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Studyim Gud Bible

Studyim Gud Bible

“Iufala . . . savve barava minim wanem nao waed, long, hae, and deep bilong truth.”—EPH. 3:18.

SONG 95 Laet Gohed for Kamap Braet


1-2. Wat nao best wei for readim and studyim Bible? Storyim example.

 IMAGINIM, iu disaed for peim wanfala haos. Wat nao bae iu laek for lukim bifor iu disaed for peim? Hao, bae iu laek for lukim nomoa piksa blo datfala haos? Nomoa. Iu mas laek for go lukim seleva datfala haos mekem iu savve wakabaot raonem, inspectim evri rum, and lukluk gud lo evri samting wea part lo datfala haos. Maet iu laek for lukluk tu lo plan blo datfala haos for lukim hao olketa buildim. For sure, bae iu laek for lukim evri detail abaotem haos hia wea iu laek for peim.

2 Iumi savve duim sem samting tu taem iumi readim and studyim Bible. Wanfala Bible scholar comparem Bible witim “wanfala big building wea tol tumas and garem deep faondeson.” So hao nao for savve gud lo olketa samting insaed Bible? If iu just read kwiktaem, maet bae iu lanem nomoa olketa main teaching, wea hem “olketa first samting . . . from message bilong God.” (Heb. 5:12) Bat olsem datfala haos, iu need for studyim Bible for barava minim gud. Best wei for studyim Bible, hem for faendaot hao olketa difren part lo message insaed Bible hem connect tugeta. Trae for minim gud wat iu bilivim, and trae for minim tu why iu bilivim olketa samting hia hem tru.

3. Wat nao aposol Paul encouragem olketa brata and sista for duim, and why nao olsem? (Ephesus 3:14-19)

3 For barava minim gud Bible, iumi mas studyim gud olketa deep truth wea stap insaed. Aposol Paul encouragem olketa brata and sista lo datfala taem for studyim gud Bible mekem olketa “barava minim wanem nao waed, long, hae, and deep” blo truth. Taem olketa duim olsem, datwan bae strongim faith blo olketa. (Readim Ephesus 3:14-19.) Iumi need for duim sem samting. Bae iumi storyim wanem iumi savve duim for studyim gud Bible mekem iumi minim gud truth wea stap insaed.


4. Wat nao iumi savve duim for fren gud witim Jehovah? Storyim samfala example.

4 Iumi no laek for satisfae nomoa witim olketa main teaching lo Bible. Holy spirit blo God savve helpem iumi for barava laek for lane abaotem “wisdom bilong God wea big tumas.” (1 Cor. 2:9, 10) Iu savve startim wanfala personal study project wea bae helpem iu for fren gud witim Jehovah! For example, iu savve duim research abaotem hao hem showimaot love for pipol blo hem bifor, and hao datwan pruvim hem lovem iu tu. Iu savve studyim tu arrangement blo Jehovah saed lo worship lo Israel bifor, and comparem datwan witim arrangement lo Christian kongregeson distaem. Or iu savve duim deep study lo olketa profesi wea Jesus fulfillim during lo ministry and laef blo hem lo earth.

5. Waswe, iu tingim eni subject wea iu laek research abaotem lo personal study project blo iu?

5 Samfala wea bin duim deep research storyim samfala samting wea olketa laek studyim for faendaot evri detail abaotem. Iu savve lukim samfala samting wea olketa talem lo box “ Olketa Subject for Personal Study Project.” Iu savve iusim Watch Tower Publications Index or Research Index for Olketa Jehovah’s Witness for studyim olketa subject olsem. Taem iu duim deep study, hem savve strongim faith blo iu and helpem iu for “faendem knowledge abaotem God.” (Prov. 2:4, 5) Distaem bae iumi storyim samfala deep Bible truth wea iumi savve studyim gud.


6. (a) Storyim example wea showim plan blo Jehovah hem evritaem kamap tru. (b) Why nao hem fitim for sei plan blo Jehovah for olketa man and disfala earth hem “gohed for olowe”? (Ephesus 3:11)

6 Tingim wat Bible talem abaotem plan blo God. Jehovah no olsem olketa man wea savve chusim wanfala specific road for followim for kasem wanfala destination. Bat if eni samting blokem datfala road, maet bae olketa no savve kasem datfala ples. Bat iumi savve comparem plan blo Jehovah witim datfala destination. Hem bae disaedem destination blo hem, bat hem savve followim eni road or savve duim eni samting for kasem lo there. Iumi hapi Jehovah isisi showim iumi lo Bible “plan bilong hem wea bae gohed for olowe.” (Lukim study note blo Ephesus 3:11 lo English.) Jehovah savve iusim eni samting or chusim eni wei for mekem plan blo hem kamap tru, bikos hem savve “iusim evri samting mekem will blo hem kamap tru.” (Prov. 16:4) And result lo olketa samting wea Jehovah duim bae stap for olowe. Wat nao plan blo Jehovah, and wat nao samfala adjustment wea hem bin mekem for plan blo hem kamap tru?

7. Bihaen Adam and Eve disobey, wanem adjustment nao Jehovah duim for mekem plan blo hem kamap tru? (Matthew 25:34)

7 God talem plan blo hem for Adam and Eve. Hem sei for tufala “garem pikinini, kamap staka and fulimap disfala earth, and lukaftarem . . . evri animal wea laef lo earth.” (Gen. 1:28) From tufala disobeyim God, datwan mekem iumi evriwan for sin. Bat diswan no savve stopem Jehovah for mekem plan blo hem kamap tru, bikos hem bae adjustim hao for fulfillim datfala plan. For example, stretawe bihaen datwan, Jehovah disaed for setimap wanfala Kingdom lo heven, and datwan bae mekem original plan blo hem for iumi and earth kamap tru. (Readim Matthew 25:34.) Lo taem wea Jehovah markem, hem sendem kam firstborn Son blo hem lo earth for teachim pipol abaotem datfala Kingdom, and givim laef blo hem for sevem iumi from sin and dae. Then Jehovah resurrectim Jesus and Jesus go bak lo heven for rul lo Kingdom blo God. Bat staka nara samting tu stap for iumi lanem abaotem plan blo God.

Tingim taem wea evriwan lo heven and earth bae loyal for obeyim Jehovah! (Lukim paragraf 8)

8. (a) Wat nao theme blo Bible? (b) Olsem Ephesus 1:8-11 storyim, wat nao plan blo Jehovah for evriwan lo heven and earth? (Lukim piksa lo front page.)

8 Jehovah bae iusim datfala Kingdom for mekhae lo nem blo hem taem hem fulfillim plan blo hem for disfala earth, and datwan nao main theme blo Bible. Plan blo Jehovah no savve change. Hem sei bae hem duim evri samting wea hem promisim. (Isa. 46:10, 11, olketa ftn.; Heb. 6:17, 18) Gogo, earth bae kamap paradaes, and evriwan wea kam from laen blo Adam bae raeteous and enjoyim “laef olowe.” (Sams 22:26, SIPB.) Bat hem no datwan nomoa Jehovah bae duim. Hem bae mekem evriwan lo heven and earth for wan mind tu. Then evriwan lo full universe bae gohed loyal for obeyim Jehovah wea hem Ruler blo iumi. (Readim Ephesus 1:8-11.) Iumi barava tinghae lo wat Jehovah duim for mekem plan blo hem kamap tru.


9. Taem iumi readim Bible, hao nao datwan helpem iumi for savve lo olketa samting wea bae happen lo future yet?

9 Tingim profesi wea Jehovah talem lo garden blo Eden lo Genesis 3:15. b Jehovah storyim olketa samting wea bae fulfillim plan blo hem, bat wea bae happen samfala thousand year bihaen. For example, hem talem Abraham hao bihaen staka genereson, datfala Christ bae born lo wanfala from laen blo hem. (Gen. 22:15-18) Lo 33 C.E., profesi wea sei Satan bae killim bihaen lo foot blo Jesus kamap tru. (Acts 3:13-15) Last samting lo datfala profesi, “pikinini” hia bae smasem hed blo Satan, and datwan bae happen winim 1,000 year yet lo future. (Rev. 20:7-10) And Bible storyim staka samting abaotem wat bae happen taem wei for enemy between organization blo Satan and organization blo Jehovah hem gogo for finis.

10. (a) Wat nao olketa samting wea klosap for happen? (b) Hao nao iumi savve redyim mind and heart blo iumi? (Lukim footnote.)

10 Tingim olketa big samting wea Bible storyim wea bae happen. First samting, olketa nation bae sei “iumi garem peace and stap gud nao!” (1 Thess. 5:2, 3) Then “seknomoa,” big trabol bae start taem olketa nation attakim false religion. (Rev. 17:16) Bihaen datwan, maet bae “son bilong man hem kam long olketa cloud long skae witim bigfala paoa and glory.” (Matt. 24:30) Jesus bae judgem evri pipol and separatem olketa sheep from olketa goat. (Matt. 25:31-33, 46) Bat lo datfala taem, Satan bae no stop for againstim Jehovah. From hem heitim pipol blo God, hem bae iusim olketa nation wea Bible kolem Gog from land blo Magog for attakim pipol blo Jehovah. (Ezek. 38:2, 10, 11) Enitaem during lo big trabol, olketa anointed wan bae joinim Christ and army blo hem lo heven for faet lo war blo Armageddon, wea hem end blo datfala big trabol. c (Matt. 24:31; Rev. 16:14, 16) Then Wan Thousand Year Rul blo Christ ovarem earth bae start.—Rev. 20:6.

Hao klos nao frenship blo iu witim Jehovah bihaen iu lane abaotem hem for staka billion year? (Lukim paragraf 11)

11. Hao nao iu feeling blo iu abaotem laef olowe? (Lukim tu piksa.)

11 Distaem, ting abaotem future blo iu bihaen datfala 1,000 year. Bible sei Jehovah “putim wei for laef olowe insaed lo heart blo [iumi].” (Eccl. 3:11) Tingim hao iu bae laef for olowe and iu bae fren gud witim Jehovah for olowe. Datfala buk Kam Klos Long God, page 319, storyim disfala interesting point: “Bihaen iumi bae laef for planti handred, million, and billion year tu, iumi bae savve moa samting abaotem Jehovah God winim distaem. Bat bae iumi feel dat iumi still need for lanem planti nara nambawan samting. . . . Laef olowe bae fulap witim difren samting and interesting tumas—and wei for kam moa klos long Jehovah bae hem best samting wea iumi kasem.” So distaem, wat moa olketa nara samting wea iumi savve lanem taem iumi gohed studyim Bible?


12. Wat nao iumi savve duim for luk go insaed lo heven? Storyim example.

12 Bible storyim lelebet samting abaotem presence blo Jehovah “lo ples wea hem hae.” (Isa. 33:5) Bible storyim olketa nambawan samting abaotem Jehovah and organization blo hem lo heven. (Isa. 6:1-4; Dan. 7:9, 10; Rev. 4:1-6) For example, iumi savve read abaotem olketa interesting samting wea Ezekiel lukim taem “heven hem open and [hem] start for lukim olketa vision from God.”—Ezek. 1:1.

13. Olsem Hebrew 4:14-16 storyim, wat nao iu appreciatim abaotem wat Jesus duim for iu from heven?

13 Ting abaotem tu wat Jesus duim for iumi from heven, bikos hem King and Hae Priest wea tingim iumi. Bikos lo Jesus, iumi savve kam lo “throne bilong God wea hem kaen tumas,” for prea and askem mercy and help from God lo “taem iumi needim.” (Readim Hebrew 4:14-16.) Each day, iumi need for ting abaot wat Jehovah and Jesus duim finis, and wat tufala gohed duim for iumi from heven distaem. Iumi shud barava tinghae lo love wea tufala garem for iumi, and datfala love shud encouragem iumi for gohed strong for worshipim Jehovah.—2 Cor. 5:14, 15.

Imaginim hao bae iu hapi tumas lo niu world, bikos iu savve iu helpem olketa narawan for worshipim Jehovah and kamap disaepol blo Jesus! (Lukim paragraf 14)

14. Wat nao iumi savve duim for showim iumi appreciatim wanem Jehovah and Jesus duim for iumi? (Lukim tu piksa.)

14 Wanfala best wei for showim iumi barava appreciatim wat God and Son blo hem duim for iumi, hem for helpem olketa narawan for worshipim Jehovah and kamap disaepol blo Jesus. (Matt. 28:19, 20) Hem nao wat aposol Paul duim from hem tinghae lo wat God and Christ duim. Paul luksavve hem will blo Jehovah for “evri difren kaen man mas sev and for garem stretfala savve abaotem olketa tru teaching.” (1 Tim. 2:3, 4) Hem waka hard for helpem staka pipol lo ministry blo hem, mekem hem “savve sevem samfala long olketa.”—1 Cor. 9:22, 23.


15. Olsem Psalm 1:2 storyim, wat nao bae mekem iumi hapi?

15 Man wea raetem psalm 1 storyim hao man wea hapi and succeed nao, hem samwan wea “hapi lo law blo Jehovah” and ‘ting raonem day and naet.’ (Ps. 1:1-3; ftn.) Wanfala Bible transleita sei olsem abaotem disfala verse, man wea “laekem tumas God for leadim hem bae lukaotem, studyim, and spendem moa taem for ting raonem Bible.” Hem sei tu, if wanfala Bible reader no readim Bible insaed wanfala day, hem bae ting lo datfala day olsem hem weistim. Iu savve enjoy for studyim Bible taem iu interest for faendem olketa detail and lukim hao evri samting hem connect tugeta. Hem barava hapi samting for studyim gud Bible!

16. Wat nao bae iumi storyim lo next article?

16 Olketa nambawan truth wea Jehovah teachim lo Bible, hem no hard for iumi minim. Lo next article, bae iumi storyim wanfala deep truth wea hem abaotem spiritual temple blo Jehovah. Paul storyim datwan lo leta wea hem raetem for olketa Hebrew Christian. Bae iu barava hapi for studyim disfala subject.

SONG 94 Tinghae Long Bible

a Taem iumi studyim Bible, datwan savve helpem iumi for garem hapi laef, kasem gud samting, and fren gud witim Dadi blo iumi lo heven. Lo disfala article, bae iumi storyim hao iumi savve studyim gud “waed, long, hae, and deep” blo toktok blo God lo Bible.

b Lukim article “Firstfala Profesi lo Bible Hem Givim Iumi Hope,” lo Wastaoa blo July 2022.

c For helpem iu for redi for olketa big samting wea klosap for happen lo future, lukim buk Kingdom blo God Hem Rul, page 230.