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Trustim Jehovah and No Wari Tumas

Trustim Jehovah and No Wari Tumas

YEARTEXT FOR 2021: Sapos yufala trastem mi an stap kuaet, bae mi mekem yufala strong.​—AESAEA 30:15.

SONG 3 Jehovah Givim Strong, Hope, and Wei for No Fraet


1. Wanem kwestin nao King David askem wea iumi maet askem tu?

IUMI evriwan laek for stap gud and no wari tumas. Bat samfala samting savve mekem iumi for wari. Dastawe samfala brata and sista maet garem sem kwestin olsem King David wea askem Jehovah: “Fo hao long nao bae trabol hemi gohed nomoa fo kasem mi? ?An fo hao long nao bae mi gohed fo sore nomoa evri de?”​—Sams 13:2.

2. Wanem nao iumi bae storyim lo disfala article?

2 Nomata iumi evriwan savve warim olketa samting, iumi savve duim samting for kontrolem datfala feeling. First samting bae iumi storyim lo disfala article, hem olketa samting wea maet mekem iumi for wari. Then, bae iumi storyim sixfala samting for duim wea bae helpem iumi for no wari tumas taem iumi garem problem.


3. Wanem nao savve mekem iumi wari, and waswe, iumi savve stopem olketa samting hia?

3 Hem hard for iumi stopem samfala samting wea savve mekem iumi for wari. Olsem example, iumi hard for stopem price blo kaikai, kaleko, and rent for go ap. Iumi no savve kontrolem olketa lo waka or skul sapos evritaem olketa trae for switim iumi for duim samting wea no stret. And tu, iumi no savve stopem olketa criminal for duim olketa nogud samting lo ples wea iumi stap. Olketa samting hia happen bikos iumi stap lo world wea staka pipol no followim wanem Bible talem. And Satan wea rulim disfala world laekem ‘iumi for wari abaotem olketa samting lo laef,’ gogo iumi stop for worshipim Jehovah. (Matt. 13:22; 1 John 5:19) Dastawe staka problem kamap wea mekem iumi wari!

4. Wanem nao savve happen sapos iumi barava warim samting?

4 Maet iumi barava warim samting, gogo iumi no savve tingim eni nara samting. For example, maet iumi wari nogud iumi no garem inaf selen for peim wanem iumi needim, or nogud iumi sik and no savve waka. Maet iumi wari nogud iumi no faithful taem samwan switim iumi for duim samting wea no stret. And tu, klosap nao Satan bae iusim olketa wea hem kontrolem for attakim pipol blo God, so maet iumi warim wanem iumi bae duim taem datwan hem happen. Maet iu laek savve, ‘Waswe, hem normal for warim olketa samting olsem?’

5. Wanem nao Jesus minim taem hem sei for “no wari”?

5 Jesus talem olketa disaepol blo hem for “no wari.” (Matt. 6:25) Waswe, Jesus minim iumi shud no warim eni samting? Nomoa, bikos samfala faithful man and woman bifor barava wari, bat Jehovah no les lo olketa. * (Fas Kings 19:4; Sams 6:3) Jesus encouragem iumi for no wari. Hem no laekem iumi for warim tumas olketa samting wea iumi needim, gogo iumi no busy lo olketa spiritual samting. So wanem nao iumi savve duim taem iumi warim samting?​—Lukim box “ Hao for Duim.”


Lukim paragraf 6 *

6. Wanem nao Philippi 4:6, 7 sei bae helpem iumi for no wari tumas?

6 (1Prea evritaem. Taem iu warim wanfala samting, iu savve prea lo Jehovah for helpem iu. (1 Pet. 5:7) Then, Jehovah savve givim iu datfala “peace bilong God wea winim nao wanem man savve minim.” (Readim Philippi 4:6, 7.) Jehovah bae iusim holy spirit blo hem for helpem iu for no wari tumas.​—Gal. 5:22.

7. Wanem nao iu shud storyim lo Jehovah taem iu garem problem?

7 Taem iu garem wanfala problem, prea lo Jehovah and storyim evri samting lo hem. Storyim hao datwan mekem iu wari. Sapos iu fit for stretem datfala problem, askem Jehovah for wisdom and strong for duim datwan. Sapos hem hard for stretem datfala problem, askem Jehovah for helpem iu for no wari tumas. Taem iu talem Jehovah wanem iu needim, bae hem isi for luksavve hao Jehovah ansarem olketa prea blo iu. So gohed for prea, nomata iu no kasem ansa kwiktaem. Jehovah laekem iu for talem hem wanem iu needim, and gohed for askem hem.​—Luke 11:8-10.

8. Wanem nao iumi shud storyim lo olketa prea blo iumi?

8 Taem iumi prea lo Jehovah and storyim olketa wari blo iumi, hem gud for talem thankiu tu for samfala samting. Nomata iumi garem olketa problem, hem gud for tingim olketa gud samting wea iumi garem tu. Wanem nao iumi shud duim sapos iumi no savve hao for storyim feeling blo iumi? Tingim, Jehovah bae ansarem prea blo iumi nomata iumi sei nomoa ‘Plis helpem mi!’​—Mektu Kronikols 18:31; Rome 8:26.

Lukim paragraf 9 *

9. Wanem nao iumi shud duim sapos iumi fraet?

9 (2Depend lo wisdom blo Jehovah and no tingting blo iuseleva. Lo taem blo profet Isaiah, pipol lo Judah fraet nogud Assyria bae attakim olketa. From olketa no laek for stap anda lo Assyria, olketa askem Egypt for helpem olketa. (Aesaea 30:1, 2) Jehovah warnim olketa lo Judah, sapos olketa trustim Egypt bae olketa kasem nogud samting. (Aesaea 30:7, 12, 13) Jehovah iusim Isaiah for talem olketa for no fraet. Hem sei: ‘Sapos yufala trastem Jehovah an stap kuaet, bae hem mekem yufala strong.’​—Aesaea 30:15b.

10. Wanem nao samfala wei iumi savve showimaot iumi trustim Jehovah?

10 Hao nao iumi savve showimaot iumi trustim Jehovah? Tingim samfala example. Hao sapos samwan askem iu for duim waka wea iu bae kasem big pei bat iu mas waka ovataem, and datwan bae affectim olketa spiritual samting? Or hao sapos samwan lo waka ples laek frenim iu, bat hem no wanfala Jehovah’s Witness? Or tingim sapos marit partner or famili member sei, sapos iu gohed for worshipim Jehovah hem bae rejectim iu? Lo each example hia, hem no isi samting for disaedem. Nomata olsem, Jehovah bae helpem iu for duim stret samting. (Matt. 6:33; 10:37; 1 Cor. 7:39) Bat waswe, bae iu trustim Jehovah and obeyim wanem hem talem?

Lukim paragraf 11 *

11. Olketa wanem story lo Bible nao savve helpem iumi no wari tumas taem pipol againstim iumi?

11 (3Lane from olketa wea duim gud or nogud samting. Staka story lo Bible showimaot hem important for trustim Jehovah and no wari tumas. Hem gud for studyim olketa example hia and lanem wanem hem helpem olketa wea worshipim God for no wari tumas taem pipol againstim olketa. Olsem example, taem Hae Kot blo olketa Jew stopem olketa aposol for preach, olketa no fraet for sei: “God nao hem ruler wea mifala mas obeyim, no olketa man.” (Acts 5:29) Nomata bihaen olketa lo kot whipim olketa aposol, olketa no fraet. Why nao olsem? Bikos olketa savve Jehovah sapotim and hapi lo olketa. So olketa gohed for talemaot gud nius. (Acts 5:40-42) Nara example hem Stephen. Bifor hem dae, from hem no fraet “feis bilong hem luk olsem feis bilong wanfala angel.” (Acts 6:12-15) Why nao olsem? Bikos hem savve hem duim samting wea mekem Jehovah hapi.

12. Olsem 1 Peter 3:14 and 4:14 storyim, why nao iumi savve hapi taem pipol persecutim iumi?

12 Olketa aposol sure Jehovah sapotim waka blo olketa bikos hem givim paoa lo olketa for duim mirakol. (Acts 5:12-16; 6:8) Distaem iumi no savve duim mirakol. Nomata olsem, toktok lo Bible showimaot Jehovah sapotim iumi and iusim holy spirit for helpem iumi taem iumi safa bikos iumi duim samting wea stret. (Readim 1 Peter 3:14; 4:14.) So iumi shud no tingting tumas abaotem wanem bae iumi duim sapos iumi kasem persecution. Bat iumi shud waka hard for strongim trust blo iumi lo Jehovah, wea datwan mekem iumi sure hem bae sapotim and sevem iumi. Olsem olketa aposol duim, iumi mas trustim promis blo Jesus wea sei: “Mi bae givim iufala wisdom and helpem iufala for savve wanem for talem, and olketa enemy bilong iufala bae no fit for talem eni samting nao.” Then Jesus sei: “Sapos iufala no givap, bae iufala sevem laef bilong iufala.” (Luke 21:12-19) Hem gud for tingim tu, sapos man faithful go kasem taem hem dae, Jehovah fit for rememberim evri samting abaotem hem mekem Jehovah resurrectim hem.

13. Wanem nao iumi savve lanem from example blo olketa wea wari tumas and no trustim Jehovah?

13 Iumi savve lane tu from example blo olketa wea wari tumas and no trustim Jehovah. Example blo olketa savve helpem iumi for no duim sem mistek. For example, taem Asa kamap king lo Judah and wanfala big army attakim army blo hem, Asa win bikos hem trustim Jehovah. (Mektu Kronikols 14:9-12) Bat lo narataem, wanfala smol army blo King Baasha blo Israel kam for attakim Asa. Distaem hem no depend lo Jehovah for sevem olketa, and hem peim olketa lo Syria for helpem hem. (Mektu Kronikols 16:1-3) Then gogo taem Asa kasem bigfala sik hem no depend lo Jehovah for helpem hem tu.​—Mektu Kronikols 16:12.

14. Wanem nao iumi savve lanem from olketa ­disison blo Asa?

14 Firstaem, Asa depend lo Jehovah taem hem kasem olketa problem. Bat hem no duim olsem lo olketa narataem. Hemseleva trae for stretem olketa problem wea hem kasem. Taem Asa askem help blo olketa lo Syria, maet hem luk olsem datwan bae helpem olketa lo Judah, bat hem for lelebet taem nomoa. Jehovah iusim wanfala profet for talem Asa: “Bikos yu no trastem [Jehovah] hu hemi God blong yu, bat yu trastem nomoa king blong Siria, oraet, bae yu garem trabol bikos ami blong king blong Siria hemi goaot from han blong yu.” (Mektu Kronikols 16:7) Iumi mas no tingse iumiseleva savve stretem olketa problem blo iumi, and no needim advaes blo Jehovah lo Bible. Nomata taem iumi mas kwiktaem disaedem samting, iumi shud no wari tumas and depend lo Jehovah, and hem bae helpem iumi for disaedem stret samting.

Lukim paragraf 15 *

15. Wanem nao hem gud for duim taem iumi ­readim Bible?

15 (4Baeheartim olketa Bible verse. Taem iumi readim olketa Bible verse wea showimaot hem important for no wari tumas and trustim Jehovah, trae for baeheartim olketa verse hia. Wanfala wei for duim datwan hem for readim big olketa verse, or raetem lo wanfala buk and evritaem readim moa olketa verse hia. Jehovah talem Joshua for evritaem readim buk blo Law mekem hem disaedem olketa stret samting. Wanem hem readim lo Law helpem hem for no fraet for mekem olketa disison wea affectim olketa Israelite. (Josua 1:8, 9) Staka verse lo Bible savve helpem iumi for no wari tumas taem samting happen wea savve mekem iumi fraet or wari.​—Sams 27:1-3; Provebs 3:25, 26.

Lukim paragraf 16 *

16. Hao nao Jehovah iusim olketa brata and sista for helpem iumi for no wari tumas and trustim hem?

16 (5Spendem taem witim pipol blo God. Jehovah iusim olketa brata and sista for helpem iumi for no wari tumas and trustim hem. Lo olketa meeting iumi kasem gud samting from olketa tok, olketa koment blo olketa brata and sista, and taem iumi story witim olketa bifor and bihaen lo meeting. (Heb. 10:24, 25) Nara samting, taem iumi storyim samting iumi warim lo olketa fren blo iumi lo kongregeson, datwan savve helpem iumi. Taem olketa talem olketa “gud toktok” for iumi, datwan bae mekem iumi for no wari tumas.​—Provebs 12:25.

Lukim paragraf 17 *

17. Olsem Hebrew 6:19 storyim, hao nao hope blo iumi mekem iumi stedy taem iumi kasem hard taem?

17 (6Garem strongfala hope. Hope wea iumi garem “hem olsem wanfala anka for laef bilong iumi” wea mekem iumi stedy taem iumi kasem hard taem or warim samting. (Readim Hebrew 6:19.) Hem gud for tingim olketa promis blo Jehovah for future. Lo datfala taem bae iumi no warim eni samting. (Aesaea 65:17) Tingim taem iu lo niu world and no eni nogud samting hem happen. (Maeka 4:4) Bae iumi strongim hope blo iumi taem iumi storyim diswan lo nara pipol, so iumi shud busy lo preaching waka and helpem pipol for kamap disaepol. Taem iumi duim datwan, “diswan bae mekem [iumi] barava biliv strong long datfala hope go kasem end.”​—Heb. 6:11.

18. Wanem nao bae iumi feisim, and hao nao iumi savve deal witim datwan?

18 From world hem klosap for finis, bae iumi feisim staka problem wea savve mekem iumi wari. Yeartext blo iumi for 2021 bae helpem iumi for deal witim olketa problem hia mekem iumi no wari tumas and for trustim Jehovah for strongim iumi. Lo disfala year 2021, iumi laek for showimaot iumi garem faith lo wanem Jehovah talem. Hem sei: ‘Sapos yufala trastem mi an stap kuaet, bae mi mekem yufala strong.’​Aesaea 30:15.

SONG 8 Jehovah Nao Sef Ples

^ par. 5 Yeartext blo iumi for 2021 showimaot hem important for trustim Jehovah taem iumi deal witim olketa problem wea mekem iumi wari. Disfala article bae storyim wanem iumi savve duim for followim advaes lo yeartext.

^ par. 5 Samfala brata and sista distaem barava stress (or maet garem panic attack). Diswan hem olsem wanfala sik wea difren from kaen wari wea Jesus storyim.

^ par. 63 PIKSA: (1) Olketa difren taem lo day, sista prea abaotem olketa samting wea hem warim.

^ par. 65 PIKSA: (2) Taem hem kaikai hem readim Bible for lukaotem wisdom blo God.

^ par. 67 PIKSA: (3) Hem readim and ting raonem samfala gud and nogud example lo Bible.

^ par. 69 PIKSA: (4) Hem raetem scripture wea hem laek baeheartim and putim lo ples wea hem evritaem lukim.

^ par. 71 PIKSA: (5) Hem hapi for spendem taem witim nara sista lo ministry.

^ par. 73 PIKSA: (6) Hem strongim hope blo hem taem hem ting raonem niu world.