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Hao Holy Spirit Helpem Iumi

Hao Holy Spirit Helpem Iumi

“Nomata wanem samting hem kasem mi, paoa wea mi kasem from God nao hem strongim mi for gohed.”—PHIL. 4:13.

SONG 104 Holy Spirit Hem Present From God


1-2. (a) Wanem nao savve helpem iumi winim olketa hard taem wea iumi kasem each day? Explainim kam. (b) Wanem nao bae iumi storyim lo disfala study?

“TAEM mi ting raonem olketa hard taem wea mi bin go thru lo hem, mi luksavve, sapos miseleva nomoa hard for mi deal witim datwan.” Waswe, enitaem iu talem kaen toktok olsem? Yes, staka talem sem samting. Maet iu talem datwan bihaen iu deal witim wanfala nogud sik or taem samwan wea iu lovem hem dae. Iu luksavve why iu fit for gohed each day, hem bikos holy spirit blo Jehovah nomoa givim iu “strong wea winim strong bilong man.”—2 Cor. 4:7-9.

2 Iumi needim tu holy spirit for helpem iumi againstim disfala nogud world. (1 John 5:19) And tu, iumi needim strong for againstim “bigfala sekson bilong olketa demon.” (Eph. 6:12) From iumi mas deal witim olketa hard samting olsem, bae iumi storyim tufala wei wea holy spirit savve helpem iumi, and wanem iumi savve duim for barava kasem gud samting from holy spirit.


3. Wanem nao wanfala wei wea Jehovah helpem iumi for winim olketa hard taem?

3 Holy spirit blo Jehovah helpem iumi taem hem givim iumi strong for duim evri samting wea iumi need for duim nomata iumi kasem hard taem. Taem aposol Paul kasem olketa hard taem hem feel olsem hem fit for gohed waka nomoa bikos hem depend lo “paoa bilong Christ.” (2 Cor. 12:9) Lo mek-tu missionary gogo blo Paul, hem waka hard for preach and hem duim samting for sapotim hemseleva tu. Hem stap lo Corinth lo haos blo Aquila and Priscilla. Olketa savve wakem tent. From Paul tu savve wakem tent, hem waka part-taem witim tufala. (Acts 18:1-4) Holy spirit strongim Paul mekem hem fit for duim waka for sapotim hemseleva and for duim ministry blo hem.

4. Olsem 2 Corinth 12:7b-9 storyim, wanem problem nao Paul mas stragol witim?

4 Readim 2 Corinth 12:7b-9. Lo disfala verse, wanem nao Paul minim taem hem sei hem stragol witim “wanfala nila wea stap long body” blo hem? Tingim sapos wanfala nila go insaed body blo iu, hem bae soa tumas. So wanem Paul storyim hem wei wea hem safa from hem kasem wanfala problem wea mekem hem feelim pain. Hem sei datfala problem hem olsem “wanfala angel bilong Satan wea gohed hitim” hem. Satan or olketa demon blo hem maet no barava kosim olketa problem wea olsem datfala nila wea go deep insaed body blo hem. Bat taem Satan and olketa demon luksavve Paul garem “nila” lo body, olketa trae for iusim datwan for mekem Paul safa go moa. Wanem nao Paul duim?

5. Hao nao Jehovah ansarem prea blo Paul?

5 Lo firstaem, Paul laekem datfala “nila” for mas aot. Hem sei: “Thrifala taem nao mi askem Lord [Jehovah] for hem aotem disfala nila from mi.” Nomata Paul prea staka taem, datfala nila hem still stap. Waswe, datwan minim Jehovah no ansarem olketa prea blo Paul? Nomoa. Hem ansarem olketa prea blo hem. Jehovah no aotem datfala problem, bat hem strongim Paul for deal witim datwan. Jehovah sei: “Paoa bilong mi barava strong taem iu wik.” (2 Cor. 12:8, 9) From Jehovah helpem Paul, datwan mekem hem for gohed hapi and garem peace!—Phil. 4:4-7.

6. (a) Hao nao maet Jehovah ansarem olketa prea blo iumi? (b) Wanem promis wea stap lo olketa scripture hia nao strongim iu?

6 Olsem Paul, waswe, enitaem iu barava askem Jehovah for aotem olketa hard taem wea kasem iu? Nomata iu prea staka taem, bat datfala problem hem gohed nomoa or hem just worse go moa, waswe, datwan mekem iu wari dat Jehovah hem no hapi lo iu? Sapos olsem, tingim example blo Paul. Lo sem wei wea Jehovah ansarem olketa prea blo hem, Hem bae ansarem olketa prea blo iu tu! Maet Jehovah bae no aotem datfala problem. Bat thru lo holy spirit, hem bae givim strong wea iu needim for deal witim datfala hard taem. (Sams 61:3, 4) Nomata maet iu feel olsem iu no fit for duim eniting nao, Jehovah bae nating lusim iu.—2 Cor. 4:8, 9; Phil. 4:13.


7-8. (a) Lo wanem wei nao holy spirit hem olsem wind? (b) Hao nao Peter storyim wei wea holy spirit hem waka?

7 Wanem nao nara wei wea holy spirit savve helpem iumi? Nomata lo taem blo raf sea, wind savve tekem go ship lo stret direction. Lo sem wei tu, holy spirit savve helpem iumi for gohed nomata lo olketa hard taem, mekem iumi go kasem niu world wea God promisim.

8 From aposol Peter hem wanfala fisherman, hem savve tumas hao for sail. So hem interesting for savve hao taem hem storyim wei wea holy spirit waka, hem iusim wanfala toktok wea maet hem join witim wei for sail. Hem raet olsem: “No eni profesi wea man talem hem followim tingting bilong hemseleva, bat holy spirit nao leadim olketa man for talemaot toktok wea kam from God.” Datfala Greek toktok wea olketa transleitim for “leadim,” hem minim for “karem go,” or for “tekem go” wanfala samting.—2 Pet. 1:21.

9. Wanem nao Peter laek for pipol tingim taem hem storyim datfala toktok “tekem go”?

9 Taem Peter iusim datfala toktok “tekem go,” wanem kaen piksa nao kam lo mind blo pipol wea herem? Lo buk blo Acts, Luke iusim wanfala Greek word wea klosap semsem tu, taem hem storyim wei wea wind “pushim go” wanfala ship. (Acts 27:15) So taem Peter storyim hao holy spirit muvim olketa wea raetem Bible, hem iusim disfala toktok “tekem go,” wea wanfala man for raet hem sei “datwan hem wanfala tokpiksa wea join witim ship wea sail.” So hem olsem Peter hem sei, wei wea wind savve tekem go wanfala ship for kasem ples olketa laek for go, holy spirit muvim olketa profet and olketa wea raetem Bible for duim waka blo olketa. Datfala man for raet hem sei moa: “Hem olsem olketa profet apim sail blo olketa.” Then Jehovah duim part blo hem. Hem givim kam wind wea hem nao holy spirit. Olketa man wea raetem Bible duim part blo olketa. Olketa waka tugeta followim lead blo datfala spirit.

FIRST SAMTING: Evritaem duim olketa spiritual samting

MEK-TU SAMTING: Barava duim best blo iu for duim olketa spiritual samting (Paragraf 11 storyim diswan) *

10-11. Wanem nao tufala samting wea iumi need for duim for mek sure holy spirit hem muvim iumi? Storyim example.

10 Hem tru, distaem Jehovah no iusim holy spirit blo hem for muvim pipol for raetem Bible. Nomata olsem, Jehovah still iusim holy spirit for givim strong lo olketa pipol blo hem. Jehovah still duim part blo hem. Hao nao iumi savve kasem gud samting from holy spirit blo God? Iumi need for mek sure iumi gohed for duim part blo iumi. Hao nao iumi duim datwan?

11 Tingim disfala example. Sapos man wea sail laekem wind for tekem boat blo hem, tufala samting nao hem mas duim. First samting, hem mas tekem boat blo hem go lo ples wea wind hem blow. Sapos hem stap nomoa insaed lo wanfala harbor wea farawe from ples wea wind hem blow, hard for boat blo hem muv. Mek-tu samting, hem need for apim and mek sure sail blo hem barava open. And tu, nomata wind hem blow, hem mas mek sure hem tanem sail for kasem wind mekem boat hem muv. Lo sem wei, iumi bae gohed for servem Jehovah only sapos iumi kasem help from holy spirit. For holy spirit helpem iumi, iumi mas duim tufala samting. First samting, olsem wei wea boat mas stap lo ples wea wind hem blow, iumi mas duim olketa samting wea bae mekem iumi kasem holy spirit. Mek-tu samting, iumi need for “apim sail blo iumi” wea minim for iumi barava duim best blo iumi lo olketa samting hia wea bae mekem iumi kasem holy spirit. (Sams 119:32) Taem iumi duim tufala samting hia, holy spirit bae tekem iumi thru lo olketa wave wea hem nao olketa hard taem, and bae hem helpem iumi for gohed faithful lo gogo blo iumi for kasem niu world.

12. Wanem nao bae iumi storyim distaem?

12 So iumi bin storyim tufala wei wea holy spirit helpem iumi. Holy spirit givim iumi paoa and helpem iumi for gohed faithful taem iumi feisim olketa hard taem. And tu, holy spirit helpem iumi for muv forward and gohed for followim road for kasem laef olowe. Distaem, bae iumi storyim fofala samting wea iumi mas duim for barava kasem gud samting from holy spirit.


13. Olsem 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 storyim, hao nao Bible savve helpem iumi, bat wanem nao iumi mas duim?

13 First samting, studyim Bible. (Readim 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.) Datfala toktok wea olketa transleitim “kam from God,” lo Greek languis hem minim “for God blowim go.” Datwan minim God iusim holy spirit for putim tingting blo hem insaed lo mind blo olketa man wea raetem Bible. So taem iumi readim Bible and ting raonem wanem iumi readim, olketa instruction blo God bae go insaed lo mind and heart blo iumi. Olketa toktok hia bae muvim iumi for duim wanem God laekem. (Heb. 4:12) Bat for barava kasem gud samting from holy spirit, iumi mas markem taem for studyim Bible evriday and ting abaotem wanem iumi readim. Then Bible bae affectim evri samting wea iumi talem and duim.

14. (a) Why nao iumi sei olketa Christian meeting hem ples wea “wind hem blow”? (b) Taem iumi attendim meeting, hao nao iumi savve olsem “boat wea openem sail blo hem”?

14 Mek-tu samting, worshipim God tugeta. (Sams 22:22) Olketa Christian meeting hem ples wea “wind hem blow.” Spirit blo Jehovah hem stap lo olketa meeting. (Rev. 2:29) Why nao iumi savve sei olsem? Bikos taem iumi lo meeting witim olketa brata and sista blo iumi, iumi prea for holy spirit, iumi singim olketa Kingdom song wea kam from olketa scripture, and iumi lisin lo olketa Bible tok wea olketa brata wea holy spirit appointim nao givim. And sem holy spirit tu helpem olketa sista taem olketa redyim tok and givim datwan. Nomata olsem, for barava kasem gud samting from holy spirit, iumi need for prepare mekem iumi savve givim olketa koment lo meeting. Taem olsem, iumi olsem “boat wea openem sail blo hem.”

15. Hao nao holy spirit helpem iumi lo preaching waka?

15 Mek-thri samting, share lo preaching waka. Taem iumi iusim Bible for preach and teach, iumi letem holy spirit for helpem iumi lo ministry. (Rome 15:18, 19) For barava kasem gud samting from holy spirit blo God, iumi mas evritaem share lo preaching and iusim Bible lo enitaem wea chance kamap. Wanfala wei for mekem ministry blo iu for kamap moabeta, hem for iusim olketa idea for ministry lo Laef and Ministry Meeting Buk.

16. Wanem nao wanfala main wei for kasem holy spirit?

16 Mek-foa samting, prea lo Jehovah. (Matt. 7:7-11; Luke 11:13) Wanfala main wei for kasem holy spirit, hem nao for prea and askem Jehovah. No eni samting savve stopem Jehovah for herem prea blo iumi or for stopem holy spirit for helpem iumi, nomata iumi lo prison and nomata Satan tu bae hard for stopem datwan. (Jas. 1:17) For barava kasem gud samting from holy spirit, iumi shud prea lo wanem wei? For kasem ansa for datwan, iumi bae story raonem wanfala tokpiksa wea Gospel blo Luke nomoa storyim. *


17. Wanem leson abaotem prea nao iumi lanem from tokpiksa blo Jesus wea stap lo Luke 11:5-9, 13?

17 Readim Luke 11:5-9, 13. Lo tokpiksa blo Jesus hem showim hao iumi shud prea for holy spirit. Lo datfala tokpiksa, datfala man kasem wanem hem needim bikos ‘hem no shame for gohed ask.’ Hem no fraet for askem fren blo hem nomata hem midol naet finis. (Lukim study note blo Luke 11:8 lo Olketa Reference for Laef and Ministry Meeting Buk, July 2018, page 5.) Wanem nao Jesus sei abaotem disfala tokpiksa saed lo wei for prea? Hem sei: “Gohed for ask and iufala bae kasem samting wea iufala ask for hem. Gohed for lukaotem samting and iufala bae faendem datwan. Gohed for noknok long door and bae hem open for iufala.” So wanem nao leson for iumi? For holy spirit helpem iumi, iumi mas gohed for prea and no givap for ask.

18. Olsem tokpiksa blo Jesus showimaot, why nao iumi savve sure Jehovah bae givim iumi holy spirit?

18 Tokpiksa blo Jesus helpem iumi tu for luksavve why Jehovah bae givim iumi holy spirit. Lo datfala tokpiksa, man hia laek for lukaftarem gud visitor blo hem. Nomata hem midol naet and hem no garem eni kaikai for givim lo datfala visitor, hem laek for mas givim kaikai lo hem. Jesus sei datfala neiba givim bred lo fren blo hem bikos datfala fren no shame for gohed ask. Wanem nao point blo Jesus? Sapos wanfala man wea no perfect hem willing for helpem fren blo hem wea barava askem hem samting, for sure Dadi blo iumi lo heven wea kaen tumas bae helpem olketa wea gohed for askem hem for holy spirit! So iumi barava trustim hao Jehovah bae ansarem iumi taem iumi askem hem for holy spirit.—Sams 10:17; 66:19.

19. Why nao iumi savve sure dat iumi bae win?

19 Nomata Satan no givap for againstim iumi, iumi sure dat iumi bae win. Why nao olsem? Bikos holy spirit helpem iumi lo tufala wei. First samting, hem givim strong wea iumi needim for winim olketa hard taem wea iumi kasem. Mek-tu samting, holy spirit hem olsem “wind wea blow insaed sail blo iumi,” wea helpem iumi for muv forward lo wei for servem Jehovah go kasem taem iumi lo niu world. So, iumi mas disaed strong for barava kasem gud samting from help blo holy spirit!

SONG 41 Plis Herem Prea Bilong Mi

^ par. 5 Disfala study explainim hao holy spirit blo God savve helpem iumi for gohed and no givap. And hem storyim tu, wanem iumi savve duim for barava kasem gud samting from holy spirit.

^ par. 16 Winim eni nara man wea raetem Gospel, Luke helpem iumi for minim dat prea hem important part lo laef blo Jesus.—Luke 3:21; 5:16; 6:12; 9:18, 28, 29; 18:1; 22:41, 44.

^ par. 59 PIKSA: FIRST SAMTING: Wanfala brata and sista arrive lo Kingdom Hall. Taem olketa hipap witim olketa brata and sista, olketa share insaed wanfala lo olketa taem wea spirit blo Jehovah hem stap. MEK-TU SAMTING: Tufala showimaot tufala prepare finis for tekpart lo meeting. Tufala samting hia wea iumi mas duim hem fitim tu olketa nara samting lo disfala article, olsem wei for studyim Bible, duim preaching waka, and prea lo Jehovah.