gohed for Hambol Nomata Hem No Isi Samfala Taem

“Hambol taem iu wakabaot witim God bilong iu!”—MIC. 6:8.

SONG: 48, 95

1-3. Wanem nao wanfala profet long Judah hem no duim, and wanem nao kamaot from datwan? (Lukim piksa long start bilong study.)

KING JEROBOAM long Israel hem wakem wanfala altar long taon bilong Bethel for worshipim false god. Jehovah sendem wanfala profet long Judah for talem strongfala message long Jeroboam. Datfala hambol profet obeyim Jehovah and hem talem datfala message long king. King Jeroboam hem barava kros long datfala profet, bat Jehovah protectim hem.—1 Ki. 13:1-10.

2 Jehovah talem long datfala profet for hem mas no kaikai or drink and taem hem go bak, hem mas no followim sem road. Taem profet hia go bak, hem meetim wanfala olo man wea laea long hem, and sei hem kasem message from Jehovah for tekem datfala profet for go kaikai and drink long haos bilong hem. Profet hia no obeyim Jehovah and go witim datfala olo man. Jehovah no hapi long datfala profet. Bihaen, taem hem go bak, wanfala lion attakim and killim hem dae.—1 Ki. 13:11-24.

3 Iumi no savve why nao datfala profet obeyim toktok bilong datfala olo man and no obeyim Jehovah. Bat iumi savve datfala profet hem no ‘hambol taem hem wakabaot witim God.’ (Readim Micah 6:8.) Taem Bible sei man hem wakabaot witim Jehovah, datwan minim hem trustim Jehovah, depend long hem for leadim hem, and hem obeyim hem. Man wea hambol luksavve hem mas prea long Jehovah evritaem. Datfala profet shud hambol and askem Jehovah sapos instruction wea hem talem long hem firstaem hem change. Samfala taem iumi tu mas disaedem samfala hard samting, and maet iumi no sure wanem nao Jehovah laekem iumi for duim. Bat sapos iumi hambol, bae iumi askem Jehovah for helpem iumi mekem iumi no duim olketa bigfala mistek.

4. Wanem nao bae iumi storyim long disfala study?

4 Long lastfala study, iumi lanem wei bilong man wea hambol, and why hem important for iumi hambol. Bat wanem nao bae helpem iumi for hambol nomata long olketa taem wea hem no isi for duim datwan? And wanem nao samfala samting wea savve happen wea savve testim sapos iumi hambol or nomoa? Bae iumi storyim thrifala samting.—Prov. 11:2.


5, 6. Wanem nao Barzillai duim wea showimaot hem hambol?

5 Samting wea iumi duim taem laef or assignment bilong iumi hem change savve showimaot sapos iumi hambol or nomoa. Iumi savve lanem gud samting from Barzillai, wea hem gudfala fren bilong King David. Taem Barzillai hem 80 year old, David invaetem hem for go stap long haos bilong king. Nomata datwan hem bigfala privilege, Barzillai sei hem gud for hem givim datfala assignment long Chimham, wea maet disfala man hem son bilong hem.—2 Sam. 19:31-37.

6 Why nao Barzillai no acceptim datfala assignment? Waswe, hem bikos hem ting hem no fit for duim datfala assignment? Waswe, hem laek for stap nomoa and garem isi laef? Nomoa, Barzillai hem hambol. Hem luksavve hem olo nao and hem no fit for duim staka samting. (Readim Galatia 6:4, 5.) Olsem Barzillai, iumi tu mas hambol. Iumi laek for givim best bilong iumi long Jehovah and no tingim nomoa wanem iumiseleva laekem, or comparem iumiseleva witim narawan. Diswan hem barava important winim wei for kasem wanfala spesol assignment or for garem bignem. (Gal. 5:26) Sapos iumi hambol, bae iumi waka tugeta witim olketa brata and sista for mekhae long Jehovah and helpem olketa narawan.—1 Cor. 10:31.

7, 8. Hao nao wei for hambol savve helpem iumi for no depend long iumiseleva?

7 Taem iumi kasem bigfala responsibility, datwan savve testim sapos iumi hambol or nomoa. Iumi savve lane from example bilong Nehemiah. Taem Nehemiah herem pipol wea stap long Jerusalem kasem staka hard samting, hem prea long Jehovah for helpem olketa. (Neh. 1:4, 11) Jehovah ansarem prea bilong Nehemiah. King Artaxerxes markem Nehemiah for kamap governor bilong datfala area. Nomata Nehemiah hem rich and garem hae position, hem no depend long hemseleva. Hem evritaem askem help bilong Jehovah and readim Law bilong hem. (Neh. 8:1, 8, 9) Nehemiah garem paoa ovarem staka pipol, bat hem no iusim datwan for kasem gud samting for hemseleva or for spoelem olketa narawan.—Neh. 5:14-19.

8 Sapos iumi kasem samfala responsibility moa or iumi kasem niu assignment, iumi laek for followim example bilong Nehemiah for gohed hambol. Iumi no laek for depend long savve bilong iumiseleva. Hao nao samwan savve start for depend long hemseleva? Example nao, maet wanfala elder duim waka bilong kongregeson bat hem no prea long Jehovah for helpem hem. Or maet wanfala brata or sista disaedem wanfala samting finis bifor hem prea long Jehovah for blessim datfala disison. Bat man wea hambol bae no depend long hemseleva taem hem duim wanfala waka nomata hem duim datwan staka taem finis. Hem mas evritaem tingim, Jehovah hem garem bigfala savve winim hem. (Readim Proverbs 3:5, 6.) Long world distaem, staka pipol selfish and trae for winim olketa narawan. Bat pipol bilong Jehovah no olsem. Iumi no tingse iumi winim olketa narawan long famili or long kongregeson taem iumi kasem olketa bigfala responsibility. Bat iumi waka tugeta witim olketa brata and sista bilong iumi bikos iumi savve Jehovah nao givim iumi datfala work.—1 Tim. 3:15.


9, 10. Hao nao wei for hambol savve helpem iumi taem samwan tok daonem iumi?

9 Iumi savve feel nogud taem samwan tok daonem iumi. Diswan nao samting wea happen long Hannah. Nomata hasband bilong hem Elkanah barava lovem hem, Hannah hem nating hapi. Peninnah, narafala waef bilong Elkanah, hem evritaem tok daonem Hannah. Hannah laek for garem pikinini bat hem no savve garem. Wantaem Hannah barava sorre fogud, and hem go long tabernacle for prea. Hae Priest Eli lukim hem krae and sei Hannah hem drunk! Hem fitim for Hannah barava kros long Eli. Bat hem showimaot respect taem hem story long Eli. Bihaen, Hannah talem wanfala prea wea showimaot bigfala faith and love wea hem garem for Jehovah.—1 Sam. 1:5-7, 12-16; 2:1-10.

10 Wei for hambol savve helpem iumi for “gohed for duim gud samting” nomata iumi kasem nogud samting. (Rome 12:21) Staka pipol long world bilong Satan duim olketa barava nogud samting. So iumi no seke taem olketa duim samting wea mekem iumi feel nogud. Maet iumi kros, bat iumi mas waka hard for daonem datfala feeling. (Ps. 37:1) Bat samting wea barava hard for deal witim hem taem iumi garem problem witim eni brata or sista long kongregeson. Taem samting olsem happen, iumi laek for followim example bilong Jesus. Bible sei: “Taem pipol tok spoelem hem, hem no tok spoelem olketa.” Bat “hem trustim God wea judge long raeteous wei.” (1 Pet. 2:23) Jesus hem hambol and hem savve Jehovah nao bae stretem eni nogud samting wea happen. (Rome 12:19) Iumi tu mas hambol and “no changem bak nogud samting wea narawan duim long [iumi].”—1 Pet. 3:8, 9.

11, 12. (a) Taem eniwan praisem iumi or mekhae long iumi, wanem nao savve helpem iumi for gohed hambol? (b) Hao nao iumi savve showimaot iumi hambol long hao iumi werem kaleko and long wei bilong iumi?

11 Taem eniwan praisem iumi or mekhae long iumi, datwan savve testim sapos iumi hambol or nomoa. Tingim example bilong Esther. Pipol praisem and mekhae long hem. Hem wanfala woman wea luk naes tumas long Persia. For wanfala full year, olketa iusim olketa spesol oil for mekem body bilong Esther and olketa nara young gele long Persia for luk naes mekem king savve chusim eniwan long olketa for kamap queen. Then Esther nao king hem chusim for kamap queen bilong hem. Nomata olsem, hem no kamap praod. Esther hem gohed for hambol, kaen, and showimaot respect.—Esther 2:9, 12, 15, 17.

Waswe, hao iumi werem kaleko showimaot iumi respectim Jehovah and olketa narawan, or hem showimaot iumi no hambol? (Paragraf 12 storyim diswan)

12 Sapos iumi hambol, wei bilong iumi and hao iumi werem kaleko bae showimaot iumi respectim olketa narawan and iumi respectim iumiseleva tu. Iumi bae no tokplas abaotem iumiseleva or trae for mekem olketa narawan tinghae long iumi. (Readim 1 Peter 3:3, 4; Jer. 9:23, 24) Toktok and wei bilong iumi savve showimaot wanem kaen man nao iumi. Olsem example, maet iumi trae for mekem olketa narawan for tinghae long iumi bikos long wanem iumi duim, savve bilong iumi, or iumi savve gud long samwan wea garem bigfala privilege long organization bilong Jehovah. Or maet hao iumi storyim wanfala samting hem here olsem iumiseleva nomoa duim datwan, nomata olketa narawan tu helpem iumi. Bat tingim example bilong Jesus. Hem no show-off long bigfala savve wea hem garem bat hem evritaem talem toktok wea kam from olketa Holy Raeting. Hem no laekem pipol for mekhae long hem. Hem evritaem laekem pipol for mekhae long Jehovah.—John 8:28.


13, 14. Hao nao wei for hambol savve helpem iumi for mekem olketa gudfala disison?

13 Taem iumi mekem olketa disison, or taem disison bilong olketa narawan affectim iumi, iumi mas hambol. Taem aposol Paul stap long Caesarea, hem laek for go long Jerusalem for duim waka wea Jehovah askem hem for duim. Bat profet Agabus talem Paul sapos hem go bae olketa kasholem hem and maet olketa killim hem dae tu. Olketa brata stopem Paul for no go, bat Paul sei hem mas go long Jerusalem. Waswe, hem duim olsem from hem trustim hemseleva? Nomoa, Paul hem hambol and barava trust long Jehovah. Olketa brata hia tu hambol, so olketa sapotim disison bilong Paul and letem hem for go.—Acts 21:10-14.

14 Wei for hambol bae helpem iumi for mekem olketa gudfala disison nomata iumi no savve wanem nao bae kamaot from disison bilong iumi. Olsem example, maet iumi tingting for duim full-taem service, bat wanem nao bae happen sapos iumi sik? Waswe sapos dadi and mami bilong iumi sik and needim iumi for helpem tufala? Taem iumi olo, hu bae iumi lukaftarem iumi? Nomata iumi prea and ting raonem olketa kwestin hia, bae iumi no kasem ansa for evri kwestin hia. (Eccl. 8:16, 17) Bat sapos iumi trust long Jehovah, bae iumi luksavve wanem iumi fit for duim and wanem iumi no fit for duim and acceptim datwan. Bifor iumi mekem eni disison, iumi duim research abaotem datwan, askem advaes long olketa narawan, and important samting nao hem for prea long Jehovah abaotem datwan. Then iumi mas letem holy spirit bilong Jehovah for leadim iumi. (Readim Ecclesiastes 11:4-6.) Jehovah savve blessim olketa disison bilong iumi, or hem savve helpem iumi for duim nara samting wea fitim will bilong hem.—Prov. 16:3, 9.


15. Hao nao wei for ting raonem wanem kaen God nao Jehovah hem savve helpem iumi for hambol?

15 Wanem nao iumi savve duim for gohed hambol? Bae iumi storyim fofala samting wea savve helpem iumi. First samting, iumi mas barava ting raonem wanem kaen God nao Jehovah. Taem iumi comparem iumi witim Jehovah, iumi luksavve Jehovah hem garem barava bigfala paoa and savve bilong hem big tumas winim iumi. (Isa. 8:13) Iumi mas tingim iumi no “wakabaot” witim wanfala man or angel, bat iumi “wakabaot” witim Jehovah wea hem Olmaeti God. Wei for ting raonem diswan bae helpem iumi for “hambol for stap anda long God wea hem nambawan and garem bigfala paoa.”—1 Pet. 5:6.

16. Hao nao wei for ting raonem bigfala love bilong Jehovah savve helpem iumi for hambol?

16 Mek-tu samting wea savve helpem iumi for gohed hambol, hem for ting raonem bigfala love wea Jehovah garem for iumi. Paul sei kongregeson hem olsem wanfala body, wea evri part bilong hem important. (1 Cor. 12:23, 24) Olsem tu, long tingting bilong Jehovah each wan long iumi hem important. Hem no comparem iumi witim narawan, and hem no stop for lovem iumi taem iumi duim mistek. From iumi savve Jehovah lovem iumi, iumi feel sef nomata wea iumi stap and wanem iumi duim insaed long organization bilong hem.

17. Taem iumi tingim gud saed bilong olketa narawan, hao nao datwan helpem iumi?

17 Mek-thri samting wea savve helpem iumi for gohed hambol, hem for tingim gud saed bilong olketa narawan, olsem Jehovah hem duim. Iumi no laek for olsem main man or for evritaem talem olketa narawan wanem for duim. Bat bae iumi askem advaes bilong olketa narawan and willing for followim olketa idea wea olketa givim. (Prov. 13:10) Iumi hapi tumas taem olketa brata and sista bilong iumi kasem olketa privilege. And iumi sei thankiu long Jehovah for blessim pipol bilong hem evriwea long world.—1 Pet. 5:9.

18. Wanem nao nara samting wea savve helpem iumi for gohed hambol?

18 Mek-foa samting wea savve helpem iumi for gohed hambol, hem for trainim konsens bilong iumi for followim olketa Bible principle. Olketa Bible principle savve helpem iumi for luksavve long tingting and feeling bilong Jehovah. Taem iumi lane for luksavve long tingting bilong Jehovah abaotem samting, olketa disison bilong iumi bae mekem hem hapi. Taem iumi studyim Bible evritaem, prea, and followim wanem iumi lanem, datwan bae helpem iumi for garem gudfala konsens. (1 Tim. 1:5) Iumi lane for tingim olketa narawan firstaem. Sapos iumi duim olketa samting hia, Jehovah sei bae hem ‘finisim training bilong iumi,’ and helpem iumi for gohed hambol.—1 Pet. 5:10.

19. Wanem nao savve helpem iumi for gohed hambol?

19 Tingim datfala profet long Judah wea iumi storyim long start bilong disfala study. Hem spoelem wei wea hem fren witim Jehovah and hem lusim laef bilong hem bikos hem no gohed for hambol. Bat iumi fit for gohed hambol nomata hem no isi samfala taem. Example bilong staka wea faithful for worshipim God hem showimaot iumi fit for duim datwan. Sapos iumi worshipim Jehovah for longfala taem finis, wei wea iumi hambol shud barava showaot klia. (Prov. 8:13) Nomata wea iumi stap or wanem samting happen long laef bilong iumi, iumi fit for duim wanem Jehovah laekem. Datwan hem nambawan privilege! So iumi laek for traem best for gohed hambol and for wakabaot witim Jehovah for olowe.