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SONG 7 Jehovah Nao Strong Bilong Iumi

Remember Dat Jehovah Hem “God wea Laef”

Remember Dat Jehovah Hem “God wea Laef”

“Jehovah hem God wea laef!”PS. 18:46.


Disfala article bae storyim gud samting wea iumi savve kasem taem iumi remember dat Jehovah, God wea iumi worshipim, hem “God wea laef.”

1. Wat nao helpem pipol blo Jehovah for gohed worshipim hem nomata olketa deal witim olketa challenge?

 BIBLE sei, lo olketa last day bae “evri samting hem hard tumas.” (2 Tim. 3:1) Pipol blo Jehovah feisim olketa sem challenge wea evriwan feisim lo disfala nogud world, bat lo semtaem, olketa mas deal witim wei wea pipol againstim and persecutim olketa tu. Wat nao helpem iumi for gohed worshipim Jehovah nomata iumi deal witim olketa challenge olsem? Wanfala main samting hem bikos iumi savve Jehovah hem “God wea laef.”—Jer. 10:10; 2 Tim. 1:12.

2. Wat nao showim Jehovah hem God wea laef?

2 Jehovah hem wanfala real Person wea strongim iumi for deal witim olketa hard taem, and hem evritaem laek for duim samting for helpem iumi. (2 Chron. 16:9; Ps. 23:4) If iumi rememberim dat hem God wea laef, datwan bae helpem iumi for no givap nomata wat kaen hard taem iumi feisim. Tingim example blo King David.

3. Wat nao David minim taem hem sei “Jehovah hem God wea laef”?

3 David savve gud lo Jehovah and depend lo Hem. Taem King Saul and olketa enemy aftarem David, hem prea lo Jehovah for help. (Ps. 18:6) Afta God ansarem prea blo David and rescuem hem, David sei: “Jehovah hem God wea laef!” (Ps. 18:46) Taem David talem toktok hia, hem no just minim dat hem biliv God hem stap. Wanfala reference buk sei David expressim hao hem barava trustim dat Jehovah “hem god wea laef and wea evritaem duim samting for helpem pipol blo hem.” Tru nao, wat David experiencem lo laef, pruvim dat God blo hem laef. Datfala tingting strongim David for gohed servem and praisem Jehovah.—Ps. 18:​28, 29, 49.

4. Taem iumi barava bilivim dat Jehovah hem God wea laef, hao nao datwan helpem iumi?

4 Taem iumi barava bilivim dat Jehovah hem God wea laef, datwan savve helpem iumi for gohed strong for servem hem. Datwan bae strongim iumi for no givap lo olketa hard taem and encouragem iumi for gohed waka hard lo service blo iumi for hem. And tu, bae iumi barava laek for gohed fren klos witim Jehovah.


5. Wat nao savve helpem iumi for no fraet taem iumi feisim olketa hard taem? (Philippi 4:13)

5 If iumi rememberim dat Jehovah hem laef and stanbae for strongim iumi, bae iumi no givap lo eni hard taem nomata hem big or smol. Nomata wat kaen problem iumi feisim, Jehovah savve helpem iumi for deal witim. Hem Olmaeti God, and hem savve givim iumi paoa for gohed and no givap. (Readim Philippi 4:13.) Dastawe, iumi garem staka reason for no fraet taem iumi feisim olketa hard taem. Taem iumi lukim Jehovah sapotim iumi lo olketa smol challenge, datwan mekem iumi sure hem bae helpem iumi lo olketa big challenge.

6. Wat nao olketa samting wea happen taem David young wea strongim trust blo hem lo Jehovah?

6 Tingim tufala samting wea happen lo laef blo David wea strongim trust blo hem lo Jehovah. Taem David young and lukaftarem olketa sheepsheep, wantaem wanfala bear and wanfala lion tekem sheepsheep blo dadi blo hem. Lo tufala taem hia, David no fraet for ran aftarem and sevem sheepsheep hia. Nomata olsem, David no tingse hemseleva nao duim datwan. Hem savve Jehovah nao helpem hem. (1 Sam. 17:​34-37) David no enitaem forgetim diswan. Taem hem ting raonem olketa samting hia, hem barava sure God wea laef bae strongim hem for deal witim eni samting lo future.

7. Hao nao wei wea David garem stret tingting abaotem situation blo hem helpem hem for winim Goliath?

7 Bihaen, taem David still teenager yet, hem visitim camp blo army blo Israel. Hem lukim hao olketa soldia barava fraet bikos wanfala giant blo Philistine wea nem blo hem Goliath, “challengem . . . olketa soldia blo Israel.” (1 Sam. 17:​10, 11) Olketa soldia fraet bikos olketa focus lo lukluk and toktok blo datfala giant. (1 Sam. 17:​24, 25) Bat David no olsem, hem garem difren tingting. David tingim hao Goliath no just challengem nomoa olketa soldia blo Israel, bat hem challengem “army blo God wea laef.” (1 Sam. 17:26) David focus lo Jehovah. Hem trustim hao datfala God wea helpem hem taem hem lukaftarem olketa sheepsheep, bae helpem hem lo disfala situation tu. From hem barava sure God bae helpem hem, David faetem Goliath and hem win!—1 Sam. 17:​45-51.

8. Hao nao iumi savve strongim trust blo iumi lo Jehovah taem iumi feisim eni hard taem? (Lukim tu piksa.)

8 Iumi tu savve deal witim olketa hard taem if iumi remember Jehovah hem God wea laef and hem stanbae for helpem iumi. (Ps. 118:6) Iumi savve strongim go moa trust blo iumi for Jehovah taem iumi ting raonem wat hem bin duim finis. Taem iu readim olketa Bible story, hem savve remindim iu hao Jehovah sevem olketa wea worshipim hem. (Isa. 37:​17, 33-37) And tu, hem gud for ting raonem olketa report lo website wea showim hao Jehovah gohed for sapotim olketa brata and sista distaem. Tingim bak tu olketa taem wea Jehovah duim samting for helpem iu. Maet hard taem wea iu feisim, hem no olsem wei for faet againstim really bear or lion. Nomata olsem, Jehovah duim staka samting finis for iu. Hem leadim iu for kamap fren blo hem. (John 6:44) Even distaem, iu stap lo truth bikos hem gohed helpem iu. So hem gud for askem hem for helpem iu for rememberim olketa taem wea hem ansarem olketa prea blo iu, givim sapot wea iu barava needim, or strongim iu for winim wanfala hard taem. Taem iu ting raonem olketa situation olsem, hem bae mekem iu barava sure dat Jehovah bae gohed for duim samting for helpem iu.

Olketa hard taem wea iumi kasem hem join witim wanfala important issue wea kamap (Lukim paragraf 8-9)

9. Wat nao iumi need for rememberim taem iumi kasem eni hard taem? (Proverbs 27:11)

9 Taem iumi evritaem tingim dat Jehovah hem wanfala Person wea laef, bae iumi garem stret tingting abaotem olketa hard taem. Hao nao datwan helpem iumi? Bae iumi luksavve olketa hard taem wea iumi kasem hem join witim wanfala important issue between Jehovah and Satan. Satan sei taem iumi kasem hard taem, bae iumi lusim Jehovah. (Job 1:​10, 11; readim Proverbs 27:11.) Bat taem iumi gohed for loyal lo Jehovah, hem showim iumi lovem hem and pruvim Satan hem laea. Hao, iu kasem challenge bikos gavman againstim waka blo iumi, garem problem saed lo selen, pipol no interest lo gud nius, or eni nara samting? If olsem, remember, situation wea iu feisim hem givim iu chance for mekem heart blo Jehovah hapi. And tu, hem bae no letem iu for kasem test wea iu no fit for winim. (1 Cor. 10:13) Hem bae strongim iu for no givap.


10. Wat nao God wea laef bae duim for olketa wea worshipim hem?

10 Jehovah savve givim reward lo olketa wea worshipim hem. (Heb. 11:6) Hem givim iumi peace and wei for satisfae distaem, and bae hem givim iumi laef olowe lo future. Reason why iumi hope lo Jehovah hem bikos iumi sure hem laek for rewardim iumi and hem garem paoa for duim datwan. From datwan, iumi laek gohed duim best blo iumi for Jehovah, olsem olketa faithful servant blo hem bifor. Wanfala nao hem Timothy lo first century.—Heb. 6:​10-12.

11. Wat nao mekem Timothy for waka hard lo kongregeson? (1 Timothy 4:10)

11 Readim 1 Timothy 4:10. Timothy garem strongfala hope lo God wea laef. Dastawe, hem waka hard and duim best blo hem. Wat nao hem duim? Aposol Paul encouragem hem for kamap gudfala teacher lo ministry and lo kongregeson. Hem talem Timothy tu for showimaot gudfala example for olketa brata and sista, nomata olketa young or olo. (1 Tim. 4:​11-16; 2 Tim. 4:​1-5) Nomata samfala taem olketa narawan no lukim waka wea Timothy duim or no tinghae lo hem, hem sure Jehovah bae rewardim hem.—Rome 2:​6, 7.

12. Wat nao mekem olketa elder for gohed waka hard lo kongregeson? (Lukim tu piksa.)

12 Distaem tu, olketa elder savve sure Jehovah lukim and tinghae lo gudfala waka wea olketa duim. Olketa elder duim shepherding, teaching, and preaching waka, and tu, staka elder sapotim olketa construction project and disaster relief waka. Olketa narawan serve lo Patient Visitation Grup or Hospital Liaison Komiti. Olketa elder wea mekem olketa seleva available for duim olketa waka hia luksavve kongregeson hem blo Jehovah, and no blo man. From datwan, olketa duim assignment blo olketa witim full heart and barava trustim God bae rewardim olketa for wat olketa duim.—Col. 3:​23, 24.

God wea laef bae helpem olketa wea waka hard lo kongregeson (Lukim paragraf 12-13)

13. Hao nao Jehovah ting lo wei wea iumi duim best blo iumi lo service blo hem?

13 No evriwan lo iumi savve elder. Bat iumi evriwan savve duim samting for Jehovah. God hapi taem iumi duim best blo iumi for servem hem. Hem lukim olketa contribution wea iumi givim for waka raonem world nomata hem smol nomoa. Hem hapi taem iumi waka hard for winim feeling for shame and apim hand for givim koment lo meeting, and hem hapi tu taem iumi forgivim samwan wea mekem iumi feel nogud. Nomata if iu tingse wat iu duim hem no inaf, trustim hao Jehovah tinghae lo wat iu savve duim. Hem lovem iu for wat iu duim, and hem bae rewardim iu.—Luke 21:​1-4.


14. Hao nao wei for fren klos witim Jehovah savve helpem iumi for gohed faithful? (Lukim tu piksa.)

14 If Jehovah real lo iumi, bae hem moa isi for iumi gohed faithful lo hem. Tingim example blo Joseph. Hem rejectim wei for durong. God hem real lo hem, and Joseph no laek for duim eni samting for mekem God no hapi. (Gen. 39:9) For Jehovah kamap real lo iumi, iumi need for spendem taem for prea and studyim Bible. Then frenship blo iumi witim hem bae kamap strong. Olsem Joseph, taem iumi fren klos witim Jehovah, bae iumi no laek for duim eni samting wea bae mekem God no hapi.—Jas. 4:8.

For fren klos witim God wea laef bae helpem iu for gohed faithful (Lukim paragraf 14-15)

15. Wat nao iumi savve lanem from samting wea happen lo olketa Israelite lo wilderness? (Hebrew 3:12)

15 Olketa wea forgetim dat Jehovah hem God wea laef, savve isi for lusim hem. Tingim wat happen lo olketa Israelite taem olketa lo wilderness. Olketa savve Jehovah hem stap, bat olketa start for daot if hem bae provaed for olketa. Olketa even ask olsem: “Hao, Jehovah stap witim iumi tu or nomoa?” (Ex. 17:​2, 7) Bihaen datwan, olketa bighed againstim God. Tru nao, iumi no laek for followim nogud example blo olketa, and datwan hem olsem wanfala warning for iumi.—Readim Hebrew 3:12.

16. Wat nao savve testim faith blo iumi?

16 World savve mekem hem challenging for iumi gohed fren klos witim Jehovah. Staka no laek for bilivim dat God hem stap. Staka taem, olketa wea no laek for followim standard blo God luk olsem olketa garem gudfala laef. Taem iumi lukim datwan, hem savve testim faith blo iumi. Maet iumi still biliv God hem stap, bat maet iumi start for daot if hem bae duim samting for iumi. Man wea raetem Psalm 73 tu hem start for garem kaen tingting olsem. Hem lukim olketa wea stap raonem hem no obeyim law blo God, bat olketa still enjoyim laef. From datwan, hem start for daotem if hem bae kasem eni gud samting taem hem servem God.—Ps. 73:​11-13.

17. Wat nao bae helpem iumi for gohed fren klos witim Jehovah?

17 Wat nao helpem man wea raetem Psalm 73 for stretem bak tingting blo hem? Hem ting raonem wat bae happen lo olketa wea stop for trustim Jehovah. (Ps. 73:​18, 19, 27) Hem ting raonem tu gud samting wea hem kasem from wei for servem God. (Ps. 73:24) Iumi tu savve ting raonem olketa blessing wea iumi kasem. Then comparem datwan witim hao nao laef blo iumi if iumi no servem Jehovah. Taem iumi duim olsem, bae hem helpem iumi for gohed faithful and garem sem tingting olsem man wea raetem Psalm wea sei: “Bat mi, wei for fren witim God hem gud samting for mi.”—Ps. 73:28.

18. Why nao iumi shud no fraetem olketa samting wea bae happen lo future?

18 Iumi savve deal witim eni challenge lo olketa last day distaem bikos iumi “olketa wakaman bilong trufala God wea laef.” (1 Thess. 1:9) God blo iumi hem real Person, hem duim samting for helpem olketa wea worshipim hem. Hem helpem olketa servant blo hem bifor, and hem bae helpem iumi distaem tu. Klosap nao bae iumi feisim wanfala big trabol wea winim eni trabol wea bin happen lo earth. Bat bae iumi no deal witim datwan seleva. (Isa. 41:10) So iumi evriwan shud “no fraet, bat sei: ‘Jehovah nao hem helpem mi. Bae mi no fraet.’”—Heb. 13:​5, 6.

SONG 3 Jehovah Givim Strong, Hope, and Wei for No Fraet