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Why Nao Iu Shud Baptaes?

Why Nao Iu Shud Baptaes?

“Iufala mas . . . baptaes.”​—ACTS 2:38.

SONG 34 Gohed for Faithful


1-2. Staka taem, wat nao savve happen lo taem blo baptism, and wat nao iumi shud ting raonem?

 WASWE, enitaem iu lukim olketa wea standap and redi for baptaes? Iu herem klia voice blo olketa taem olketa ansarem tufala kwestin bifor olketa baptaes. Olketa famili member and olketa frens smile big from olketa hapi tumas. Taem olketa wea baptaes kamap from wata, evriwan klap and iu lukim lo feis hao olketa hapi tumas. Evri week, staka thousand dedicate and baptaes for kamap Witness blo Jehovah God.

2 Waswe lo iu? If iu tingting for baptaes, iu spesol lo eye blo Jehovah bikos iu ‘lukaotem Hem.’ (Ps. 14:1, 2) Disfala article hem for iu nomata iu young or olo. Bat for iumi wea baptaes finis, iumi laek for gohed strongim disison blo iumi for worshipim Jehovah for olowe. So bae iumi story raonem thrifala lo olketa reason why iumi laek for worshipim Jehovah.


Satan tok spoelem nem blo Jehovah for staka thousand year and gohed for duim datwan (Lukim paragraf 3-4)

3. Why nao olketa wea worshipim Jehovah lovem truth and wanem hem stret? (Sams 119:128, 163, SIPB)

3 Jehovah talem pipol blo hem for mas ‘laekem tru toktok.’ (Sekaraea 8:19, SIPB) Jesus talem olketa follower blo hem for barava laekem samting wea stret. (Matt. 5:6) Datwan minim iumi mas barava laek for duim wanem hem stret, gud, and klin lo eye blo God. Waswe, iu lovem samting wea tru and stret? Mifala sure iu duim datwan. Iu heitim wei for laea and evri nogud samting. (Readim Sams 119:128, 163, SIPB.) Samwan wea laea hem followim wei blo Satan, wea hem ruler blo disfala world. (John 8:44; 12:31) Wanfala goal blo Satan hem for tok spoelem holy nem blo God, Jehovah. Start lo Eden kam kasem distaem, Satan laea abaotem God blo iumi. Hem laekem pipol for tingse Jehovah hem ruler wea selfish, no honest, and no laekem iumi for kasem gud samting. (Gen. 3:1, 4, 5) Olketa laea blo Satan gohed mekem pipol for tingse Jehovah hem wanfala nogud ruler. Taem pipol chus for no laekem truth, Satan savve mekem olketa for duim enikaen nogud samting.​—Rome 1:25-31.

4. Wat nao showimaot Jehovah hem “God wea evritaem talem tru samting”? (Lukim tu piksa.)

4 Jehovah hem “God wea evritaem talem tru samting,” and hem willing for teachim truth lo olketa wea lovem hem. (Ps. 31:5) Datwan helpem olketa hia for free from olketa laea blo Satan. Jehovah teachim olketa tu for honest and duim stret samting. Datwan helpem olketa for garem respect and peace lo mind. (Provebs 13:5, 6, SIPB) Taem iu studyim Bible, iu lukim Jehovah duim datwan for iu? Iu lanem olketa wei blo Jehovah nao hem best. Hem helpem evriwan and iu tu. (Sams 77:13, SIPB) Dastawe iu disaed strong for duim wanem God sei hem stret. (Matt. 6:33) Iu laek for defendim truth and help for pruvim Satan hem laea abaotem God blo iumi Jehovah. Hao nao iu savve duim datwan?

5. Hao nao iu savve disaed strong for sapotim truth and for duim wanem hem stret?

5 Iu savve chus for duim samting wea showimaot iu rejectim olketa laea blo Satan and sapotim truth. Iu savve showimaot hao iu laekem Jehovah for ruler blo iu and iu laek for duim wanem hem sei hem stret. Hao nao iu savve duim datwan? Iu prea lo Jehovah and promis for worshipim hem for olowe and iu baptaes for showimaot dedication blo iu. For lovem samting wea tru and stret, hem wanfala main samting wea mekem man for laek baptaes.


6. Wat nao samfala reason wea stap lo Psalm 45:4 wea encouragem iu for lovem Jesus Christ?

6 Why nao iu lovem Jesus Christ? Tingim samfala gud reason wea stap lo Psalm 45:4. b (Readim.) Jesus mekhae lo hambol fasin and hem defendim truth and wanem hem stret. If iu lovem truth and wanem hem stret, iu bae lovem Jesus Christ tu, bikos hem no fraet for defendim truth and samting wea stret. (John 18:37) Bat hao nao Jesus mekhae lo wei for hambol?

7. Wat nao iu laekem abaotem wei wea Jesus hem hambol?

7 Jesus showimaot gudfala example lo wei for hambol. Olsem example, hem evritaem mekhae lo Dadi blo hem, no hemseleva. (Mark 10:17, 18; John 5:19) Taem iu tingim Son blo God hem hambol olsem, masbi hem mekem iu for lovem hem and followim example blo hem. Why nao Jesus hem hambol? Bikos hem lovem and followim example blo Dadi blo hem wea hambol. (Sams 18:35, SIPB; Heb. 1:3) Waswe, iu lovem Jesus wea followim gud olketa wei blo Jehovah?

8. Why nao iumi hapi Jesus hem King blo iumi?

8 Iumi laekem Jesus for King blo iumi bikos hem nao best Ruler. Jehovah nao trainim and appointim Son blo hem for rul. (Isa. 50:4, 5) Tingim tu hao Jesus showimaot bigfala love lo olketa narawan. (John 13:1) From Jesus hem King blo iu, hem barava fitim for iu lovem hem. Hem talem hao hem kolem olketa wea barava lovem hem, olketa fren blo hem and olketa showim datwan taem olketa obeyim olketa komand blo hem. (John 14:15; 15:14, 15) Hem nambawan privilege for fren witim Son blo Jehovah!

9. Hao nao baptism blo Jesus hem semsem lo samfala wei witim baptism blo olketa follower blo hem?

9 Jesus sei olketa follower blo hem mas baptaes. (Matt. 28:19, 20) Hem tu baptaes. Baptism blo Jesus hem difren from baptism blo olketa follower blo hem lo samfala wei. (Lukim box “ Baptism blo Jesus Hem Difren From Baptism blo Olketa Follower blo Hem.”) Bat hem semsem lo samfala wei tu. Taem Jesus baptaes, Jesus givim hemseleva for duim will blo Dadi blo hem. (Heb. 10:7) Olsem tu, taem olketa follower blo hem baptaes, olketa showimaot olketa dedicatem laef blo olketa lo Jehovah God for duim will blo hem, no wanem olketa seleva laekem. So olketa followim example blo Jesus.


10. Why nao love for Jesus shud mekem iu for laek baptaes?

10 Iu bilivim Jesus hem spesol Son blo Jehovah and hem King wea God appointim for rulim iumi. Iu savve Jesus hem hambol and barava followim example blo Dadi blo hem. Iu lanem hao hem feedim olketa wea hangere, comfortim olketa wea discourage, and healim tu pipol wea sik. (Matt. 14:14-21) Iu lukim hao hem leadim kongregeson blo hem distaem. (Matt. 23:10) And iu savve hem bae duim staka samting moa lo future from hem King lo Kingdom blo God. Iu savve showim iu lovem hem taem iu followim example blo hem. (John 14:21) Wanfala important samting wea iu savve duim hem for dedicate lo Jehovah and baptaes.


11. Wat nao main reason for baptaes, and why nao olsem?

11 Wat nao main reason for iu baptaes? Jesus sei Law wea important winim evri nara law, hem nao: “Iu mas lovem God bilong iu Jehovah long full heart bilong iu, long full soul bilong iu, long full mind bilong iu, and long full strong bilong iu.” (Mark 12:30) Waswe, hem nao hao iu lovem God?

Evri gud samting wea iumi enjoyim finis and wea iumi bae enjoyim lo future hem kam from Jehovah (Lukim paragraf 12-13)

12. Why nao iu lovem Jehovah? (Lukim tu piksa.)

12 Iumi garem staka reason for lovem Jehovah. For example, iu lanem hao hem “mekem evri laef samting” and hem nao givim “evri gud and perfect present.” (Sams 36:9, SIPB; Jas. 1:17) Evri gud samting wea iu enjoyim hem kam from God wea kaen and lovem iumi.

13. Why nao datfala ransom hem nambawan present from Jehovah?

13 Nambawan present wea Jehovah givim lo iumi hem datfala ransom. Why nao iumi sei olsem? Tingim hao Jehovah and Son blo hem fren gud witim each other. Jesus sei: “Dadi . . . lovem mi” and “mi lovem Dadi.” (John 10:17; 14:31) From tufala stap tugeta for staka billion year tufala barava fren gud. (Provebs 8:22, 23, 30, SIPB) Tingim hao God mas sorre tumas taem Son blo hem safa and dae. Jehovah lovem tumas pipol and iu wanfala lo olketa, dastawe hem willing for sendem kam Son blo hem for dae mekem iu and olketa narawan fit for kasem laef olowe. (John 3:16; Gal. 2:20) Datwan hem barava gud reason for lovem God.

14. Wat nao best goal wea iu savve chusim?

14 Iu barava lovem Jehovah bikos iu lanem staka samting abaotem hem. Masbi iu laek for fren gud witim hem distaem and for olowe, and iu savve duim datwan. Jehovah askem iu for mekem heart blo hem hapi. (Provebs 23:15, 16, SIPB) Iu savve mekem Jehovah hapi no lo toktok nomoa bat lo wanem iu duim tu. Wanem iu duim lo laef bae showim iu barava lovem Jehovah. (1 John 5:3) Diswan hem best goal wea iu savve chusim.

15. Wat nao iu savve duim for showim iu lovem Jehovah?

15 Wat nao iu savve duim for showim iu lovem Jehovah? First samting, insaed lo wanfala spesol prea, iu talem lo God hao iu dedicatem iuseleva lo hem. (Sams 40:7, 8, SIPB) Then, iu showimaot datwan taem iu baptaes. Olsem iumi storyim lo start blo disfala article, baptism blo iu hem wanfala hapi and important taem lo laef blo iu. Iu startim wanfala niu laef, no for iuseleva, bat for Jehovah. (Rome 14:8; 1 Pet. 4:1, 2) Hem tru, luk olsem datwan hem big disison for iu mekem, bat hem mekem wei for iu enjoyim best laef. Hao nao bae iu enjoyim datfala laef?

16. Olsem Sams 41:12 (SIPB) storyim, wat nao Jehovah bae duim for olketa wea iusim laef blo olketa for worshipim hem?

16 Jehovah barava kaen tumas. Hem bae evritaem blessim iu winim wanem iu givim lo hem. (Mark 10:29, 30) Hem bae givim iu laef wea interesting, mekem iu satisfae, and bae iu enjoyim nomata iu stap lo disfala nogud world. Datwan hem samfala nomoa lo olketa samting wea hem bae givim. Datfala laef wea start taem iu baptaes bae no end. Iu savve gohed for worshipim Jehovah for olowe. Frenship blo iu witim Jehovah bae gohed for kamap strong, and from hem laef olowe, iu tu bae laef olowe.​—Readim Sams 41:12, SIPB.

17. Wat nao iu savve givim lo Jehovah wea hem no garem yet?

17 Dedication and baptism blo iu hem wanfala barava spesol samting wea iu givim lo Dadi blo iu, Jehovah. Hem givim iu evri gud samting wea iu savve barava enjoyim. From datwan, iu savve givim lo Jehovah wea ownim heven and earth samting wea hem no garem yet, wea hem nao for iu willing for worshipim hem for olowe. (Job 1:8; 41:11; Provebs 27:11, SIPB) Diswan best samting wea iu savve duim lo laef! Mifala sure, love blo iu for Jehovah nao main reason wea mekem iu for laek baptaes.


18. Olketa wanem kwestin nao maet iu laek for ting raonem?

18 Hao nao bae iu ansarem disfala kwestin, Bae iu baptaes? Iu nomoa savve. Bat maet hem gud for iu tingim: ‘Wat nao mi weitim?’ (Acts 8:36) Tingim thrifala reason wea iumi storyim lo disfala article. First wan, iu lovem truth and wanem hem stret. Iuseleva need for tingim raonem diswan: ‘Waswe, mi laek for lukim taem wea evriwan bae no laea and duim wanem hem stret?’ Mek-tu, iu lovem Jesus Christ. Ting raonem diswan: ‘Waswe, mi laekem Jesus for King blo mi, and for followim example blo hem?’ Mek-thri, iu lovem Jehovah. Tingim raonem tu: ‘Waswe, mi laek for mekem heart blo Jehovah hapi taem mi worshipim hem?’ If ansa blo iu for olketa kwestin hia hem yes, then why nao iu no baptaes. Wat nao iu weitim?​—Acts 16:33.

19. Why nao iu shud no hol bak for baptaes? Storyim tokpiksa. (John 4:34)

19 If iu hol bak for baptaes, tingim disfala tokpiksa blo Jesus. (Readim John 4:34.) Jesus sei for duim will blo Dadi blo hem, hem olsem kaikai. Why nao olsem? Kaikai savve helpem body blo iumi. Jesus savve evri samting wea Jehovah askem iumi for duim, hem savve helpem iumi. Jehovah no laekem iumi for duim eni samting wea bae spoelem iumi. Waswe, Jehovah laekem iu for baptaes? Yes. (Acts 2:38) So iu savve sure hao taem iu obeyim Jehovah and baptaes bae iu kasem gud samting. If iu no hol bak for kaikaim wanfala naes kaikai, why nao iu hol bak for baptaes?

20. Wat nao bae iumi storyim lo next article?

20 Why nao iu hol bak for baptaes? Staka maet sei, “Mi no redi yet.” For iu disaed for dedicatem laef blo iu lo Jehovah and for baptaes hem barava important disison for iu mekem. So hem bae tek taem and iu need for ting raonem gud and waka hard for iu qualify for baptaes. Bat if iu barava laek for baptaes, wat nao iu savve duim distaem for redi? Bae iumi storyim ansa for datfala kwestin lo next article.

SONG 28 Kamap Fren Bilong Jehovah

a Wanfala important samting wea evri Bible study shud duim hem for baptaes. Wat nao savve mekem Bible study for laek baptaes? Main samting nao hem love. Bat for lovem wanem samting and for lovem hu? Lo disfala article bae iumi storyim ansa for datwan and wanem kaen laef nao bae iumi garem taem iumi baptaes.

b Psalm 45:4: “Go aot witim glory blo iu and winim olketa enemy blo iu. Raed and faet for olketa wea hambol and defendim truth and wanem hem stret. And raet hand blo iu bae duim olketa nambawan samting.”