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Simpol Kaikai wea Teachim Iumi Abaotem King Bilong Iumi Long Heven

Simpol Kaikai wea Teachim Iumi Abaotem King Bilong Iumi Long Heven

“Diswan hem piksarem body bilong mi. . . . Diswan hem piksarem blood bilong mi wea hem nao ‘blood bilong datfala agreement.’”—MATT. 26:26-28.

SONG 16 Praisem Jah for Son Bilong Hem wea Anointed


1-2. (a) Why nao iumi no sapraes long wei wea Jesus duim simpol samting for helpem iumi rememberim dae bilong hem? (b) Olketa wanem kaen fasin bilong Jesus nao bae iumi storyim?

WASWE, iu savve wanem nao savve happen evri year long Memorial bilong dae bilong Christ? For sure klosap evriwan long iumi savve rememberim samting wea happen long Evening Kaikai Bilong Lord. Why nao olsem? Bikos datfala kaikai hem barava simpol. Nomata olsem, disfala hipap hem barava important. So maet iumi ask olsem, ‘Why nao datfala kaikai hem barava simpol?’

2 Taem Jesus duim ministry bilong hem long earth, staka pipol savve long hem bikos hem savve tumas hao for teachim olketa important truth long wei wea simpol, klia, and isi for minim. (Matt. 7:28, 29) Long sem wei, hem duim simpol samting wea garem big mining for helpem iumi for rememberim * dae bilong hem. Bae iumi story raonem disfala Memorial and samfala samting wea Jesus talem and duim. Iumi bae minim gud moa hao Jesus hem hambol, no fraet, and showimaot love, and iumi bae lanem hao iumi savve followim example bilong hem.


Bred and wine long Memorial remindim iumi hao Jesus givim laef bilong hem for iumi and distaem hem King bilong iumi wea rul long heven (Paragraf 3-5 storyim diswan)

3. Olsem Matthew 26:26-28 storyim, long wanem wei nao Memorial wea Jesus startim hem barava simpol, and tufala main samting wea hem iusim hem piksarem wanem?

3 Jesus startim Memorial bilong dae bilong hem taem 11-fala faithful aposol bilong hem stap. Hem iusim nomoa samting wea stap finis wea leftova from Pasova for mekem disfala simpol Memorial. (Readim Matthew 26:26-28.) Hem iusim bred wea no garem yeast and wine wea stap finis. Jesus talem olketa aposol bilong hem hao tufala samting hia hem piksarem perfect body and blood bilong hem wea bae hem sakrifaesim for sevem laef bilong olketa. Olketa aposol maet no sapraes long datfala simpol kaikai wea startim datfala important niu arrangement. Why nao olsem?

4. Hao nao advaes wea Jesus talem long Martha helpem iumi for minim why Jesus duim datfala Memorial long simpol wei?

4 Tingim samting wea happen tu-thri month bifor, long mek-thri year wea Jesus duim ministry bilong hem. Hem go long haos bilong olketa fren bilong hem Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. Taem olketa gohed story, Jesus start for teach. Martha long there, bat hem barava busy tumas for preparem staka kaikai for spesol guest bilong hem. Taem Jesus lukim diswan, hem tok kaen long Martha for stretem hem, mekem Martha luksavve hem no important for evritaem mekem staka kaikai. (Luke 10:40-42) Then, no longtaem bifor hem dae, hemseleva duim sem samting hem talem long Martha. Hem mek sure datfala Memorial hem simpol. Wanem nao diswan teachim iumi abaotem Jesus?

5. Wei wea disfala kaikai hem simpol hem teachim iumi wanem abaotem Jesus, and hao nao diswan join witim samting wea Philippi 2:5-8 storyim?

5 Evri samting wea Jesus talem and duim showimaot hem hambol. So iumi no sapraes long wei wea hem barava hambol long last naet bifor hem dae. (Matt. 11:29) Hem savve klosap bae hem givim barava important sakrifaes long history bilong olketa man and hao Jehovah bae resurrectim hem for kamap king long heven. Nomata olsem, hem no laek for mekhae long hemseleva long wei for mekem staka spesol samting for pipol rememberim dae bilong hem. Bat, hem talem olketa disaepol bilong hem hao wanfala taem long year olketa shud rememberim hem long wei for duim disfala simpol Memorial. (John 13:15; 1 Cor. 11:23-25) Datfala simpol kaikai wea barava fitim, showimaot Jesus no praod. Iumi barava hapi bikos wei for hambol hem wanfala nambawan wei bilong King bilong iumi long heven.—Readim Philippi 2:5-8.

6. Hao nao iumi savve followim example bilong Jesus for hambol taem iumi kasem hard taem?

6 Hao nao iumi savve followim wei wea Jesus hambol? Hem nao for tingim olketa narawan winim iumiseleva. (Phil. 2:3, 4) Tingim bak last naet wea Jesus stap long disfala earth. Jesus savve klosap nao bae hem safa and dae, nomata olsem, hem tingim olketa faithful aposol bilong hem wea bae sorre bihaen hem. So hem spendem last naet witim olketa for teachim, encouragem, and strongim olketa. (John 14:25-31) Jesus hambol taem hem showimaot hem tingim olketa narawan winim hemseleva. Datwan hem nambawan example for iumi!


7. Hao nao Jesus showimaot hem barava no fraet no longtaem bihaen hem startim Evening Kaikai Bilong Lord?

7 No longtaem bihaen Jesus startim Evening Kaikai Bilong Lord, hem showimaot hem barava no fraet. Long wanem wei? Jesus willing for duim wanem Dadi bilong hem laekem, nomata hem savve olketa bae killim hem dae bikos olketa sei hem tok againstim God. (Matt. 26:65, 66; Luke 22:41, 42.) Jesus showimaot hem barava faithful for mekhae long nem bilong Jehovah, for sapotim rul bilong God, and givim chance long pipol wea repent for kasem laef olowe. And long semtaem, Jesus redyim olketa follower bilong hem for olketa samting wea olketa bae feisim.

8. (a) Wanem nao Jesus talem long olketa faithful aposol bilong hem? (b) Bihaen Jesus dae, hao nao olketa disaepol bilong hem followim example bilong hem for no fraet?

8 Jesus showimaot hem no fraet tu taem hem no tingim nomoa wanem hem warim, bat hem tingim need bilong olketa faithful aposol bilong hem. Datfala simpol kaikai wea hem mekem bihaen hem talem Judas for lusim olketa, bae remindim olketa wea anointed abaotem gud samting wea olketa kasem from blood bilong Jesus and hao olketa part long datfala niu agreement. (1 Cor. 10:16, 17) For helpem olketa hia gohed faithful mekem olketa fit for stap witim Jesus long heven, Jesus talem olketa wanem nao hem and Dadi bilong hem expectim from olketa. (John 15:12-15) Jesus talem tu olketa aposol hao olketa bae kasem hard taem. Then hem encouragem olketa for followim example bilong hem for “no fraet!” (John 16:1-4a, 33) Staka year bihaen, olketa disaepol bilong Jesus gohed followim example bilong hem for givim laef bilong olketa for helpem narawan and for no fraet. Nomata datwan minim olketa bae safa, olketa sapotim each other taem olketa kasem olketa difren hard taem.—Heb. 10:33, 34.

9. Hao nao iumi savve followim example bilong Jesus for no fraet?

9 Distaem tu, iumi followim example bilong Jesus for no fraet. Olsem example, iumi mas no fraet mekem iumi helpem olketa brata and sista wea kasem persecution bikos olketa faithful long Jehovah. Samfala taem, olketa putim olketa long prison. Long taem olsem, iumi mas duim samting for helpem olketa, wea maet minim for talem samting for defendim olketa. (Phil. 1:14; Heb. 13:19) Narafala wei wea iumi savve followim example bilong Jesus, hem nao for “no fraet” taem iumi gohed preach. (Acts 14:3) Olsem Jesus, iumi strong for preachim message abaotem Kingdom nomata pipol maet againstim and persecutim iumi. Bat, samfala taem iumi maet feel fraet. Sapos olsem, wanem nao iumi savve duim?

10. Long olketa week bifor Memorial, wanem nao iumi shud duim, and why nao olsem?

10 For strongim wei wea iumi no fraet, iumi savve ting raonem hope wea iumi kasem bikos long ransom sakrifaes bilong Christ. (John 3:16; Eph. 1:7) Long olketa week bifor Memorial, iumi garem spesol chance for strongim wei wea iumi tinghae long datfala ransom. Iumi gohed for duim Memorial Bible reading, and prea and ting raonem olketa samting wea happen bifor Jesus hem dae. Then taem iumi attendim Evening Kaikai Bilong Lord, iumi bae barava minim gud why datfala bred and wine wea piksarem spesol sakrifaes bilong Jesus hem barava important. Taem iumi minim wanem Jesus and Jehovah duim for iumi, and luksavve hao datwan helpem iumi and olketa wea iumi lovem, diswan bae strongim hope bilong iumi and muvim iumi for no fraet for gohed strong go kasem end.—Heb. 12:3.

11-12. Wanem nao samfala samting iumi lanem kam finis?

11 Olsem iumi lanem finis, Evening Kaikai Bilong Lord remindim iumi abaotem nambawan ransom bilong Jesus, and tu, nambawan wei bilong Jesus for no fraet and for hambol. Iumi barava tinghae long hao Jesus gohed for showimaot olketa wei hia taem hem duim waka olsem Hae Priest long heven for gohed askem God for helpem iumi! (Heb. 7:24, 25) For showimaot iumi tinghae long datwan, iumi mas faithful for duim samting Jesus talem for rememberim dae bilong hem. (Luke 22:19, 20) Iumi duim diswan long day wea semsem witim Nisan 14, wea datwan nao barava important day long full year.

12 Nara samting wea iumi savve lanem from wei wea Evening Kaikai Bilong Lord hem simpol, hem nao narafala wei bilong Jesus wea muvim hem for dae for iumi. Taem Jesus stap long earth, pipol savve long disfala wei bilong hem. Wanem nao datfala wei?


13. Wanem nao John 15:9 and 1 John 4:8-10 talem abaotem love bilong Jehovah and Jesus, and hu nao kasem gud samting from datwan?

13 Jesus barava showimaot bigfala love bilong Jehovah for iumi long evri samting wea hem duim. (Readim John 15:9; 1 John 4:8-10.) Main samting nao Jesus hem willing for dae for iumi from full heart bilong hem. Nomata sapos iumi anointed Christian or “olketa nara sheepsheep,” iumi evriwan kasem gud samting from love wea Jehovah and Son bilong hem showimaot taem tufala givim datfala sakrifaes. (John 10:16; 1 John 2:2) Tingim tu olketa samting wea Jesus iusim for datfala Memorial, datwan showimaot love bilong Jesus and wei wea hem tingim olketa disaepol bilong hem. Long wanem wei?

Jesus showimaot love taem hem startim Memorial wea simpol, so nomata insaed staka handred year and nomata long taem wea hem no isi, pipol bilong Jehovah savve rememberim dae bilong Jesus (Paragraf 14-16 storyim diswan) *

14. Hao nao Jesus showimaot hem lovem olketa disaepol?

14 Jesus showimaot love for olketa anointed follower bilong hem taem hem mekem datfala simpol kaikai for rememberim dae bilong hem. Hem no talem olketa for duim staka samting. Olketa anointed disaepol mas duim Memorial wanfala taem insaed long year, nomata wanem samting happen. Olketa mas duim diswan nomata olketa stap long prison tu. (Rev. 2:10) Waswe, olketa fit for obeyim wanem Jesus talem? Barava nao!

15-16. Nomata hem no isi for samfala, wanem nao olketa duim mekem olketa rememberim dae bilong Jesus?

15 Kam kasem distaem, olketa tru Christian duim best for rememberim dae bilong Jesus. Nomata taem hem no isi, olketa traem best for barava followim hao for duim Evening Kaikai Bilong Lord. Tingim samfala example. Taem Brata Harold King stap seleva long prison long China, hem mas faendem wei mekem hem savve duim samting for rememberim dae bilong Jesus. Hem redyim olketa samting wea hem bae iusim for Memorial long wei wea olketa gard no luksavve. And tu, hem traem best for kaontem stret date for Memorial. Then, long taem bilong Memorial, hemseleva singsing, prea, and givim tok insaed prison cell bilong hem.

16 Nara example hem olsem. Wanfala grup bilong olketa sista wea stap long prison long concentration camp long World War II putim laef bilong olketa long danger for duim Evening Kaikai Bilong Lord. From Memorial hem simpol nomoa, olketa fit for duim samting for rememberim dae bilong Jesus. Olketa sei: “Mifala standap klosap tugeta long circle, long midol mifala putim stul wea mifala kavarem witim white kaleko, and antap hem olketa samting mifala iusim for bred and wine. Mifala iusim nomoa kandol bikos sapos mifala iusim electric laet bae olketa lukim mifala. . . . Mifala talem moa promis long Dadi bilong mifala for iusim full strong bilong mifala for mekhae long holy nem bilong Hem.” Datwan showimaot olketa garem strongfala faith! Jesus showimaot bigfala love for iumi taem hem mekem datfala Memorial simpol mekem iumi fit for duim diswan nomata long taem wea hem no isi.

17. Olketa wanem kwestin nao hem gud for iumi ting raonem?

17 Taem Memorial kakam klosap, hem gud for iumi ting raonem olketa kwestin hia: ‘Hao nao mi savve followim gud example bilong Jesus for showimaot love? Waswe, mi tingim wanem olketa brata and sista needim winim wanem miseleva needim? Waswe, mi expectim olketa brata and sista for duim samting winim wanem olketa fit for duim, or mi luksavve olketa no fit for duim samfala samting?’ Iumi laek for evritaem followim example bilong Jesus for tingim feeling bilong olketa narawan.—1 Pet. 3:8.


18-19. (a) Wanem nao iumi sure long hem? (b) Wanem nao iu disaed strong for duim?

18 Klosap nao disfala wei for iumi duim Memorial for rememberim dae bilong Christ bae hem finis. Taem Jesus “kam” long taem bilong bigfala trabol, hem bae hipimap “olketa wea hem chusim” for go long heven, and iumi bae no duim nao Memorial.—1 Cor. 11:26; Matt. 24:31.

19 Nomata bihaen wei for duim Memorial hem finis, iumi sure pipol bilong Jehovah bae hapi for rememberim disfala simpol kaikai bilong Lord wea teachim iumi abaotem nambawan wei wea Jesus hambol, no fraet, and showimaot love. Long future, olketa wea bin attendim Memorial bae story abaotem datwan for helpem olketa wea bae laef long datfala taem. Bat for iumi kasem gud samting distaem, iumi mas disaed strong for followim example bilong Jesus for hambol, no fraet, and showimaot love. Sapos iumi duim olsem, iumi sure iumi bae kasem reward from Jehovah.—2 Pet. 1:10, 11.

SONG 13 Christ Showim Example for Iumi

^ par. 5 Klosap nao iumi bae attendim Evening Kaikai Bilong Lord for rememberim dae bilong Jesus Christ. Disfala simpol kaikai teachim iumi staka samting abaotem wei wea Jesus hambol, no fraet, and showimaot love. Long disfala study, bae iumi storyim hao iumi savve followim olketa nambawan wei wea hem showimaot.

^ par. 2 MINING BILONG WANFALA TOKTOK: For rememberim wanfala samting, hem savve minim wei for duim wanfala spesol samting for showimaot man rememberim and tinghae long wanfala man or important samting wea happen.

^ par. 56 PIKSA: Olketa actim wei wea olketa wea faithful for worshipim Jehovah duim Memorial long first century kongregeson, long olketa year bilong 1800, long Nazi concentration camp, and long wanfala simpol Kingdom Hall long South America distaem wea no garem olketa wall from weather hem savve hot.