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Jehovah Savve Helpem Iu for Duim Eni Samting wea Hem Laekem

Jehovah Savve Helpem Iu for Duim Eni Samting wea Hem Laekem

“God . . . givim paoa long iufala mekem iufala savve laek duim samting and for iufala duim datwan.”—PHIL. 2:13.

SONG 104 Holy Spirit Hem Present From God


1. Wanem nao Jehovah savve duim for mekem plan blo hem kamap tru?

JEHOVAH savve kamap eni samting wea hem laekem for mekem plan blo hem kamap tru. Olsem example, Jehovah savve kamap wanfala teacher, samwan for givim comfort, and for preach, datwan hem tu-thri nomoa lo staka samting wea hem savve duim. (Aesaea 48:17; 2 Cor. 7:6; Gal. 3:8) Nomata olsem, samfala taem hem savve iusim olketa man for duim wanem hem laekem. (Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20; 2 Cor. 1:3, 4) And tu, Jehovah savve givim wisdom and strong wea iumi needim for helpem iumi duim eni samting for mekem plan blo hem kamap tru. Olsem samfala man for raet talem, diswan hem barava join witim mining lo nem blo Jehovah.

2. (a) Why nao maet samfala taem iumi daotem hao Jehovah hem iusim iumi? (b) Wanem nao bae iumi storyim lo disfala study?

2 Iumi evriwan laekem Jehovah for iusim iumi for duim waka blo hem, bat samfala maet daotem wei wea Jehovah iusim olketa. Why nao olsem? Bikos lo age, laef blo olketa or savve wea olketa garem, datwan mekem olketa feel olsem olketa no fit for duim staka samting. Bat lo narasaed, samfala maet satisfae nomoa witim wanem olketa gohed duim finis and olketa ting olketa no need for duim samfala samting moa. Lo disfala study, bae iumi storyim hao Jehovah savve helpem eniwan lo iumi for mekem plan blo hem kamap tru. Then, bae iumi story raonem olketa example lo Bible lo hao Jehovah, helpem olketa man and woman bifor, for garem feeling for laek duim samting and givim strong for duim datwan. And last samting, bae iumi storyim hao iumi savve letem Jehovah for iusim iumi.


3. Olsem Philippi 2:13 storyim, hao nao Jehovah savve helpem iumi for garem feeling for laek duim samting?

3 Readim Philippi 2:13. * Jehovah savve helpem iumi for garem feeling for laek duim samting. Hao nao maet Jehovah duim diswan? Maet iumi herem samwan lo kongregeson needim help. Or maet olketa elder readim wanfala leta from branch office hao need hem kamap lo nara ples. So iumi maet askem iumiseleva. ‘Wanem nao mi savve duim for help?’ Or maet iumi kasem invitation for duim wanfala assignment wea no isi, bat iumi no savve sapos bae iumi duim gud datfala assignment. Or bihaen iu readim samfala verse lo Bible, maet iu ting, ‘Hao nao mi savve iusim disfala scripture for helpem olketa narawan? Jehovah bae no forcem iumi for duim eni samting. Bat taem hem lukim iumi willing for ting abaotem wanem iumi savve duim, Jehovah bae helpem iumi for garem feeling for laek for duim samting and for duim datwan.

4. Lo wanem wei nao maet Jehovah givim iumi strong for duim samting?

4 Jehovah savve givim iumi strong for duim samting. (Aesaea 40:29) Hem savve iusim holy spirit blo hem for helpem iumi for savve go moa hao for duim samting. (Eksodas 35:30-35) Thru lo organization blo hem, Jehovah maet teachim iumi hao for duim samfala waka. Sapos iu no barava sure lo hao for duim wanfala assignment, iu savve ask for help. And tu, iumi savve askem Dadi blo iumi wea kaen tumas for givim iumi “strong wea winim strong” blo iumi. (2 Cor. 4:7; Luke 11:13) Bible garem staka example lo hao Jehovah helpem olketa man and woman for garem feeling for laek duim samting and givim strong for duim datwan. Taem iumi storyim olketa example hia, trae for tingim hao Jehovah savve iusim iu lo olketa wei olsem tu.


5. Wanem nao iumi lanem from hao Jehovah iusim Moses and taem wea hem duim datwan?

5 Jehovah iusim Moses for kamap man wea helpem olketa Israelite for kamap free. Bat wat taem nao Jehovah iusim Moses? Waswe, hem taem wea Moses tingse hem fit bihaen hem just kasem evri wisdom wea olketa lo Egypt teachim hem? (Acts 7:22-25) Nomoa, Jehovah only iusim Moses bihaen hem helpem hem for kamap man wea hambol and kaen. (Acts 7:30, 34-36) Jehovah helpem Moses for no fraet for story witim King blo Egypt wea garem bigfala paoa winim eni narawan. (Eksodas 9:13-19) Wanem nao iumi lanem from hao Jehovah iusim Moses? Jehovah iusim olketa wea followim olketa wei blo hem and wea depend lo hem for strongim olketa.—Phil. 4:13.

6. Wanem nao iumi savve lanem from wei wea Jehovah iusim Barzillai for helpem King David?

6 Staka year bihaen, Jehovah iusim Barzillai for helpem King David. Taem David ranawe from son blo hem Absalom, David and olketa pipol “hanggre an taet, an olketa barava dae fo wata tu.” Barzillai hem olo lo datfala taem, hem and olketa narawan putim laef blo olketa lo danger for helpem David and olketa wea gogo witim hem. Barzillai no tingse bikos hem olo, Jehovah bae no savve iusim hem nao. Bat hem kaen tumas for givim wanem hem garem for helpem olketa servant blo God. (Mektu Samuel 17:27-29) Wanem nao iumi lanem from diswan? Nomata iumi young or olo, Jehovah savve iusim iumi for helpem olketa brata and sista wea needim help, maet lo ples blo iumi or lo nara kantri. (Provebs 3:27, 28; 19:17) Nomata sapos iumi no savve go for helpem olketa, iumi savve givim contribution lo waka raonem world mekem olketa selen hia helpem olketa brata and sista lo eni ples and lo taem wea olketa needim.—2 Cor. 8:14, 15; 9:11.

7. Hao nao Jehovah iusim Simeon, and why nao datwan hem encouragem iumi?

7 Jehovah promisim Simeon, wanfala faithful old man lo Jerusalem, dat hem bae lukim Messiah bifor hem dae. Luk olsem datfala promis barava encouragem Simeon bikos hem bin weit for staka year finis for datfala Messiah. Jehovah blessim hem bikos hem faithful and no givap. Lo wanfala day, “holy spirit hem leadim Simeon kam long temple.” Taem hem lo there hem lukim baby Jesus, and Jehovah iusim Simeon for talem wanfala profesi abaotem disfala pikinini hao hem nao bae kamap datfala Christ. (Luke 2:25-35) Nomata Simeon no laef go kasem taem wea Jesus duim ministry blo hem lo earth, hem barava hapi lo datfala privilege wea hem garem, and olketa gud samting wea bae kamap lo future. Lo niu world, datfala man wea faithful bae hem lukim hao wei wea Jesus rul hem wanfala blessing for evri famili lo earth. (Jenesis 22:18) Iumi tu savve hapi lo eni privilege wea Jehovah iusim iumi for duim lo waka blo hem.

8. Hao nao maet Jehovah iusim iumi olsem Barnabas?

8 Lo first century C.E., wanfala man wea nem blo hem Joseph wea kaen tumas, hem willing for letem Jehovah for iusim hem. (Acts 4:36, 37) Luk olsem, from Joseph savve tumas for comfortim olketa narawan, olketa aposol kolem hem Barnabas, wea minim ‘man for strongim narawan.’ Olsem example, bihaen Saul kamap Christian, staka brata fraet for go story lo hem bikos lo wei blo hem bifor for persecutim olketa lo kongregeson. Bat from Barnabas hem man wea kaen hem helpem Saul, and Saul barava tinghae lo datwan. (Acts 9:21, 26-28) Bihaen, olketa elder lo Jerusalem luksavve olketa brata wea stap farawe lo Antioch lo Syria, olketa needim encouragement. Hu nao bae olketa sendem? Barnabas! Olketa mekem gudfala disison. Iumi savve hao Barnabas “hem encouragem olketa for faithful long Lord and for gohed strong.” (Acts 11:22-24) Distaem tu, Jehovah savve helpem iumi for kamap “man for strongim” olketa brata and sista blo iumi. Olsem example, Jehovah maet iusim iumi for comfortim olketa wea lusim samwan wea olketa lovem lo dae. Or Jehovah savve muvim iumi for go visitim or ringim samwan wea sik or wea kasem stress and for encouragem hem. Waswe, bae iu letem Jehovah for iusim iu olsem hem iusim Barnabas?—1 Thess. 5:14.

9. Wanem nao iumi savve lanem from wei wea Jehovah helpem Vasily kamap wanfala spiritual shepherd?

9 Jehovah helpem wanfala brata wea nem blo hem Vasily for kamap wanfala spiritual shepherd wea willing tumas. Vasily kamap wanfala elder taem hem 26 years, hem fraet nogud hem no qualify for helpem kongregeson lo spiritual wei, especially olketa wea garem olketa hard taem. Hem kasem nambawan training from olketa mature elder and from Kingdom Ministry Skul. Vasily waka hard for duim moa samting. Olsem example, hem mekem list lo olketa smol goal wea hem laek for kasem. Each taem wea hem kasem wanfala lo olketa goal hia, datwan helpem hem for winim wei for fraet. Distaem hem sei: “Lo bifor, samting wea mi savve fraet for duim, hem nao wanem mi barava enjoyim distaem. Taem Jehovah helpem mi for faendem stret scripture for comfortim wanfala brata or sista lo kongregeson, datwan mekem mi barava satisfae.” Olketa brata, sapos iufala letem Jehovah for iusim iufala olsem wanem Vasily duim, Jehovah bae givim iufala datfala savve for lukaftarem samfala big responsibility moa lo kongregeson.


10. Wanem nao Abigail duim, and wanem nao iu savve lanem from example blo hem?

10 David and olketa man blo hem wea ranawe from King Saul needim help. Olketa man blo David askem Nabal wanfala rich Israelite for eni kaikai wea hem fit for givim. Olketa feel free for askem Nabal bikos olketa bin protectim sheepsheep blo Nabal lo wilderness. Bat Nabal wea selfish les givim eni samting. David kros tumas and laek killim dae Nabal and evri man lo haos blo hem. (Fas Samuel 25:3-13, 22) Bat, Abigail, waef blo Nabal wea luk naes hem garem fasin for luksavve. Hem no fraet for go and baodaon lo David, and askem hem for no pei bak bikos hem bae guilty lo blood. Lo kaenfala wei, hem advaesem David for leavim evriting lo hand blo Jehovah. Olketa hambol toktok blo Abigail and hao hem duim samting barava tasim heart blo hem. David luksavve Jehovah nao sendem kam Abigail. (Fas Samuel 25:23-28, 32-34) Gudfala wei blo Abigail mekem Jehovah for iusim hem. Distaem tu, Jehovah savve iusim olketa sista wea kaen and garem fasin for luksavve for strongim famili blo olketa, and olketa narawan lo kongregeson.—Provebs 24:3; Titus 2:3-5.

11. Wanem nao olketa dota blo Shallum duim, and distaem, hu nao followim example blo olketa?

11 Staka year bihaen, Jehovah iusim tu olketa dota blo Shallum for share insaed datfala waka for repairim wall blo Jerusalem. (Nehemaea 2:20; 3:12) Nomata dadi blo olketa hem wanfala prince, olketa dota blo Shallum willing for duim datfala waka wea barava no isi and wea hem danger tumas. (Nehemaea 4:15-18) Olketa barava difren from olketa bigman blo Tekoa, wea les for share insaed datkaen waka! (Nehemaea 3:5) Tingim hapi blo olketa dota blo Shallum taem datfala waka hem finis insaed lo 52 day nomoa! (Nehemaea 6:15) Distaem tu, olketa sista willing for help for duim olketa difren kaen waka lo service blo Jehovah, olsem wei for waka lo construction and for duim maintenance lo olketa building. Iumi needim olketa sista hia, wea iusim savve wea olketa garem, wea barava willing, and wea faithful for duim olketa kaen waka olsem.

12. Hao nao Jehovah savve iusim iumi olsem Tabitha?

12 Jehovah muvim Tabitha for “evritaem helpem pipol and duim gud samting,” especially for olketa widow. (Acts 9:36) From wei wea hem willing for give and kaen lo olketa narawan, datwan mekem staka for sorre tumas taem hem dae. Bat olketa hapi tumas taem aposol Peter resurrectim hem. (Acts 9:39-41) Wanem nao iumi lanem from Tabitha? Nomata iumi young or olo, man or woman, iumi evriwan savve duim samting for helpem olketa brata and sista blo iumi.—Heb. 13:16.

13. Hao nao Jehovah hem iusim Ruth wea savve shame tumas, and wanem nao hem talem?

13 Ruth laek for kamap wanfala missionary bat hem sista wea savve shame tumas. Taem hem young, hem savve go from haos tu haos bat hem hariap nomoa for givimaot olketa tract lo pipol. Hem sei: “Mi barava enjoyim disfala waka.” Nomata olsem, challenge blo hem nao for story witim pipol lo haos blo olketa abaotem Kingdom blo God. Nomata hem savve shame, Ruth hem kamap wanfala regular pioneer taem hem 18 years. Lo 1946, hem go lo Watchtower Bible Skul Blo Gilead and bihaen hem serve lo Hawaii and Japan. Jehovah iusim Ruth lo bigfala wei for talemaot gud nius lo olketa kantri hia. Klosap 80 year bihaen hem waka hard lo ministry, Ruth sei: “Jehovah evritaem strongim mi, hem helpem mi for winim wei for fraet. Mi barava bilivim hao Jehovah savve iusim eniwan wea trust lo Hem.”


14. Olsem Colossae 1:29 storyim, wanem nao iumi mas duim mekem Jehovah savve iusim iumi?

14 Start kam bifor, Jehovah helpem olketa servant blo hem for duim olketa didifren kaen waka. Wanem nao Jehovah bae helpem iu for duim? Datwan depend lo wei wea iu willing for givim iuseleva. (Readim Colossae 1:29.) Sapos iu willing, Jehovah bae helpem iu for kamap man wea strong for preach, kamap gudfala teacher, comfortim narawan, savve tumas for duim eni waka, fren wea savve sapotim narawan or for duim eni samting wea Jehovah laekem for mekem plan blo hem kamap tru.

15. Olsem 1 Timothy 4:12, 15 storyim, wanem nao olketa young brata shud barava askem Jehovah for helpem olketa for duim?

15 Waswe lo iufala olketa young brata wea start for kamap mature? Bigfala need hem stap for olketa man wea strong for duim waka olsem olketa ministerial servant lo kongregeson. Lo staka kongregeson, olketa elder staka winim ministerial servant. Olketa young brata, waswe, samfala lo iufala savve traem best for garem feeling for laek duim olketa nara responsibility lo kongregeson? Samfala brata savve sei: “Mi hapi nomoa for stap olsem wanfala regular pablisa lo kongregeson.” Sapos hem nao hao iu feel, barava askem Jehovah for helpem iu for garem feeling for laek duim samting mekem iu savve qualify for kamap wanfala ministerial servant and for hem givim iu strong for duim evri samting wea iu fit for duim for servem hem. (Eklesiastes 12:1) Mifala needim help blo iufala!—Readim 1 Timothy 4:12, 15.

16. Wanem nao iumi shud askem lo Jehovah, and why nao olsem?

16 Jehovah savve helpem iu for duim eni samting wea hem laekem iu for duim mekem plan blo hem kamap tru. So askem hem for helpem iumi garem datfala feeling for laek duim waka blo hem and then askem hem for givim iumi strong for duim datwan. Nomata iu young or olo, iusim taem, strong, and wanem iu garem for mekhae lo Jehovah. (Eklesiastes 9:10) No letem wei for fraet or daotem seleva for mekem iu no acceptim olketa nambawan chance for duim eni samting wea iu savve duim lo service blo Jehovah. Hem wanfala privilege for iumi evriwan share for duim eni samting wea iumi savve duim for givim praise lo loving Dadi blo iumi!

SONG 127 Wei wea Mi Shud Garem

^ par. 5 Waswe, iu feel olsem iu laek duim moa samting lo service blo Jehovah? Waswe, iu ting raonem sapos Jehovah savve iusim iu for duim waka blo hem? Or waswe, iu tingse iu no need for duim moa samting for servem Jehovah lo eni wei wea hem laekem? Lo disfala study, bae iumi storyim olketa didifren wei wea Jehovah helpem iumi for garem feeling for laek duim samting and givim strong for duim eni samting for fulfillim wanem hem laekem.

^ par. 3 Nomata Paul raetem disfala leta for olketa Christian lo first century, bat datfala principle fitim evri servant blo Jehovah.