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Mas Rejectim Tingting Bilong World

Mas Rejectim Tingting Bilong World

‘No letem olketa iusles toktok and tingting bilong world for trapim iufala.’—COL. 2:8.

SONG: 60, 26

1. Wanem nao aposol Paul raetem for olketa Christian long Colossae? (Lukim piksa long start bilong study.)

APOSOL Paul raet long olketa Christian long Colossae taem hem insaed prison long Rome long samting olsem 60-61 C.E. Hem storyim why olketa mas garem “wei for minim samting wea kam from holy spirit.” Diswan minim for garem sem tingting olsem Jehovah. (Col. 1:9) Paul sei: “Mi talem diswan long iufala mekem no eniwan iusim kleva toktok for trikim iufala. No letem olketa iusles toktok and tingting bilong man for trapim iufala. Olketa samting hia join witim kastom bilong olketa man and olketa iusles samting bilong disfala world nomoa. Olketa no kam from Christ.” (Col. 2:4, 8) Then Paul explainim why samfala tingting wea staka pipol garem hem no stret, and why pipol barava laekem kaen tingting olsem. Olsem example, samfala idea bilong world mekem pipol tingse olketa kleva tumas and gud winim narawan. Paul raetem leta hia for helpem olketa Christian rejectim tingting bilong world and no duim eni nogud samting.—Col. 2:16, 17, 23.

2. Why nao bae iumi story raonem faevfala example bilong tingting bilong world?

2 Pipol wea garem tingting bilong world nating tinghae long olketa principle bilong Jehovah, and sapos iumi no careful, kaen tingting olsem savve mekem iumi no trustim wisdom bilong Jehovah. Distaem tingting olsem stap long television, Internet, waka ples, or long skul. Wanem nao iumi savve duim for no letem datwan affectim iumi? Long disfala study, bae iumi storyim faevfala example bilong tingting bilong world and wanem iumi savve duim for rejectim olketa.


3. Wanem kaen tingting nao pipol laekem and why nao olsem?

3 “Mi duim olketa gud samting nomata mi no bilivim God hem stap.” Long staka kantri, pipol savve garem kaen tingting olsem. Maet olketa no really ting raonem sapos God stap or nomoa, bat olketa enjoyim nomoa for duim samting wea olketa seleva laekem. (Readim Psalm 10:4.) Samfala tingse pipol bae tinghae long olketa sapos olketa sei, “Mi savve duim gud samting nomata mi no bilivim God hem stap.”

4. Wanem nao iumi savve storyim long man wea tingse no eni Creator stap?

4 Waswe, hem mek sense for sei no eni Creator stap? Samfala pipol tingse science bae helpem olketa for savve hao nao laef start, bat datwan mekem olketa for konfius nomoa. Bat really, ansa hem isi nomoa. Waswe, haos savve stap nomata no eniwan buildim? Barava nomoa nao! Samwan nao mas buildim. So waswe long evri samting wea laef? Nomata olketa smolfala cell wea stap insaed evriting wea laef, hem savve mekem olketa nara cell wea olsem hemseleva. Datwan barava winim wanfala haos, bikos haos hard for duim datwan. Diswan minim olketa cell savve keepim olketa information and then pasim long olketa niu cell mekem olketa niu cell hia wakem moa samfala niu wan. Hu nao creatim olketa cell hia for duim olketa samting olsem? Bible sei: “Evri haos man nao wakem, bat man wea wakem evri samting hem God.”—Heb. 3:4.

5. Why nao hem no stret for sei man seleva savve disaedem gud samting nomata hem no bilivim God?

5 Waswe long tingting for sei man seleva savve disaedem samting wea gud nomata hem no bilivim God hem stap? Hem tru, Bible sei pipol wea no bilivim God maet duim samfala gud samting tu. (Rome 2:14, 15) Olsem example, maet samwan respectim and lovem parents bilong hem. Bat sapos hem no followim standard bilong Jehovah, hao nao bae hem luksavve long wanem hem stret and no stret? (Isa. 33:22) Staka pipol distaem wea garem big savve, agree hao olketa nogud samting wea gohed happen long world showimaot olketa man needim God for helpem olketa. (Readim Jeremiah 10:23.) So iumi shud no tingse man savve duim gudfala samting nomata hem no bilivim God and no followim standard bilong God.—Ps. 146:3.


6. Wanem nao tingting bilong staka pipol abaotem religion?

6 “Iu savve hapi nomata iu no joinim wanfala religion.” Staka pipol tingse religion boring tumas and iumi no needim nomoa. And tu, staka religion teachim hellfire, forcem pipol for givim selen, or sapotim politik. Dastawe, iumi no sapraes taem staka pipol sei olketa hapi nomata olketa no joinim eni religion! Pipol olsem maet sei, “Mi interest long God, bat mi no laek joinim wanfala religion.”

7. Hao nao tru religion savve mekem iu hapi?

7 Waswe, man savve really hapi nomata hem no joinim wanfala religion? Ia, man savve hapi sapos hem no joinim false religion. Bat hard for eniwan hapi sapos hem no fren witim Jehovah, “datfala hapi God.” (1 Tim. 1:11) Taem Jehovah duim samting, hem duim for helpem narawan. From iumi pipol bilong hem, iumi hapi taem iumi traem best for helpem narawan. (Acts 20:35) Olsem example, tingim hao tru worship savve helpem olketa famili for hapi. Iumi lane for respectim and faithful long marit partner. Iumi teachim olketa pikinini for showimaot respect and iumi savve showimaot love insaed famili. Tru worship helpem pipol bilong Jehovah evriwea long world for hapi, garem wan mind, and love insaed kongregeson.—Readim Isaiah 65:13, 14.

8. Hao nao Matthew 5:3 helpem iumi for luksavve long samting wea savve mekem pipol hapi?

8 So waswe, man savve hapi nomata hem no worshipim God? Wanem nao mekem pipol hapi? Samfala hapi taem olketa duim waka for garem bignem, sports, and duim samting wea olketa interest long hem. Olketa narawan hapi taem olketa lukaftarem olketa famili and fren. Olketa samting hia mekem man hapi for lelebet taem. Bat man savve hapi for olowe taem hem lane abaotem Creator and worshipim hem. Iumi no olsem olketa animal bikos God creatim iumi for hapi taem iumi worshipim hem. (Readim Matthew 5:3.) Olsem example, iumi hapi and kasem encouragement taem iumi hipap tugeta for worshipim Jehovah. (Ps. 133:1) Iumi hapi tu from iumi wan mind witim olketa brata and sista evriwea long world, garem klin laef, and garem nambawan hope for future.


9. (a) Wanem nao tingting bilong staka pipol abaotem sex? (b) Why nao Bible sei hem rong for tufala wea no marit for duim sex?

9 “Why nao hem rong for tufala wea no marit for duim sex?” Pipol maet ask olsem: “Why nao iufala strict tumas? Iumi shud enjoyim laef nomoa.” Bat Bible stopem wei for durong. * (Readim 1 Thessalonica 4:3-8.) From Jehovah creatim iumi, hem garem raet for mekem olketa law for iumi. Hem sei man and woman wea marit nomoa savve duim sex. Jehovah givim iumi olketa law bikos hem lovem iumi. Hem savve sapos iumi followim olketa law hia, iumi bae garem gudfala laef. Famili wea obeyim olketa law bilong God garem love, respect, and olketa bae feel sef. God bae judgem pipol wea savve long law bilong hem, bat no laek for obeyim.—Heb. 13:4.

10. Hao nao wanfala Christian savve stap klia long wei for durong?

10 Bible teachim iumi for stap klia long wei for durong. Iumi mas keakea long samting iumi lukluk long hem. Jesus sei: “Eniwan wea gohed for lukluk long wanfala woman and laek for durong witim hem, hem duim adultery finis witim hem long heart bilong hem. So sapos eye bilong iu mekem iu for sin, aotem datwan and torowem.” (Matt. 5:28, 29) So iumi mas stap klia long wei for lukluk long olketa rabis piksa and lisin long music wea pipol sing abaotem wei for durong. Paul sei: “Killim dae feeling bilong iufala for laek durong.” (Col. 3:5) And tu, iumi need for kontrolem samting wea iumi tingting abaotem and storyim.—Eph. 5:3-5.


11. Why nao iumi maet aftarem waka for garem bignem?

11 “Waka wea mekem man garem bignem bae mekem iu hapi.” Pipol maet talem iumi for aftarem waka for garem bignem, hae position, or for kamap rich. From staka pipol tingse man bae hapi taem hem duim datwan, maet iumi start for ting olsem tu.

12. Waswe, waka wea mekem iu garem bignem savve mekem iu hapi?

12 Waswe, hem tru waka for garem bignem and hae position bae mekem iu hapi? Nomoa. Tingim diswan, Satan garem feeling for laek garem hae position and for bossim olketa narawan and laekem olketa for tinghae long hem, bat hem nating hapi nomoa. (Matt. 4:8, 9; Rev. 12:12) Bat iumi difren, iumi barava hapi taem iumi helpem pipol for lane abaotem God and nambawan future wea hem promisim. No eni waka long disfala world savve mekem iu hapi and satisfae olsem datwan. And tu, taem man aftarem waka for kasem bignem, wei for laek winim each other, and wei for jealous hem big tumas. Diswan mekem pipol nating hapi. Bible sei olketa “hard waka nomoa for aftarem wind.”—Eccl. 4:4.

13. (a) Hao nao iumi shud ting long waka bilong iumi for selen? (b) Wanem nao mekem Paul barava hapi?

13 Iumi evriwan need for waka for selen, and hem no rong for chusim waka wea iumi laek for duim. Bat waka bilong iumi shud no main samting long laef bilong iumi. Jesus sei: “No eniwan savve waka for tufala boss, bikos bae hem heitim narawan and lovem narawan, or bae hem faithful long narawan and ting daonem narawan. Iufala no savve worshipim God and long semtaem busy for kasem staka selen.” (Matt. 6:24) Wei for worshipim Jehovah and teachim pipol abaotem Bible savve mekem iumi barava hapi. Aposol Paul tu ting olsem. Taem hem young, hem aftarem wei for kasem bignem. Bat taem hem kamap man for preach, and hem lukim toktok bilong God changem laef bilong pipol hem barava hapi. (Readim 1 Thessalonica 2:13, 19, 20.) No eni waka long world savve mekem iumi hapi olsem wei for worshipim Jehovah and teachim pipol abaotem hem.

Iumi hapi taem iumi helpem pipol for lane abaotem God (Paragraf 12, 13 storyim diswan)


14. Why nao pipol laekem idea wea sei olketa man savve stretem olketa nogud samting wea happen?

14 “Pipol savve stretem evri nogud samting wea happen long world.” Staka pipol distaem laekem datfala idea, bikos olketa no laek stap anda long God, bat olketa laek duim samting wea olketa seleva tingim. Iu maet herem pipol sei war, criminal fasin, sik, and wei for poor hem start for katdaon. Wanfala report sei: “Laef bilong pipol kamap gud bikos olketa man disaed for mekem world for kamap gudfala ples.” Waswe, tingting olsem hem tru? Waswe, pipol really savve hao for stretem olketa nogud samting wea happen long world? For faendem ansa, iumi storyim samfala nogud samting wea gohed for happen.

15. Why nao iumi savve sei olketa problem long world kamap big tumas?

15 Waswe, pipol finisim olketa war? Long World War I and II, winim 60 million pipol dae. Bat long 2015, 12.4 million pipol mas lusim hom bilong olketa bikos long war or persecution. Diswan mekem total namba bilong olketa refugee for kamap 65 million. Waswe long olketa criminal? Long samfala kantri, samfala criminal fasin hem katdaon. Bat olketa nara wei olsem cybercrime, domestic violence, terrorism, and corruption hem gohed kamap big tumas. Waswe long olketa sik? Hem tru, samfala man faendem medicine for finisim samfala sik. Bat long 2013, wanfala report sei evri year naen million pipol wea no kasem 60 year dae from heart problem, stroke, cancer, short wind, and diabetes. And hao nao wei for poor? World Bank reportim namba bilong pipol wea barava poor long Africa long 1990 hem 280 million and long 2012 hem 330 million.

16. (a) Why nao Kingdom bilong God nomoa savve stretem olketa nogud samting wea happen long world? (b) Wanem nao Isaiah and man wea raetem psalm sei Kingdom bae duim?

16 Distaem, selfish pipol nao kontrolem olketa samting saed long selen and politik. Dastawe, hem hard tumas for olketa finisim war, criminal fasin, sik, and wei for poor. Kingdom bilong God nomoa savve duim datwan. Tingim wanem Jehovah bae duim for iumi olketa man. Kingdom bae finisim olketa samting wea kosim war olsem wei for selfish, corruption, wei for mekhae long kantri, false religion, and Satan tu. (Ps. 46:8, 9) Kingdom bae finisim tu criminal fasin. Nomata distaem tu Kingdom gohed teachim staka million pipol for lovem and trustim each other. No eni nara gavman savve duim datwan. (Isa. 11:9) Klosap nao Jehovah bae finisim sik and evriwan bae garem gudfala health. (Isa. 35:5, 6) Hem bae finisim wei for poor and mekem evriwan hapi and fren gud witim hem. Diswan barava winim haomas selen man garem.—Ps. 72:12, 13.


17. Hao nao iu savve rejectim tingting bilong world?

17 So sapos samwan talem iu wanfala tingting wea difren from wanem iu bilivim, faendaot wanem Bible talem abaotem datwan. Storyim diswan witim wanfala mature brata or sista. Ting raonem why pipol laekem datfala idea, why hem no stret, and hao for rejectim datwan. Iumi savve protectim iumiseleva from tingting bilong world taem iumi duim samting wea Paul talem: “Iufala mas wise long samting wea iufala duim taem iufala stap witim pipol wea no insaed long kongregeson . . . Savve hao for givim ansa long evri man.”—Col. 4:5, 6.

^ par. 9 Samfala Bible transleison garem wanfala extra part insaed long John 7:53–8:11, wea diswan no part long Bible. Taem samfala readim olketa verse hia, olketa tingse Jesus hem sei for no judgem man wea duim adultery. Bat law wea God givim for olketa Israelite hem sei: “Sapos olketa faendem wanfala man hem durong witim wanfala woman wea marit finis, tufala evriwan mas dae.”—Deut. 22:22.