Stretem Problem Mekem Iumi Gohed Garem Peace
JEHOVAH GOD laekem olketa tru Christian for stap gud witim olketa narawan. Hem laekem olketa for waka hard for stap gud tugeta. Taem olketa duim olsem, kongregeson bae garem peace. Datwan savve mekem staka pipol for laek worshipim Jehovah.
Olsem example, wanfala kastom doctor long Madagascar luksavve pipol bilong Jehovah stap gud tugeta and hem ting olsem, ‘Sapos mi laek for joinim wanfala religion, diswan nao mi laek joinim.’ Gogo, hem stop for duim spiritism, stretem marit bilong hem, and start for worshipim Jehovah, datfala God bilong peace.
Olsem datfala man, evri year staka thousand pipol joinim kongregeson and olketa stap long peace. Bat Bible sei sapos wei for “barava jealous tumas and laek raoa olowe” hem kamap insaed kongregeson, datwan savve mekem problem kamap and spoelem wei wea evriwan fren gud tugeta. (Jas. 3:14-16) Bible givim iumi tu gudfala advaes abaotem wanem iumi savve duim mekem problem no kamap, and for gohed stap gud witim olketa brata and sista. Distaem, bae iumi storyim hao olketa advaes long Bible helpem samfala for stretem problem wea olketa garem.
“Mi faendem hem no isi for waka tugeta witim wanfala brata. Wantaem mitufala raoa and tufala narawan kam and lukim wanem hem happen.”—CHRIS.
“Mi seke tumas taem wanfala sista wea mitufala savve preach tugeta stop for waka witim mi long ministry. Then hem no laek story long mi. Mi no savve why nao hem duim olsem.”—JANET.
“Mi witim nara tufala story tugeta long telephone. Wanfala hem baebae long mitufala, so mi tingse hem daonem phone nao. Then mi story nogud abaotem hem long narawan, bat hem herem nomoa evri samting mitufala storyim.”—MICHAEL.
“Long kongregeson bilong mifala, tufala pioneer garem problem midolwan tufala. Wanfala tok kros long narawan. Wanem tufala duim mekem olketa narawan stambol.”—GARY.
Maet iu tingse olketa samting hia hem smol problem nomoa. Bat hem savve mekem man wea kasem datwan for barava feel nogud for longfala taem. And tu, datwan savve spoelem peace insaed long kongregeson. Olketa brata and sista hia followim olketa Bible principle and olketa stap gud tugeta moa insaed long kongregeson. Olketa wanem Bible principle nao helpem olketa?
“No kros long each other taem iufala gogo long road.” (Gen. 45:24) Joseph talem disfala advaes long olketa brata bilong hem taem olketa go bak long dadi bilong olketa. Taem samwan no kontrolem kros bilong hem, datwan savve mekem hem for kwiktaem feel nogud, and mekem problem kamap worse. Datwan savve mekem olketa narawan kros tu. Chris luksavve samfala taem hem no isi for hem hambol and for followim olketa instruction. Hem laek for changem wei bilong hem, so hem sei sorre long brata wea hem argue witim. Then Chris traem best for kontrolem hemseleva for no kros kwiktaem. Taem datfala brata luksavve Chris hem waka hard for changem wei bilong hem, hem tu traem best for duim sem samting. Distaem, tufala garem peace and worshipim Jehovah tugeta.
“Taem pipol no story gud tugeta hem hard for olketa mekem gudfala plan.” (Prov. 15:22) Janet followim disfala principle taem fren bilong hem no laek story witim hem. Hem go story witim datfala sista, and askem hem sapos hem duim eni samting wea mekem hem for feel nogud. Firstaem, hem no isi for tufala story gud tugeta. Bat taem tufala gohed story long kaenfala wei, datwan mekem tufala for story gud nao. Datfala sista luksavve hem minim rong wanfala samting wea happen bifor wea Janet nating join insaed datwan. Hem sei sorre long Janet and tufala fren gud moa and gohed worshipim Jehovah tugeta.
“Tingim sapos iu tekem sakrifaes bilong iu go long altar. Waswe sapos taem iu kasem long there iu tingim hao brata bilong iu hem feel nogud long iu? Firstaem, leavim sakrifaes bilong iu long there and go stretem datfala problem witim brata bilong iu.” (Matt. 5:23, 24) Jesus talem disfala advaes long Sermon long Maunten. Bihaen Michael story nogud abaotem datfala brata, hem feel nogud tumas. Hem disaed for hem mas stretem datfala problem. So hem go sei sorre long datfala brata. Wanem nao kamaot from datwan? Michael sei: “Brata bilong mi hem forgivim mi.” Bihaen datwan, tufala gohed fren gud moa.
“Nomata sapos eniwan long iufala hem feel nogud long narawan, hem mas no kros bat mas evritaem forgivim hem.” (Col. 3:12-14) Waswe long tufala pioneer wea argue taem tufala long ministry? Wanfala elder helpem tufala for luksavve wanem tufala duim affectim olketa narawan and mekem olketa feel nogud. Hem sei tufala shud patient witim each other and duim samting wea bae mekem kongregeson gohed garem peace. Tufala followim datfala kaonsel, and distaem, tufala hapi for waka gud tugeta long ministry.
Datfala Bible principle long Colossae 3:12-14, savve helpem iumi for hambol, forgivim samwan wea mekem iumi feel nogud, and hem helpem iumi tu for no gohed ting abaotem datwan. Waswe sapos iumi forgivim hem bat hem no acceptim datwan? Bible principle long Matthew 18:15 savve helpem iumi long datwan. Nomata long datfala scripture Jesus storyim olketa bigfala sin, bat datfala principle savve helpem iumi tu taem iumi garem problem witim wanfala brata or sista. Iumi shud kaen and hambol taem iumi go long hem for stretem datfala problem.
Bible storyim olketa nara wei wea savve helpem iumi. Iumi needim holy spirit bilong God for helpem iumi for garem olketa wei hia. Hem nao ‘love, hapi, peace, patient, kaen long narawan, duim gudfala samting, garem faith, hambol, and kontrolem iumiseleva.’ (Gal. 5:22, 23) Tingim disfala example. Wanfala machine savve waka gud sapos olketa oilim. Long sem wei, hem bae isi for iumi stretem wanfala problem and gohed fren gud tugeta sapos iumi showimaot olketa gudfala wei hia bilong Jehovah.
Evriwan garem olketa difren wei, garem difren tingting abaotem olketa samting, and hao for story. Datwan savve mekem iumi enjoyim wei for associate tugeta. Bat from iumi garem olketa difren wei, datwan savve mekem iumi no agree witim narawan and no minim narawan. Wanfala brata wea elder for longfala taem sei olsem abaotem diswan: “Samwan wea savve shame bae faendem hem no isi for associate witim olketa wea savve story tumas. Maet datwan no wanfala big samting tumas, bat hem savve kosim bigfala problem.” Waswe, iu tingse olketa wea garem difren wei no savve stap gud tugeta? Bae iumi storyim example bilong tufala aposol. Taem iumi tingim Peter, iumi savve tingim wei wea hem no hol bak for talemaot tingting bilong hem. Taem iumi tingim John, iumi savve tingim hem wanfala man wea kaen and hem savve ting raonem samting bifor hem story or duim samting. Peter and John garem olketa difren wei. Bat tufala waka gud tugeta. (Acts 8:14; Gal. 2:9) Distaem tu olketa Christian savve olsem. Nomata olketa garem olketa difren wei, olketa savve waka gud tugeta.
John 13:34, 35; Rome 5:6-8) So hem no stret for iu disaed for no fren witim hem or for no story witim hem. Hem gud for tingim olketa kwestin hia: ‘Waswe, datfala brata or sista duim samting wea againstim olketa law bilong Jehovah? Waswe, hem min for duim datwan long mi? Or waswe, hem bikos wei bilong mitufala no semsem? Bat important kwestin nao hem diswan, waswe, hem garem olketa gudfala wei wea mi tu shud waka hard for garem?’
Bat waswe sapos samwan long kongregeson talem or duim samting wea mekem iu feel nogud? Hem gud for tingim Christ dae for hem tu olsem hem duim for iu, and iu mas lovem hem. (Olsem example, sapos hem man for story and iu no olsem, hem gud for iutufala waka tugeta long ministry and iu savve lane from hem. Or waswe sapos hem willing for givim samting long olketa narawan bat iu no olsem? Waswe, iu luksavve man savve hapi taem hem helpem olketa olo, olketa wea sik, or olketa wea needim samting? Maet iu tu savve kaen olsem hem. Important samting nao, nomata wei bilong iutufala no semsem, iu savve lane from olketa gudfala wei bilong hem. Nomata maet iutufala no barava fren gud tugeta, iutufala bae stap gud tugeta and kongregeson tu bae garem peace.
Euodia and Syntyche stap long wanfala kongregeson long first century. Luk olsem wei bilong Euodia barava difren from Syntyche, bat aposol Paul encouragem tufala for “mas wan mind.” (Phil. 4:2) Iumi tu laek for worshipim Jehovah witim olketa brata and sista bilong iumi, mekem iumi savve gohed garem peace long kongregeson.
Sapos iumi feel nogud long samwan, why nao iumi shud kwiktaem stretem datwan? Datkaen feeling hem olsem olketa rabis grass wea grow midolwan olketa flaoa long wanfala garden. Sapos iumi no kwiktaem aotem olketa grass hia bae hem spoelem full garden. Long sem wei, sapos iumi gohed feel nogud olsem,
datwan savve affectim full kongregeson. Bat sapos iumi lovem Jehovah and olketa brata and sista bilong iumi, bae iumi waka hard for mek sure kongregeson garem peace.Taem iumi traem best for stretem wanfala problem witim narawan, datwan savve helpem iumi for gohed stap gud tugeta. Wanfala sista sei: “Mi feel olsem wanfala sista treatim mi olsem pikinini nomoa. Datwan mekem mi barava feel nogud. Gogo mi start for tok raf long hem. Mi ting olsem, ‘From hem no respectim mi, mi tu bae no respectim hem.’”
Then datfala sista ting abaotem olketa wei bilong hemseleva. Hem sei: “Mi start for luksavve mi tu garem samfala nogud wei, and datwan mekem mi wiki long miseleva. Mi luksavve mi mas changem tingting bilong mi. Bihaen mi prea long Jehovah abaotem datwan, mi peim wanfala smol present and raetem wanfala card and mi go for sei sorre long hem bikos mi no kaen long hem. Mitufala hagem each other and finisim evri samting nao. Bihaen, mitufala gohed fren gud tugeta moa.”
Iumi evriwan barava laekem peace. Bat wei for praod savve mekem pipol duim samting wea savve mekem problem kamap. Distaem staka pipol savve duim kaen samting olsem, bat Jehovah no laekem olketa wea worshipim hem for duim datwan. Pipol bilong hem shud garem peace and wan mind. Aposol Paul sei olketa Christian shud ‘showimaot long laef bilong olketa, olketa fit for kasem samting wea God markem for olketa.’ Hem encouragem olketa for ‘mas evritaem hambol, garem naesfala wei, no raf. Olketa mas patient and mas lovem narawan, no kros. Olketa mas stap gud tugeta, and traem best for keepim nao wei for wan mind wea holy spirit helpem olketa for garem.’ (Eph. 4:1-3) “Wei for wan mind” wea pipol bilong Jehovah garem hem barava spesol. So iumi evriwan laek for traem best for gohed garem wan mind and for kwiktaem stretem eni problem wea iumi garem witim eni brata or sista bilong iumi.