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Waswe, Iu Tingim Yet?

Waswe, Iu Tingim Yet?

Waswe, iu readim olketa Wastaoa magasin wea iumi kasem no longtaem go nomoa and ting raonem samting wea iu readim? Trae for ansarem olketa kwestin hia:

Wanem nao olketa circuit overseer and olketa elder shud duim taem olketa kasem direction wea kam from organization bilong God?

Olketa mas kwiktaem followim datwan. Olketa savve ting raonem olketa kwestin hia: ‘Waswe, example bilong mi helpem olketa brata and sista for faithful long Jehovah? Waswe, mi kwiktaem for followim direction wea mi kasem from organization bilong God?’—w16.11, p. 11.

Wanem taem nao pipol bilong God prisoner long Bigfala Babylon?

Diswan happen no longtaem bihaen olketa aposol dae. Long datfala taem samfala Christian kamap olketa bigman insaed long olketa kongregeson. Church waka tugeta witim gavman for mekhae long apostate teaching and olketa no laek for herem wanem olketa anointed Christian wea olsem wheat talem. Bat olketa anointed Christian start for lusim Bigfala Babylon long olketa year bifor 1914.—w16.11, p. 23-25.

Why nao waka wea Lefèvre d’Étaples duim hem barava important?

Maet long year 1523, Lefèvre transleitim Bible long French languis mekem staka pipol savve readim. Hao hem explainim olketa scripture hem mekem Martin Luther, William Tyndale, and John Calvin laek for followim sem samting.—wp16.6, p. 10-12.

Why nao wei for “tingim samting wea body laekem” hem difren from wei for “tingim samting bilong spirit”? (Rome 8:6)

Olketa wea duim samting wea body laekem and letem body wea sin for bossim olketa evritaem story abaotem olketa nogud samting wea body laekem, and duim samting wea olketa seleva laekem. Olketa wea tingim samting bilong spirit duim samting wea God laekem, olketa hia letem holy spirit for leadim olketa. Man wea duim samting wea body laekem bae dae, bat man wea tingim samting bilong spirit bae kasem laef and garem peace.—w16.12, p. 15-17.

Wanem nao samfala samting wea savve helpem iumi for daonem wei for wari?

Duim olketa important samting firstaem, luksavve wanem iu fit for duim, markem taem for rest evriday, enjoyim creation bilong God, hem gud for laflaf and hapi, exercise evritaem, and mas sleep gud.—w16.12, p. 22-23.

Wanem nao datfala toktok ‘God tekem Enoch’ hem minim? (Heb. 11:5)

Hem minim God mekem Enoch for dae long wei wea hem no safa, mekem olketa wea againstim hem no killim hem dae long nogud wei.—wp17.1, p. 12-13.

Why nao hem important for iumi hambol?

Man wea hambol hem no tinghae tumas long hemseleva, hem luksavve samfala samting hem no fit for duim or hem shud no duim. Diswan helpem hem for respectim olketa narawan and kaen long olketa.—w17.01, p. 18.

Olketa wanem samting nao showimaot God leadim Governing Body distaem olsem hem duim long governing body long first century?

Holy spirit nao helpem Governing Body for minim olketa truth insaed long Bible. Olketa nao lead long disfala preaching waka, olketa angel helpem olketa long diswan, and olketa followim toktok bilong God. Olketa samting hia pruvim God leadim Governing Body distaem and long first century tu.—w17.02, p. 26-28.

Olketa wanem samting nao helpem iumi for tingim ransom hem wanfala spesol present?

Olketa samting hia nao: Man wea givim kam datfala present, why hem givim datwan, wanem hem sakrifaesim for mekem iumi kasem datwan, and sapos datfala present hem samting wea iumi barava needim. Iumi shud ting raonem why olketa samting hia hem important.—wp17.2, p. 4-6.

Sapos wanfala Christian disaedem samting finis, waswe, hem savve changem datfala disison?

Iumi shud duim samting wea iumi disaedem finis. Nomata olsem, samfala taem maet samting kamap wea mekem iumi ting raonem moa disison wea iumi mekem finis. Taem Jehovah lukim olketa long Nineveh change and stop for duim olketa nogud samting, Jehovah changem wanem hem disaedem finis. Iumi tu savve changem disison wea iumi mekem finis sapos iumi kasem samfala niu information abaotem datwan.—w17.03, p. 16-17.

Why nao iumi shud no tok spoelem narawan?

Wei for tok spoelem narawan savve mekem problem kamap worse. Nomata tingting bilong iumi abaotem samting wea happen hem stret or nomoa, hem bae no helpem iumi sapos iumi tok spoelem man wea duim datwan.—w17.04, p. 21.