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Man Mas Baptaes for Kamap Christian

Man Mas Baptaes for Kamap Christian

“Wei for baptaes . . . datwan nao sevem iufala.”—1 PET. 3:21.

SONG: 7, 56

1, 2. (a) Wanem nao tingting bilong samfala parents taem pikinini talem hem laek for baptaes? (b) Why nao speaker askem olketa wea redi for baptaes sapos olketa dedicate finis long Jehovah? (Lukim piksa long start bilong study.)

PARENTS bilong wanfala young gele wea nem bilong hem Maria, lukluk taem hem standap witim olketa narawan wea redi for baptaes. Witim laod and klia voice Maria ansarem tufala kwestin wea speaker askem. Bihaen datwan, hem baptaes.

2 Dadi and mami bilong Maria hapi tumas long disison wea hem mekem for dedicatem laef bilong hem long Jehovah and for baptaes. Bat mami bilong Maria wari lelebet. Hem ting olsem: ‘Waswe, Maria young tumas for baptaes? Waswe, hem luksavve hem serious samting for dedicate long Jehovah? Waswe, hem shud weit lelebet bifor hem baptaes?’ Staka parents askem olketa sem kwestin olsem taem pikinini talem hem laek for baptaes. (Eklesiastes 5:5) Tru nao, dedication and baptism hem barava important disison wea wanfala Christian mas mekem.—Lukim box “ Waswe, Iu Dedicate Finis Long Jehovah?

3, 4. (a) Wanem nao Peter talem wea showimaot wei for baptaes hem important tumas? (b) Why nao baptism hem olsem wei wea Noah buildim datfala ark?

3 Taem aposol Peter tok abaotem baptism, hem markem datwan witim wei wea Noah buildim ark. Hem sei: “Datfala samting wea happen hem piksarem wei for baptaes, and datwan nao sevem iufala.” (Readim 1 Peter 3:20, 21.) Datfala ark wea Noah buildim hem barava showimaot klia Noah laek for obeyim God from full heart bilong hem. Noah faithful for duim assignment wea Jehovah givim long hem. Tru nao, olketa samting wea Noah duim for showimaot hem garem faith, sevem hem and famili bilong hem long taem bilong Flood. Wanem nao iumi lanem from toktok bilong Peter?

4 Taem pipol lukim Noah buildim datfala ark, olketa luksavve hem garem faith long God. Long sem wei tu, taem pipol lukim wanfala Christian baptaes, olketa luksavve hem dedicatem laef bilong hem long God bikos hem garem faith long sakrifaes bilong Christ and resurrection bilong hem. Olsem Noah, olketa wea dedicate long God faithful for duim waka wea hem laekem. Noah hem sev taem Flood hem kam, so olketa wea baptaes finis wea faithful tu savve sev taem disfala nogud world hem finis. (Mark 13:10; Rev. 7:9, 10) Dastawe hem barava important for dedicate and baptaes. Eniwan wea delay for baptaes maet lusim chance for kasem laef olowe.

5. Wanem nao bae iumi storyim long disfala study?

5 From wei for baptaes hem serious samting, iumi need for ting raonem thrifala kwestin hia: Wanem nao Bible talem abaotem wei for baptaes? Wanem nao man mas duim bifor hem savve baptaes? Why nao iumi shud evritaem tingim hao baptism hem important goal for storyim long olketa pikinini and olketa wea iumi study witim?


6, 7. (a) Why nao pipol go long John for baptaesim olketa? (b) Wanem nao wanfala baptism wea John duim wea barava difren?

6 Bible storyim firstfala man wea baptaesim pipol, hem nao John Baptaesa. (Matt. 3:1-6) Pipol go long John for baptaes for showimaot olketa repent from olketa sin againstim Law bilong Moses. John garem spesol privilege for baptaesim Jesus, datfala perfect Son bilong God. Bat datwan hem difren from olketa narawan wea hem baptaesim. (Matt. 3:13-17) Jesus no garem sin, so hem no need for repent. (1 Pet. 2:22) Wei wea Jesus baptaes hem for showimaot hem givim hemseleva for duim wanem Jehovah laekem.—Heb. 10:7.

7 Taem Jesus duim ministry long earth, olketa disaepol bilong hem tu baptaesim olketa narawan. (John 3:22; 4:1, 2) Pipol hia tu baptaes for showimaot olketa repent from olketa sin againstim Law bilong Moses. Bat bihaen Jesus dae and resurrect, olketa wea laek followim hem garem difren reason for baptaes.

8. (a) Wanem komand nao Jesus talem long olketa follower bilong hem bihaen hem resurrect? (b) Why nao olketa Christian need for baptaes?

8 Long 33 C.E., bihaen Jesus resurrect, hem story long winim 500 man, woman, and maet samfala pikinini tu. Long datfala taem nao maet hem sei: “So iufala go and teachim pipol long evri kantri for kamap disaepol bilong mi. Baptaesim olketa hia long nem bilong Dadi and bilong Son and bilong holy spirit. Teachim olketa for followim evri samting wea mi laekem iufala for duim.” (Matt. 28:19, 20; 1 Cor. 15:6) Luk olsem staka handred follower bilong Jesus nao stap taem hem talem datfala komand for teachim pipol for kamap disaepol. Jesus sei eniwan wea laek for kamap disaepol bilong hem or “karem yoke” bilong hem, mas baptaes. (Matt. 11:29, 30; ftn) Eniwan wea laek for worshipim Jehovah long wei wea hem acceptim, mas tinghae and luksavve long waka wea Jesus duim for fulfillim plan bilong Jehovah. Bihaen man duim datwan, hem savve baptaes. Datwan nao only wei for baptaes wea God acceptim. Bible storyim staka pruv wea showimaot hao long first century olketa niu disaepol bilong Christ luksavve hem important for baptaes. And olketa no delay for baptaes.—Acts 2:41; 9:18; 16:14, 15, 32, 33.


9, 10. Wanem nao iumi savve lanem abaotem wei for baptaes from man long Ethiopia and aposol Paul?

9 Readim Acts 8:35, 36. Tingim example bilong wanfala man long Ethiopia wea followim religion bilong olketa Jew. Taem man hia followim road for go bak long hom bilong hem, bihaen hem go long Jerusalem for worship, angel bilong Jehovah sendem Philip for go talem “gud nius abaotem Jesus” long hem. Wanem nao datfala man long Ethiopia duim? Samting wea hem duim showimaot hem tinghae long tru samting wea hem lanem. Hem laekem tumas for followim arrangement bilong Jehovah, so hem no delay for baptaes.

10 Nara example hem Saul, wanfala Jew, wea persecutim olketa Christian. Hem born from nation wea dedicate finis long God. Bat olketa Jew lusim spesol wei wea olketa fren witim Jehovah. Saul barava strong long religion bilong olketa Jew, bat gogo hem lanem olketa tru samting. Jesus Christ wea resurrect finis hem story kam witim Saul from heven. Wanem nao Saul duim? Hem hapi for acceptim help from Ananias, wanfala disaepol bilong Christ. Bible sei olsem abaotem Saul: “Hem getap and hem baptaes.” (Acts 9:17, 18; Gal. 1:14) Bihaen, nem bilong Saul change for kamap aposol Paul. Tingim hao taem Saul tinghae long waka wea Jesus duim for fulfillim plan bilong God, hem no delay for baptaes.—Readim Acts 22:12-16.

11. (a) Why nao olketa wea studyim Bible laek for baptaes? (b) Hao nao iumi feel taem iumi lukim samwan baptaes?

11 Staka wea iumi study witim olketa olsem tu, nomata olketa young or olo. From olketa garem faith and barava tinghae long truth insaed Bible, olketa barava laek for dedicate and baptaes. Baptism tok hem wanfala main tok wea savve kamap long evri assembly and convention. Olketa Jehovah’s Witness hapi taem samwan wea studyim Bible followim truth and gogo hem baptaes. Parents barava hapi taem olketa lukim pikinini bilong olketa standap witim olketa narawan wea redi for baptaes. Long 2017 service year, winim 284,000 pipol wea “laekem laef olowe” baptaes for showimaot olketa dedicate finis long Jehovah. (Acts 13:48) Diswan showimaot olketa luksavve hem important for wanfala Christian mas baptaes. Wanem nao olketa need for duim bifor olketa savve baptaes?

12. Bifor man wea study savve baptaes, wanem nao samfala samting wea hem mas duim?

12 Bifor man wea studyim Bible savve baptaes, hem mas garem faith wea kam from stretfala savve wea hem kasem abaotem God, plan bilong hem, and wanem God duim for sevem olketa man. (1 Tim. 2:3-6) Kaen faith olsem muvim man wea studyim Bible for rejectim olketa fasin wea Jehovah heitim and followim raeteous standard bilong hem. (Acts 3:19) Diswan barava important bikos hard for man dedicate long God sapos hem duim olketa samting wea mekem hem no savve kasem Kingdom. (1 Cor. 6:9, 10) Bat man mas duim samfala nara samting tu. Man wea laek dedicatem laef bilong hem long Jehovah need for evritaem attendim meeting, and duim waka for preach and teachim pipol for kamap disaepol. Jesus sei olketa tru disaepol bilong hem nomoa savve duim disfala waka. (Acts 1:8) Bihaen Bible student duim evri samting hia, hem savve talem prea for dedicatem hemseleva long Jehovah, and then, hem savve baptaes.


Waswe, evritaem iu tingim hao wei for baptaes hem barava important and iu teachim diswan long Bible student bilong iu? (Paragraf 13 storyim diswan)

13. Taem iumi teachim narawan, why nao iumi shud evritaem tingim hao hem important for Christian mas baptaes?

13 Taem iumi gohed for helpem olketa pikinini and olketa wea iumi study witim for duim olketa samting hia, iumi shud tingim hao trufala disaepol mas baptaes. Sapos iumi evritaem tingim datwan, iumi bae no hol bak for storyim long Bible study why hem important for dedicate and baptaes. Iumi laekem olketa pikinini and olketa wea iumi study witim for gohed gud long spiritual wei and for baptaes!

14. Why nao iumi shud no forcem eniwan for baptaes?

14 Tru nao, parents, study conductor, or olketa narawan long kongregeson mas no forcem samwan for baptaes. Hem no wei bilong Jehovah for forcem eniwan for worshipim hem. (1 John 4:8) Bat taem iumi teachim narawan, iumi mas helpem hem for minim hao hem important for fren gud witim Jehovah. Taem Bible student tinghae long truth and laek for karem yoke bilong Jesus for kamap disaepol, datwan bae muvim hem for baptaes.—2 Cor. 5:14, 15.

15, 16. (a) Wanem age nao man mas kasem bifor hem savve baptaes? Explainim datwan. (b) Why nao wanfala Bible student shud baptaes for kamap wanfala Jehovah’s Witness nomata hem baptaes finis long nara religion?

15 No eniwan fit for markem wanem age man bae kasem bifor hem savve baptaes. Diswan hem bikos wei wea olketa Bible student grow long spiritual wei hem no semsem. Staka baptaes taem olketa young nomoa and olketa gohed faithful long Jehovah go kasem taem olketa olo. Olketa narawan luksavve hem important for baptaes bihaen olketa lanem truth nomata olketa olo finis. Samfala olketa winim 100 year finis!

16 Wanfala olo woman wea studyim Bible askem study conductor bilong hem sapos hem need for baptaes moa, bikos hem baptaes tu-thri taem finis long samfala nara religion. Olo woman hia and study conductor bilong hem lukluk long samfala scripture abaotem diswan. Taem hem minim wanem Bible talem, no longtaem bihaen hem baptaes. Nomata hem klosap 80 year, hem luksavve hem mas baptaes. Tru nao, Jehovah acceptim baptism bilong iumi only sapos iumi kasem stretfala savve abaotem wanem hem laekem. So nomata wanfala Bible student baptaes finis taem hem joinim nara religion, hem mas baptaes moa for kamap wanfala Jehovah’s Witness.—Readim Acts 19:3-5.

17. Wanem nao man mas ting raonem long day wea hem baptaes?

17 Man savve hapi tumas long day wea hem baptaes. And long datfala taem hem savve ting raonem wanem hem savve duim for keepim dedication bilong hem. Hem mas waka hard for followim datfala dedication. Dastawe Jesus markem wei for kamap disaepol olsem wei for karem yoke. Jesus sei olketa disaepol mas iusim full laef bilong olketa for “no duim nomoa wanem olketa seleva laekem, bat for olketa mas duim wanem hem laekem.”—2 Cor. 5:15; Matt. 16:24.

18. Wanem nao samfala kwestin wea bae iumi storyim long next study?

18 Mami bilong Maria tingim datwan tu taem hem askem olketa kwestin wea iumi storyim long start bilong study. Sapos iu dadi or mami, ting raonem olketa kwestin hia: ‘Waswe, pikinini bilong mi really redi for baptaes? Waswe, hem garem inaf savve for mekem stretfala dedication long Jehovah? Waswe, pikinini bilong mi shud kasem hae education and garem gudfala waka? Hao sapos pikinini bilong mi baptaes and bihaen hem duim serious sin?’ Long next study, bae iumi storyim olketa kwestin hia and storyim hao Christian parents savve garem balance tingting abaotem wei for baptaes.