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Kwestin From Reader

Kwestin From Reader

Waswe, hem fitim for olketa Christian garem gun, olsem pistol or rifle, for protectim olketa seleva?

Olketa Christian followim olketa Bible principle taem olketa disaed for protectim and defendim olketa seleva. Olketa principle hia showimaot hem no stret for olketa Christian iusim olketa weapon olsem pistol, rifle, or olketa narakaen gun for protectim olketa seleva from olketa narawan. Ting raonem olketa point hia:

Laef hem holy samting long Jehovah. David wea raetem psalm sei olsem abaotem Jehovah: “Iu nao givim laef.” (Ps. 36:9) So sapos wanfala Christian disaed for duim samting for defendim hemseleva or property bilong hem, hem bae mek sure for no duim eni samting wea bae mekem hem guilty long blood from hem killim dae wanfala man.—Deut. 22:8; Ps. 51:14.

Hem tru, eni samting wea man iusim for defendim hemseleva maet mekem hem for guilty long blood. Bat taem man hem garem gun, datwan mekem hem isi for hem killim dae man nomata sapos hem no min for duim datwan or hem min for duim. * And tu, man wea attakim iu maet fraet finis, so sapos hem lukim iu holem gun, samting wea happen maet kamap worse and eniwan long iutufala maet dae.

Taem Jesus talem olketa disaepol for tekem sword witim olketa long naet bifor hem dae, datwan hem no for protectim olketa. (Luke 22:36, 38) Bat Jesus laek for teachim olketa wanfala important leson. Olketa wea followim hem shud no faet nomata pipol kam witim olketa weapon for faetem olketa. (Luke 22:52) Bihaen Peter iusim sword for katemaot ear bilong wakaman bilong hae priest, Jesus tok strong long Peter and sei: “Leavim sword ia.” Then Jesus talem wanfala principle wea savve helpem tu olketa Christian distaem. Hem sei: “Eniwan wea iusim sword for killim dae narawan, bae olketa iusim sword for killim hem dae tu.”—Matt. 26:51, 52.

Olsem Micah 4:3 talem, pipol bilong God “hammerim sword for kamap hou and spia bilong olketa for kamap naef for katem tree.” Pipol savve olketa tru Christian laek for stap gud witim olketa narawan. Olketa followim komand wea God talem long aposol Paul, wea sei: “Sapos eniwan duim nogud samting long iufala, iufala no changem bak” and “traem best bilong iufala for stap gud witim olketa narawan.” (Rome 12:17, 18) Paul followim disfala komand taem hem kasem olketa hard taem, and taem laef bilong hem stap long danger from “olketa man for steal.” No enitaem hem duim samting againstim olketa Bible principle for trae protectim hemseleva. (2 Cor. 11:26) Bat Paul trustim God and hem luksavve olketa wise kaonsel wea stap long Bible “hem barava gud winim olketa weapon for faet.”—Eccl. 9:18.

Olketa Christian tingim laef hem important winim olketa material samting. Iumi savve “nomata man garem staka samting, evri samting hia no mekem hem laef.” (Luke 12:15) So sapos iumi trae for story isi witim man wea kam for steal wea garem gun, bat hem no laek herem iumi, iumi savve followim advaes bilong Jesus wea sei: “Sapos man hem tekem wanfala kaleko bilong iu, givim hem nara kaleko wea iu werem.” Diswan minim iumi savve letem hem for tekem wanem hem laekem. (Luke 6:29; Matt. 5:39, 40) * Iumi shud no duim eni samting wea bae mekem olketa criminal for spoelem iumi. Sapos iumi followim advaes long Bible for no “show-off witim samting wea [iumi] garem,” maet bae olketa no markem iumi. (1 John 2:16) Taem olketa neiba bilong iumi savve iumi stap gud witim olketa narawan, datwan savve protectim iumi.—Prov. 18:10.

Olketa Christian respectim konsens bilong olketa narawan. (Rome 14:21) Samfala brata and sista bae seke or stambol sapos olketa savve wanfala Christian hem garem gun for protectim hemseleva. Maet iumi garem raet for keepim gun, bat from iumi lovem olketa brata and sista bilong iumi, bae iumi no duim eni samting wea bae mekem olketa for stambol.—1 Cor. 10:32, 33; 13:4, 5.

Olketa Christian traem best for showimaot gudfala example. (2 Cor. 4:2; 1 Pet. 5:2, 3) Sapos wanfala Christian garem gun for protectim hemseleva from olketa narawan, olketa elder bae iusim Bible for helpem hem. Hem no showimaot gudfala example sapos hem disaed for keepim datfala gun. From datwan, hem bae no kasem eni waka or eni privilege insaed kongregeson. Diswan hem semsem tu witim wanfala Christian wea iusim gun long waka bilong hem. Hem bae gud sapos hem savve faendem nara waka. *

Christian seleva mas disaedem wanem for duim for protectim hemseleva, famili bilong hem, property bilong hem, and for disaedem wanem waka nao bae hem duim. Bat bifor hem disaedem olketa samting hia, hem shud tingim olketa Bible principle. God bilong iumi wea wise givim iumi olketa principle hia bikos hem lovem iumi. Dastawe olketa Christian wea fren gud witim Jehovah disaed for no keepim gun for protectim olketa seleva from olketa narawan. Olketa savve sapos olketa trustim God and followim olketa Bible principle, Jehovah bae protectim olketa for olowe.—Ps. 97:10; Prov. 1:33; 2:6, 7.

Long taem bilong bigfala trabol olketa Christian bae depend long Jehovah and no trae for defendim olketa seleva

^ par. 3 Wanfala Christian maet disaed for garem wanfala gun (olsem rifle or shotgun) for sutim olketa animal for kaikaim or for protectim hem from olketa wild animal. Bat taem hem no iusim, hem shud aotem bullet from datfala gun, or maet aotem olketa part bilong datfala gun, and lokim long wanfala ples. Long samfala kantri wea law no letem pipol for garem gun, or gavman tambuim, or kontrolem hu nao fit for garem gun, olketa Christian shud obeyim olketa law hia.—Rome 13:1.

^ par. 2 For savve moa abaotem hao for protectim iuseleva taem samwan laek for reipim iu, lukim article “How to Prevent Rape” long Awake! bilong March 8, 1993.

^ par. 4 For samfala moa information abaotem diswan, lukim Wastaoa bilong November 1, 2005 page 31, and The Watchtower bilong July 15, 1983, page 25-26.