SONG 18 Thankiu for Ransom
Wat Nao Iumi Lanem From Ransom?
“Love wea God garem for iumi hem showaot.”—1 JOHN 4:9.
Disfala article bae teachim iumi hao ransom showimaot olketa naesfala quality blo Jehovah God and Jesus Christ.
1. Why nao hem gud for iumi attendim Memorial blo dae blo Jesus evri year?
TRU tumas, ransom hem wanfala spesol present! (2 Cor. 9:15) Iu savve garem klos frenship witim Jehovah God bikos Jesus sakrifaesim laef blo hem. Ransom hem mekem iu garem hope for kasem laef olowe tu. Dastawe iumi shud showimaot wei for tinghae lo datfala ransom and Jehovah, wea love nao muvim hem for provaedem datwan! (Rome 5:8) For helpem iumi for gohed showimaot thankiu and no ting smol lo ransom, Jesus startim datfala arrangement for evri year iumi rememberim dae blo hem.—Luke 22:19, 20.
2. Wat nao bae iumi discussim lo disfala article?
2 Lo disfala year, Memorial bae kamap lo Saturday, April 12, 2025. For sure, iumi evriwan bae plan for attend. Iumi bae kasem gud samting if during lo Memorial season iumi iusim datfala taem for ting raonem a wat Jehovah and Son blo hem duim for iumi. Lo disfala article, bae iumi storyim wat nao ransom teachim iumi abaotem Jehovah and Son blo hem. And next article bae helpem iumi for understandim hao iumi savve kasem gud samting from ransom and hao for iumi showimaot iumi tinghae lo datwan.
3. Hao nao dae blo wanfala man savve mekem staka million pipol kamap free from sin and dae? (Lukim tu piksa.)
3 Datfala ransom teachim iumi abaotem justice blo Jehovah. (Deut. 32:4) Hao nao olsem? Tingim: From Adam disobey, iumi inheritim sin wea lead go lo dae. (Rome 5:12) For mekem iumi kamap free from sin and dae, Jehovah arrange for Jesus provaedem datfala ransom. Bat hao nao sakrifaes blo wanfala perfect man savve mekem staka million pipol for kamap free? Aposol Paul sei: “From wanfala man [Adam] no obeyim God, diswan mekem staka pipol sin. Olsem tu, from wanfala man [Jesus] hem obeyim God, diswan bae mekem staka pipol raeteous.” (Rome 5:19; 1 Tim. 2:6) So iumi kamap slave lo sin and dae bikos wanfala perfect man hem disobey. Dastawe, for mekem iumi kamap free, iumi needim tu wanfala perfect man wea hem obey.
4. Why nao Jehovah no just letem olketa pikinini blo Adam wea obey for laef olowe?
4 Hao, Jesus really need for dae for sevem iumi? Why nao Jehovah no just disaed for letem nomoa olketa pikinini blo Adam wea obey for laef olowe? Iumi olketa imperfect man maet tingse hem stret nomoa for Jehovah duim datwan. Bat datwan hem no fitim perfect justice blo Jehovah. Bikos Jehovah hem God blo justice, hard tumas for hem chus for ignorem wei wea Adam hem disobey.
5. Why nao iumi savve sure Jehovah bae evritaem duim wat hem stret?
5 Wat if Jehovah no provaedem ransom and disaed for no followim justice, bat hem letem olketa pikinini blo Adam wea no perfect for gohed laef olowe? Datwan maet mekem pipol for ting, if God no followim justice lo disfala situation, maet bae hem no followim justice lo olketa nara samting tu. For example, hao, Jehovah bae keepim olketa promis blo hem tu? Iumi sure hem bae keepim. For followim justice, Jehovah willing for sakrifaesim Son blo hem wea hem lovem tumas nomata datwan mekem hemseleva safa, dastawe iumi sure hem bae evritaem duim wat hem stret.
6. Wat nao wanfala wei wea ransom showimaot love blo Jehovah? (1 John 4:9, 10)
6 Hem tru, ransom helpem iumi for understandim justice blo Jehovah, bat hem especially helpem iumi for minim hao big nao love blo Jehovah for iumi. (John 3:16; readim 1 John 4:9, 10.) Ransom showimaot Jehovah no just laekem iumi for kasem laef olowe bat for kamap part lo famili blo hem. Tingim: Taem Adam sin, Jehovah aotem hem from famili blo hem. From datwan, iumi evriwan born aotsaed lo famili blo God. Bat bikos lo ransom, Jehovah savve forgivim sin blo iumi and evriwan wea showimaot faith and obey bae kamap part lo famili blo hem lo future. Even distaem tu iumi savve garem klos wei for fren witim Jehovah and olketa brata and sista. Tru nao, Jehovah barava lovem iumi!—Rome 5:10, 11.
7. Hao nao wei wea Jesus safa helpem iumi for understandim love blo Jehovah for iumi?
7 For understandim gud love blo Jehovah for iumi, hem gud for ting raonem wat Jehovah go thru lo hem taem hem givim datfala ransom. Satan sei no eni servant blo God bae gohed faithful lo Jehovah taem olketa feisim olketa hard taem. So for pruvim datfala toktok hem no tru, Jehovah letem Jesus for safa bifor hem dae. (Job 2:1-5; 1 Pet. 2:21) Jehovah lukim taem olketa bigman blo religion tok spoelem Jesus, olketa soldia whipim hem nogud, and olketa nilam hem lo post. Then Jehovah watchim Son blo hem wea hem lovem tumas kasem bigfala pain and hem safa and dae. (Matt. 27:28-31, 39) Jehovah garem paoa for stopem datwan. For example, taem pipol wea againstim hem sei: “Sapos God hem hapi long hem, letem God nao sevem hem,” hem nating hard for Jehovah sevem Jesus lo datfala taem. (Matt. 27:42, 43) Bat if God duim datwan, bae no eniwan for peim ransom and iumi bae no garem eni hope. So Jehovah letem Son blo hem for gohed safa go kasem taem hem dae.
8. Hao, taem Jehovah lukim Son blo hem safa hem feelim pain tu? Explainim. (Lukim tu piksa.)
8 Nomata God hem Olmaeti, iumi shud no tingse hem no garem feeling. Jehovah creatim iumi lo image blo hem, and hem creatim iumi for garem feeling, so datwan minim hem tu garem feeling. Bible storyim hao hem savve “feel nogud” and “barava sorre.” (Ps. 78:40, 41) Tingim tu, experience blo Abraham and Isaac. Remember hao Jehovah komandim Abraham for sakrifaesim only son blo hem. (Gen. 22:9-12; Heb. 11:17-19) Imaginim wat nao feeling blo Abraham taem hem redi for killim dae Isaac witim naef. Then tingim bigfala pain wea Jehovah feelim taem hem lukim olketa man cruel and torturem son blo hem gogo hem dae!—Lukim lo datfala video Garem Sem Faith Olsem Olketa—Abraham, Part 2.
9. Hao nao Rome 8:32, 38, 39, helpem iu for understandim bigfala love blo Jehovah for iu and olketa brata and sista?
9 Ransom teachim iumi dat no eni klos relative or best fren blo iumi, hem lovem iumi olsem Jehovah. (Readim Rome 8:32, 38, 39.) Iumi sure Jehovah lovem iumi winim hao iumi lovem iumiseleva. Hao, iu laek for laef olowe? Jehovah laekem iu for kasem datwan winim hao iuseleva laekem. Hao, iu laek for kasem forgiveness for olketa sin blo iu? Jehovah barava laekem datwan even winim hao iuseleva laekem. Only samting wea hem askem iumi for duim, hem nao for acceptim datfala spesol present taem iumi showimaot faith and obey. Ransom hem barava spesol samting wea showimaot love blo God. And lo niu world, bae iumi lanem staka samting moa abaotem love blo Jehovah.—Eccl. 3:11.
10. (a) Why nao Jesus wari abaotem dae blo hem? (b) Hao nao Jesus barava kliarem nem blo Jehovah? (Lukim tu box “ Wei wea Jesus Faithful Hem Kliarem Nem blo Jehovah.”)
10 Jesus barava kea abaotem reputation blo Dadi blo hem. (John 14:31) Jesus barava sorre tumas taem hem tingim hao dae blo hem bae affectim nem blo Dadi blo hem, bikos pipol bae accusim hem and sei hem tok spoelem nem blo God and no loyal. Dastawe hem prea olsem: “Dadi bilong mi, sapos hem fitim, plis no mekem mi drink long disfala kap.” (Matt. 26:39) Taem Jesus gohed faithful lo Jehovah go kasem taem hem dae, datwan barava kliarem nem blo Dadi blo hem from eni blame.
11. Wat nao Jesus duim wea showim hem garem bigfala love for pipol? (John 13:1)
11 Datfala ransom teachim iumi tu abaotem bigfala love blo Jesus for pipol, especially for olketa disaepol blo hem. (Prov. 8:31; readim John 13:1.) For example, Jesus savve samfala samting lo ministry blo hem lo earth bae hem barava challenging, especially hao hem bae safa and dae. Nomata olsem, hem no letem datwan for affectim hem taem hem duim assignment blo hem lo earth. Instead, Jesus putim full heart blo hem lo preaching waka, and for teachim and helpem olketa narawan. Nomata lo day wea hem bae dae, Jesus willing for iusim taem blo hem for wasim feet blo olketa aposol, and encouragem and comfortim olketa. (John 13:12-15) Then nomata taem hem hange lo post, Jesus iusim datfala chance for givim hope lo wanfala criminal wea hange saed lo hem and talem John for lukaftarem mami blo hem. (Luke 23:42, 43; John 19:26, 27) Bigfala love blo Jesus showaot no lo dae blo hem nomoa, bat lo evri samting wea hem duim taem hem stap lo earth.
12. Wat kaen sakrifaes nao Jesus gohed for duim for iumi distaem?
12 Nomata Christ “dae wantaem nomoa,” hem still gohed for mekem staka difren sakrifaes for iumi distaem. (Rome 6:10) Wat nao hem duim? Hem gohed for givim taem and strong blo hem for helpem iumi kasem gud samting from ransom. Tingim wat Jesus gohed busy for duim distaem. Hem King blo iumi, Hae Priest, and hed blo kongregeson. (1 Cor. 15:25; Eph. 5:23; Heb. 2:17) Hem lukaftarem waka for hipimap olketa anointed wan and datfala big crowd, waka hia bae complete bifor end blo datfala big trabol. b (Matt. 25:32; Mark 13:27) Jesus helpem tu datfala faithful slave for gohed provaedem spiritual kaikai wea iumi needim lo olketa last day distaem. (Matt. 24:45) And during lo datfala Wan Thousand Year Rul blo hem, hem bae gohed for helpem iumi. Jehovah barava givim Son blo hem for iumi, for dae for iumi and duim staka nara samting for iumi!
13. Hao nao wei for ting raonem wat Jehovah and Jesus duim savve helpem iu for gohed lane abaotem love blo tufala for iumi?
13 Iu savve gohed lane abaotem bigfala love blo Jehovah God and Christ Jesus for iumi, if iu continue for ting raonem wat tufala duim for iumi. Maet during lo olketa week bifor or bihaen lo Memorial dis year, iu savve readim wanfala or samfala buk blo Gospel. No trae for readim staka chapter wantaem. Bat read slow and luk for samfala nara reason why iumi shud lovem Jehovah and Jesus. And tu, storyim olketa point wea iu faendem witim olketa narawan.
14. Olsem Psalm 119:97 and footnote storyim, hao nao wei for duim research savve helpem iumi for gohed lane abaotem ransom and olketa nara teaching? (Lukim tu piksa.)
14 If iu stap lo truth for staka year finis maet iu ting, ‘Hao, mi savve faendem eni niu point moa abaotem olketa subject wea mi savve finis lo hem olsem justice blo God, love blo hem, and datfala ransom?’ Tru samting nao, bae iumi evritaem lanem olketa niu point abaotem olketa topic hia and olketa nara topic. Wat nao savve helpem iu for faendem olketa niu point? Hem gud for mekius lo olketa information wea stap lo olketa pablikeson blo iumi. Taem iu kam akrosim wanfala point wea iu no understandim, duim moa research. Then afta, gohed ting raonem wat iu faendem lo research blo iu and wat iu lanem abaotem Jehovah and Son blo hem, and love blo tufala for iu.—Readim Psalm 119:97 and footnote.
15. Why nao iumi shud gohed faendem olketa Bible truth?
15 Taem iu readim Bible or duim research and iu no faendem eni niu point or eni interesting samting, no discourage. Ting lo iuseleva olsem samwan wea iusim wanfala pan for faendem gold. Olketa wea lukaotem gold savve spendem staka hour or day for wasim graon lo wata bifor olketa faendem even wanfala smol pis gold. Olketa no givap bikos evri smol pis gold hem garem hae value. Samting wea garem hae value winim gold hem olketa Bible truth! (Ps. 119:127; Prov. 8:10) So iu mas patient and followim gud Bible reading schedule blo iu.—Ps. 1:2.
16. Hao nao iumi savve followim example blo Jehovah and Jesus?
16 Taem iu study, ting raonem hao for followim wat iu lanem lo laef blo iu. For example, iu savve followim example blo Jehovah for showimaot justice taem iu no fevarem eniwan. Iu savve followim example blo Jesus for lovem Dadi blo hem and olketa narawan taem iu willing for safa bikos lo nem blo Jehovah, and taem iu helpem olketa brata and sista. And tu, iu savve followim example blo Jesus lo wei for witness lo olketa narawan mekem olketa tu garem chance for acceptim datfala spesol present from Jehovah, wea hem nao ransom.
17. Wat nao bae iumi discussim lo next article?
17 Taem iumi understandim gud and appreciatim ransom, bae iumi lovem go moa Jehovah and Son blo hem. From datwan, tufala bae barava lovem iumi tu. (John 14:21; Jas. 4:8) So iumi laek for iusim gud olketa samting wea Jehovah provaedem for helpem iumi gohed lane abaotem ransom. Lo next article, bae iumi discussim samfala gud samting wea iumi kasem from datfala ransom and wat iumi savve duim for tinghae lo love blo Jehovah.
SONG 107 God Showimaot Wei Bilong Love
a MINING BLO WANFALA TOKTOK: For “ting raonem” samting hem minim for mind hem focus lo wanfala subject and for ting abaotem olketa detail wea join witim datwan.
b Lo Ephesus 1:10, Paul mentionim wei for hipimap “evri samting long heven,” datwan hem difren from wei for hipimap olketa chosen wan wea Jesus storyim lo Matthew 24:31 and Mark 13:27. Wat Paul story abaotem hem taem wea Jehovah hem iusim holy spirit for anointim olketa wea hem chusim for rul witim Jesus lo heven. Wat Jesus storyim hem abaotem taem for hipimap olketa last anointed wan wea stap lo earth for go ap lo heven during lo big trabol.