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Finisim Wanem Iu Startim

Finisim Wanem Iu Startim

“Finisim samting wea iufala startim.”—2 COR. 8:11.

SONG 35 “Luksavve Long Olketa Samting wea Important”


1. Wanem nao Jehovah letem iumi for duim?

JEHOVAH letem iumi for mekem olketa disison lo laef. Hem teachim iumi hao for chus gud, and hem savve helpem iumi taem iumi mekem olketa disison wea hem hapi lo hem. (Sams 119:173) Taem iumi followim wisdom wea stap insaed Bible, bae iumi mekem olketa gudfala disison.—Heb. 5:14.

2. Bihaen iumi mekem wanfala disison, wanem nao iumi maet stragol for duim?

2 Nomata sapos iumi mekem wise disison, samfala taem maet iumi stragol for finisim wanem iumi startim. Tingim samfala example hia: Wanfala young brata disaed for readim full Bible. For samfala week hem barava duim gud, bat gogo hem stop. Wanfala sista disaed for regular pioneer bat hem gohed for muvim nomoa taem wea hem ting for start duim datwan. Lo wanfala kongregeson, body of elders agree tugeta for duim moa samting saed lo shepherding, bat nomata bihaen samfala month olketa still no start yet. Olketa situation hia hem difren, bat wanfala samting nao hem semsem. Olketa no duim wanem olketa disaedem. Olketa Christian lo first century garem tu semkaen challenge. Bae iumi storyim wanem iumi savve lanem from olketa.

3. Wanem disison nao olketa lo Corinth mekem, bat wanem nao happen?

3 Lo samting olsem 55 C.E., olketa lo Corinth mekem wanfala important disison. Olketa herem hao olketa brata lo Jerusalem and Judea kasem hard taem and poor tumas, and olketa nara kongregeson start for hipimap selen for helpem olketa. From olketa lo Corinth olketa kaen and willing for give, olketa disaed for help tu and olketa askem aposol Paul hao for duim datwan. Paul sendem instruction for olketa and markem Titus for kolektem selen wea pipol donatem. (1 Cor. 16:1; 2 Cor. 8:6) Bat bihaen tu-thri month, Paul herem dat olketa lo Corinth no givim yet donation wea olketa disaed for givim. From datwan, selen wea olketa laek givim bae no redi lo taem wea olketa brata bae tekem go contribution from olketa nara kongregeson go lo Jerusalem.—2 Cor. 9:4, 5.

4. Olsem 2 Corinth 8:7, 10, 11 storyim, wanem nao Paul encouragem olketa lo Corinth for duim?

4 Olketa lo Corinth mekem gudfala disison, and Paul praisem olketa from olketa garem faith and olketa barava laek for givim samting. Bat lo semtaem hem need for encouragem olketa for finisim wanem olketa startim. (Readim 2 Corinth 8:7, 10, 11.) Samting wea olketa duim hem teachim iumi hao nomata olketa faithful Christian tu bat stragol for duim wanem olketa disaedem.

5. Olketa wanem kwestin nao bae iumi story raonem?

5 Olsem olketa lo Corinth, maet iumi faendem hard for iumi duim wanem iumi disaedem. Why nao olsem? Bikos iumi no perfect, maet iumi talem samting bat delay for duim. Or samting wea iumi no expectim maet happen wea mekem hem hard for iumi duim wanem iumi disaedem. (Eklesiastes 9:11; Rome 7:18) Wanem nao iumi need for duim for lukluk moa lo disison wea iumi bin mekem and for luksavve sapos iumi need for changem? And hao nao iumi savve mek sure iumi finisim wanem iumi startim?


6. Wanem taem nao maet iumi need for changem wanfala disison?

6 Samfala important disison iumi no savve changem. Olsem example, disison blo iumi for servem Jehovah, and disison blo iumi for faithful lo marit partner. (Matt. 16:24; 19:6) Bat, olketa nara disison maet iumi need for changem. Why nao olsem? Bikos laef savve change. Wanem nao savve helpem iumi for mekem olketa barava gudfala disison?

7. Wanem nao iumi shud prea for hem, and why nao olsem?

7 Prea for wisdom. Jehovah iusim James for talem disfala toktok: “Sapos eniwan long iufala hem needim wisdom, hem mas gohed askem God and bae hem kasem datwan, bikos God hem kaen tumas for givim samting long evriwan.” (Jas. 1:5) For tok stret, iumi evriwan no garem wisdom. So iumi mas depend lo Jehovah taem iumi mekem wanfala disison or taem iumi need for changem disison. Jehovah bae helpem iu for chus lo wisefala wei.

8. Wanem kaen research nao iumi shud duim bifor iumi mekem wanfala disison?

8 Research gud. Readim Bible and olketa pablikeson wea organization blo Jehovah provaedem, and story lo samwan wea iu trustim. (Provebs 20:18) Hem important for duim kaen research olsem bifor iu mekem disison for changem waka wea iu duim, for muv go lo nara ples, or for chusim wanem kaen education nao iu bae kasem for sapotim iu lo ministry.

9. Wanem gud samting nao iumi bae kasem sapos iumi honest lo iumiseleva?

9 Ting raonem why iu disaedem samting. Jehovah lukluk lo why nao iumi duim samting. (Provebs 16:2) Hem laekem iumi for honest lo evri samting. So taem iumi mekem disison, iumi laek for honest lo iumiseleva and olketa narawan abaotem why iumi disaedem wanfala samting. Sapos iumi no barava honest, hem bae hard for iumi followim wanem iumi disaedem. Olsem example, wanfala young brata maet disaed for kamap regular pioneer, bat bihaen samfala taem hem stragol nao for kasem hour blo hem and hem no enjoyim ministry. Maet hem tingse reason why hem pioneer hem bikos hem laek for mekem Jehovah hapi. Bat, really hem just laek for mekem olketa narawan, or parents blo hem for hapi.

10. For man change, wanem nao hem needim?

10 Tingim situation blo wanfala Bible student wea disaed for lusim smoke. Firstaem hem stragol for duim datwan, and for tu-thri week hem no smoke nao, bat then hem smoke moa. Bat gogo hem barava stop nao! Love blo hem for Jehovah and wei wea hem laek for mekem Jehovah hapi nao helpem hem for win.—Col. 1:10; 3:23.

11. Why nao iu mas markem wanem for duim?

11 Mas markem wanem for duim. Sapos iu barava markem wanem iu laek for duim, bae iu savve finisim wanem iu startim. Olsem example, iu maet disaed for duim evritaem Bible reading blo iu. Bat sapos iu no garem wanfala schedule, maet bae hem hard for iu duim wanem iu planim. * Or maet olketa elder lo kongregeson disaed for duim shepherding lo kongregeson, bat bihaen samfala taem, olketa no duim yet wanem olketa disaedem. For helpem olketa duim datwan, olketa savve askem olketa kwestin olsem: “Waswe, iumi listim nem blo olketa brata and sista wea barava needim shepherding visit? Waswe, iumi mekem schedule finis lo wanem taem for visitim olketa?”

12. Wanem nao iumi maet need for duim, and why nao olsem?

12 Garem wei for luksavve. Iumi evriwan no fit for duim evri samting wea iumi laek duim bikos iumi no garem inaf taem, material samting, or strong for duim datwan. So iumi mas garem wei for luksavve and duim nomoa wanem iumi fit for duim. Lo taem wea fitim, iumi maet need for changem wanfala disison wea iumi no fit nao for duim. (Eklesiastes 3:6) Bat sapos iu ting raonem disison blo iu and iu changem samfala samting, maet iu luksavve iu fit nao for duim wanem iu disaedem. Tingim faevfala samting wea savve helpem iu for finisim wanem iu startim.


13. Hao nao iu savve kasem strong wea iu needim for duim wanem iu disaedem?

13 Prea and askem strong for duim samting. God savve givim iu strong for duim samting mekem iu duim wanem iu disaedem. (Phil. 2:13) So askem Jehovah for givim holy spirit for strongim iu. Gohed prea nomata sapos iu tingse iu no kasem yet ansa for prea blo iu. Olsem Jesus sei: “Gohed for ask and iufala bae kasem [holy spirit] wea iufala ask for hem.”—Luke 11:9, 13.

14. Hao nao principle lo Luke 14:28 helpem iu for duim wanem iu disaedem?

14 Mekem wanfala plan. (Readim Luke 14:28.) For finisim eni project wea iu startim, iu needim wanfala plan. Then iu need for waka followim datfala plan. Lo sem wei, taem iu mekem wanfala disison, iu need for mekem wanfala list lo olketa samting wea iu bae duim for followim wanem iu disaedem. Taem iu divaedem olketa bigfala waka go lo olketa sismol waka, bae hem isi for iu lukim wanem iu duim finis and wanem iu need for duim moa. Paul encouragem olketa lo Corinth for putim lelebet samting for contribution blo olketa “long evri first day long week,” winim for weit and trae for kolektem selen taem hem arrive. (1 Cor. 16:2) Wei for divaedem olketa bigfala waka go lo olketa sismol waka bae helpem iumi for no feel olsem waka hia hem big tumas.

15. Bihaen iu mekem wanfala plan, wanem nao iu savve duim?

15 Wei for raetem daon wanfala klia plan bae helpem iu for duim wanem iu disaedem. (1 Cor. 14:40) Olsem example, olketa body of elders kasem direction for assignim wanfala elder for keepim record blo evri disison blo olketa, and olketa bae raetem tu hu nao kasem assignment for duim and taem for finisim. Olketa elder wea followim disfala direction faendem hem isi for duim wanem olketa disaedem. (1 Cor. 9:26) Iu savve trae for duim sem samting tu lo olketa samting iu duim evriday. Olsem example, iu savve redyim wanfala list lo wanem for duim and arrangem olketa samting followim wanem taem nao iu laek for duim. Diswan savve helpem iu no just for finisim nomoa wanem iu startim, bat iu savve duim staka samting lo short taem tu.

16. Wanem nao bae barava helpem iumi for duim wanem iumi disaedem, and hao nao Rome 12:11 showimaot datwan?

16 Duim best blo iu. For followim plan blo iu and finisim wanem iu startim, iu need for waka hard. (Readim Rome 12:11.) Paul talem Timothy for “gohed waka hard” and “gohed strong” for kamap wanfala gud teacher. Datfala advaes savve fitim tu olketa nara spiritual goal blo iumi.—1 Tim. 4:13, 16.

17. Taem iu mekem wanfala disison, hao nao iumi savve followim wanem Ephesus 5:15, 16 storyim?

17 Iusim gud taem blo iu. (Readim Ephesus 5:15, 16.) Markem taem for duim wanem iu disaedem and no changem datwan. No tingse wanfala best taem hem stap for duim samting, datfala taem wea iu tingim maet bae hem no kamap. (Eklesiastes 11:4) Mas careful for no letem olketa samting wea no important for tekem taem and strong blo iu from wei for duim olketa samting wea moa important. (Phil. 1:10) Sapos hem fitim, markem taem for duim olketa samting lo taem wea no eniwan bae disturbim iu. Letem olketa narawan savve iu bae busy lo datfala taem. Maet hem gud for offem phone blo iu or chekim olketa e-mail or social media bihaen. *

18-19. Wanem nao savve helpem iu for no givap lo gud disison blo iu nomata iu feisim samfala challenge?

18 Tingim gud samting wea bae iu kasem. Gud samting wea kamaot from disison blo iu, hem olsem taem iu arrive lo ples wea iu laek for go lo hem. Sapos iu barava laek for kasem datfala ples, iu bae gohed for go nomata road hem blok and iu need for followim difren road moa. Lo sem wei tu, sapos iumi tingim gud samting wea bae kamaot from wanem iumi disaedem, iumi bae no kwiktaem givap taem iumi feisim samfala samting wea maet stopem or changem disison blo iumi.—Gal. 6:9.

19 Wei for mekem gudfala disison hem no isi, and for duim wanem iumi disaedem hem wanfala challenge. Bat thru lo help blo Jehovah, iu savve kasem wisdom and strong wea iu needim for finisim wanem iu startim.

SONG 65 Waka Hard!

^ par. 5 Waswe, enitaem iu regretim samfala disison wea iu mekem? Or waswe, samfala taem iu stragol for mekem gudfala disison, and then iu faendem hem hard for duim wanem iu disaedem? Disfala study bae helpem iu for deal witim olketa challenge olsem and for finisim wanem iu startim.

^ par. 11 For helpem iu planim Bible reading blo iu, iu savve iusim “Schedule for Bible Reading” wea stap lo®.

^ par. 17 For samfala idea moa, lukim article “20 Ways to Create More Time” lo Awake! blo April 2010.