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Garem Gudfala Tingting Taem Iumi Kasem Test

Garem Gudfala Tingting Taem Iumi Kasem Test

“Gohed for garem gudfala tingting long evri samting.”​—2 TIM. 4:5.

SONG 123 Faithful for Obeyim Olketa wea Lead


1. Hao nao iumi savve gohed garem gudfala tingting? (2 Timothy 4:5)

 TAEM iumi feisim olketa test, maet iumi start for lusim trust blo iumi lo Jehovah and organization blo hem. For no duim datwan, iumi need for gohed lukaot and garem gudfala tingting, mekem iumi gohed for faithful. (Readim 2 Timothy 4:5.) Taem iumi feisim test, iumi bae gohed garem gudfala tingting taem iumi no wari tumas, garem stretfala tingting, and tingim hao Jehovah bae ting lo datfala test. Taem iumi duim olsem, bae iumi fit for kontrolem feeling blo iumi.

2. Wat nao bae iumi storyim lo disfala article?

2 Lo last article, iumi storyim thrifala test wea savve kam from aotsaed lo kongregeson. Lo disfala article, iumi bae storyim thrifala test wea savve kamap insaed lo kongregeson wea maet mekem iumi lusim trust blo iumi lo Jehovah. Thrifala test nao hem (1) taem wanfala brata or sista treatim iumi nogud, (2) taem iumi kasem discipline, and (3) taem iumi stragol for followim olketa change wea kamap lo organization. Hao nao iumi savve gohed for garem gudfala tingting and no lusim trust lo Jehovah and organization blo hem taem iumi feisim olketa test olsem?


3. Wat nao maet happen if wanfala brata or sista mekem iumi feel nogud?

3 Waswe, enitaem samwan lo kongregeson, olsem wanfala elder, hem mekem iumi feel nogud? Maet datfala brata no min for spoelem feeling blo iumi. (Rome 3:23; Jas. 3:2) Nomata olsem, wanem hem duim maet mekem iumi kros. Maet iumi wekap lo naet from iumi tingting abaotem datwan. Maet datwan savve mekem iumi start for daotem organization blo God. Kaen tingting olsem nao Satan laekem iumi for garem. (2 Cor. 2:11) Gogo, datwan savve mekem iumi for lusim Jehovah and organization blo hem. So if wanfala brata or sista duim samting wea mekem iumi feel nogud, hao nao iumi savve gohed garem gudfala tingting?

4. Hao nao Joseph gohed garem gudfala tingting taem olketa brata blo hem treatim hem nogud, and wat nao iumi savve lanem from example blo hem? (Genesis 50:19-21)

4 No kros and blamem God. Taem Joseph hem teenager, olketa big brata blo hem treatim hem nogud. Olketa heitim hem, and samfala brata blo hem laek killim hem dae. (Gen. 37:4, 18-22) Gogo olketa salem hem for kamap slave. Datwan mekem Joseph kasem staka hard samting for samting olsem 13 years. Joseph maet start for daotem sapos Jehovah lovem hem, and maet hem tingse Jehovah lusim hem nao. Nomata olsem, Joseph no kros and blamem God for olketa samting wea happen. Datwan mekem hem gohed for garem gudfala tingting. Hem garem chance for pei bak lo olketa brata blo hem, bat hem showimaot love and forgivim olketa. (Gen. 45:4, 5) Joseph no tingim nomoa olketa problem blo hemseleva, bat hem gohed tingim wanem Jehovah laekem. (Readim Genesis 50:19-21.) Wat nao iumi lanem? If samwan treatim iumi nogud, no kros and blamem Jehovah or tingse Hem no lovem iumi. Bat, ting raonem hao Jehovah helpem iumi for deal witim datwan. And tu, sapos wanfala brata or sista treatim iumi nogud, showimaot love and forgivim hem.​—1 Pet. 4:8.

5. Wat nao Miqueas duim for helpem hem garem gudfala tingting taem samfala brata treatim hem nogud?

5 Tingim wanem happen lo Miqueas, wanfala elder lo South America. b Hem tingim wanfala taem wea samfala elder barava treatim hem nogud. Hem sei: “Mi barava wari and stress, mi no savve sleep lo naet, and mi krae from mi feel olsem mi no wei nao.” Nomata olsem, Miqueas gohed garem gudfala tingting and kontrolem hemseleva. Hem prea staka taem and askem holy spirit blo Jehovah for strongim hem for deal witim datwan. And tu, hem faendem olketa information lo olketa pablikeson blo iumi wea savve helpem hem. Wat nao iumi lanem? If wanfala brata or sista treatim iumi nogud, trae for no wari tumas and for garem stretfala tingting. Maet iumi no savve wat nao mekem hem for talem or duim datwan. So prea lo Jehovah, and askem hem for helpem iumi for minim datfala brata or sista. Maet hem no min for spoelem iumi and iumi savve forgivim hem. (Provebs 19:11, SIPB) Tingim, Jehovah luksavve lo situation blo iumi and hem bae strongim iumi for deal witim datwan.​—2 Chron. 16:9; Eklesiastes 5:8, SIPB.


6. Why nao hem important for luksavve Jehovah disciplinem iumi from hem lovem iumi? (Hebrew 12:5, 6, 11)

6 Taem iumi kasem discipline, datwan savve mekem iumi feel nogud. Bat if iumi gohed feel nogud, maet iumi start for tingse datfala discipline hem no fair, and hem ova tumas. Hem gud for luksavve hao Jehovah disciplinem iumi bikos hem lovem iumi. (Readim Hebrew 12:5, 6, 11.) And if iumi gohed feel nogud, iumi givim chance lo Satan for spoelem iumi. Hem laekem iumi for no acceptim discipline, and for stop for worshipim Jehovah and lusim kongregeson. If iumi kasem discipline, hao nao iumi savve gohed for garem gudfala tingting?

From Peter hambol for acceptim kaonsel and discipline, Jehovah iusim hem for duim staka waka (Lukim paragraf 7)

7. (a) Olsem iumi lukim lo piksa, hao nao Jehovah iusim Peter bihaen hem kasem discipline? (b) Wat nao iumi lanem from example blo Peter?

7 Acceptim and followim discipline. Jesus stretem Peter tu-thri taem front lo olketa nara aposol. (Mark 8:33; Luke 22:31-34) Masbi Peter hem shame tumas! Nomata olsem, Peter no lusim Jesus, bat hem acceptim datfala discipline and lane from mistek blo hem. Bihaen datwan, Jehovah markem hem for lukaftarem samfala important responsibility lo kongregeson. (John 21:15-17; Acts 10:24-33; 1 Pet. 1:1) Wat nao iumi savve lanem from example blo Peter? Nomata maet iumi shame taem iumi kasem discipline, no letem datwan for stopem iumi for acceptim and followim discipline, bikos iumi and olketa narawan bae kasem gud samting from datwan. And tu, iumi bae fit for duim moa samting for Jehovah and for olketa brata and sista.

8-9. Taem Bernardo kasem discipline, hao nao hem feel, bat wat nao helpem Bernardo for stretem tingting blo hem?

8 Tingim wanem happen lo Bernardo, wanfala brata lo Mozambique. Taem hem kasem discipline, hem mas finis from elder. Hao nao hem feel lo datfala taem? Hem sei: “Mi kros tumas bikos mi shame from mi kasem discipline.” Hem wari abaotem hao olketa brata and sista bae ting lo hem. Hem sei: “Hem tekem samfala month bifor mi garem stretfala tingting abaotem datfala discipline, and for trustim moa Jehovah and organization blo hem.” Wat nao helpem Bernardo for stretem tingting blo hem?

9 Bernardo storyim samting wea helpem hem. Hem sei: “Taem mi elder, mi savve iusim Hebrew 12:7 for helpem olketa narawan for garem stretfala tingting abaotem discipline blo Jehovah. So mi tingim hao evriwan wea worshipim Jehovah need for followim disfala scripture, so hem for mi tu ia.” Bernardo duim olketa nara samting tu for helpem hem for trustim moa Jehovah and organization blo Hem. Hem spendem moa taem for readim Bible and for ting raonem wanem hem readim. And nomata hem still warim hao olketa brata and sista ting lo hem, hem gohed waka witim olketa lo ministry and koment lo olketa meeting. Gogo Bernardo hem kamap elder moa. If iu kasem discipline olsem Bernardo, nomata maet iu shame, traem best for acceptim kaonsel and followim datwan. c (Provebs 8:33; 22:4, SIPB) Then iumi savve sure Jehovah bae blessim iumi from iumi loyal lo hem and trustim organization blo hem.


10. Wanem change wea kamap anda lo Law blo Moses nao maet samfala Israelite stragol for followim?

10 Taem olketa change kamap lo organization maet iumi stragol for followim. And sapos iumi no careful, gogo maet iumi lusim Jehovah. For example, tingim olketa change wea kamap anda lo Law blo Moses wea affectim samfala Israelite. Bifor Jehovah givim datfala Law lo olketa, olketa famili hed savve duim waka blo priest. Olketa wakem olketa altar and givim sakrifaes lo Jehovah on behalf lo famili blo olketa. (Gen. 8:20, 21; 12:7; 26:25; 35:1, 6, 7; Job 1:5, SIPB) Bat taem olketa kasem datfala Law, olketa famili hed no savve duim olketa samting hia. Jehovah appointim olketa priest from famili blo Aaron nao for duim olketa sakrifaes. Start lo datfala taem, if eni famili hed wea no kam from laen blo Aaron duim datfala waka blo priest, olketa savve killim hem dae. d (Lev. 17:3-6, 8, 9) Maet disfala change nao hem wanfala reason why Korah, Dathan, Abiram, and 250 chief againstim Moses and Aaron. (Num. 16:1-3) Nomata wat nao reason, Korah and olketa wea saed witim hem no loyal lo Jehovah. If iumi stragol for followim olketa change wea kamap lo organization, wat nao iumi savve duim?

Taem assignment blo olketa Kohathite hem change, olketa willing for acceptim niu assignment for singsing, security lo gate, and lukaftarem olketa stoahaos (Lukim paragraf 11)

11. Wat nao iumi lanem from example blo olketa Kohathite?

11 Hapi for followim eni change wea kamap lo organization. Taem olketa Israelite lo wilderness, olketa Kohathite garem important waka for duim. Evritaem olketa Israelite muv, samfala Kohathite bae karem ark blo covenant and go first lo evri pipol. (Num. 3:29, 31; 10:33; Josh. 3:2-4) Datwan hem nambawan privilege! Bat datwan change taem olketa stap lo Promis Land. Olketa no need for muvim datfala Ark. Gogo, taem Solomon kamap king, samfala Kohathite kasem assignment for singsing, security lo gate, and lukaftarem olketa stoahaos. (1 Chron. 6:31-33; 26:1, 24) Bible no storyim hao olketa Kohathite komplen or tingse olketa shud duim eni important waka from olketa duim datwan bifor. Wat nao iumi lanem? Hapi for followim eni change wea kamap lo organization blo Jehovah, nomata datwan maet affectim assignment blo iumi. Hapi lo eni assignment wea iumi kasem. And tingim hao Jehovah lovem iumi from iumi obeyim hem and no bikos lo assignment blo iumi.​—1 Sam. 15:22.

12. Hao nao Zaina feel taem hem mas lusim Bethel?

12 Tingim hao Zaina, wanfala sista lo Middle East hem feel taem hem lusim assignment wea hem lovem tumas. Hem reassign for duim spesol pioneer bihaen hem waka lo Bethel for winim 23 year. Hem sei: “Mi seke tumas taem mi lusim assignment blo mi. Mi feel iusles and gohed tingim: ‘Ating mi no duim gud waka blo mi.’” Worse go moa, samfala brata and sista sei lo hem: “Sapos iu duim gud waka blo iu, bae organization still keepim iu.” For longtaem lelebet, Zaina gohed sorre and savve krae evri naet. Nomata olsem, hem no letem olketa samting hia for mekem hem daotem organization and tingse Jehovah no lovem hem. Wat nao helpem Zaina for gohed garem gudfala tingting?

13. Wat nao helpem Zaina for stretem tingting blo hem?

13 Zaina stretem tingting blo hem bikos hem readim olketa article insaed olketa pablikeson blo iumi, wea storyim hao for deal witim feeling blo hem. Datfala article, “Iu Savve Deal Witim Wei for Wikdaon!” lo Wastaoa blo February 1, 2001, barava helpem hem. Datfala article storyim hao Mark, wanfala raeta lo Bible, masbi hem discourage tu taem assignment blo hem change. Zaina sei: “Example blo Mark barava helpem mi for no gohed discourage.” Nara samting, Zaina spendem taem witim olketa gud fren blo hem. And tu, hem no stop for associate and preach witim olketa brata and sista and hem gohed duim olketa spiritual samting. Hem luksavve Jehovah iusim holy spirit for directim organization blo hem, and olketa brata wea lead lovem hem. Bat hem luksavve tu hao olketa disison wea organization blo God mekem hem for waka blo Jehovah hem gohed.

14. Wanem change nao kamap wea Vlado no hapi lo hem, and wat nao helpem hem for acceptim datwan?

14 Vlado, wanfala elder lo Slovenia, wea 73 years, hem no hapi taem kongregeson blo hem bae join witim nara kongregeson, and olketa bae no gohed iusim Kingdom Hall blo olketa. Hem sei: “Mi no minim why nao mifala no savve gohed iusim naes Kingdom Hall blo mifala. Mi sorre from mifala just renovatim datfala hall. From mi carpenter, mi wakem samfala niu furniture insaed. And tu, hem no isi for mifala olketa olo for deal witim olketa change wea kamap.” Wat nao helpem Vlado for followim datfala direction? Hem sei: “Taem iumi acceptim and followim eni change wea kamap lo organization blo Jehovah, iumi bae evritaem kasem blessing. Diswan redyim iumi for olketa bigfala change wea bae kamap lo future.” Waswe, kongregeson blo iu join witim nara kongregeson or assignment blo iu hem change, and iu stragol for deal witim olketa change hia? Jehovah minim feeling blo iu. Bat if iu acceptim and followim eni change wea kamap and loyal lo Jehovah and organization blo hem, bae iu kasem staka blessing.​—Sams 18:25.


15. Taem olketa test kamap insaed lo kongregeson, hao nao iumi savve gohed garem gudfala tingting?

15 From iumi klosap lo end blo disfala nogud world, iumi expectim olketa test for kamap insaed lo kongregeson. Olketa test hia savve mekem iumi for no trustim Jehovah. So iumi mas gohed for garem gudfala tingting. If wanfala brata or sista treatim iumi nogud, no kros and blamem God for datwan. If iumi kasem discipline, nomata maet iumi shame, no letem datwan for stopem iumi for acceptim and followim discipline. And taem olketa change kamap lo organization blo Jehovah, iumi laek for acceptim olketa change hia and followim direction.

16. Wat nao savve helpem iumi for gohed trustim Jehovah and organization blo hem?

16 Wat nao savve helpem iumi for gohed trustim Jehovah and organization blo hem nomata iumi kasem test? Iumi need for gohed garem gudfala tingting, wea minim iumi mas no wari tumas, garem stretfala tingting, and trae for tingim hao Jehovah bae ting lo datfala test. Read abaotem olketa lo Bible wea kasem semkaen test olsem iumi and ting raonem hao iumi savve followim gudfala example blo olketa. Prea lo Jehovah for helpem iumi. And no stop for associate witim olketa brata and sista lo kongregeson. Then nomata wanem hem happen, Satan bae no savve mekem iumi for lusim Jehovah and organization blo Hem.​—Jas. 4:7.

SONG 126 Mas Lukaot, Mas Faithful, and Mas Strong

a Taem samting happen insaed lo kongregeson wea mekem iumi feel nogud, datwan maet mekem iumi lusim trust blo iumi lo Jehovah and organization blo hem. Disfala article bae storyim thrifala test wea savve kamap, and wanem iumi savve duim for gohed loyal lo Jehovah and trustim organization blo hem.

b Mifala changem samfala nem.

c Nara article wea savve helpem iu hem, “Waswe, Iu Garem Waka Bifor? Waswe, Iu Savve Duim Moa?” wea stap lo Wastaoa blo August 15, 2009, page 30.

d Law sei for olketa famili hed wea stap klosap lo tabernacle for mas tekem animal wea olketa laek kaikaim meat blo hem for priest sakrifaesim firstaem. Olketa famili hed wea stap farawe from tabernacle no need for duim datwan.​—Deut. 12:21.