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Hao for Iu Redi for Baptaes

Hao for Iu Redi for Baptaes

“Hao, hem fitim mi for baptaes distaem?”​—ACTS 8:36.

SONG 50 Prea Bilong Mi for Dedicate


Evriwea lo world, olketa young wan and olketa olo duim samfala samting moa for qualify for baptaes and olketa baptaes (Lukim paragraf 1-2)

1-2. If no redi yet for baptaes, why nao iu shud no discourage? (Lukim piksa lo front page.)

 IF IU laek for baptaes, datwan hem barava naesfala goal. Waswe, iu redi for duim datwan distaem? If iu ting iu redi for baptaes and olketa elder agree, no hol bak for duim datwan lo next assembly. Bae iu kasem staka blessing lo service blo iu for Jehovah.

2 Bat, hao sapos iu kasem encouragement for duim samfala samting moa for mekem iu qualify for baptaes? Or waswe, iuseleva luksavve iu no redi yet? Sapos olsem, no discourage. Iu savve duim samting for kasem datfala goal, nomata iu young or olo.


3. Wat nao datfala bigman blo Ethiopia askem lo Philip, and datwan mekem wanem kwestin for kamap? (Acts 8:36, 38)

3 Readim Acts 8:36, 38. Wanfala bigman blo Ethiopia ask olsem lo Philip: “Hao, hem fitim mi for baptaes distaem?” Datfala man blo Ethiopia laek for baptaes, bat waswe, hem redi for baptaes?

Datfala bigman blo Ethiopia disaed strong for gohed lane abaotem Jehovah (Lukim paragraf 4)

4. Hao nao datfala man lo Ethiopia showimaot hem laek for gohed lane?

4 Datfala man blo Ethiopia hem bin “go long [Jerusalem] for worshipim God.” (Acts 8:27) So luk olsem hem acceptim and joinim Jew religion. For sure hem lane finis abaotem Jehovah from olketa Hebrew Scripture. Nomata olsem, hem laek gohed lane moa abaotem hem. Tingim, wat nao Philip lukim datfala bigman gohed duim taem hem meetim hem lo road? Hem gohed readim olketa profesi wea Isaiah raetem. (Acts 8:28) Datwan hem olketa deep teaching lo Bible. Datfala bigman hem no satisfae for lanem samfala main teaching lo Bible nomoa, bat hem laek for gohed lane.

5. Wat nao datfala man blo Ethiopia duim for followim wanem hem lanem?

5 Datfala man hem “bigman wea lukaftarem selen bilong queen bilong Ethiopia.” (Acts 8:27) So luk olsem hem man wea busy tumas for lukaftarem staka responsibility. Nomata olsem, hem markem taem for worshipim Jehovah. Hem no satisfae nomoa for lanem truth, bat hem duim samting followim wanem hem lanem. So hem willing for travel farawe from Ethiopia for go lo Jerusalem for worshipim Jehovah lo temple. Datwan mas tekem staka taem and selen, nomata olsem hem willing for sakrifaesim olketa samting hia for worshipim Jehovah.

6-7. Hao nao man blo Ethiopia gohed strongim love blo hem for Jehovah?

6 Philip teachim datfala bigman blo Ethiopia samfala niu important teaching. Wanfala nao hem abaotem hao Jesus nao datfala Messiah. (Acts 8:34, 35) Masbi datfala bigman hem hapi tumas for luksavve wanem Jesus duim for hem. So wat nao hem duim? Hem savve disaed for gohed joinim Jew religion, bat hem no duim datwan. Hem barava lovem Jehovah and Son blo hem, so hem chus for mekem datfala important disison for baptaes and kamap follower blo Jesus Christ. Philip luksavve man hia hem redi, so hem baptaesim hem.

7 Iu savve redi for baptaes if iu followim example blo datfala man blo Ethiopia. And iu tu savve sei olsem hem: “Hao, hem fitim mi for baptaes distaem?” Bae iumi storyim hao iumi savve duim olketa sem samting hia wea hem duim: Hem gohed for lane, duim samting followim wanem hem lanem, and hem gohed for strongim love blo hem for Jehovah.


8. Wat nao John 17:3 sei iu mas duim?

8 Readim John 17:3. Waswe, olketa toktok hia blo Jesus hem helpem iu for disaed for studyim Bible? Staka lo iumi nao olsem. Bat olketa toktok hia helpem iumi tu for luksavve iumi mas gohed for lane. Iumi bae no stop for ‘lane abaotem datfala tru God.’ (Eccl. 3:11) Iumi bae gohed duim diswan for olowe. Taem iumi lanem moa samting abaotem Jehovah, datwan bae mekem iumi for barava fren gud witim hem.​—Sams 73:28, SIPB.

9. Wat nao iumi need for duim bihaen iumi lanem olketa main teaching lo Bible?

9 Taem iumi lane abaotem Jehovah, first samting iumi lanem hem olketa main teaching. Lo leta blo hem for olketa Hebrew Christian, aposol Paul kolem olketa main teaching, “olketa first samting” wea iumi lanem. Taem hem comparem olketa main teaching hia witim milk for strongim baby, datwan no minim hem tok daonem. (Heb. 5:12; 6:1) Bat hem encouragem evri Christian for no just gohed lanem nomoa olketa main teaching bat for lanem olketa deep teaching insaed Bible. Waswe, iu laekem tumas for lanem olketa deep teaching lo Bible? Waswe, iu willing for gohed lanem moa samting abaotem Jehovah and olketa plan blo hem?

10. Why nao samfala faendem hem hard for study?

10 Bat staka lo iumi faendem hem hard for study. Hao, iu feel olsem tu? Taem iu lo skul, waswe, iu lane for read gud and study? Waswe, iu enjoyim wei for study and kasem gud samting from datwan? Or iu feel dat wei for study hem hard tumas for iu? Sapos iu feel olsem, ino iuseleva. Nomata olsem, Jehovah savve helpem iu. Hem perfect and hem nao best Teacher.

11. Hao nao Jehovah showimaot dat hem “Nambawan Teacher”?

11 Jehovah kolem hemseleva “datfala Nambawan Teacher.” (Isa. 30:20, 21) Hem patient, kaen, and minim iumi. Hem evritaem luk lo gud saed blo student blo hem. (Sams 130:1-3, SIPB) Hem no expectim iumi for duim wanem iumi no fit for duim. Tingim, hem nao designim brain blo iumi, wea hem nambawan present. (Sams 139:14, SIPB) So dastawe iumi laekem tumas for lane. Creator blo iumi laekem iumi for gohed lane for olowe and barava enjoyim datwan. So start distaem, hem gud for “lane for barava laekem” olketa Bible teaching. (1 Pet. 2:2) Markem olketa goal wea iu fit for kasem, and followim schedule for readim and studyim Bible. (Josh. 1:8) Witim help blo Jehovah, iu bae barava enjoy for read and gohed lane abaotem hem.

12. Why nao iumi shud studyim laef and ministry blo Jesus?

12 Markem taem for ting raonem laef and ministry blo Jesus. Main samting wea bae helpem iumi for servem Jehovah hem for followim example blo Jesus, especially taem iumi feisim olketa hard taem. (1 Pet. 2:21) Jesus talem olketa follower blo hem bae olketa feisim olketa challenge. (Luke 14:27, 28) Nomata olsem, hem trustim dat olketa tru follower blo hem bae faithful olsem hem tu. (John 16:33) Study abaotem wanem Jesus duim and markem goal for followim example blo hem.

13. Wat nao iu shud gohed askem Jehovah for hem, and why nao olsem?

13 For garem savve hem no inaf. Bat savve hem important bikos hem helpem iu for lane abaotem Jehovah and garem olketa gudfala wei, olsem for lovem and garem faith lo hem. (1 Cor. 8:1-3) Taem iu gohed lane, gohed prea and askem Jehovah for helpem iu garem moa faith. (Luke 17:5) Hem hapi for ansarem kaen prea olsem. Taem iu garem stretfala savve abaotem God bae iu garem strongfala faith, and datwan bae helpem iu for duim samting followim wanem iu lanem.​—Jas. 2:26.


Bifor lo Flood, Noah and famili duim samting followim wanem olketa lanem (Lukim paragraf 14)

14. Hao nao aposol Peter showimaot dat hem important for duim samting followim wanem iumi lanem? (Lukim tu piksa.)

14 Aposol Peter showimaot dat hem important tumas for olketa wea followim Christ for duim samting followim wanem olketa lanem. Hem storyim wanem Bible talem abaotem Noah. Jehovah talem Noah dat bae hem iusim wanfala flood for distroem evri nogud pipol lo datfala taem. For Noah and famili blo hem sev, hem no inaf for olketa savve nomoa hao flood bae kam. Tingim wanem Peter talem abaotem wanem hem happen bifor lo flood, hem sei: “Noah gohed for wakem datfala ark.” (1 Pet. 3:20) Noah and famili blo hem duim samting followim wanem olketa lanem. Olketa buildim datfala ark, wea hem wanfala big ship. (Heb. 11:7) Then Peter showimaot hao ‘samting wea happen hem piksarem wei for baptaes, and datwan nao sevem iumi.’ (1 Pet. 3:21) So wanem iumi duim distaem for redi for baptaes hem olsem waka wea Noah and famili blo hem duim for buildim datfala ark for staka year. So wat nao iu need for duim for redi for baptaes?

15. Wat nao hem minim for barava repent?

15 Wanfala lo olketa first samting wea iumi mas duim, hem for barava repent from olketa sin blo iumi. (Acts 2:37, 38) Trufala wei for repent helpem man for really change. Waswe, iu lusim finis olketa wei wea Jehovah no hapi lo hem, olsem for durong, iusim tobacco, or swear or tok nogud? (1 Cor. 6:9, 10; 2 Cor. 7:1; Eph. 4:29) If iu no duim yet, gohed trae for change. Story witim man wea study witim iu, or askem olketa elder lo kongregeson for helpem iu and givim advaes. If iu young and stap yet witim parents, askem tufala for helpem iu lusim eni nogud wei wea iu garem wea maet stopem iu for baptaes.

16. Wat nao hem minim for garem gud spiritual schedule?

16 Hem important tu for followim gudfala spiritual schedule. Datwan minim for attendim and tek part lo olketa meeting. (Heb. 10:24, 25) And taem iu qualify for join lo ministry, mekem datwan part lo schedule blo iu tu. Taem iu gohed for share lo disfala waka for sevem laef, bae iu barava enjoyim. (2 Tim. 4:5) If iu wanfala young wan and iu stap yet witim parents blo iu, tingim disfala kwestin: ‘Waswe, parents blo mi nao remindim mi for attendim meeting and for go lo ministry? Or miseleva nao tingim datwan?’ Taem iuseleva duim olsem, datwan showimaot iu garem faith and iu lovem and tinghae lo Jehovah God. Olketa samting olsem showimaot iu faithful lo God, and hem olsem present for Jehovah. (2 Pet. 3:11; Heb. 13:15) Evri present wea iu willing for givim hem mekem Jehovah hapi. (Comparem 2 Corinth 9:7.) Iumi duim olketa samting olsem from iumi laek for givim best blo iumi for Jehovah.


17-18. Wanem important wei nao iu need for garem for helpem iu qualify for baptaes, and why nao olsem? (Proverbs 3:3; Provebs 3:3-6, SIPB)

17 Taem iu gohed duim samting for qualify for baptaes, bae iu feisim olketa challenge. Samfala pipol maet mekfani lo iu, or maet even againstim or persecutim iu. (2 Tim. 3:12) Maet iu waka hard for lusim wanfala nogud wei, bat samfala taem iu foldaon moa lo datwan. Or maet iu no patient and feel nogud bikos iu no kasem goal blo iu. Wat nao bae helpem iu for no givap? Main samting, hem love blo iu for Jehovah.

18 Love blo iu for Jehovah, hem nao best wei wea iu garem. (Readim Proverbs 3:3 b; Provebs 3:4-6, SIPB.) If iu barava lovem Jehovah bae iu savve deal witim olketa challenge wea iu feisim. Staka taem Bible storyim loyal love blo Jehovah for olketa pipol blo hem. From hem garem loyal love for olketa, bae hem no lusim olketa or stop for lovem olketa. (Sams 100:5, SIPB) Jehovah creatim iumi for followim olketa wei blo hem. (Gen. 1:26) So hao nao iu savve showimaot diskaen love?

Evriday iu savve talem thankiu lo Jehovah for wanem hem duim for iu (Lukim paragraf 19) c

19. Hao nao iu savve showimaot iu tinghae lo evri samting wea Jehovah duim for iu? (Galatia 2:20)

19 First samting hem for thankiu lo Jehovah. (1 Thess. 5:18) Each day trae for tingim, ‘Hao nao Jehovah showimaot hem lovem mi?’ Then mek sure taem iu prea, talem thankiu lo Jehovah for olketa samting wea hem duim for iu. Olsem aposol Paul, iu need for luksavve lo olketa gud samting wea Jehovah duim wea showimaot hem lovem iu. (Readim Galatia 2:20.) Hem gud for iu tingim, ‘Waswe, mi laek showimaot mi lovem hem tu?’ Taem iu lovem Jehovah iu bae no foldaon lo eni temptation and bae iu savve deal witim eni challenge wea iu feisim. Love blo iu for Jehovah bae helpem iu for gohed followim spiritual schedule blo iu, and for showimaot iu lovem hem evriday.

20. Wat nao hem minim for dedicate lo Jehovah, and hao important nao disfala disison?

20 Gogo, from iu lovem Jehovah bae iu laek for talem wanfala spesol prea, and insaed disfala prea iu bae dedicatem laef blo iu lo God. Tingim, taem iu dedicate lo Jehovah, bae iu blo hem for olowe nao. Taem iu dedicate lo Jehovah, iu promis for faithful lo hem nomata lo taem wea hem isi and wea hard. Iu talem promis hia wantaem nomoa. Hem serious samting for mekem eni dedication. Bat tingim diswan: Iu bae mekem samfala barava gud disison lo laef blo iu, bat for dedicate lo Jehovah hem best disison wea iu savve mekem. (Sams 50:14, SIPB) Satan bae trae for spoelem love blo iu for Jehovah, and hem hope bae iu no gohed faithful lo Jehovah. No letem Satan for win! (Job 27:5, SIPB) Strongfala love blo iu for Jehovah bae helpem iu for keepim promis blo iu for worshipim hem for olowe.

21. Why nao taem man baptaes hem no end bat hem start lo worship blo hem for Jehovah?

21 Bihaen iu dedicate lo Jehovah, story lo olketa elder lo kongregeson blo iu abaotem wanem for duim for baptaes. Bat hem gud for tingim hao taem iu baptaes hem no end, bat hem start lo worship blo iu for Jehovah wea bae gohed for olowe. So strongim love blo iu for Jehovah distaem. Markem olketa goal mekem love blo iu savve kamap strong evriday. If iu duim olsem, datwan bae lead go for iu baptaes. Day wea iu baptaes bae barava hapi day for iu. Bat diswan hem start nomoa. Mifala sure iu bae gohed strongim love blo iu for Jehovah and Son blo hem for olowe!

SONG 135 “Son Bilong Mi, Iu Mas Wise”

a For helpem iumi qualify for baptaes iumi need for garem stretfala reason for duim datwan. And tu, iumi need for duim stretfala samting. Bae iumi storyim example blo datfala bigman blo Ethiopia and bae iumi storyim samfala samting wea wanfala Bible study need for duim for qualify for baptaes.

b Proverbs 3:3: “No lusim loyal love and wei for faithful. Werem raonem nek blo iu and raetem lo heart blo iu.”

c PIKSA: Wanfala young sista prea lo Jehovah and talem thankiu lo hem for olketa samting wea hem provaedem.