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Followim Example Bilong Jehovah for Showimaot Justice and Mercy

Followim Example Bilong Jehovah for Showimaot Justice and Mercy

“Judgem man long wei wea followim justice, and evritaem showimaot love and mercy long each other.”—ZECH. 7:9.

SONG: 21, 69

1, 2. (a) Wanem nao tingting bilong Jesus abaotem Law bilong God? (b) Hao nao olketa scribe and Pharisee iusim Law bilong God long rongfala wei?

JESUS lovem tumas Law bilong Moses bikos Law hia kam from Dadi bilong hem Jehovah, wea hem barava lovem tumas. Psalm 40:8 storyim feeling bilong Jesus abaotem Law bilong God. Hem sei: “God bilong mi, mi hapi tumas for duim samting wea iu laekem. Law bilong iu hem stap insaed long heart bilong mi.” Samting Jesus duim and talem showimaot Law bilong God hem perfect, savve helpem iumi, and kamap tru evritaem.—Matt. 5:17-19.

2 Masbi Jesus sorre taem hem lukim olketa scribe and Pharisee iusim law long rong wei, datwan mekem pipol tingse olketa law hia hem hard tumas. Olketa laek for followim tumas evri sismol part long Law dastawe Jesus sei: “Iufala givim smol haf long mint and dill and cumin. . . . Bat iufala ting nating long olketa barava important samting long Law, olsem for duim samting wea stret, for showimaot mercy long narawan, and for faithful.” (Matt. 23:23) Olketa Pharisee no minim law hia and tingse olketa gud winim narawan. Bat Jesus minim why Jehovah givim Law and hem savve each komandment savve teachim iumi abaotem Jehovah.

3. Wanem nao bae iumi storyim long disfala study?

3 Iumi no stap anda long Law bilong Moses. (Rome 7:6) So why nao Jehovah putim Law hia insaed Bible? Hem laekem iumi for minim and followim olketa principle insaed datfala Law, wea hem nao “barava important samting.” Olsem example, olketa wanem principle nao iumi lanem from arrangement for garem olketa taon for stap sef? Iumi lanem finis olketa leson abaotem samting wea datfala man mas duim taem hem ran go insaed taon for stap sef. Bat long disfala study, bae iumi lanem hao disfala arrangement teachim iumi abaotem Jehovah and hao iumi savve followim example bilong hem. Bae iumi ansarem thrifala kwestin hia: Hao nao olketa taon for stap sef showimaot Jehovah garem mercy? Hao nao datfala arrangement teachim iumi tingting bilong God abaotem laef? And hao nao datwan showimaot nambawan justice bilong Jehovah? Taem iumi story raonem each kwestin, trae for luksavve hao for followim example bilong Dadi bilong iu long heven.—Readim Ephesus 5:1.


4, 5. (a) Wanem nao olketa duim for helpem man wea ranawe go long taon for stap sef, and why nao olsem? (b) Wanem nao datwan teachim iumi abaotem Jehovah?

4 Sixfala taon for stap sef hem stap long ples wea isi for man savve kasem. Jehovah talem olketa Israelite for chusim thrifala taon long wansaed bilong Jordan River and nara thrifala long narasaed mekem taem man ranawe go hem isi for kwiktaem kasem. (Num. 35:11-14) Olketa wakem gud road for go long olketa taon hia and olketa keepim gud. (Deut. 19:3) Wanfala buk bilong olketa Jew storyim hao olketa savve putim saen followim olketa road hia for helpem man faendem datfala taon. From olketa Israelite garem olketa taon for stap sef, man wea no min for killim narawan no need for ran go long difren nation for kasem protection. Bikos sapos hem go long there, maet bae hem worshipim olketa false god.

5 Tingim diswan: Jehovah nao talem komand for olketa mas killim dae datfala man wea min for killim dae narawan. Bat hem mek sure tu man wea no min for killim dae narawan savve kasem mercy and protection. Wanfala savveman sei: “Datfala arrangement hem klia, simpol, and isi.” Jehovah no judge wea no kea and wea lukluk nomoa for panisim pipol bilong hem. Bat hem “garem bigfala mercy.”—Eph. 2:4.

6. Waswe, olketa Pharisee showimaot mercy olsem Jehovah? Explainim datwan.

6 Bat olketa Pharisee difren, olketa nating willing for showim mercy. Olsem example, wanfala buk bilong olketa Jew sei olketa Pharisee no willing for forgivim man wea duim sem mistek winim thrifala taem. For showimaot olketa garem rong tingting, Jesus iusim tokpiksa abaotem Pharisee wea prea saed long man for tekem tax. Pharisee hia sei: “God, mi thankiu tumas long iu bikos mi no olsem olketa narawan wea demandim selen, duim samting wea no stret, duim adultery, and mi no olsem disfala man wea tekem tax tu.” Diswan showimaot olketa Pharisee “ting daonem nara pipol” and tingse olketa no need for showimaot mercy.—Luke 18:9-14.

Mek sure road for askem forgiveness from iu hem klia and isi for man kam followim (Paragraf 4-8 storyim diswan)

7, 8. (a) Hao nao iumi savve followim example bilong Jehovah for showimaot mercy? (b) For forgivim narawan, why nao iumi mas hambol?

7 Followim Jehovah, no olketa Pharisee. Showimaot mercy and kaen long narawan. (Readim Colossae 3:13.) Mekem hem isi for narawan kam askem iu for forgivim hem. (Luke 17:3, 4) Tingim diswan: ‘Waswe, hem isi for mi kwiktaem forgivim narawan nomata hem mekem mi feel nogud staka taem? Waswe, mi willing for mek peace nomata narawan duim samting wea mekem mi barava feel nogud?’

8 For forgivim narawan, iumi mas hambol. Olketa Pharisee tingse olketa gud winim narawan, so olketa no willing for forgive. Bat iumi mas hambol and ‘ting long olketa narawan olsem olketa winim iumi’ and iumi willing for forgivim olketa. (Phil. 2:3) Tingim diswan, ‘Waswe, mi followim example bilong Jehovah and showimaot mi hambol?’ Olsem wei wea olketa keepim gud olketa road bilong taon for stap sef, iumi tu mas mek sure road bilong iumi for narawan ask for forgiveness hem mas klia and isi for olketa followim. Kwiktaem for showimaot mercy and slow for feel nogud long narawan.—Eccl. 7:8, 9.


9. Hao nao Jehovah helpem olketa Israelite for luksavve laef hem holy?

9 Wanfala main reason Jehovah markem olketa taon for stap sef, hem for protectim olketa Israelite for no guilty long blood. (Deut. 19:10) Jehovah barava tinghae long laef and hem heitim wei for killim man dae. (Prov. 6:16, 17) Nomata sapos samwan no min for killim dae narawan, hard for Jehovah ting nating long datwan from hem God bilong justice and hem holy. Man hia savve kasem mercy, bat hem mas story firstaem witim olketa elder abaotem samting wea happen. Sapos olketa elder faendaot hem wanfala accident, then datfala man wea ran go long taon for stap sef, mas stap long there go kasem taem hae priest hem dae. Datwan minim maet man hia mas stap long there for full laef bilong hem. Arrangement hia mekem olketa Israelite luksavve laef hem holy. For showimaot olketa tinghae long God wea givim laef, olketa mas mek sure evriting olketa duim hem no mekem laef bilong narawan stap long danger.

10. Wanem nao Jesus talem wea showimaot olketa scribe and Pharisee no tinghae long laef?

10 Olketa scribe and Pharisee difren from Jehovah, olketa nating tinghae long laef. Jesus sei long olketa: “Iufala aotem key wea openem door for savve abaotem God. Iufala no go insaed datfala door and iufala trae for stopem olketa narawan wea laek go insaed tu!” (Luke 11:52) Olketa nao shud explainim toktok bilong God long pipol and helpem olketa kasem laef olowe. Bat, olketa stopem pipol for followim Jesus, “man wea God markem for givim laef long pipol.” (Acts 3:15) Taem olketa duim olsem, olketa leadim pipol go for dae. Olketa scribe and Pharisee praod and selfish, and no kea long laef bilong pipol. Datwan barava no kaen and no showimaot love!

11. (a) Hao nao aposol Paul showimaot hem ting long laef olsem Jehovah? (b) Wanem nao bae helpem iumi for followim example bilong Paul for gohed strong long ministry?

11 Hao nao iumi savve followim example bilong Jehovah and no olketa scribe and Pharisee? Iumi mas respectim and tinghae long laef. Aposol Paul duim diswan taem hem traem best for helpem staka pipol for savve long gud nius abaotem Kingdom. Dastawe hem sei: “Sapos eniwan hem no sev, bae mi no kasem blame for datwan.” (Readim Acts 20:26, 27.) Bat waswe, Paul preach nomoa bikos hem no laek for guilty long blood or bikos Jehovah forcem hem for duim datwan? Nomoa. Paul barava lovem pipol. Hem tingim laef bilong olketa hem important and laekem olketa for kasem laef olowe. (1 Cor. 9:19-23) Iumi tu shud ting long laef olsem Jehovah. Hem laekem evriwan for repent mekem olketa savve kasem laef olowe. (2 Pet. 3:9) For followim example bilong Jehovah, iumi mas lovem pipol. Wei for garem mercy bae muvim iumi for gohed strong and hapi for preach.

12. Why nao pipol bilong God tinghae long safety?

12 For garem sem tingting olsem Jehovah abaotem laef, iumi need for garem stret tingting abaotem safety. Taem iumi draev and waka iumi mas tingim safety. Olsem taem iumi go long olketa meeting or duim eni waka for buildim or repairim Kingdom Hall. Laef, safety, and health bilong pipol hem important winim selen. God bilong iumi evritaem duim samting wea stret and iumi laek for olsem hem. Olketa elder nao main wan wea need for tingim safety bilong olketa seleva and olketa narawan. (Prov. 22:3) Sapos elder remindim iu abaotem olketa rul and standard bilong safety, followim wanem hem talem. (Gal. 6:1) Respectim laef olsem Jehovah and “iu bae no guilty long blood.”


13, 14. Hao nao olketa elder long Israel savve followim example bilong Jehovah for showimaot justice?

13 Jehovah komandim olketa elder long Israel bifor for followim example bilong hem for showimaot justice. Firstaem, olketa elder mas faendaot gud abaotem evri samting wea happen. Bifor olketa savve disaed sapos olketa bae showimaot mercy, olketa mas trae for savve long tingting, reason, and samting wea datfala man wea killim narawan hem bin duim bifor. Then, olketa elder mas faendaot sapos man hia hem heitim and min for killim dae datfala man. (Readim Numbers 35:20-24.) Sapos samfala lukim samting wea happen, olketa elder mas herem story bilong tufala witness or winim datwan, bifor olketa judgem hem for dae.—Num. 35:30.

14 Bihaen olketa elder faendemaot evri samting wea happen, olketa mas no tingim nomoa samting wea hem duim, bat olketa mas tingim tu, hem wanem kaen man. Olketa elder need for garem fasin for luksavve mekem olketa lukluk long evri samting wea join witim datfala problem and for minim why samting hia happen. Bat samting wea moa important, olketa needim holy spirit bilong Jehovah for helpem olketa for followim example bilong hem for garem fasin for luksavve, showimaot mercy, and justice.—Ex. 34:6, 7.

15. Storyim hao tingting bilong Jesus abaotem man wea sin hem difren from olketa Pharisee.

15 Olketa Pharisee no showimaot mercy taem olketa judgem narawan. Olketa lukluk nomoa long rong wea man duim and no trae for savve wanem kaen man nao hem. Taem olketa Pharisee lukim Jesus kaikai long haos bilong Matthew, olketa askem olketa disaepol bilong hem: “Hao nao teacher bilong iufala kaikai witim olketa wea tekem tax and pipol wea sin?” Jesus sei: “Pipol wea sik nao need for go lukim doctor, no olketa wea strong. Iufala go, and lanem mining bilong disfala toktok wea sei: ‘Mi no laekem sakrifaes, bat mi laekem iufala for showimaot mercy long nara pipol.’ Mi no kam for talem gudfala pipol for repent, bat for talem pipol wea sin nao for repent.” (Matt. 9:9-13) Waswe, Jesus mek excuse for olketa wea sin? Nomoa. Hem laekem olketa for repent. Datwan hem wanfala important part long message wea hem preach abaotem. (Matt. 4:17) Jesus luksavve samfala long “olketa man for tekem tax and pipol wea sin” olketa laek for change. Olketa no kam long haos bilong Matthew for kaikai nomoa. Bat olketa kam bikos olketa followim Jesus. (Mark 2:15) Bat staka Pharisee no garem sem tingting olsem Jesus. Olketa tingse pipol no savve change, and ting long olketa olsem olketa sinner wea iusles nomoa. Datwan barava difren from hao Jehovah showimaot justice and mercy.

16. Wanem nao wanfala judicial komiti mas trae for luksavve long hem?

16 Olketa elder distaem mas followim example bilong Jehovah wea “laekem tumas justice.” (Ps. 37:28) Firstaem olketa elder need for “barava faendaot gud” sapos datfala man hem duim sin or nomoa. Sapos hem duim sin, olketa bae followim olketa Bible principle for helpem olketa for disaedem wanem for duim. (Deut. 13:12-14) Taem olketa deal witim judicial case, olketa mas lukluk gud for mek sure man wea duim serious sin hem repent or nomoa. Datwan no isi. Wei for repent hem join witim tingting bilong datfala man abaotem samting wea hem duim, wei bilong hem, and samting wea stap long heart. (Rev. 3:3) Hem mas repent for kasem mercy. *

17, 18. Hao nao olketa elder bae luksavve sapos wanfala man hem barava repent? (Lukim piksa long start bilong study.)

17 Jehovah and Jesus barava savve gud long tingting and feeling bilong man bikos tufala savve wanem hem stap long heart. Bat olketa elder no olsem. So sapos iu wanfala elder, hao nao bae iu savve sapos wanfala man hem barava repent? Firstaem, prea for wisdom and wei for luksavve. (1 Ki. 3:9) Mek-tu samting, iusim Bible and olketa pablikeson from datfala faithful wakaman for helpem iu luksavve long “kaen wei bilong pipol long world for sorre” and “wei for sorre wea fitim wanem God hem laekem,” wea hem nao trufala wei for repent. (2 Cor. 7:10, 11) Readim olketa story insaed Bible abaotem olketa wea repent and wea no repent, and ting raonem wanem nao feeling, tingting, and samting olketa duim.

18 Mek-thri samting, olketa elder mas no tingim nomoa samting wea hem duim, bat olketa mas tingim tu hem wanem kaen man, wea nao hem kam from, hu nao hem, why nao hem disaed for duim samfala samting, and wanem nao samfala samting wea hem no fit for duim. Jesus wea hem nao hed bilong Christian kongregeson “no judge followim samting wea eye bilong hem lukim, or givim kaonsel followim samting wea ear bilong hem herem. Hem mas judgem pipol wea hambol long raeteous wei, and long stretfala wei hem bae givim kaonsel for helpem pipol wea hambol long earth.” (Isa. 11:3, 4) Iufala olketa elder, Jesus markem iufala for lukaftarem kongregeson and hem bae helpem iufala for judge long wei wea showimaot justice and mercy. (Matt. 18:18-20) Iumi hapi tumas for garem olketa elder wea lukaftarem iumi! Olketa helpem iumi tu for showimaot justice and mercy.

19. Wanem nao iu laek for duim for followim samting wea iu lanem from olketa taon for stap sef?

19 Law bilong Moses garem “olketa main teaching and tru samting.” Hem teachim iumi abaotem Jehovah and olketa principle bilong hem. (Rome 2:20) Arrangement bilong olketa taon for stap sef helpem olketa elder for luksavve hao for “judgem man long wei wea followim justice” and hem helpem iumi evriwan for “evritaem showimaot love and mercy long each other.” (Zech. 7:9) Nomata distaem iumi no stap anda long datfala Law, Jehovah no change. Justice and mercy barava important long hem. Hem nambawan privilege for worshipim God olsem. So iumi laek for followim olketa nambawan fasin bilong hem and mekem hem kamap sef ples bilong iumi!

^ par. 16 Lukim “Questions From Readers” long The Watchtower, September 15, 2006, page 30.