Disfala magasin garem olketa study article for July 6 go kasem August 2, 2020.

“King blo North” lo Taem blo End

Study article 19: July 6-12, 2020. Iumi gohed for lukim olketa samting wea pruvim hao profesi blo Daniel abaotem “king blo north” and “king blo south” hem gohed for fulfill. Why nao iumi barava sure lo datwan? And why nao iumi need for minim gud disfala profesi?

Tufala King wea Againstim Each Other lo Taem blo End

Profesi abaotem “king blo north” and “king blo south” hem happen lo semtaem witim olketa nara profesi. Hao nao olketa profesi hia pruvim world hem klosap for end?

Hu Nao “King blo North” Distaem?

Study article 20: July 13-19, 2020. Hu nao “king blo north” distaem, and hao nao hem bae finis? Wei for savve lo ansa savve strongim faith blo iumi and helpem iumi for redi for olketa hard taem wea klosap for happen.

Waswe, Iu Tinghae lo Olketa Present wea God Givim?

Study article 21: July 20-26, 2020. Disfala study bae helpem iumi for strongim wei wea iumi tinghae lo Jehovah, and olketa present wea hem givim iumi. And tu, hem bae helpem iumi for story lo olketa pipol wea daotem sapos God hem stap.

Showimaot Iu Tinghae lo Olketa Present wea Iumi No Savve Lukim

Study article 22: July 27–August 2, 2020. Lo study bifor diswan, iumi storyim samfala spesol present from God wea iumi savve lukim. Lo disfala study, bae iumi story raonem olketa present wea iumi no savve lukim, and hao for showimaot iumi tinghae lo datwan. And hem bae strongim tu wei wea iumi tinghae lo Man wea givim kam olketa present hia, Jehovah God.