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SONG 124 Faithful Evritaem

Jehovah Bae Helpem Iumi Taem Iumi Kasem Hard Taem

Jehovah Bae Helpem Iumi Taem Iumi Kasem Hard Taem

“God [bae] . . . mekem iufala barava strong.”1 PET. 5:10


Bae iumi storyim wat iumi savve duim for kasem gud samting from help blo Jehovah taem iumi kasem hard taem.

1-2. Wat nao samfala challenge wea maet olketa wea faithful for worshipim Jehovah kasem?

 IF BARAVA nogud samting happen lo iumi, kwiktaem nomoa laef blo iumi savve barava change. For example, wanfala faithful brata wea nem blo hem Luis a faendaot hem garem cancer. Doctor talem hao hem garem tu-thri month nomoa for laef. Monika and hasband blo hem barava busy lo olketa spiritual activity. Then wanday, Monika faendaot hasband blo hem, wea hem wanfala elder, bin garem dabol laef for staka year finis. Wanfala singol sista wea nem blo hem Olivia, mas evacuate from haos blo hem and ranawe bikos wanfala big cyclone hem kam. Taem hem kam bak, hem lukim hao cyclone hia distroem haos blo hem. Insaed short taem nomoa, laef blo Luis, Monika, and Olivia hem barava change nao. Waswe, iu bin experiencem eni nogud samting wea kwiktaem nomoa mekem laef blo iu for barava change?

2 Nomata iumi faithful for worshipim Jehovah, iumi evriwan still savve kasem olketa hard taem and sik, olsem evri nara pipol tu. And tu, maet olketa wea heitim pipol blo God againstim or persecutim iumi. Jehovah no stopem olketa hard taem olsem for kasem iumi, bat hem promis for helpem iumi. (Isa. 41:10) Witim help blo God, nomata iumi feisim olketa situation wea barava hard, iumi savve gohed for hapi, mekem olketa gud disison, and gohed for loyal lo hem. Lo disfala article, bae iumi storyim fofala samting wea Jehovah duim for helpem iumi taem iumi feisim wanfala barava hard taem. Bae iumi storyim tu wat iumi savve duim for kasem gud samting from help blo Jehovah.


3. Taem iumi kasem barava nogud samting, wat nao maet iumi faendem hard for duim?

3 Challenge. Taem iumi kasem wanfala barava nogud samting, maet iumi faendem hard for tingting gud and mekem olketa disison. Why nao olsem? Bikos maet iumi sorre tumas. Maet iumi wari fogud. Maet iumi feel olsem iumi go thru lo wanfala fog and no sure which direction for followim. Hem nao feeling blo tufala sista wea iumi storyim finis. Olivia sei: “Bihaen cyclone distroem haos blo mi, mi barava konfius and no savve wat for duim.” Monika sei olsem abaotem hasband blo hem wea no faithful: “Heart blo mi hem pain tumas. Hem barava hard for mi duim olketa normal samting wea mi savve duim evriday. Mi barava no expectim diswan for happen.” Wat nao Jehovah promis for duim for helpem iumi taem iumi feel olsem iumi no wei nao?

4. Olsem Philippi 4:​6, 7 storyim, wat nao Jehovah promis for givim lo iumi?

4 Wat Jehovah duim. Hem promis for givim iumi, wat Bible kolem “peace bilong God.” (Readim Philippi 4:​6, 7.) Diswan minim iumi garem peace lo mind and heart blo iumi. Iumi only garem disfala peace bikos iumi fren klos witim hem. Disfala peace hem “winim wanem man savve minim [or tingim],” wea minim hem barava spesol feeling wea man savve imaginim. Waswe, enitaem iu barava prea strong lo Jehovah and bihaen iu sapraes iu barava garem peace lo heart and mind blo iu? Iumi feel olsem bikos Jehovah givim iumi “peace bilong hem.”

5. Hao nao peace blo God savve gaedem heart and tingting blo iumi?

5 Lo Philippi 4:​7, hem sei hao peace blo God “bae gaedem” or protectim “heart and tingting bilong iufala.” Greek word for “gaedem,” hem wanfala toktok wea olketa iusim for storyim olketa soldia wea gaedem wanfala city mekem olketa enemy no attakim. Pipol wea stap lo city wea olketa gaedem, feel sef and garem peace bikos olketa savve olketa soldia protectim olketa. Lo sem wei tu, taem peace blo God gaedem heart and tingting blo iumi, iumi garem peace bikos iumi feel sef. (Ps. 4:8) Olsem Hannah, nomata situation blo iumi hem no change stretawe, iumi still savve garem peace. (1 Sam. 1:​16-18) And taem iumi garem peace, staka taem datwan savve helpem iumi for tingting gud and for mekem olketa wise disison.

Gohed for prea go kasem taem iu feelim “peace bilong God” hem gaedem heart and tingting bilong iu (Lukim paragraf 4-6)

6. Wat nao iumi savve duim for kasem gud samting from peace blo God? (Lukim tu piksa.)

6 Wat iumi need for duim. Olsem pipol insaed city savve askem soldia for protectim olketa taem olketa insaed trabol, iumi tu savve askem Jehovah for help. Hao nao iumi savve duim datwan? Gohed prea lo Jehovah go kasem taem iu feelim peace blo God. (Luke 11:9; 1 Thess. 5:17) Luis wea iumi storyim finis, talem samting wea helpem hem and waef blo hem, Ana, taem tufala faendaot hem garem tu-thri month nomoa for laef. Hem sei: “Lo taem olsem, hem barava hard for mekem olketa disison abaotem health and olketa nara samting. Bat mitufala garem peace during lo disfala hard taem only bikos lo prea.” Luis and waef blo hem sei, tufala prea strong and prea staka taem lo Jehovah for helpem tufala for garem peace lo mind and heart, and for givim tufala wisdom for mekem gud disison. And tufala experiencem help blo Jehovah. If iu feisim wanfala hard taem, gohed for prea, and bae iu feelim peace blo Jehovah hem gaedem heart and tingting blo iu.—Rome 12:12.


7. Taem iumi kasem hard taem, hao nao datwan savve affectim iumi?

7 Challenge. Taem iumi kasem wanfala hard taem, maet feeling, tingting, and wat iumi duim hem no balance olsem bifor. Olsem wanfala ship lo raf sea wea olketa wave bangam and no savve stedy, olketa negative feeling savve mekem iumi for no stedy. Ana wea iumi storyim finis sei, hem garem staka difren feeling afta Luis dae. Hem sei: “Samfala taem mi savve depress tumas, and sorre fogud lo miseleva. Mi savve kros tu bikos Luis nomoa nao.” Ana savve lonely and feel nogud tu bikos hem mas mekem olketa disison lo samfala samting wea Luis nao savve disaedem bifor. Samfala taem, hem feel olsem hem insaed lo raf sea. Taem iumi start for garem olketa feeling olsem, hao nao Jehovah helpem iumi?

8. Olsem 1 Peter 5:10 storyim, wat nao Jehovah promis for duim for iumi?

8 Wat Jehovah duim. Hem promis hao hem bae strongim iumi. (Readim 1 Peter 5:10.) Taem ship hem meetim wanfala storm lo sea, hem savve seksek fogud. For keepim ship stedy, staka ship garem stabilizer andanit lo ship lo each saed blo hem. Olketa stabilizer hia savve helpem ship for no rola tumas. Datwan mekem pipol lo ship for feel sef and comfortable. Bat, olketa stabilizer hia savve waka gud taem ship muv forward. Olsem tu, Jehovah bae strongim iumi for balance taem iumi gohed for faithful lo hem taem iumi kasem hard taem.

Iusim olketa research tul for strongim iu (Lukim paragraf 8-9)

9. Hao nao olketa research tul blo iumi savve helpem iu for gohed balance? (Lukim tu piksa.)

9 Wat iumi need for duim. Taem iu barava depress from iu garem olketa negative feeling, duim best for gohed duim olketa spiritual samting. Hem maet no isi for iu duim staka samting olsem bifor, bat tingim, Jehovah no expectim iu for duim staka samting winim wat iu fit for duim. (Comparem Luke 21:​1-4.) And tu, markem taem for duim personal study and ting raonem. Why nao olsem? Jehovah iusim organization blo hem for provaedem olketa naes article and video wea savve helpem iumi for balance taem iumi kasem hard taem. For faendem wat iu needim, duim research lo JW Library® app, Watch Tower Publications Index, and Research Index for Olketa Jehovah’s Witness. Monika wea iumi storyim finis sei taem hem start for garem olketa negative feeling, hem duim research lo olketa tul hia. For example, hem search for word “kros.” Lo olketa narataem, hem search for word “no faithful” or “loyal.” Then hem savve read go kasem taem hem feel gud. Monika sei: “Taem mi start for duim research, mi wari tumas. Bat taem mi gohed for read, mi feel olsem Jehovah givim mi wanfala big hag. Taem mi read, mi luksavve Jehovah minim evri feeling wea mi garem, and hem helpem mi.” Jehovah savve helpem iu tu for gohed kontrolem feeling blo iu go kasem taem iu feelim peace.—Ps. 119:​143, 144.


10. Hao nao iumi maet feel afta iumi kasem wanfala hard taem?

10 Challenge. If iumi kasem wanfala barava hard taem, maet samfala day iumi savve feel wikdaon and sorre tumas. Maet iumi feel olsem wanfala athlete wea ran fast tumas bat distaem hem injured and no savve wakabaot gud. Maet iumi stragol for duim olketa samting wea hem isi nomoa for iumi duim bifor, or maet iumi no garem feeling for laek duim olketa samting wea iumi bin enjoyim. Olsem Elijah, maet hem hard for iumi getap, bat laek for sleep nomoa. (1 Ki. 19:​5-7) Wat nao Jehovah promis for duim taem iumi wikdaon?

11. Wat nao Jehovah bae duim for iumi olsem Psalm 94:18 storyim?

11 Wat Jehovah duim. Hem promis for sapotim iumi. (Readim Psalm 94:18.) Olsem datfala injured athlete wea needim sapot for muv raon, iumi needim help for gohed duim waka blo Jehovah. Lo taem olsem, Jehovah promisim iumi: “Mi, Jehovah, God blo iu, mi hol strong lo raet hand blo iu, Mi nao Man wea sei lo iu, ‘Iu no fraet. Bae mi helpem iu.’” (Isa. 41:13) King David experiencem diswan. Taem hem feisim olketa hard taem and olketa enemy, hem sei lo Jehovah: “Raet hand blo iu sapotim mi.” (Ps. 18:​35, ftn.) Bat hao nao Jehovah sapotim iumi?

Acceptim help from famili blo iu, frens, and olketa elder (Lukim paragraf 11-13)

12. Taem iumi wikdaon, hu nao maet Jehovah iusim for helpem iumi?

12 Staka taem Jehovah sapotim iumi taem hem iusim olketa narawan for helpem iumi. For example, taem David barava discourage, fren blo hem Jonathan visitim hem for strongim and encouragem hem. (1 Sam. 23:​16, 17) And tu, Jehovah iusim Elisha for helpem Elijah. (1 Ki. 19:​16, 21; 2 Ki. 2:2) Distaem, Jehovah savve iusim olketa famili, frens, or olketa elder for sapotim iumi. Bat taem iumi barava depress, maet iumi no laek for stap witim olketa narawan and iumi laek stap seleva nomoa. Datwan hem normal samting. Wat nao iumi savve duim for kasem help blo Jehovah?

13. Wat nao iumi need for duim mekem iumi kasem gud samting from sapot blo Jehovah? (Lukim tu piksa.)

13 Wat iumi need for duim. Traem best for no garem feeling for laek stap seleva, bikos taem iumi stap seleva bae iumi tingim iumiseleva nomoa and olketa problem wea iumi kasem. And if iumi garem tingting olsem, bae iumi no mekem olketa best disison. (Prov. 18:1) Hem tru, iumi evriwan needim taem for stap seleva, especially taem iumi kasem wanfala barava hard situation. Bat if iumi duim olsem for longtaem, bae iumi rejectim help blo pipol wea Jehovah iusim for sapotim iumi. So nomata hem barava hard, hem gud for acceptim help from famili blo iu, frens, and olketa elder. Tingim dat Jehovah iusim olketa for sapotim iu.—Prov. 17:17; Isa. 32:​1, 2.


14. Wat nao samfala situation wea savve mekem iumi for fraet?

14 Challenge. Maet iumi feisim olketa situation wea mekem iumi for barava fraet. Bible storyim samfala faithful man bifor wea sei samfala taem olketa barava fraet bikos lo olketa enemy or from pressure wea olketa kasem. (Ps. 18:4; 55:​1, 5) Iumi tu maet kasem opposition lo skul, waka, from famili, or from gavman. Maet iumi fraet nogud iumi dae bikos iumi sik. Lo taem olsem, maet iumi feel olsem wanfala smol pikinini wea no savve duim eni samting. Hao nao Jehovah savve helpem iumi lo taem olsem?

15. Olsem Psalm 94:19 storyim, wat nao Jehovah bae duim for iumi?

15 Wat Jehovah duim. Hem savve comfortim iumi and mekem iumi garem peace lo mind. (Readim Psalm 94:19.) Disfala psalm maet mekem iumi for tingim wanfala smol gele wea fraet and no savve sleep bikos lo bigfala thunderstorm. Tingim, dadi blo hem kam lo hem, liftim hem, and karem hem lo arm blo hem gogo hem sleep. Nomata thunder still gohed, from dadi karem hem and comfortim hem, datwan mekem hem feel sef. Taem iumi kasem situation wea mekem iumi fraet tumas, olsem datfala smol gele hem needim dadi blo hem, iumi tu bae needim Dadi blo iumi, Jehovah, for helpem iumi go kasem taem iumi garem peace lo mind. Hao nao iumi savve kasem comfort olsem from Jehovah?

Lisin lo Dadi blo iu lo heven taem iu readim Bible and bae iu lukim hao hem comfortim iu (Lukim paragraf 15-16)

16. Wat nao iumi need for duim mekem iumi kasem comfort from Jehovah? (Lukim tu piksa.)

16 Wat iumi need for duim. Evritaem hem gud for spendem taem witim Jehovah lo wei for prea and readim Bible. (Ps. 77:​1, 12-14) If iu garem disfala habit, first samting wea iu savve duim taem iu stress, hem for luk lo Dadi blo iu lo heven for helpem iu. Storyim lo Jehovah wat iu fraetem and wari abaotem. Then lisin lo hem taem iu readim Bible and bae iu lukim hao hem comfortim iu. (Ps. 119:28) Maet for readim samfala chapter or Bible buk savve comfortim iu taem iu fraet. For example, maet iu faendem samfala naes encouragement taem iu readim Bible buk Job, Psalms, and Proverbs, and samfala toktok blo Jesus lo Matthew chapter 6. Taem iu prea lo Jehovah and readim Bible, iu bae kasem comfort from hem.

17. Wat nao iumi savve sure lo hem?

17 Iumi savve sure hao Jehovah bae evritaem helpem iumi taem iumi kasem hard taem. No enitaem bae Jehovah lusim iumi. (Ps. 23:4; 94:14) Jehovah promis for gaedem, strongim, sapotim, and comfortim iumi. Isaiah 26:3 hem story olsem abaotem Jehovah: “Iu bae protectim olketa wea barava depend lo iu. Peace wea iu givim lo olketa bae no savve finis, bikos olketa putim trust blo olketa lo iu.” So trustim Jehovah, and duim evri samting wea iu savve duim for kasem gud samting from help blo hem. If iu duim datwan, iu bae kasem bak strong blo iu nomata iu kasem hard taem.


  • Wat taem nao maet iumi barava needim help blo Jehovah?

  • Wat nao fofala wei wea Jehovah helpem iumi taem iumi kasem hard taem?

  • Wat nao iumi savve duim for kasem gud samting from help blo Jehovah?

SONG 12 Nambawan God, Jehovah

a Mifala changem samfala nem.