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Why Hem Important for Iumi Hambol

Why Hem Important for Iumi Hambol

“Olketa wea hambol nao olketa wise.”—PROV. 11:2.

SONG: 38, 69

1, 2. Why nao God rejectim King Saul? (Lukim piksa long start bilong study.)

TAEM Jehovah chusim Saul for kamap king, Saul hem hambol and pipol respectim hem. (1 Sam. 9:1, 2, 21; 10:20-24) Bat bihaen Saul kamap king, hem start for bighed. Wantaem, staka thousand Philistine nao kam for faetem olketa Israelite. Profet Samuel talem Saul hem bae kam and mekem sakrifaes long Jehovah. Bat taem profet Samuel no arrive yet, staka insaed army bilong Israel olketa lusim Saul bikos olketa fraet. Saul no patient for weitim Samuel so hemseleva mekem datfala sakrifaes. Saul no garem raet for mekem datfala sakrifaes and Jehovah no hapi taem hem duim datwan.—1 Sam. 13:5-9.

2 Taem Samuel kasem olketa, hem tok strong long Saul from hem no obeyim Jehovah. Bat long tingting bilong Saul, hem no duim eni rong samting. Saul mekem olketa excuse for samting wea hem duim, and hem blamem olketa narawan tu for datwan. (1 Sam. 13:10-14) Start long datfala taem, Saul duim staka nara samting wea showimaot hem no hambol. So Jehovah rejectim hem for waka olsem king. (1 Sam. 15:22, 23) Long firstaem Saul hem gudfala king bat gogo hem kamap praod.—1 Sam. 31:1-6.

3. (a) Hao nao tingting bilong staka pipol abaotem wei for hambol? (b) Olketa wanem kwestin nao bae iumi storyim?

3 Distaem, staka pipol long world sei sapos olketa laek for garem bignem or big waka, olketa mas tingim olketa seleva firstaem. Olketa mekhae long olketa seleva for mekem pipol tingse olketa gud winim olketa narawan. Olsem example, wanfala man wea savve act long movie, and wea kamap bigman long politik hem sei: “Mi man wea tinghae long miseleva nomoa, and mi bae nating change.” So, why nao hem important for wanfala Christian for hambol? Hao nao iumi savve showimaot iumi hambol? Long disfala study, bae iumi storyim olketa kwestin hia. And long nextfala study bae iumi storyim hao iumi savve showimaot iumi hambol nomata hem no isi samfala taem.


4. Wanem nao wei bilong man wea bighed?

4 Bible sei man wea hambol hem barava difren from man wea bighed. (Readim Proverbs 11:2.) David askem Jehovah olsem: “No letem wakaman bilong iu for duim samting wea showimaot hem bighed.” (Ps. 19:13) Wanem nao wei bilong man wea bighed? Hem savve duim samting wea hem no garem raet for duim, maet bikos hem no patient or hem praod. From iumi evriwan no perfect, samfala taem iumi duim samting wea showimaot iumi bighed. Bat olsem example bilong King Saul hem showimaot, sapos diswan hem kamap wei bilong iumi, bae Jehovah no hapi long iumi. Long Psalm 119:21 hem sei Jehovah bae “tok strong long man wea bighed.” Why nao olsem?

5. Why nao iumi mas no tingse wei for bighed hem samting nating nomoa?

5 Iumi mas no tingse wei for bighed hem samting nating nomoa. Why nao olsem? Firstfala samting, sapos iumi duim samting bikos iumi bighed, datwan minim iumi no respectim Jehovah, wea hem nao God bilong iumi and hem rulim iumi. Mek-tu samting, sapos iumi duim samting wea iumi no garem raet for duim, iumi savve raoa and no stap gud witim olketa narawan. (Prov. 13:10) And mek-thri samting, taem olketa narawan luksavve samting wea iumi duim showimaot iumi bighed, datwan bae mekem iumi luk krangge. (Luke 14:8, 9) Dastawe Jehovah laekem iumi for no tinghae tumas long iumiseleva.


6, 7. Wanem nao wei bilong man wea hambol?

6 Taem Bible story abaotem wei for hambol hem minim wei for no praod and no bighed. (Phil. 2:3) Man wea hambol hem no tinghae tumas long hemseleva, hem luksavve hem garem spialaen, and hem talemaot olketa mistek bilong hem. Hem lisin long idea bilong olketa narawan and hem willing for followim. Jehovah barava hapi long man wea hambol.

7 Bible showimaot hao man wea no tinghae tumas long hemseleva hem luksavve samfala samting hem no fit for duim or hem shud no duim. Diswan helpem hem for respectim olketa narawan and kaen long olketa.

8. Wanem nao showimaot sapos iumi start for kamap praod?

8 Maet iumi start for kamap praod bat iumi no luksavve long datwan. Wanem nao showimaot sapos iumi start for olsem? Maet iumi tingse iumi important winim olketa narawan bikos iumi, or samwan wea iumi savve gud long hem, garem bigfala responsibility long kongregeson. (Rome 12:16) Or maet iumi mekhae long iumiseleva bikos long olketa samting wea iumi garem. (1 Tim. 2:9, 10) Maet iumi start for talem olketa narawan wanem olketa shud duim or wanem olketa shud no duim.—1 Cor. 4:6.

9. Wanem nao mekem samfala for start for kamap praod? Storyim example long Bible.

9 Man savve start for kamap praod sapos hem no kontrolem feeling for laekem samting wea no stret. Wei for mekhae long seleva, jealous long narawan, or no kontrolem kros, savve mekem man duim samting wea showimaot hem praod. Bible storyim samfala man wea kamap praod, olsem Absalom, Uzziah, and Nebuchadnezzar. Jehovah mekem olketa luksavve olketa mas hambol.—2 Sam. 15:1-6; 18:9-17; 2 Chron. 26:16-21; Dan. 5:18-21.

10. Why nao iumi shud no judgem pipol long samting wea olketa duim? Storyim example long Bible.

10 Samfala nara reason stap wea mekem pipol tinghae tumas long olketa seleva samfala taem. Tingim example bilong Abimelech and Peter. (Gen. 20:2-7; Matt. 26:31-35) Waswe, tufala man hia tinghae tumas long tufala seleva, or tufala no tingting gud firstaem bifor tufala duim samting? From iumi no savve wanem nao insaed long heart bilong pipol, iumi shud no judgem narawan long samting wea olketa duim.—Readim James 4:12.


11. Hem important for iumi luksavve long wanem samting?

11 Man wea hambol luksavve long wanem hem fit for duim insaed kongregeson. Jehovah hem no God wea olobaot. Evriwan insaed long kongregeson garem waka for duim. Iumi evriwan needim each other. Jehovah hem givim iumi evriwan savve for duim olketa difren kaen samting and hem letem iumi for chusim hao iumi laek for iusim savve wea iumi garem. Sapos iumi hambol bae iumi iusim savve wea Jehovah givim long iumi for duim wanem hem laekem iumi for duim. (Rome 12:4-8) Iumi luksavve Jehovah laekem iumi for iusim difren kaen savve wea iumi garem for mekhae long hem and helpem olketa brata and sista bilong iumi.—Readim 1 Peter 4:10.

Wanem nao iumi savve lanem from example bilong Jesus taem iumi kasem wanfala niu assignment? (Paragraf 12-14 storyim diswan)

12, 13. Wanem nao iumi shud evritaem tingim sapos waka wea iumi duim insaed organization hem change?

12 Maet olketa samting wea iumi duim insaed organization bilong Jehovah savve change samfala taem. Olsem example, tingim olketa change wea kamap long laef bilong Jesus. Long firstaem, hem stap seleva witim Dadi bilong hem. (Prov. 8:22) Then hem helpem Jehovah for creatim olketa angel, wakem disfala universe, and olketa man. (Col. 1:16) Bihaen, Jehovah sendem hem kam long earth. Hem born olsem wanfala baby and then hem growap long disfala earth. (Phil. 2:7) Bihaen Jesus dae, hem go bak long heven, and long 1914 hem kamap King long Kingdom bilong God. (Heb. 2:9) And long future, bihaen Jesus hem rul for wan thousand year, bae hem givim bak datfala Kingdom long Jehovah mekem “God nomoa rul ovarem evriwan.”—1 Cor. 15:28.

13 Maet samfala change kamap long laef bilong iumi tu. Samfala taem maet waka wea iumi garem insaed kongregeson hem change bikos long olketa disison wea iumi mekem. Olsem example, maet iumi singol, and then gogo iumi disaed for marit. Or maet iumi garem pikinini. Bihaen, maet iumi disaed for mekem samfala change long laef bilong iumi mekem iumi savve duim full-taem service. Olketa nara samting tu savve happen wea savve mekem wanem iumi duim insaed organization hem change. Maet iumi savve duim moa samting long waka bilong Jehovah, or kat daon long wanem iumi fit for duim. Bat nomata iumi young or iumi olo, iumi healthy or nomoa, Jehovah savve wanem each wan long iumi savve duim for worshipim hem. Hem no expectim iumi for duim samting wea iumi no fit for duim. And hem tinghae tumas long iumi taem iumi duim wanem iumi fit for duim for hem.—Heb. 6:10.

14. Hao nao wei for hambol savve helpem man for satisfae and hapi insaed kongregeson?

14 Jesus hem hapi for duim eni waka wea Jehovah givim long hem, and iumi tu laek hapi long waka wea Jehovah givim iumi for duim. (Prov. 8:30, 31) Man wea hambol hem satisfae long olketa waka and olketa responsibility wea hem garem long kongregeson. Hem no jealous long privilege wea olketa narawan kasem. Bat hem satisfae long waka wea hem duim insaed organization bilong God. Hem luksavve Jehovah nao givim hem datfala waka. Man wea hambol hem respectim olketa narawan and hem hapi for sapotim olketa. Hem luksavve waka wea olketa duim hem kam from Jehovah tu.—Rome 12:10.


15. Wanem nao iumi savve lanem from example bilong Gideon?

15 Gideon hem man wea hambol. Taem angel talem Gideon Jehovah markem hem for sevem olketa Israelite from olketa Midianite, Gideon sei: “Famili bilong mi nao hem smol wan long tribe bilong Manasseh, and long haos bilong dadi bilong mi, mi no important nomoa.” (Judg. 6:15) Nomata olsem, Gideon trustim Jehovah and acceptim datfala assignment. Then Gideon prea long Jehovah for helpem hem for savve hao Jehovah laekem hem for duim datfala assignment. (Judg. 6:36-40) Gideon hem man wea strong and no fraet, bat hem careful and hem wise taem hem duim samting. (Judg. 6:11, 27) Then taem olketa Israelite laekem hem for rul ovarem olketa, hem no acceptim datwan. Bihaen hem duim datfala assignment, hem go bak long hom bilong hem.—Judg. 8:22, 23, 29.

16, 17. Wanem nao man wea hambol bae ting raonem saed long waka insaed kongregeson?

16 Sapos samwan acceptim wanfala niu assignment or laek for duim samfala waka moa long kongregeson, datwan no minim hem praod. Bible sei sapos wanfala Christian laek for kamap strong long spiritual wei and duim waka for helpem olketa brata and sista, datwan hem gudfala samting. (1 Tim. 4:13-15) Bat waswe, iumi mas kasem wanfala niu assignment for iumi savve gohed gud long spiritual wei? Nomoa. Iumi evriwan savve gohed for kamap gud long olketa wei bilong iumi and iusim gud training wea iumi kasem from Jehovah for helpem olketa narawan and for worshipim hem long wei wea hem laekem.

17 Man wea hambol bae faendaot firstaem hao for duim wanfala assignment bifor hem acceptim datwan. Hem prea abaotem and ting raonem sapos hem bae fit for duim datfala waka. Olsem example, waswe, hem bae garem inaf taem and strong for duim olketa nara important samting taem hem duim datfala assignment? Sapos nomoa, waswe, hem savve givim samfala waka bilong hem for olketa narawan for duim? Bihaen hem ting raonem olketa samting hia, man wea hambol maet luksavve hem no fit for duim gud datfala niu assignment. So maet hem disaed for no acceptim datfala assignment.

18. (a) Wanem nao man wea hambol bae duim taem hem kasem wanfala niu assignment? (b) Wanem nao Rome 12:3 encouragem iumi for duim?

18 Jehovah laekem iumi for hambol taem iumi duim wanem hem laekem. (Mic. 6:8) So taem iumi kasem wanfala niu assignment, iumi laek for followim example bilong Gideon for askem Jehovah for helpem iumi. Iumi prea long Jehovah and barava ting raonem wanem Bible talem and direction wea kam from organization bilong Jehovah. Iumi mas no forgetim diswan: Eni waka wea iumi duim for Jehovah, hem no bikos iumi garem bigfala savve bat hem bikos Jehovah hem hambol and willing for helpem iumi. (Ps. 18:35) Man wea hambol bae duim wanem Jehovah laekem.—Readim Rome 12:3.

19. Why nao hem important for iumi hambol?

19 Man wea hambol hem savve iumi mas worshipim Jehovah nomoa bikos hem nao wakem iumi and hem barava haefala God long universe. (Rev. 4:11) Sapos iumi hambol bae iumi hapi for duim eni assignment wea Jehovah givim long iumi. Iumi bae tingim feeling and respectim tingting bilong olketa brata and sista bilong iumi wea datwan bae mekem iumi garem wan mind. Man wea hambol bae tingting gud firstaem bifor hem duim eni samting, and datwan bae helpem hem for no duim olketa bigfala mistek. Jehovah hem barava hapi long olketa wea hambol. Dastawe pipol bilong God barava tinghae long disfala wei. Long nextfala study, bae iumi storyim hao iumi savve showimaot iumi hambol nomata hem no isi samfala taem.