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Wanem Nao Iumi Lanem From Olketa Taem wea Jesus Hem Krae?

Wanem Nao Iumi Lanem From Olketa Taem wea Jesus Hem Krae?

“Jesus hem krae nao.”​—JOHN 11:35.

SONG 17 “Mi Laek Duim Datwan”


1-3. Wanem nao samfala samting wea savve mekem pipol blo Jehovah for krae?

 MAET iumi krae bikos lo wanfala hapi samting, bat staka taem iumi krae bikos iumi sorre. Olsem example, maet iumi krae taem samwan wea iumi lovem hem dae. Lorilei, wanfala sista lo United States sei: “Taem mi tingim dota blo mi wea dae, datwan savve mekem mi sorre tumas and krae, and no eni samting savve comfortim mi. Hem olsem heart blo mi hem barava pisis nao.” *

2 Olketa nara samting tu savve mekem iumi for krae. Hiromi, wanfala pioneer sista lo Japan sei: “Samfala taem mi sorre bikos pipol wea mi preach lo olketa no interest. Eye blo mi savve fulap lo tias taem mi prea lo Jehovah, and mi savve askem hem for helpem mi faendem samwan wea laek savve lo truth.”

3 Maet samfala taem iumi feel olsem tufala sista hia. (1 Pet. 5:9) From iumi worshipim Jehovah iumi laek “gohed fo hapi,” bat maet iumi sorre and krae bikos samwan hem dae, iumi discourage, or iumi kasem hard taem wea testim faith blo iumi. (Sams 6:6; 100:2) Sapos eni samting olsem mekem iumi sorre, wanem nao savve helpem iumi?

4. Wanem nao bae iumi storyim lo disfala article?

4 Example blo Jesus savve helpem iumi. Jesus tu kasem olketa hard samting wea mekem hem for sorre and krae. (John 11:35; Luke 19:41; 22:44; Heb. 5:7) Bae iumi storyim olketa taem wea Jesus krae wea bae teachim iumi samting abaotem Jesus and Dadi blo hem Jehovah. Iumi bae storyim tu hao for deal witim olketa hard samting wea savve mekem iumi for sorre.


Olsem Jesus, iumi comfortim olketa wea sorre (Lukim paragraf 5-9) *

5. Wanem nao iumi lanem abaotem Jesus from John 11:32-36?

5 Lo winter blo 32 C.E., Lazarus, gud fren blo Jesus, hem sik and gogo hem dae. (John 11:3, 14) Lazarus garem tufala sista, Mary and Martha, and Jesus lovem thrifala hia. Mary and Martha sorre tumas from brata blo tufala hem dae. No longtaem bihaen datwan, Jesus kam lo Bethany, vilij blo Mary and Martha. Taem Martha herem Jesus kakam followim road, hem ran go for meetim Jesus, and from hem barava sorre hem sei: “Lord, sapos iu long hia, hard for brata bilong mi dae.” (John 11:21) Taem Jesus lukim Mary and olketa narawan krae, “hem krae nao.”​—Readim John 11:32-36.

6. Why nao Jesus krae?

6 Why nao Jesus krae? Insight on the Scriptures sei: “Jesus ‘barava sorre and krae’ from fren blo hem Lazarus hem dae and from hem lukim tufala sista blo Lazarus sorre tumas.” * Maet Jesus tingim tu hao Lazarus kasem bigfala pain taem hem sik, and hem tingim feeling blo Lazarus taem Lazarus luksavve hem gogo for dae. Sapos fren or famili member blo iumi hem dae, masbi iumi garem semkaen feeling olsem Jesus. Bae iumi storyim thrifala samting iumi savve lanem from Jesus.

7. From Jesus krae for olketa fren blo hem, wanem nao datwan showimaot abaotem Jehovah?

7 Jehovah minim feeling blo iumi. Jesus “barava olsem” Dadi blo hem. (Heb. 1:3) Jesus krae taem Lazarus hem dae, and datwan showimaot Jehovah garem sem feeling tu taem samwan hem dae. (John 14:9) Sapos samwan wea iumi lovem hem dae, iumi savve sure Jehovah hem tingim and sorre lo iumi, and hem laek for helpem iumi.​—Sams 34:18; 147:3.

8. Why nao iumi sure Jesus bae resurrectim olketa wea dae finis?

8 Jesus laekem tumas for resurrectim olketa wea iumi lovem wea dae. Bifor Jesus hem krae, hem sei lo Martha: “Brata bilong iu bae laef bak,” and Martha bilivim Jesus. (John 11:23-27) Masbi Martha savve abaotem olketa resurrection wea Elijah and Elisha duim staka handred year go finis. (Fas King 17:17-24; Mektu King 4:32-37) And masbi Martha herem story abaotem olketa wea Jesus resurrectim. (Luke 7:11-15; 8:41, 42, 49-56) Iumi tu savve sure bae iumi lukim moa olketa wea iumi lovem wea dae finis. From Jesus hem krae witim olketa fren blo hem wea sorre, datwan showimaot Jesus laekem tumas for resurrectim olketa wea dae!

9. Olsem Jesus, hao nao iumi savve comfortim olketa wea sorre? Storyim example.

9 Iumi savve comfortim olketa wea sorre taem samwan olketa lovem hem dae. Jesus krae witim Martha and Mary, and hem lisin and comfortim tufala. Iumi tu savve comfortim olketa wea sorre. Dan, wanfala elder wea stap lo Australia sei: “Bihaen waef blo mi dae, mi barava needim olketa narawan for comfortim mi. Samfala fren blo mi barava willing for lisin lo mi taem mi krae and storyim feeling blo mi, nomata lo daytaem or lo naet. Olketa helpem mi tu lo olketa nara samting, olsem for wasim car blo mi, shopping, and kuki for mi. And staka taem olketa prea witim mi tu. Olketa nao trufala fren wea redi for ‘helpem mi long hadtaem’ wea kasem mi.”​—Provebs 17:17.


10. Olsem Luke 19:36-40 storyim, wanem nao hapi samting wea happen?

10 Jesus kasem Jerusalem lo Nisan 9, 33 C.E. Taem hem kakam followim road, pipol gohed putim samfala kaleko lo road for showimaot olketa acceptim hem for kamap King blo olketa. Datwan hem hapi samting. (Readim Luke 19:36-40.) So olketa disaepol no expectim wanem hem happen bihaen datwan. Bible sei: “Taem [Jesus] klosap kasem Jerusalem, hem lukim datfala taon and hem krae nao.” Eye blo Jesus fulap lo tias taem hem story abaotem olketa nogud samting wea bae happen lo Jerusalem.​—Luke 19:41-44.

11. Why nao Jesus sorre and krae for pipol wea stap lo Jerusalem?

11 Jesus hem sorre bikos nomata pipol hia hapi for welkamim hem, hem savve staka Jew showimaot finis hao olketa bae no acceptim message blo Kingdom. From datwan, gogo olketa enemy distroem Jerusalem and olketa Jew wea laef bihaen datwan kamap slave. (Luke 21:20-24) Olsem Jesus profesi abaotem, klosap evri Jew rejectim hem. Waswe, pipol lo ples wea iumi stap laek for herem message abaotem Kingdom? Sapos staka no interest, wanem nao iumi savve lanem from taem Jesus hem sorre and krae for olketa Jew? Bae iumi storyim thrifala samting wea iumi savve lanem.

12. Taem Jesus krae for olketa Jew, wanem nao datwan showimaot abaotem Jehovah?

12 Jehovah lovem pipol. Taem Jesus krae for olketa Jew, datwan helpem iumi for luksavve Jehovah lovem pipol. Bible sei: “[Jehovah] no laekem eniwan for dae bat hem laekem evriwan for garem chance for repent.” (2 Pet. 3:9) Iumi savve showimaot iumi lovem pipol wea iumi preach lo olketa taem iumi duim best for helpem olketa for savve lo gud nius abaotem Kingdom.​—Matt. 22:39.

Olsem Jesus, hem gud for changem taem wea iumi preach (Lukim paragraf 13-14) *

13-14. Hao nao Jesus showimaot hem lovem pipol, and hao nao iumi savve followim example blo hem?

13 Jesus waka hard lo ministry. Jesus showimaot hem lovem pipol from hem laek for iusim evri chance for teachim olketa. (Luke 19:47, 48) Jesus duim datwan bikos hem tingim pipol. Olsem example, samfala taem from staka pipol laek for lisin lo Jesus and olketa disaepol blo hem, gogo olketa “no savve kaikai nao.” (Mark 3:20) And tu, Jesus willing for story witim pipol lo taem wea fitim olketa, olsem taem wanfala man kam for story witim hem lo naet. (John 3:1, 2) Jesus mek sure evriwan herem message blo hem nomata staka no kamap disaepol blo hem. Iumi tu laek for iusim evri chance for talemaot gud nius lo pipol. (Acts 10:42) For duim datwan, maet iumi need for changem schedule blo iumi.

14 Iumi mas willing for changem schedule. Sapos iumi no traem olketa difren taem for preach, maet iumi no meetim pipol wea interest lo gud nius. Matilda, wanfala pioneer sei: “Mi and hasband blo mi trae for preach lo pipol lo olketa difren taem. Lo early morning, mifala duim bisnis territory. Lo lunch taem, mifala duim trolley witnessing bikos staka pipol lo street. And lo evening, mifala duim haos-tu-haos from mifala savve meetim staka pipol.” Iumi shud willing for changem schedule blo iumi for preach lo taem wea iumi savve meetim pipol. Sapos iumi duim datwan, iumi savve sure Jehovah bae hapi lo iumi.


Olsem Jesus, prea strong lo Jehovah taem iumi kasem hard samting (Lukim paragraf 15-17) *

15. Olsem Luke 22:39-44 storyim, wanem nao happen lo naet wea Jesus hem dae?

15 Lo naet blo Nisan 14, 33 C.E, Jesus go lo garden blo Gethsemane and prea lo Jehovah for talemaot feeling blo hem. (Readim Luke 22:39-44.) Lo datfala taem Jesus “prea strong” and “hem prea big and hem krae tu.” (Heb. 5:7) Wanem nao Jesus prea abaotem bifor hem dae? Hem askem Jehovah for strongim hem for gohed faithful and for duim wanem God laekem. Jehovah herem prea blo Son blo hem and sendem wanfala angel for strongim Jesus.

16. Why nao Jesus krae taem hem prea lo garden blo Gethsemane?

16 Luk olsem Jesus krae taem hem prea lo garden blo Gethsemane bikos hem tingim nem blo Dadi blo hem, and hem wari nogud pipol bae tingse hem no respectim nem blo God. Hem luksavve tu hem garem responsibility for mekhae lo nem blo Dadi blo hem. Sapos iumi kasem hard taem wea testim faith blo iumi, wanem nao iumi savve lanem from Jesus hem krae taem hem prea? Bae iumi storyim thrifala samting wea iumi savve lanem.

17. From Jehovah ansarem prea blo Jesus, wanem nao iumi lanem abaotem Jehovah?

17 Jehovah herem olketa prea blo iumi. Jehovah ansarem prea blo Jesus. Why nao olsem? Bikos Jesus barava laek for faithful lo Dadi blo hem and for mekhae lo nem blo Hem. Sapos iumi prea lo Jehovah for helpem iumi from iumi laek for faithful and for mekhae lo nem blo hem, bae hem ansarem olketa prea blo iumi.—Sams 145:18, 19.

18. Wanem nao showimaot Jesus hem fren wea kaen and minim feeling blo iumi?

18 Jesus minim feeling blo Iumi. Taem iumi barava wari bae iumi hapi for kasem comfort from wanfala fren wea kaen and minim feeling blo iumi. Jesus hem datkaen fren. Taem iumi wikdaon and needim help, hem minim iumi bikos hem tu kasem datwan. Hem minim feeling blo iumi, and hem bae mek sure iumi kasem help lo “taem iumi needim.” (Heb. 4:15, 16) Olsem Jesus hem acceptim help from wanfala angel lo garden blo Gethsemane, iumi tu laek for acceptim help wea Jehovah provaedem. Maet hem iusim wanfala pablikeson, video, tok, or maet wanfala elder or nara brata or sista kam encouragem iumi.

19. Wanem nao savve helpem iumi sapos iumi kasem hard taem wea testim faith blo iumi? Storyim example.

19 Jehovah bae givim iumi “peace bilong God.” Taem iumi prea lo Jehovah, hem bae strongim iumi from hem givim iumi “peace bilong God wea winim nao wanem man savve minim.” (Phil. 4:6, 7) Peace wea iumi kasem from Jehovah bae helpem iumi for garem stretfala tingting. Wanfala sista wea nem blo hem Luz experiencem datwan. Hem sei: “Staka taem mi savve feel lonely. Datwan savve mekem mi for tingse Jehovah no lovem mi. Taem mi start for garem tingting olsem, stretawe mi storyim feeling blo mi lo Jehovah. Prea helpem mi for garem stretfala tingting.” Experience blo Luz showimaot prea savve helpem iumi for garem peace.

20. Wanem nao iumi lanem from thrifala taem wea Jesus hem krae?

20 Olketa samting wea iumi lanem from thrifala taem wea Jesus hem krae barava comfortim and helpem iumi! Iumi lanem hao iumi savve helpem olketa fren blo iumi wea sorre, and for trustim Jehovah and Jesus for helpem iumi taem samwan wea iumi lovem hem dae. Iumi lanem tu hao Jehovah God and Jesus Christ lovem and tingim pipol, and from iumi tingim pipol tu iumi laek for preach and teachim olketa. And iumi kasem comfort tu from iumi savve Jehovah and Son blo hem minim feeling blo iumi, kaen lo iumi, and laek for helpem iumi for no givap. Iumi laek for followim wanem iumi lanem go kasem taem promis blo Jehovah for “draem evri tias long eye bilong [iumi]” hem kamap tru!​—Rev. 21:4.

SONG 120 Hambol Olsem Christ

^ Bible storyim hao samfala taem samting mekem Jesus for sorre and krae. Lo disfala article, bae iumi storyim thrifala taem wea Jesus krae and wanem iumi savve lanem from datwan.

^ Mifala changem samfala nem.

^ PIKSA: Jesus sorre lo Mary and Martha and hem comfortim tufala. Iumi tu laek comfortim pipol taem samwan wea olketa lovem hem dae.

^ PIKSA: Jesus willing for preach lo Nicodemus lo naet. Iumi laek for studyim Bible witim pipol lo taem wea fitim olketa.

^ PIKSA: Jesus prea lo Jehovah for strongim hem for gohed faithful. Hem important for prea taem iumi kasem hard taem.