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Hapi for Singsing Big!

Hapi for Singsing Big!

“Hem gud for iumi singsing for praisem God bilong iumi.”—PS. 147:1.

SONG: 9, 138

1. Singsing helpem iumi for duim wanem?

WANFALA famous man for raetem song hem sei, “Olketa word savve mekem iu tingim wanfala samting. Music savve mekem iu garem feeling. Bat wanfala song savve mekem iu garem feeling for piksarem samting.” Olketa song bilong iumi savve mekem iumi garem feeling for lovem and praisem Jehovah, Dadi bilong iumi long heven. So wei for singsing hem important part long tru worship nomata iumi singsing seleva, or witim olketa brata and sista bilong iumi.

2, 3. (a) Hao nao tingting bilong samfala abaotem wei for singsing big long kongregeson? (b) Olketa wanem kwestin nao bae iumi storyim long disfala study?

2 Hao nao iu feel abaotem wei for singsing big long kongregeson? Waswe, iu feel shame? Long samfala ples, hem wei bilong olketa man for hol bak for singsing taem staka pipol stap. Diskaen tingting savve affectim full kongregeson, especially sapos olketa elder hol bak for singsing or sapos olketa busy for duim nara samting taem singsing gohed.—Ps. 30:12.

3 Singsing hem part long worship bilong iumi for Jehovah. So, iumi bae no laek for go aot long taem bilong singsing or for misstim datwan. So hem gud for iumi tingim diswan: Hao nao feeling bilong mi abaotem wei for singsing long meeting? Wanem nao mi savve duim for winim feeling for fraet for singsing big taem staka pipol stap? And wanem nao mi savve duim mekem mi singsing from heart taem mi singim olketa song bilong iumi?


4, 5. Hao nao olketa Israelite arrangem wei for singsing for worshipim Jehovah?

4 Start from bifor kam, olketa wea worshipim Jehovah savve iusim music for praisem hem. Hem interesting for savve singsing hem important part long worship bilong olketa Israelite taem olketa faithful long Jehovah. Olsem example, taem King David start for preparem olketa samting for temple, hem organizem 4,000 Levite for iusim music for praisem Jehovah. Insaed diswan, 288 long olketa “kasem training for singsing long Jehovah and olketa barava savve tumas hao for sing.”—1 Chron. 23:5; 25:7.

5 Taem olketa dedicatem temple, music and wei for singsing hem important part long datfala program. Bible sei: “Taem evri man wea blowim trumpet and olketa singer praisem and talem thankiu long Jehovah tugeta. Music flow kam from trumpet, cymbal, and olketa nara instrument and olketa gohed for praisem Jehovah, . . . then glory bilong Jehovah hem fulap long haos bilong tru God.” Datwan mas barava strongim faith bilong olketa Israelite!—2 Chron. 5:13, 14; 7:6.

6. Storyim samting wea olketa duim taem olketa dedicatem wall bilong Jerusalem long taem bilong Nehemiah.

6 Nehemiah organizem olketa Israelite for buildim bak wall bilong Jerusalem, and hem organizem tu olketa Levite for singsing and pleim music. Taem olketa dedicatem wall hia, wei wea olketa singsing and pleim spesol music mekem evriwan barava enjoyim datfala taem. Nehemiah markem “tufala big choir for singsing for sei thankiu.” Tufala choir hia wakabaot antap wall bilong datfala taon. Wanfala grup start long wansaed and nara grup start long narasaed, olketa wakabaot go raon antap long datfala wall and then meet klosap long temple. Taem olketa meet bak, singsing bilong olketa hem laod fogud so nomata pipol wea stap farawe savve herem. (Neh. 12:27, 28, 31, 38, 40, 43) Iumi sure Jehovah barava laek for herem taem olketa wea worshipim hem hapi tumas for singsing for praisem hem.

7. Wanem nao Jesus duim wea showimaot singsing hem important part long worship bilong olketa Christian?

7 Long taem bilong Jesus, music hem still important part long tru worship. Tingim samting wea happen long datfala barava important naet long history. Bihaen Jesus and olketa disaepol celebratem Evening Kaikai Bilong Lord, olketa singsing for praisem Jehovah.—Readim Matthew 26:30.

8. Wanem nao iumi lanem from wei wea olketa Christian long first century singim olketa song for worship?

8 Olketa Christian long first century showimaot gudfala example long wei for singsing tugeta for praisem God. Nomata olketa hipap long wanfala haos nomoa, and no wanfala temple, olketa barava hapi for singsing long Jehovah. Aposol Paul talem olketa Christian brata, “Gohed teachim and encouragem narawan long wei for singim olketa psalm, witim olketa song for praisem God, and olketa naesfala song for worshipim God. Singsing long Jehovah from heart bilong iufala.” (Col. 3:16) Iumi savve singsing witim feeling for tinghae taem iumi iusim songbuk bilong iumi for singim olketa naesfala song for worshipim God. Olketa singsing hia hem part long spiritual kaikai wea iumi kasem “long barava taem” from “datfala wakaman wea faithful and wise.”—Matt. 24:45.


9. (a) Why nao maet samfala hol bak for singsing big long meeting and assembly? (b) Wanem nao iumi savve duim taem iumi singsing for praisem Jehovah, and hu nao olketa main wan wea shud duim diswan? (Lukim piksa long start bilong study.)

9 Wanem nao samfala samting wea maet mekem iu hol bak for singsing? Maet hem no wei bilong famili or pipol long ples bilong iu for singsing. Or maet iu herehere long olketa wea savve tumas hao for singsing long radio or TV, and taem iu markem hao iu sing witim hao olketa sing, datwan maet mekem iu feel wiki or shame tumas. Bat no letem datwan affectim responsibility bilong iumi for singsing for praisem Jehovah. So holem ap songbuk, apim hed bilong iu, and singsing from full heart! (Ezra 3:11; readim Psalm 147:1.) Distaem staka Kingdom Hall garem screen and word bilong song savve showaot long screen, diswan savve helpem iumi for sing big. Hem interesting tu for savve hao distaem wei for singim olketa Kingdom song hem part long Kingdom Ministry Skul for olketa elder. Diswan showimaot hem barava important for olketa elder showimaot example for singsing long meeting.

10. Wanem nao iumi savve tingim sapos iumi fraet for singsing big?

10 Samting wea mekem staka for hol bak for singsing big, hem nao feeling for fraet nogud olketa singsing laod tumas or voice bilong olketa here nogud. Bat iumi mas tingim diswan, taem iumi toktok iumi evriwan savve talem toktok wea no stret, bat datwan no stopem iumi for toktok. (Jas. 3:2) So waswe, wei wea iumi tingse voice bilong iumi no here gud shud stopem iumi for singsing for praisem Jehovah?

11, 12. Wanem nao iumi savve duim mekem singsing bilong iumi for kamap gud?

11 Maet iumi fraet for sing bikos iumi no savve hao for singsing. Bat samfala idea stap for mekem singsing bilong iumi kamap gud. *

12 Iu savve singsing witim strong and laod voice sapos iu lane hao for brith long stretfala wei. Long sem wei wea paoa savve mekem bulb for laet, wei wea iu brith long stretfala wei savve mekem toktok or singsing bilong iu garem paoa. Iu shud singsing laod olsem hao iu toktok or winim hao iu toktok. (Lukim olketa idea long Kasem Gud Samting From Theocratic Ministry Skul Education, page 181 go kasem 184, long subheding “Breathe Long Stretfala Wei.”) Long Bible, samfala scripture talem olketa wea worshipim Jehovah for “singaot witim hapi” taem olketa singsing for praisem hem.—Ps. 33:1-3.

13. Storyim wanem iumi savve duim for no fraet for singsing.

13 Traem olketa idea hia long famili worship or taem iu stap seleva: Chusim wanfala favorite song long songbuk. Readim big evri word witim strong and klia voice. Then, witim sem laod voice, readim wanfala short toktok long wanfala brith. Then, singim datfala short toktok witim sem strong voice. (Isa. 24:14) Taem olsem, voice bilong iu for singsing bae garem moa paoa. Datwan barava gud samting. So no fraet or feel shame for mekem voice bilong iu laod and garem paoa.

14. (a) Hao nao wei for openem gud mouth helpem iumi for singsing? (Lukim box “ Hao for Singsing Gud.”) (b) Wanem nao samfala idea for helpem iumi winim problem saed long voice?

14 For helpem voice garem paoa iu need for openem gud mouth. So taem iu sing, openem mouth waed winim taem iu toktok. Bat wanem nao bae iu duim sapos voice bilong iu hem no strong or hem hae tumas? Samfala naes idea for helpem iu hem stap long box “Hao for Winim Samfala Problem,” long Kasem Gud Samting From Theocratic Ministry Skul Education page 184.


15. (a) Wanem announcement nao olketa mekem long 2016 annual meeting? (b) Why nao olketa mekem niu songbuk?

15 Long 2016 annual meeting, evriwan wea attend barava hapi taem Brata Stephen Lett, member bilong Governing Body, hem announcem niu songbuk wea garem title Singsing Long Jehovah From Heart. Brata Lett explainim iumi needim niu songbuk bikos olketa changem samfala samting insaed New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Olketa changem and aotem samfala word insaed olketa song bikos samfala toktok hia no stap distaem insaed niu Bible. Olketa mekem samfala niu song tu abaotem preaching waka and ransom. And tu, bikos wei for singsing hem important part long worship, Governing Body laekem iumi for garem wanfala naes strong songbuk. Dastawe hem garem sem kava olsem niu Bible.

16, 17. Wanem nao samfala nara change wea kamap long niu songbuk?

16 For mekem hem isi for iumi iusim niu songbuk, olketa putim olketa song followim olketa subject. Olsem example, first 12-fala song hem abaotem Jehovah, then 8-fala abaotem Jesus and ransom, then olketa nara subject kamap bihaen. List bilong olketa subject hia stap insaed olketa first page bilong songbuk. Diswan savve helpem olketa brata chusim song for fitim pablik tok bilong olketa.

17 For helpem evriwan sing from heart, olketa changem samfala word or toktok mekem mining bilong song kamap klia. Olsem example, olketa aotem olketa word wea pipol distaem no iusim, olsem “oltaem.” Olketa changem tu title bilong datfala song “Biliv Strong Long Truth” for kamap “Tinghae Long Truth,” and olketa changem olketa word long datfala song. And title bilong disfala song, “Protectim Heart,” olketa changem for “Iumi Protectim Heart.” Why nao olsem? Bikos bifor, taem iumi singim datfala song long olketa meeting, assembly, and convention, maet hem here olsem iumi talem narawan for duim samting. Datwan maet mekem olketa niu wan, olketa young wan, or olketa sista hol bak for singim datfala song. Dastawe olketa changem title and samfala word insaed datfala song.

Lanem olketa song long famili worship (Paragraf 18 storyim diswan)

18. Why nao hem gud for lanem olketa song insaed niu songbuk? (Lukim footnote.)

18 Staka song long Singsing Long Jehovah From Heart, hem olsem prea. Olketa song hia savve helpem iu for talemaot feeling bilong iu long Jehovah. Olketa nara song savve encouragem iumi for “showimaot love and duim olketa gudfala samting.” (Heb. 10:24) Iumi laek for savve gud long tune, beat, and word long olketa song bilong iumi. Wanfala wei for duim diswan hem for herehere long olketa singsing wea olketa singim wea stap long Taem iu lanem olowe olketa song hia long haos, iu bae no fraet for singsing big from heart. *

19. Long wanem wei nao evriwan long kongregeson savve worshipim Jehovah?

19 Remember, singsing hem important part long worship bilong iumi. Hem nambawan wei for showimaot iumi lovem and tinghae long evri samting wea Jehovah duim for iumi. (Readim Isaiah 12:5.) Taem iu hapi and singsing from heart diswan encouragem olketa narawan for duim olsem tu. Evriwan long kongregeson nomata olketa wea young, olo, or just niu long truth, savve worshipim Jehovah taem olketa singsing. So no hol bak for singsing from heart. Followim toktok bilong man wea raetem psalm, wea sei: “Singsing long Jehovah!” Tru nao, iumi mas hapi for singsing big!

^ par. 11 For samfala idea moa, lukim December 2014 program long JW Broadcasting (video sekson FROM OUR STUDIO).

^ par. 18 Morning and aftanun program long convention and assembly hem start witim music wea gohed for ten minute. Olketa music hia helpem iumi for redyim heart and mind for program wea bae kamap. Dastawe hem gud for iumi sidaon and redi for lisin taem music hia start.