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“Man wea Willing for Givim Samting Bae Kasem Blessing”

“Man wea Willing for Givim Samting Bae Kasem Blessing”

FROM bifor kam sakrifaes hem important part long tru worship. Olketa Israelite sakrifaesim olketa animal, and olketa Christian “evritaem praisem God,” wea diswan olsem sakrifaes. Bat, olketa nara sakrifaes stap wea iumi savve givim long God for mekem hem hapi. (Heb. 13:15, 16) Diswan savve mekem iumi hapi tu and kasem blessing. Bae iumi storyim samfala example.

Hannah, hem faithful woman bifor wea barava laek for garem wanfala boy bat hem no savve garem pikinini. Hem prea and promis long Jehovah sapos hem bornem wanfala boy, hem bae ‘givim long Jehovah, mekem hem savve waka for hem for full laef bilong hem.’ (1 Sam. 1:10, 11) Gogo, Hannah babule, and bornem wanfala pikinini boy wea nem bilong hem Samuel. Taem Samuel thri year, Hannah tekem hem go long tabernacle. Jehovah blessim Hannah from hem willing for givim pikinini bilong hem. Gogo hem garem faevfala pikinini moa, and Samuel kamap profet and raetem samfala buk long Bible.—1 Sam. 2:21.

Olsem Hannah and Samuel, olketa Christian distaem garem privilege for iusim laef bilong olketa for duim waka bilong Jehovah. Jesus promisim taem iumi mekem sakrifaes for worshipim Jehovah, iumi bae kasem nambawan blessing.—Mark 10:28-30.

Long first century, Christian woman wea nem bilong hem Dorcas “evritaem helpem pipol and duim gud samting for pipol wea poor.” Wei wea hem duim samting for helpem narawan hem olsem sakrifaes. Sorre samting nao, gogo “hem sik and hem dae.” Kongregeson sorre tumas. Taem olketa disaepol herem Peter bae visit long datfala ples, olketa laekem for hem mas kam kwiktaem long olketa. Olketa barava hapi taem Peter kam and resurrectim Dorcas! Datwan hem firstaem wea Bible sei wanfala aposol duim wanfala resurrection. (Acts 9:36-41) God nating forgetim olketa gud samting wea Dorcas duim. (Heb. 6:10) Story bilong Dorcas abaotem wei wea hem kaen hem stap long Bible olsem wanfala example for iumi distaem.

Aposol Paul tu wanfala nambawan example. Hem busy and willing for iusim taem bilong hem for helpem olketa narawan. Taem Paul raet long olketa long Corinth, hem sei: “Mi hapi for givim evri samting wea mi garem and givim miseleva tu for helpem iufala.” (2 Cor. 12:15) From Paul givim full laef bilong hem for helpem olketa narawan, hem barava hapi and satisfae. Bat samting wea moa important, Jehovah blessim hem and hapi long hem.—Acts 20:24, 35.

So iumi luksavve Jehovah hapi sapos iumi iusim taem and strong bilong iumi for sapotim Kingdom and helpem olketa brata and sista. Bat waswe, eni nara wei iumi savve sapotim waka for preach abaotem Kingdom? Yes! Iumi showimaot iumi tinghae long God tu taem iumi willing for givim donation. Olketa donation hem for sapotim preaching waka wea gohed evriwea long world. Insaed diswan hem wei for sapotim olketa missionary and olketa narawan insaed spesol full-taem service. And tu, olketa iusim olketa donation hia for preparem and transleitim olketa pablikeson and video. And olketa iusim donation for help long taem bilong disaster and for buildim olketa niu Kingdom Hall. Iumi sure “man wea willing for givim samting bae kasem blessing.” Bat taem iumi givim olketa gudfala samting wea iumi garem long Jehovah, hem showimaot iumi tinghae long hem.—Prov. 3:9; 22:9.