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No Letem Eni Samting for Mekem Iumi Lusim Jehovah

No Letem Eni Samting for Mekem Iumi Lusim Jehovah

“[Jehovah], mi gohed fo trastem yu.”​—SAMS 31:14, SIPB.

SONG 122 Gohed for Strong!


1. Hao nao iumi savve Jehovah laekem iumi for fren gud witim hem?

 JEHOVAH laekem iumi for fren gud witim hem. (Jas. 4:8) From hem God, Dadi, and fren blo iumi hem laek for ansarem olketa prea blo iumi and helpem iumi taem iumi kasem hard taem. And hem iusim organization blo hem for teachim and protectim iumi. Bat wat nao iumi mas duim for fren gud witim Jehovah?

2. Wat nao iumi savve duim for fren gud witim Jehovah?

2 Iumi savve fren gud witim Jehovah taem iumi prea lo hem and ting raonem wanem iumi readim lo Bible. Diswan bae helpem iumi for barava lovem and tinghae lo hem, and bae iumi laek for obeyim hem and praisem hem. (Rev. 4:11) Taem iumi savve staka samting abaotem Jehovah, datwan bae mekem iumi barava trustim hem and organization blo hem wea hem iusim for helpem iumi.

3. Hao nao Satan trae for mekem iumi lusim Jehovah, bat wat nao savve helpem iumi for no duim datwan? (Sams 31:13, 14, SIPB)

3 Satan savve iusim olketa hard taem wea iumi kasem for trae mekem iumi lusim Jehovah. Hao nao hem duim datwan? Hem trae for mekem iumi isisi lusim trust blo iumi lo Jehovah and organization blo hem, bat iumi savve againstim hem. Taem iumi garem strong faith and barava trustim Jehovah, iumi bae no lusim God and organization blo hem.​—Readim Sams 31:13, 14, SIPB.

4. Wat nao bae iumi storyim lo disfala article?

4 Lo disfala article, bae iumi storyim thrifala test wea maet kam from aotsaed lo kongregeson. Each test savve mekem iumi for lusim trust blo iumi lo Jehovah and organization blo hem. So, hao nao olketa test hia savve mekem iumi lusim Jehovah? And wat nao iumi savve duim for gohed faithful and againstim Satan?


5. Hao nao olketa hard taem savve mekem iumi for lusim trust lo Jehovah and organization blo hem?

5 Maet famili againstim iumi or iumi lusim waka blo iumi for selen. Hao nao olketa hard taem olsem savve mekem iumi lusim trust lo organization blo Jehovah and gogo iumi lusim hem? If hard taem wea iumi kasem hem gohed for longfala taem, maet datwan savve mekem iumi feel iusles and wikdaon. Satan savve iusim datfala chance for mekem iumi tingse Jehovah no lovem iumi. Hem laekem iumi for tingse Jehovah and organization blo hem nao mekem iumi kasem hard taem. Semkaen samting happen lo samfala Israelite lo Egypt bifor. Firstaem olketa luksavve hao Jehovah nao markem Moses and Aaron for mekem olketa kamap free from Egypt. (Ex. 4:29-31) Gogo taem Pharaoh mekem laef blo olketa barava hard, olketa blamem Moses and Aaron and sei: “Iutufala mekem Pharaoh and olketa servant blo hem for heitim mifala and iufala putim sword insaed hand blo olketa for killim mifala dae.” (Ex. 5:19-21) Bat olketa shud no blamem tufala faithful wakaman blo God for hard taem wea kasem olketa. So, if hard taem wea iumi kasem hem gohed for longfala taem, wat nao iumi shud duim for gohed trustim Jehovah and organization blo hem?

6. Wat nao iumi lanem from profet Habakkuk abaotem hao for deal witim eni hard taem wea iumi kasem? (Habakuk 3:17-19)

6 Storyim feeling blo iumi lo Jehovah lo prea and depend lo hem for helpem iumi. From profet Habakkuk kasem staka hard taem, gogo hem tingse Jehovah nating tingim hem. So hem prea and storyim feeling blo hem lo Jehovah. Hem sei: ‘Jehovah, hao long nao bae yu no lisin long mi, taem mi gohed kraeaot long yu fo helpem mifala? Hao nao yu letem olketa ravis samting gohed fo hapen, bat no duim enisamting fo stopem?’ (Habakuk 1:2, 3, SIPB) Hao nao Jehovah ansarem prea blo Habakkuk? (Habakuk 2:2, 3, SIPB) Taem Habakkuk ting raonem hao Jehovah sevem pipol blo hem bifor, datwan mekem hem hapi moa. Hem luksavve hao Jehovah tingim hem and bae helpem hem for deal witim eni hard taem. (Readim Habakuk 3:17-19, SIPB) Wat nao iumi lanem? Taem iumi kasem hard taem, prea lo Jehovah and storyim feeling blo iumi lo hem. Then depend lo hem for helpem iumi. If iumi duim olsem, iumi savve sure Jehovah bae strongim iumi for deal witim hard taem wea kasem iumi. And taem iumi luksavve hem helpem iumi, datwan bae strongim faith blo iumi.

7. Hao nao relative blo Shirley mekem hem start for daot, and wat nao helpem hem for no lusim Jehovah?

7 Gohed duim olketa spiritual samting. Diswan nao wanem Shirley, wanfala sista lo Papua New Guinea, duim taem hem kasem hard taem. b Famili blo Shirley poor, and samfala taem olketa stragol for kasem selen for peim kaikai. Wanfala relative trae for mekem hem lusim trust blo hem lo Jehovah. Hem sei lo Shirley: “Iu sei God helpem iufala, bat wat nao hem duim for iufala? Famili blo iufala hem still poor. Iu weistim taem for gohed preach.” Shirley sei: “Mi start for daotem sapos God tingim mi. So mi prea lo Jehovah and storyim evri feeling blo mi lo hem. Mi gohed for readim Bible and olketa pablikeson blo iumi, duim preaching waka, and attendim olketa meeting.” Datwan helpem hem for luksavve hao Jehovah lukaftarem famili blo hem. Famili blo hem no hangere and olketa hapi. Shirley sei: “Mi luksavve Jehovah ansarem olketa prea blo mi.” (1 Tim. 6:6-8) If iumi gohed duim olketa spiritual samting, bae hem hard for iumi daotem Jehovah and olketa hard taem bae no mekem iumi wikdaon.


8. Wat nao maet happen lo olketa brata wea garem responsibility lo organization blo Jehovah?

8 Olketa wea againstim iumi savve iusim social network and media for talem olketa laea samting abaotem olketa brata wea garem responsibility lo organization blo Jehovah. (Sams 31:13, SIPB) Olketa arrestim samfala brata and sei olketa criminal. Olketa Christian lo first century tu feisim semkaen situation taem samfala talem laea samting abaotem aposol Paul and arrestim hem. Wat nao olketa Christian hia duim?

9. Wat nao samfala Christian duim taem aposol Paul stap lo prison?

9 Samfala Christian lo first century stop for sapotim aposol Paul taem hem stap lo prison lo Rome. (2 Tim. 1:8, 15) Why nao olsem? Waswe, olketa shame bikos pipol ting lo aposol Paul olsem wanfala criminal? (2 Tim. 2:8, 9) Or waswe, olketa fraet nogud olketa tu bae kasem persecution? Tingim, hao nao feeling blo Paul taem samfala duim olsem? Hem bin kasem staka hard taem and laef blo hem stap lo danger for helpem olketa. (Acts 20:18-21; 2 Cor. 1:8) Iumi no laek for olsem olketa Christian hia wea lusim Paul lo taem wea hem barava needim olketa! So wat nao iumi shud tingim taem olketa persecutim olketa brata wea lead?

10. Wat nao hem gud for tingim taem olketa persecutim olketa brata wea lead?

10 Hem gud for tingim why iumi kasem persecution and hu nao bihaenem. Tu Timothy 3:12 sei: “Pipol bae spoelem tu eniwan wea laek for faithful long God and followim Christ Jesus.” So iumi shud no sapraes taem Satan attakim olketa brata wea lead. Hem laekem olketa brata hia for no faithful lo Jehovah and hem laekem tu for mekem iumi fraet.​—1 Pet. 5:8.

Taem Paul stap lo prison, Onesiphorus no fraet for helpem hem. Distaem olketa brata and sista helpem and sapotim olketa nara brata and sista wea stap lo prison, olsem disfala piksa showim (Lukim paragraf 11-12)

11. Wat nao iumi lanem from example blo Onesiphorus? (2 Timothy 1:16-18)

11 Gohed for sapotim olketa brata and sista and no lusim olketa. (Readim 2 Timothy 1:16-18.) Wanfala Christian lo first century wea nem blo hem Onesiphorus “no shame from [Paul] stap long prison.” Onesiphorus go lukaotem Paul, and taem hem faendem hem lo prison, hem duim olketa samting for helpem hem, nomata datwan mekem laef blo hem stap lo danger. Wat nao iumi lanem? Iumi mas no fraetem man and letem datwan stopem iumi for sapotim olketa brata and sista wea kasem persecution. Bat iumi laek for sapotim olketa and duim best blo iumi for helpem olketa. (Provebs 17:17, SIPB) Olketa needim love and sapot blo iumi.

12. Wat nao iumi lanem from olketa brata and sista lo Russia?

12 Tingim hao olketa brata and sista lo Russia helpem and sapotim olketa nara brata and sista wea stap lo prison. Taem samfala go lo kot, staka brata and sista go for sapotim olketa. Wat nao iumi lanem? Iumi mas no fraet taem olketa accusim olketa brata wea lead, arrestim, or persecutim olketa. Prea for olketa, lukaftarem famili blo olketa, and duim olketa nara samting for helpem and sapotim olketa.​—Acts 12:5; 2 Cor. 1:10, 11.


13. Taem pipol tok spoelem iumi, hao nao datwan savve mekem iumi start for daotem Jehovah and organization blo hem?

13 Olketa relative blo iumi wea no insaed lo truth, or olketa workmate or skulmate maet tok spoelem iumi from iumi duim preaching waka or from iumi followim olketa hae standard blo Jehovah. (1 Pet. 4:4) Olketa maet sei: “Iu wanfala gud person, bat religion blo iu nao hem strict tumas and old-fashion.” Samfala maet tok spoelem iumi from hao iumi treatim olketa wea disfellowship. Olketa maet sei: “Iufala sei iufala lovem pipol, bat iufala no story lo olketa wea disfellowship?” Kaen toktok olsem savve mekem iumi tingse olketa standard blo Jehovah hem ova tumas. Maet iumi start for tingim: ‘Olketa standard blo Jehovah hem hae tumas and organization blo hem strict tumas.’ If iu start for garem kaen tingting olsem, wat nao iu savve duim for no lusim Jehovah and organization blo hem?

Job no bilivim olketa fren blo hem wea laea and tok spoelem hem. Bat hem disaed strong for gohed faithful lo Jehovah (Lukim paragraf 14)

14. Wat nao iumi shud tingim taem pipol tok spoelem iumi from iumi followim olketa standard blo Jehovah? (Sams 119:50-52, SIPB)

14 Disaed strong for gohed followim olketa standard blo Jehovah. Job gohed for followim olketa standard blo Jehovah, nomata pipol tok spoelem hem. Wanfala fren blo Job trae for mekem Job tingse hem no need for followim olketa standard blo God bikos God no kea abaotem datwan. (Job 4:17, 18; 22:3SIPB) Bat Job no bilivim wanem hem talem. Hem savve olketa standard blo Jehovah hem stret nomoa, and hem disaed strong for followim. Hem no letem olketa narawan for mekem hem for no faithful. (Job 27:5, 6) Wat nao iumi lanem? Taem pipol tok spoelem iumi, no letem datwan for mekem iumi daotem olketa standard blo Jehovah. Hem gud for tingim hao taem iumi followim olketa standard blo Jehovah, datwan evritaem helpem iumi. Iumi disaed strong for gohed trustim organization blo Jehovah wea mekhae lo olketa standard hia. Then nomata pipol tok spoelem iumi, bae iumi no laek for lusim Jehovah.​—Readim Sams 119:50-52, SIPB.

15. Why nao olketa relative blo Bridget tok spoelem hem?

15 Tingim Bridget, wanfala sista lo India, wea olketa relative tok spoelem hem from hem worshipim Jehovah. Bridget baptaes lo 1997, and no longtaem bihaen hasband blo hem wea no Witness lusim waka blo hem. So hasband disaed for tekem full famili go stap witim parents blo hem, wea stap lo nara city. Bat datwan mekem Bridget for kasem samfala hard taem. From hasband no waka, hem havtu waka full-taem for sapotim famili. Kongregeson tu hem stap samting olsem 350 kilometer from ples wea olketa stap. And tu, famili blo hasband barava againstim hem from hem Witness. Gogo, famili mas muv moa. Then seknomoa, hasband dae. Bihaen datwan, wanfala gele blo tufala wea 12 year nomoa, hem dae from cancer. Laef blo hem hard go moa bikos olketa relative blamem Bridget and sei from hem Jehovah’s Witness nao olketa nogud samting hia happen. Nomata olsem, hem gohed for trustim Jehovah and organization blo hem.

16. From Bridget trustim Jehovah and followim direction from organization blo hem, wanem blessing nao hem kasem?

16 From Bridget stap farawe from kongregeson, circuit overseer encouragem hem for preach lo area wea hem stap and for duim olketa meeting lo haos blo hem. Firstaem hem tingse datwan bae hard, bat hem followim datfala direction. Hem duim preaching waka, duim meeting lo haos, and duim famili worship witim olketa gele blo hem evri week. From Bridget duim olsem, hem conductim staka Bible study and staka lo olketa baptaes. Lo 2005 hem kamap regular pioneer. From hem trustim Jehovah and organization blo hem, hem kasem staka blessing. Tufala gele blo hem faithful for worshipim Jehovah, and distaem tufala kongregeson stap lo datfala area! Bridget sure hao Jehovah strongim hem for deal witim olketa hard taem and helpem hem for no givap taem olketa relative tok spoelem hem.


17. Wat nao iumi shud disaed strong for duim?

17 Satan laekem iumi for tingse Jehovah bae lusim iumi taem iumi kasem olketa hard taem, and bae laef blo iumi hem hard if iumi followim direction from organization. Satan laekem iumi for fraet taem olketa talem laea samting abaotem olketa brata wea lead, persecutim olketa, or putim olketa lo prison. And hem iusim pipol for tok spoelem iumi, mekem iumi no trustim olketa standard blo Jehovah and no trustim organization blo hem. Bat iumi luksavve olketa samting hia hem olketa trik blo Satan. (2 Cor. 2:11) Dastawe iumi disaed strong for rejectim olketa laea blo Satan, and gohed trustim Jehovah and organization blo hem. Tingim, Jehovah bae nating lusim iumi. (Sams 28:7, SIPB) So no letem eni samting for mekem iumi lusim Jehovah!—Rome 8:35-39.

18. Wat nao bae iumi storyim lo next article?

18 Lo disfala article, iumi storyim thrifala test wea maet kam from aotsaed lo kongregeson. Bat samfala samting wea happen insaed lo kongregeson savve mekem iumi lusim trust blo iumi lo Jehovah and organization blo hem. Hao nao iumi savve deal witim kaen samting olsem? Bae iumi storyim datwan lo next article.

SONG 118 “Strongim Go Moa Faith Bilong Mifala”

a For iumi gohed faithful lo olketa last day distaem, iumi mas gohed for trustim Jehovah and organization blo hem. Satan savve iusim olketa test for spoelem datfala trust. Disfala article bae storyim thrifala test wea Satan iusim and wat iumi savve duim for gohed faithful and againstim Satan.

b Mifala changem samfala nem.