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SONG 67 “Talemaot Toktok Bilong God”

Love Mekem Iumi for Gohed Preach!

Love Mekem Iumi for Gohed Preach!

“Bifor world hem finis, datfala waka for preachim gud nius mas gohed long evri kantri firstaem.”MARK 13:10.


Lo disfala article, bae iumi storyim hao love mekem iumi for gohed strong for duim preaching waka and for duim witim full soul blo iumi.

1. Wat nao iumi lanem lo 2023 annual meeting?

 LO 2023 annual meeting, a iumi kasem samfala niu understanding abaotem samfala biliv blo iumi and samfala interesting announcement abaotem ministry. For example, iumi lanem hao samfala pipol maet garem chance for saed witim pipol blo Jehovah nomata afta Bigfala Babylon distroe. Iumi lanem tu hao start lo November 2023, olketa brata and sista bae no reportim evriting wea olketa duim lo ministry. Hao, olketa change hia mekem ministry blo iumi for no urgent or important olsem bifor? Nomoa, ministry hem barava important!

2. Taem each day hem go pas, why nao preaching waka kamap moa urgent? (Mark 13:10)

2 Taem each day go pas, waka for preach hem kamap moa urgent. Why? Bikos taem hem klosap for ran aot. Tingim wat Jesus talem abaotem preaching waka wea bae gohed lo olketa last day. (Readim Mark 13:10.) Lo Bible buk blo Matthew, Jesus sei disfala gud nius bae kasem evriwea lo earth bifor “world bae finis.” (Matt. 24:14) Datfala toktok hem minim taem full wicked system blo Satan hem finis. Jehovah markem finis “day or taem” for olketa event wea bae klosap for happen. (Matt. 24:36; 25:13; Acts 1:7) Each day wea go pas, hem mekem iumi klosap lo datfala day. (Rome 13:11) Go kasem taem end hem kam, iumi mas gohed preach.

3. Wat nao mekem iumi for preach?

3 Taem iumi duim ministry, hem gud for ting abaotem disfala important kwestin: Why nao iumi preachim gud nius? Really, love nao mekem iumi for preach. Taem iumi preach hem showim iumi garem love. Iumi lovem gud nius, lovem pipol, and important samting, iumi lovem Jehovah and nem blo hem. Bae iumi discussim each wan lo olketa samting hia.


4. Hao nao iumi feel taem iumi herem gud nius?

4 Ting abaotem hao iu feel taem iu herem wanfala gud nius. Maet iu herem samwan lo famili garem niu baby, or samwan givim iu wanfala waka wea iu barava needim. Bae iu hapi tumas for storyim datfala gud nius witim famili and olketa frens blo iu. Hao, iu barava hapi taem iu herem best nius wea winim eni nara nius, wea hem nao gud nius abaotem Kingdom blo God?

5. Hao nao iu feel taem iu first lanem truth from Bible? (Lukim tu olketa piksa.)

5 Tingim bak hao iu feel taem iu just start for lanem truth from Bible. Iu lanem hao Dadi blo iu lo heven hem lovem iu, hem laekem iu for part lo famili blo hem wea worshipim hem, hem promis for finisim pain and wei for safa, hem givim iu hope for lukim olketa loved wans wea bae laef bak lo niu world, and staka samting moa. (Mark 10:​29, 30; John 5:​28, 29; Rome 8:​38, 39; Rev. 21:​3, 4) Olketa truth hia mekem iu hapi tumas. (Luke 24:32) Iu lovem wat iu lanem, and iu laek for storyim olketa truth hia lo evriwan!—Comparem Jeremiah 20:9.

Firstaem wea iumi lanem truth from Bible, iumi barava hapi for storyim lo olketa narawan! (Lukim paragraf 5)

6. Wat nao iu lanem from experience blo Ernest and Rose?

6 Tingim disfala experience. Wanfala brata wea nem blo hem Ernest b hem samting olsem ten years old taem dadi blo hem dae. Ernest sei: “Mi savve ting: ‘Hao, hem go lo heven? Or hem dae olowe nao?’ Mi savve feel sorre taem mi lukim olketa nara pikinini wea dadi blo olketa still laef yet.” Staka taem Ernest savve go lo grev yard, and kneel daon lo grev blo dadi and prea: “Plis, God, mi laek for savve wea nao dadi blo mi.” Samting olsem 17 years afta dadi dae, wanfala Witness askem Ernest for tufala studyim Bible, and hem hapi for acceptim. Hem hapi tumas for lanem hao olketa wea dae no savve eniting, hem olsem olketa sleep nomoa, and tu Bible promisim wanfala resurrection lo future. (Eccl. 9:​5, 10; Acts 24:15) Hem kasem ansa nao for olketa kwestin wea hem garem for staka year finis! Ernest barava hapi lo olketa truth wea hem lanem. Waef blo hem, Rose tu joinim hem for study and hem lovem wat hem lanem. Lo 1978, tufala baptaes. Tufala strong for preach lo famili, frens, and lo olketa narawan abaotem nambawan truth wea olketa lanem. From datwan, Ernest and Rose helpem winim 70-fala pipol for savve lo Jehovah and baptaes.

7. Taem iumi barava lovem truth, wat nao bae iumi duim? (Luke 6:45)

7 Hem barava tru, taem iumi lovem truth wea iumi lanem, bae iumi laek for storyim lo olketa narawan. (Readim Luke 6:45.) Bae iumi garem sem tingting olsem olketa disaepol blo Jesus lo first century wea sei: “Hard tumas for mifala no storyim olketa samting wea mifala lukim and herem.” (Acts 4:20) From iumi barava lovem truth, iumi laek storyim lo staka pipol.


8. Why nao iumi laek for sharem gud nius lo olketa nara pipol? (Lukim box  Lovem Pipol—Mek Disaepol.”) (Lukim tu piksa.)

8 Iumi tu lovem pipol olsem Jehovah and Son blo hem. (Prov. 8:31; John 3:16) Iumi barava tingim pipol wea “no savve long God” and wea “no garem hope.” (Eph. 2:12) Hem olsem olketa pipol draon lo olketa problem lo laef, and iumi nao garem laef jacket wea olketa needim, wea hem nao gud nius abaotem Kingdom blo God. From iumi lovem and tingim olketa, datwan mekem iumi for laek duim best for sharem gud nius lo olketa. Taem olketa herem datfala important message, hem givim hope lo olketa, helpem olketa for hapi distaem, and givim chance for olketa luk forward lo “datfala tru laef,” wea hem nao laef olowe lo niu world blo God.—1 Tim. 6:19.

Love and wei for tingim pipol bae muvim iumi for duim best blo iumi for storyim gud nius lo olketa (Lukim paragraf 8)

9. Wanem warning message nao iumi talem abaotem future, and why nao iumi duim datwan? (Ezekiel 33:​7, 8)

9 Love wea iumi garem for pipol tu hem mekem iumi for warnim olketa hao end blo disfala wicked world hem klosap tumas. (Readim Ezekiel 33:​7, 8.) Iumi tingim pipol and olketa famili member blo iumi wea no servem Jehovah yet. Staka pipol busy lo evriday laef blo olketa, and no savve dat klosap bae “bigfala trabol kamap wea hem winim eni trabol wea happen start kam long taem world hem start, kam kasem distaem, and no eni trabol wea kam bihaen bae nogud olsem.” (Matt. 24:21) Iumi laekem olketa for savve wat bae happen during lo taem blo judgment. Lo taem blo judgment, false religion bae distroe and then full wicked system blo disfala world bae distroe lo Armageddon. (Rev. 16:​14, 16; 17:​16, 17; 19:​11, 19, 20) Iumi prea and hope hao staka pipol bae lisin lo warning wea iumi talem and disaed for servem Jehovah witim iumi distaem. Bat waswe lo olketa famili member and olketa narawan wea no lisin lo warning message wea iumi preachim distaem?

10. Why nao hem urgent for iumi gohed talemaot warning message?

10 Olsem iumi storyim lo article bifor diswan, maet hem will blo Jehovah for sevem olketa pipol wea start for showimaot faith lo hem taem olketa lukim Bigfala Babylon hem distroe. If olsem, then hem barava urgent for iumi gohed for talemaot disfala warning message. Tingim diswan: Wat iumi talem lo pipol distaem, maet bae olketa rememberim lo datfala taem. (Comparem Ezekiel 33:33.) Maet olketa bae tingim bak warning wea olketa herem from iumi and datwan bae muvim olketa for disaed for servem Jehovah witim iumi bifor hem tu-leit. Olsem datfala man wea lukaftarem prison lo Philippi hem start for showimaot faith lo Jehovah bihaen “wanfala big earthquake,” maet samfala wea no lisin lo gud nius distaem bae start for showimaot faith lo Jehovah afta olketa lukim olketa sapraesing samting wea happen taem Bigfala Babylon hem distroe.—Acts 16:​25-34.


11. Hao nao iumi savve givim Jehovah glory, honor, and paoa? (Revelation 4:11) (Lukim tu olketa piksa.)

11 Barava important reason why iumi preachim gud nius hem bikos iumi lovem Jehovah God and holy nem blo hem. Iumi ting lo ministry blo iumi olsem wanfala wei for givim praise lo God wea iumi lovem. (Readim Revelation 4:11.) Iumi barava agree dat Jehovah God hem fit for kasem glory, honor, and paoa from olketa wea loyal for worshipim hem. Iumi givim hem glory and honor taem iumi storyim lo pipol olketa pruv wea showimaot hem nao “wakem evri samting,” and iumi stap bikos hem nao givim iumi laef. Iumi givim paoa blo iumi lo Jehovah, taem iumi iusim strong, taem, and olketa material samting wea iumi garem for barava share lo ministry fitim living blo iumi. (Matt. 6:33; Luke 13:24; Col. 3:23) Tru nao, iumi hapi for story abaotem God blo iumi wea iumi lovem. And tu, iumi laek for mas story lo olketa narawan abaotem nem blo hem and wat kaen God nao hem. Why nao olsem?

Iumi givim paoa blo iumi lo Jehovah, taem iumi iusim strong, taem, and olketa material samting wea iumi garem for barava share lo ministry fitim living blo iumi (Lukim paragraf 11)

12. Hao nao iumi savve mekem nem blo Jehovah holy taem iumi duim ministry?

12 Love wea iumi garem for Jehovah hem muvim iumi for laek mekem nem blo hem holy. (Matt. 6:9) Iumi laek for part lo waka for kliarem olketa laea wea Satan talem abaotem nem blo Jehovah. (Gen. 3:​1-5; Job 2:4; John 8:44) Taem iumi duim ministry, iumi laek saed witim God blo iumi, and for talem truth abaotem hem lo olketa narawan wea laek for lisin. Iumi laekem evriwan for savve dat main wei blo God hem love, wei wea hem rul hem raeteous and stret, and klosap nao Kingdom blo hem bae finisim wei for safa and mekem evriwan for kasem peace and hapi. (Ps. 37:​10, 11, 29; 1 John 4:8) Taem iumi storyim olketa gud samting wea Jehovah duim lo ministry, iumi mekhae lo holy nem blo hem. Iumi hapi tu bikos iumi savve wat iumi duim hem showim iumi olketa Witness blo Jehovah. Why nao iumi sei olsem?

13. Why nao iumi hapi for garem nem Olketa Jehovah’s Witness? (Isaiah 43:​10-12)

13 Jehovah chusim iumi for kamap “olketa witness” blo hem. (Readim Isaiah 43:​10-12.) Samfala year go finis, wanfala leta from Governing Body sei: “Wanfala big privilege wea iumi savve kasem wea winim eni nara samting, hem for kamap wanfala Witness blo Jehovah.” c Why nao olsem? Tingim illustration hia. If iu laekem samwan for kamap witness blo iu lo wanfala kot case, iu bae chusim samwan wea iu savve gud lo hem and trustim, hem samwan wea garem gud reputation and olketa narawan bae trustim story blo hem. Taem Jehovah chusim iumi for kamap Witness blo hem, datwan showim Jehovah savve gud lo iumi and trustim iumi for talem lo olketa narawan hao hem nao tru God. Iumi hapi tumas dat iumi olketa Witness blo hem, so iumi laek iusim evri chance for story abaotem nem blo hem, and help for pruvim dat olketa laea abaotem Jehovah hem no tru. Taem iumi duim datwan, hem showim iumi duim samting followim nem wea iumi garem, iumi Olketa Jehovah’s Witness!—Ps. 83:18; Rome 10:​13-15.


14. Olketa wanem interesting samting nao klosap for happen lo future?

14 Iumi luk forward for olketa interesting samting wea klosap for happen lo future! Witim blessing blo Jehovah, iumi hope for lukim staka pipol moa acceptim truth bifor bigfala trabol hem start. And tu, iumi hapi hao nomata during lo bigfala trabol wea barava hard winim eni nara samting, maet iumi bae lukim staka pipol lusim world blo Satan and kam joinim iumi for praisem Jehovah!—Acts 13:48.

15-16. Wanem waka nao iumi bae gohed for duim, and go kasem wat taem?

15 Go kasem end, iumi garem important waka for duim. Iumi garem privilege for storyim gud nius abaotem Kingdom blo God evriwea lo earth, and no enitaem moa iumi bae duim datfala waka. And lo semtaem, iumi mas gohed for warnim pipol abaotem samting wea klosap for happen. Pipol need for savve hao end blo disfala wicked world hem barava kam klosap. Then taem datfala taem blo judgment hem kam, olketa bae luksavve hao message wea iumi preachim hem kam from Jehovah God.—Ezek. 38:23.

16 So wat nao iumi disaed strong for duim distaem? Bikos iumi lovem gud nius, lovem pipol, and important samting, iumi lovem Jehovah and nem blo hem, datwan mekem iumi luksavve hem barava urgent for gohed strong for preach go kasem taem Jehovah sei, “Hem inaf nao!”

SONG 54 “Diswan Nao Hem Wei”

a Annual meeting hia hem kamap lo October 7, 2023, lo Newburgh Assembly Hall blo Olketa Jehovah’s Witness lo New York, U.S.A. Datfala full program kamap insaed JW Broadcasting®—Part 1 lo November 2023 and Part 2 lo January 2024.

b Lukim article lo The Watchtower blo February 1, 2015, “The Bible Changes Lives—I Was Impressed by the Bible’s Clear, Logical Answers.”