Followim Example blo Jehovah for Flexible
“Showimaot long evriwan, iufala no ova tumas.”—PHIL. 4:5.
SONG 89 Lisin, Obey, and Kasem Blessing
1. Hao nao olketa Christian mas olsem wanfala tree? (Lukim tu piksa.)
“WIND no savve brekem tree wea isi for bend.” Disfala toktok showimaot samfala tree need for flexible or bend for grow gud. For gohed gud lo spiritual wei, olketa Christian mas flexible and redi for bend. Hao nao for flexible? Iumi mas flexible taem situation lo laef hem change and for respectim tingting and disison blo olketa narawan.
2. Olketa wanem wei nao savve helpem iumi for change fitim eni situation, and wat nao bae iumi storyim lo disfala article?
2 Iumi olketa servant blo Jehovah iumi laek for flexible. And tu, iumi laek for hambol and tingim narawan. Lo disfala article, bae iumi storyim hao olketa wei hia helpem samfala Christian for deal witim olketa situation wea kamap. Bae iumi lukim tu hao olketa wei hia savve helpem iumi. Bat firstaem, bae iumi storyim hao Jehovah and Jesus, showim perfect example lo wei for flexible.
3. Wat nao showimaot Jehovah hem flexible?
3 Bible sei Jehovah hem “Rock” bikos hem evritaem strong and stedy. (Deut. 32:4) Nomata olsem, hem flexible tu. Taem olketa samting lo disfala world gohed change, Jehovah gohed change tu mekem evri plan blo hem kamap tru. Jehovah creatim olketa human being lo image blo hem wea minim olketa savve change tu fitim eni situation. Hem provaedem olketa klia Bible principle wea savve helpem iumi for mekem olketa wise disison nomata iumi deal witim eni challenge. Example blo Jehovah and olketa Bible principle helpem iumi for luksavve hao nomata Jehovah hem “Rock,” hem flexible tu.
4. Storyim example wea showimaot Jehovah hem flexible. (Leviticus 5:7, 11)
4 Olketa wei blo Jehovah hem perfect and flexible. Hem no strict tumas taem hem deal witim olketa human being. For example, hem no ova tumas taem hem deal witim olketa Israelite. Hem no sei for evri Israelite mas givim sem sakrifaes nomata olketa rich or poor. Lo samfala situation, hem allowim each person for givim sakrifaes wea fitim situation blo hem.—Readim Leviticus 5:7, 11.
5. Storyim example wea showimaot Jehovah hambol and tingim narawan.
5 From Jehovah hambol and tingim narawan, hem flexible. For example, taem Jehovah redi for distroem nogud pipol lo Sodom, hem duim samting wea showim hem hambol. Jehovah sendem tufala angel for talem Lot for ranawe lo maunten. Bat Lot fraet for go lo there. So hem begim Jehovah for allowim hem and famili for ranawe go lo Zoar, wanfala smol taon wea Jehovah redi for distroem. Hem fitim for Jehovah insist for Lot mas followim instruction blo Hem. Bat, Jehovah letem Lot for ranawe go lo Zoar and no distroem datfala taon. (Gen. 19:18-22) Staka handred year bihaen, Jehovah tingim tu pipol lo Nineveh. Hem sendem profet Jonah for talemaot hao datfala city and nogud pipol lo there bae distroe. Bat taem pipol lo Nineveh repent, Jehovah sorre lo olketa and no distroem datfala city.—Jonah 3:1, 10; 4:10, 11.
6. Storyim samfala example wea showim Jesus followim wei blo Jehovah for flexible.
6 Jesus followim wei blo Jehovah for flexible. Hem kam lo earth for preach lo “pipol bilong Israel nomoa, wea olsem olketa sheepsheep wea lus.” Nomata olsem, hem flexible taem hem preach lo pipol. For example, wanfala woman wea no Jew begim Jesus for healim dota blo hem wea ‘demon barava spoelem.’ Jesus tingim woman hia and healim dota blo hem. (Matt. 15:21-28) Tingim nara example. Insaed lo ministry blo Jesus, hem sei: “Man wea talem . . . hem no disaepol bilong mi, mi bae talem . . . hem no disaepol bilong mi.” (Matt. 10:33) Bat waswe, Jesus rejectim Peter from Peter denyim hem thrifala taem? Nomoa. Jesus luksavve Peter repent and garem faith. Bihaen Jesus resurrect, hem appear lo Peter and masbi hem talem Peter hem forgivim hem and still lovem hem.—Luke 24:33, 34.
7. Olsem wanem Philippi 4:5 storyim, hao nao iumi laekem pipol for ting lo iumi?
7 Iumi lanem hao Jehovah God and Jesus Christ no ova tumas. Waswe lo iumi? Jehovah expectim iumi tu for olsem. (Readim Philippi 4:5.) Lo wanfala Bible, olketa transleitim disfala verse olsem: “Duim samting for pipol luksavve iu man wea no ova tumas.” Iumi savve askem iumiseleva: ‘Waswe, pipol luksavve mi man wea no ova tumas, willing for change, and acceptim tingting blo narawan? Or olketa ting mi man wea strict tumas, raf, or strong hed? Waswe, mi insist for olketa narawan followim wanem mi tingse hem stret? Or mi lisin lo olketa narawan and sapos fitim willing for followim wanem olketa tingim?’ Taem iumi barava followim example blo Jehovah and Jesus for flexible, datwan bae showaot klia lo hao iumi deal witim olketa narawan. Distaem bae iumi storyim tufala situation wea iumi need for showimaot iumi flexible: Taem situation blo iumi change, and taem tingting and disison blo olketa narawan no semsem witim iumi.
8. Wat nao savve helpem iumi taem situation blo iumi change? (Lukim tu footnote.)
8 Taem iumi no ova tumas, bae iumi flexible taem situation blo iumi change. Taem situation change, samfala hard taem wea iumi no expectim savve kamap. Maet seknomoa iumi feisim wanfala serious health problem. Or kwiktaem nomoa samting happen lo economy or politik lo kantri and hem barava affectim laef blo iumi. (Eccl. 9:11; 1 Cor. 7:31) Taem theocratic assignment blo iumi change, datwan tu savve testim iumi. Nomata wanem challenge iumi feisim, bae iumi change fitim datfala situation if iumi duim fofala samting hia: (1) acceptim niu situation blo iumi, (2) tingim wat iumi need for duim, (3) garem positive tingting, and (4) duim samting for helpem narawan. b Distaem bae iumi storyim samfala experience wea showim hao taem iumi duim fofala samting hia, hem savve helpem iumi.
9. Hao nao wanfala missionary couple deal witim wanfala situation wea tufala no expectim?
9 Acceptim niu situation. Emanuele and Francesca kasem assignment for missionary lo nara kantri. Taem tufala start for lanem datfala niu languis and setol lo kongregeson, COVID-19 pandemic hem start and tufala mas isolate. Then seknomoa mami blo Francesca dae. Francesca barava laek for go lo famili blo hem bat bikos lo pandemic hem hard for travel. Wat nao helpem hem for deal witim datfala hard situation? First, Emanuele and Francesca prea tugeta and ask for wisdom for deal witim each day and for no wari tumas. Jehovah ansarem prea blo tufala taem hem provaedem spiritual kaikai lo barava taem. For example, wanem wanfala brata talem lo video interview blo hem barava encouragem tufala, hem sei: “Taem iumi kwiktaem for acceptim niu situation blo iumi, bae iumi kwiktaem for hapi moa. And bae iumi mekius lo olketa chance wea kamap lo niu situation blo iumi.” c Second, tufala traem best for impruv lo telephone witnessing, and tufala startim wanfala Bible study. Third, tufala hapi for acceptim encouragement and sapot from olketa brata and sista lo there. Wanfala sista kaen tumas for sendem lo tufala short message witim scripture evriday for wanfala year. Taem iumi tu acceptim niu situation, bae iumi satisfae for gohed duim wat iumi fit for duim.
10. Hao nao wanfala sista change fitim niu situation blo hem?
10 Tingim wat iumi need for duim, and garem positive tingting. Christina, wanfala sista blo Romania wea stap lo Japan hem sorre taem English kongregeson wea hem joinim hem finis. Nomata olsem, hem no gohed for tingting tumas abaotem datwan. Bat hem disaed for gohed duim best blo hem for share lo ministry lo Japanese languis kongregeson. Hem askem wanfala workmate blo hem bifor for helpem hem impruv lo Japanese languis. Datfala woman agree for iusim Bible and Enjoyim Laef for Olowe! brochure for teachim languis lo Christina. Taem Christina duim datwan, hem impruv lo Japanese languis and woman hia tu start for interest lo truth. Taem iumi tingim wat iumi need for duim, and garem positive tingting, olketa change wea iumi no expectim bae kamap blessing for iumi.
11. Taem problem saed lo economy kamap, hao nao wanfala couple deal witim datwan?
11 Duim samting for helpem narawan. Wanfala couple wea stap lo wanfala kantri wea gavman banim waka blo iumi faendem hard taem saed lo selen taem economy lo datfala kantri hem collapse. Hao nao tufala change fitim datfala situation? First, tufala mekem laef simpol. Second, winim for just ting abaotem problem blo tufala seleva, olketa disaed for concentrate for busy for duim preaching waka for helpem olketa narawan. (Acts 20:35) Hasband sei, “Bikos mitufala spendem staka taem lo ministry, mifala no garem staka taem for ting abaotem olketa problem bat mitufala busy for duim wanem God laekem.” Taem situation blo iumi change, iumi mas tingim dat hem important tumas for gohed helpem olketa narawan, especially lo ministry.
12. Hao nao example blo Paul savve helpem iumi for flexible taem iumi duim ministry?
12 Iumi need for flexible lo ministry. Iumi savve meetim pipol wea garem olketa difren biliv, attitude, and difren baekgraon. Iumi savve lane from example blo aposol Paul for flexible. Jesus appointim Paul for duim waka olsem “aposol for preach long pipol wea no Jew.” (Rome 11:13) So Paul preach lo olketa Jew, Greek, educated pipol, pipol lo vilij, gavman offficial, and olketa king. So for message blo Paul kasem heart blo olketa difren pipol hia, Paul mas “change for fitim evri didifren kaen man.” (1 Cor. 9:19-23) Hem tingting abaotem culture, baekgraon, and biliv blo olketa and hem changem story for fitim olketa. Iumi tu savve impruv lo ministry if iumi flexible and change fitim each person wea iumi meetim lo ministry.
13. For showimaot iumi respectim tingting blo olketa narawan, wat nao 1 Corinth 8:9 sei iumi mas careful lo hem?
13 Taem iumi no ova tumas, datwan bae helpem iumi for respectim tingting blo olketa narawan. For example, samfala sista laek for mekap, bat samfala nomoa. Samfala Christian enjoy for drinkim alcohol lo balance wei, bat samfala disaed for no drinkim eni alcohol. Evri Christian laek for garem gud health, bat each wan savve chusim olketa difren medical treatment. If iumi tingse wanem iumi chusim nao hem best and promotim datwan lo olketa brata and sista, datwan maet mekem olketa stambol and savve divaedem kongregeson. Iumi barava no laek for duim datwan! (Readim 1 Corinth 8:9; 10:23, 24) Distaem bae iumi storyim tufala example wea showim taem iumi applyim olketa Bible principle, datwan savve helpem iumi for balance and keepim peace.
14. Olketa wanem Bible principle nao iumi need for tingim taem iumi mekem disison abaotem kaleko and hairstyle?
14 Kaleko and hairstyle. Instead for Jehovah putim olketa strict rul lo wat for werem, hem givim olketa Bible principle for iumi followim. Dressap blo iumi mas fitim wanfala servant blo God, iumi balance, showimaot respect, and garem “gudfala tingting.” (1 Tim. 2:9, 10; 1 Pet. 3:3) Dastawe iumi no dressap lo wei wea bae mekem pipol lukluk tumas lo iumi. And tu, olketa Bible principle bae helpem olketa elder for avoidim wei for mekem olketa rul abaotem kaleko and hairstyle. For example, olketa elder lo wanfala kongregeson laek for helpem samfala young brata wea copyim wanfala popular hairstyle wea short bat no luk neat. Hao nao olketa elder savve helpem olketa and lo semtaem no mekem rul? Circuit overseer advaesem olketa elder for talem olketa brata olsem, “If iu lo platform and audience busy tumas for lukluk lo kaleko and hairstyle blo iu and no concentrate lo wat iu storyim, datwan showim dressap blo iu hem no fitim.” Datfala simpol toktok hem solvem datfala issue and olketa no need for mekem eni rul. d
15. Olketa wanem law and principle nao gaedem iumi for mekem olketa disison saed lo health? (Rome 14:5)
15 Olketa disison saed lo health. Each Christian mas disaedem seleva hao for lukaftarem health blo hem. (Gal. 6:5) Nomata Bible no talem staka law abaotem health, tufala law wea Christian need for obeyim taem hem chusim medical treatment, hem nao for stap klia lo blood and spiritism. (Acts 15:20; Gal. 5:19, 20) Olketa nara samting saed lo health, man seleva savve disaedem. Samfala laekem treatment from olketa doctor or olketa lo medical nomoa, bat samfala acceptim tu olketa treatment olsem olketa hom medicine. Nomata which treatment nao iumi tingse hem best, iumi mas respectim raet blo olketa brata and sista abaotem eni disison blo olketa saed lo health. For helpem iumi, tingim fofala point hia: (1) Only Kingdom blo God nomoa savve finisim sik. (Isa. 33:24) (2) Each Christian “mas barava sure long” which treatment nao hem best for hem. (Readim Rome 14:5.) (3) No judgem olketa narawan or duim eni samting wea bae mekem olketa stambol. (Rome 14:13) (4) Olketa Christian showimaot love and tingim dat wei for wan mind lo kongregeson hem important winim wanem olketa seleva tingse hem best. (Rome 14:15, 19, 20) If iumi tingim olketa point hia, bae iumi gohed fren gud witim olketa brata and sista and help for mekem kongregeson garem peace.
16. Hao nao wanfala elder savve showim hem flexible taem hem deal witim olketa nara elder? (Lukim tu olketa piksa.)
16 Olketa elder mas showim gud example for flexible. (1 Tim. 3:2, 3) For example, wanfala elder mas no tingse idea blo hem nao olketa nara elder mas followim bikos hem olo winim olketa. Hem luksavve hao holy spirit blo Jehovah savve helpem wanfala insaed lo body of elders for talem samting wea bae help for olketa elder mekem wanfala gud disison. And if wanfala disison hem no brekem eni Bible principle, elder wea flexible bae willing for sapotim disison wea majority lo body of elders agree lo hem, nomata wanem hem tingim hem difren.
17. Olketa Christian wea flexible kasem olketa wanem blessing?
17 Olketa Christian kasem staka blessing from olketa gohed flexible. Iumi fren gud witim olketa brata and sista and kongregeson garem peace. Iumi hapi for garem olketa brata and sista wea garem difren personality and culture wea wan mind for worshipim Jehovah. Bat main samting nao, iumi hapi bikos iumi savve iumi followim example blo God blo iumi Jehovah wea flexible.
SONG 90 Encouragem Narawan
a Jehovah and Jesus tufala no ova tumas, and tufala laekem iumi for garem datfala wei tu. If iumi flexible, bae hem isi for iumi savve change fitim eni situation, olsem taem iumi garem health problem or faendem hard taem saed lo selen. And tu, bae iumi help for mekem kongregeson garem peace and wan mind.
b Lukim article “How to Deal With Change” lo Awake! No. 4 2016.
c Watchim video Interview Witim Brata Dmitriy Mikhaylov wea link lo article “Jehovah Mekem Persecution Kamap Chance for Witness” lo March-April 2021 Christian Laef and Ministry blo Iumi—Meeting Buk.
d For moa information abaotem dressap blo iumi, lukim leson 52 lo Enjoyim Laef for Olowe! buk.