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Krae Witim Olketa wea Krae

Krae Witim Olketa wea Krae

“Gohed for encouragem and strongim narawan.” —1 THESS. 5:11.

SONG: 121, 75

1, 2. Why nao hem important for iumi storyim hao for comfortim olketa wea sorre? (Lukim piksa long start bilong study.)

SUSI hem sei: “For samting olsem wan year bihaen boy bilong mitufala dae, mitufala gohed for feel sorre yet.” Bihaen waef bilong wanfala brata hem dae, datfala brata sei: “Pain wea mi kasem from mi sorre hem tumas nao.” Staka pipol kasem kaen samting olsem tu. Long kongregeson distaem, staka brata and sista no tingse samwan wea olketa lovem bae dae bifor Armageddon. Maet samwan wea iu lovem hem dae, or maet iu savve long eniwan wea sorre tumas from samwan wea hem lovem hem dae. Maet iu laek for savve, ‘Hao nao olketa wea feel sorre savve kasem comfort?’

2 Samfala pipol sei bihaen samfala taem hem go pas, bae iumi feel gud moa nomata iumi feel sorre. Bat waswe, hem savve happen olsem evritaem? Wanfala widow woman sei: “Mi faendemaot samting wea man duim long taem olsem nao savve barava helpem hem.” Taem man garekil, hem bae tek taem for datfala garekil kamap gud and hem mas lukaftarem datfala soa. Long sem wei tu, taem man hem feel sorre hem bae tek taem and hem needim help bilong olketa narawan. So wanem nao savve helpem olketa wea feel sorre?


3, 4. Why nao iumi sure Jehovah hem minim feeling bilong iumi taem iumi sorre?

3 Dadi bilong iumi, Jehovah, hem God wea kaen tumas, and hem main wan wea savve comfortim iumi. (Readim 2 Corinth 1:3, 4.) Hem nambawan example long wei for tingim feeling bilong pipol, and hem promisim pipol bilong hem olsem: “Mi nao datwan wea savve comfortim iu.”—Isa. 51:12; Ps. 119:50, 52, 76.

4 Dadi bilong iumi long heven tu hem lusim olketa wea hem lovem, olsem Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and King David taem olketa dae. (Num. 12:6-8; Matt. 22:31, 32; Acts 13:22) Bible storyim Jehovah barava luk forward long taem wea hem bae resurrectim olketa hia wea faithful long hem. (Job 14:14, 15) Long datfala taem, olketa bae hapi and garem gudfala health. Jehovah sorre tu taem firstborn Son bilong hem dae. Bible sei Jesus nao datwan wea God lovem tumas. (Prov. 8:22, 30) Hem hard for iumi minim feeling bilong Jehovah taem hem lukim pipol duim nogud samting long Son bilong hem gogo hem dae.—John 5:20; 10:17.

5, 6. Wanem nao Jehovah iusim for comfortim iumi?

5 Iumi barava sure Jehovah bae helpem iumi. So iumi shud evritaem prea long hem and talemaot feeling bilong iumi taem iumi sorre. Iumi hapi for savve Jehovah hem minim feeling bilong iumi, and hem savve givim iumi comfort wea iumi needim! Bat wanem nao Jehovah iusim for comfortim iumi?

6 Wanfala samting wea Jehovah iusim for comfortim iumi, hem nao holy spirit. (Acts 9:31) Jesus promisim hao Dadi bilong iumi long heven savve givim holy spirit long olketa wea askem hem for datwan. (Luke 11:13) Susi, wea iumi storyim finis, hem sei: “Staka taem mifala nildaon and prea long Jehovah for comfortim mifala. Long olketa taem olsem, peace bilong God hem gaedem heart and tingting bilong mifala.”—Readim Philippi 4:6, 7.


7, 8. Why nao iumi sure Jesus savve comfortim iumi?

7 Taem Jesus hem stap long earth, hem barava followim olketa gudfala wei bilong Dadi bilong hem long wanem hem talem and duim. (John 5:19) Jehovah sendem kam Jesus long earth for comfortim “olketa wea sorre.” (Isa. 61:1, 2; Luke 4:17-21) Olketa pipol luksavve Jesus minim feeling bilong olketa taem olketa safa and hem barava laek for helpem olketa.—Heb. 2:17.

8 Taem Jesus hem young, maet hem savve long samfala fren and samfala long famili bilong hem wea dae. Olsem example, luk olsem Joseph, dadi wea adoptim Jesus hem dae taem Jesus hem young nomoa. * So masbi Jesus hem sorre tumas taem Joseph hem dae. And hem sorre tu for lukim mami, olketa brata and sista bilong hem, olketa sorre tumas.

9. Wanem nao showimaot Jesus hem sorre taem Lazarus hem dae?

9 Taem Jesus duim ministry bilong hem, hem showimaot hem sorre long pipol and hem minim feeling bilong olketa. Olsem example, taem gudfala fren bilong hem Lazarus dae, Jesus hem barava sorre taem hem lukim Mary and Martha tufala sorre. Hem sorre gogo hem krae nao, nomata hem savve hem bae mekem Lazarus for laef bak.—John 11:33-36.

10. Hao nao iumi sure Jesus hem minim feeling bilong iumi?

10 Hao nao olketa samting wea Bible talem abaotem Jesus savve comfortim iumi distaem? Bible storyim Jesus no savve change. Hem sei: “Nomata long bifor or distaem or for olowe long future, Jesus Christ hem gohed semsem nomoa.” (Heb. 13:8) Bible sei Jesus hem “man wea God markem for givim laef long pipol,” bikos hem openem wei for iumi kasem laef olowe. Jesus seleva hem minim disfala feeling for sorre, so “hem savve helpem olketa wea kasem test.” (Acts 3:15; Heb. 2:10, 18) So iumi savve sure Jesus hem evritaem minim feeling bilong olketa wea sorre, and hem savve comfortim olketa long ‘taem wea olketa needim.’—Readim Hebrew 4:15, 16.


11. Olketa wanem scripture nao iu laekem wea savve comfortim iu?

11 Datfala scripture wea storyim Jesus hem barava sorre taem Lazarus hem dae, hem wanfala nomoa long staka scripture long Bible wea savve comfortim iumi. Diswan hem olsem bikos “evri samting wea olketa raetem bifor hem for teachim iumi. Hem givim iumi hope bikos olketa Holy Raeting hia helpem iumi for no givap and comfortim iumi.” (Rome 15:4) Sapos iu feel sorre bikos samwan hem dae, iu tu savve kasem comfort from olketa scripture olsem:

  • “Jehovah hem stap klosap long olketa wea safa and hem sevem olketa wea barava wikdaon.”—Ps. 34:18, 19.

  • “Taem mi wari abaotem staka samting, iu comfortim mi and mekem mi feel gud.”—Ps. 94:19.

  • “God wea hem Dadi bilong iumi hem lovem iumi, and from hem kaen tumas hem comfortim iumi for olowe and givim iumi hope. Mifala prea for hem and Lord bilong iumi Jesus Christ comfortim iufala and strongim iufala.”—2 Thess. 2:16, 17. *


12. Wanem nao iumi savve duim for comfortim olketa wea sorre?

12 Olketa brata and sista long kongregeson tu savve comfortim olketa wea sorre. (Readim 1 Thessalonica 5:11.) Wanem nao iumi savve duim for strongim and comfortim olketa wea “feel sorre”? (Prov. 17:22) Hem gud for tingim, “taem for stap kwaet and taem for toktok” hem stap. (Eccl. 3:7) Wanfala widow wea nem bilong hem Dalene sei hem important for olketa wea sorre talemaot tingting and feeling bilong olketa. Dastawe iumi mas barava lisin gud taem olketa talemaot tingting and feeling bilong olketa. Junia, wea brata bilong hem suisaed hem sei: “Nomata maet iu no barava minim feeling bilong olketa wea sorre, samting wea important nao iu showimaot iu laek for minim feeling bilong olketa.”

13. Wanem nao iumi shud tingim abaotem olketa wea feel sorre?

13 Hem gud for tingim, wei wea iumi showimaot feeling for sorre hem no semsem. Samfala taem hem no isi for iumi storyim feeling bilong iumi. Bible sei: “Taem man hem sorre, hemseleva nomoa savve long feeling bilong hem, and taem hem feel hapi, hemseleva tu savve long datwan.” (Prov. 14:10) Nomata taem samwan wea sorre talemaot feeling bilong hem, hem no isi for olketa narawan barava minim wanem hem talem.

14. Wanem nao iumi savve talem for comfortim olketa wea feel sorre?

14 Hem no isi for iumi savve long wanem for talem long samwan wea feel sorre. Bat Bible sei: “Toktok bilong olketa wea wise hem healim man.” (Prov. 12:18) Staka naesfala toktok for comfortim narawan hem stap long disfala brochure Taem Samwan wea Iu Lovem Hem Dae. * Staka taem hem gud for krae witim olketa wea krae. (Rome 12:15) Gaby, wea hasband bilong hem dae sei samfala taem hem krae, datwan nao wanfala wei for hem talemaot feeling bilong hem. Gaby sei: “Taem olketa fren bilong mi krae witim mi, datwan comfortim mi. Long taem olsem, mi feel olsem olketa narawan sorre witim mi.”

15. Sapos hem no isi for iumi talem toktok for comfortim samwan wea feel sorre, wanem nao iumi savve duim? (Lukim tu box “ Olketa Naesfala Toktok for Comfortim Narawan.”)

15 Sapos iu faendem hem no isi for talem toktok for comfortim samwan wea feel sorre, maet hem gud for iu raetem wanfala card, sendem e-mail, textim hem, or raetem leta long hem. Iu savve raetem toktok from wanfala scripture for comfortim hem, storyim naesfala wei bilong datwan wea dae, or gudfala taem wea iutufala garem tugeta. Junia sei: “Taem mi readim toktok wea encouragem mi, or mi kasem invitation for hipap witim olketa nara Christian, datwan barava helpem mi. Olketa samting hia mekem mi luksavve olketa narawan lovem and tingim mi.”

16. Wanem gud samting nao iumi savve duim for comfortim man wea feel sorre?

16 Olketa prea bilong iumi savve helpem olketa brata and sista wea feel sorre. Iumi savve prea for olketa or prea witim olketa. Nomata maet hem no isi from iumi feel olsem bae iumi krae taem iumi prea, bat datwan savve barava comfortim samwan wea feel sorre. Dalene sei: “Samfala taem olketa sista kam for comfortim mi, mi savve askem olketa for prea witim mi. Taem olketa start for prea hem no isi, bat gogo bihaen tu-thri toktok, voice bilong olketa start for strong moa and datfala prea barava comfortim mi. Wei wea olketa garem strongfala faith, showimaot love, and olketa tingim mi, hem barava strongim faith bilong mi.”


17-19. Why nao hem important for iumi gohed comfortim olketa wea sorre?

17 Iumi no barava savve hao long nao samwan savve gohed for feel sorre. Taem samwan hem dae, staka fren and relative savve stap for comfortim olketa wea sorre. Bat bihaen olketa go and busy witim laef bilong olketa, olketa wea sorre still needim comfort. So iumi mas redi evritaem for helpem olketa. Bible sei: “Gudfala fren hem showimaot love evritaem, and hem olsem brata wea iu savve depend long hem taem iu kasem hard taem.” (Prov. 17:17) Iumi mas gohed for comfortim olketa wea feel sorre long enitaem wea olketa needim iumi.—Readim 1 Thessalonica 3:7.

18 Tingim, man wea lusim samwan wea hem lovem savve feel sorre enitaem nomoa. Olsem example, olketa savve feel sorre long day bilong wedding anniversary, herem wanfala singsing, lukim olketa photo, duim samting wea olketa savve duim tugeta bifor, wanfala samting wea smel naes, eni saond, or olketa savve feel sorre taem olketa tingim samfala taem long year wea olketa savve duim samting tugeta. Hasband or waef wea marit partner hem dae, savve barava sorre tumas especially long firstfala year wea hem bae attendim assembly or Memorial seleva. Wanfala brata sei: “Mi savve firstfala wedding anniversary bihaen waef bilong mi hem dae bae hem no isi bikos bae mi sorre tumas. Bat samfala brata and sista planim smol hapitaem for mi and olketa fren mekem mi no feel sorre tumas long datfala day.”

19 Tingim, olketa wea feel sorre needim encouragement no long olketa taem olsem nomoa. Junia sei: “Taem olketa narawan helpem and associate witim samwan wea feel sorre, staka taem datwan savve barava helpem hem, nomata olketa no duim datwan long wanfala spesol day. Wei for duim olsem hem important and hem savve comfortim hem.” Hem tru, wanem iumi duim and talem no savve finisim wei wea olketa feel lonely or feel sorre, bat iumi savve comfortim olketa taem iumi duim samting for helpem olketa. (1 John 3:18) Gaby sei: “Mi barava thankiu long Jehovah for givim olketa elder for helpem mi long hard taem wea kasem mi. Wanem olketa duim helpem mi for luksavve Jehovah hem barava lovem mi.”

20. Hao nao olketa promis bilong Jehovah savve barava comfortim iumi?

20 Iumi hapi for savve Jehovah wea hem God wea givim iumi comfort, bae finisim wei for sorre taem hem mekem olketa wea dae for laef bak. (John 5:28, 29) God promisim hao “hem bae finisim dae for olowe, and Jehovah wea hem Lord bilong evri samting, bae draem tias long eye bilong evriwan.” (Isa. 25:8, footnote) Then long datfala taem, evriwan long earth bae no krae witim olketa wea krae, bat olketa bae hapi witim olketa wea hapi.—Rome 12:15.

^ par. 8 Bible storyim taem Jesus hem 12 year, Joseph hem laef yet. Bat start long taem wea Jesus duim firstfala mirakol for mekem wata kamap wine, Bible no storyim moa eni samting abaotem Joseph. Luk olsem long datfala taem, Joseph hem dae finis. And tu, taem Jesus hem hange long post hem talem aposol John for lukaftarem mami bilong hem. Hem bae no duim datwan sapos Joseph hem laef yet.—John 19:26, 27.

^ par. 14 Lukim tu article “Comfort the Bereaved, as Jesus Did” long The Watchtower bilong November 1, 2010.