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Gohed Showimaot Love Bikos Datwan Strongim Narawan

Gohed Showimaot Love Bikos Datwan Strongim Narawan

“Love savve strongim man.”—1 COR. 8:1.

SONG: 109, 121

1. Wanem important samting nao Jesus storyim witim olketa disaepol bilong hem long naet bifor hem dae?

LONG naet bifor Jesus dae, hem story long olketa disaepol bilong hem abaotem love klosap 30 taem. Hem talem olketa disaepol bilong hem hao olketa mas showimaot love taem hem sei: “Iufala lovem iufala evriwan.” (John 15:12, 17) Datfala love wea olketa garem for each other bae barava spesol and hem bae showimaot klia olketa tru follower bilong Christ. (John 13:34, 35) Diskaen love hem no wanfala feeling nomoa, bat hem love wea muvim man for tingim olketa narawan firstaem. Jesus sei: “Man wea barava showimaot bigfala love nao hem man wea willing for dae for olketa fren bilong hem. Sapos iufala duim samting wea mi talem long iufala, iufala olketa fren bilong mi.”—John 15:13, 14.

2. (a) Wanem kaen fasin nao pipol bilong God distaem showimaot? (b) Olketa wanem kwestin nao bae iumi ansarem long disfala study?

2 Wei wea pipol bilong Jehovah distaem garem love, tingim olketa narawan, and garem wan mind showimaot olketa pipol bilong hem. (1 John 3:10, 11) Iumi barava hapi bikos pipol bilong Jehovah garem love for each other nomata wanem kantri olketa kam from, tribe, languis, or famili! Bat maet iumi garem olketa kwestin olsem: ‘Why nao hem important tumas for showimaot love distaem? Hao nao love bilong Jehovah and Jesus strongim iumi? And hao nao each wan savve showimaot love wea “strongim man”?’—1 Cor. 8:1.


3. Hao nao wei wea “evri samting hem hard tumas” affectim pipol?

3 Iumi stap long taem wea “evri samting hem hard tumas” and laef bilong pipol fulap witim ‘plande trabol and sorre.’ (2 Tim. 3:1-5; Sams 90:10) Staka pipol feel olsem olketa no wei nao. Olketa sei luk olsem evri year winim 800,000 pipol dae from olketa suisaed, wea hem olsem wanfala man dae insaed evri 40 second. Sorre samting nao, samfala brata and sista wea sorre tumas from olketa feisim olketa hard taem olsem, olketa tu suisaed.

4. Storyim example bilong samfala insaed Bible wea sei olketa laek for dae taem olketa kasem hard taem?

4 Long taem bilong Bible, samfala faithful servant bilong God feel sorre tumas taem olketa kasem hard taem, wea gogo mekem olketa laek for dae. Olsem example, taem Job kasem bigfala pain hem sei: “Mi givap long disfala laef nao. Mi les nomoa fo laef.” (Job 7:16; 14:13) From Jonah feel nogud hem sei: “[Jehovah], letem mi dae. ?Fo wanem nomoa mi laef? Hemi moabeta fo mi dae nomoa.” (Jona 4:3) And wantaem faithful profet Elijah tu feel nogud tumas long samting wea kasem hem, and hem sei: “Inaf nao! Lod [Jehovah], yu mas tekemaot laef blong mi.” (Fas Kings 19:4) Bat Jehovah tinghae long olketa faithful servant bilong hem and hem no laekem olketa for dae. Winim wei for hem kros long olketa from olketa feel olsem, hem helpem olketa for winim feeling bilong olketa for laek dae and hem strongim olketa for gohed faithful for worshipim hem.

5. Why nao iumi need for showimaot love long olketa brata and sista bilong iumi distaem?

5 Distaem, staka brata and sista bilong iumi deal witim olketa barava hard taem and olketa needim love bilong iumi. Samfala deal witim wei wea pipol tok spoelem or persecutim olketa. Olketa narawan kasem hard taem from wei wea pipol long waka ples tok spoelem or gossip abaotem olketa. Or maet samfala taed tumas bikos olketa waka ovataem or garem staka waka for duim. Olketa narawan savve garem olketa big problem insaed famili, maet from marit partner wea no worshipim Jehovah tok spoelem olketa. From olketa kasem olketa hard taem hia, staka long kongregeson maet no strong for deal witim datwan and olketa maet start for ting daonem olketa seleva. Hu nao savve helpem olketa hia?


6. Hao nao love bilong Jehovah strongim olketa wea worshipim hem?

6 Jehovah strongim olketa wea worshipim hem taem hem talem olketa hem bae gohed for lovem olketa. Samting wea Jehovah talem long olketa faithful Israelite mas barava encouragem olketa. Hem sei: “Mi tinghevi tumas long yufala, an mi lavem yufala. . . . Yufala no fraet! Mi stap nomoa wetem yufala.” (Aesaea 43:4, 5) From iumi worshipim Jehovah, iumi sure Jehovah barava lovem iumi. * Bible promis olsem: “Paoa blong hem hemi save sevem yufala. Bae hemi hapi tumas long yufala.”—Sefenaea 3:16, 17.

7. Hao nao Jehovah showimaot love olsem wanfala mami wea lovem baby bilong hem? (Lukim piksa long start bilong study.)

7 Jehovah promis for strongim and comfortim pipol bilong hem wea feisim olketa difren hard taem. Jehovah sei: “Bae yufala hapi fogud olsem smolfala bebi wea mami blong hem hemi lavem hem tumas, an hemi gohed fo karim hem an susum hem. . . . Bae mi mekem tingting blong yufala fo kamap gud moa, olsem wea woman hemi mekem pikinini blong hem fo hemi hapi moa.” (Aesaea 66:12, 13) Hem naes tumas taem iumi tingim wanfala mami wea lovem tumas baby bilong hem and hem karem and plei witim baby hia. Datfala tokpiksa showimaot Jehovah barava lovem and tingim olketa wea worshipim hem. Iumi sure Jehovah barava tinghae and lovem iumi.—Jeremaea 31:3.

8, 9. Hao nao love bilong Jesus savve strongim iumi?

8 Nara reason why olketa tru Christian savve Jehovah lovem olketa, hem bikos long wanem Bible talem. Hem sei: “God barava lovem tumas pipol long world dastawe hem givim kam spesol Son bilong hem, mekem evriwan wea showimaot faith long hem no dae bat kasem laef olowe.” (John 3:16) Jesus showimaot hem barava lovem iumi tu taem hem givim laef bilong hem for sevem iumi, and diswan barava strongim iumi. Bible promis hao no eni “hard taem or wei for safa” savve “stopem iumi for no kasem love bilong Christ.”—Rome 8:35, 38, 39.

9 Taem iumi kasem olketa hard taem wea savve mekem tingting, feeling, body, or spiritual saed bilong iumi barava wiki, love bilong Christ bae strongim iumi for no givap. (Readim 2 Corinth 5:14, 15.) Love bilong Jesus savve helpem and strongim iumi for gohed laef and no givap, nomata sapos iumi feisim olketa hard taem from disaster, persecution, wei for wikdaon, or wari.


Wei for studyim example bilong Jesus savve muvim iu for helpem narawan (Paragraf 10, 11 storyim diswan)

10, 11. Hu nao garem responsibility for strongim olketa brata and sista wea wikdaon? Minim kam.

10 Wanfala wei wea Jehovah showimaot love for strongim iumi, hem thru long Christian kongregeson. Each wan long iumi savve showimaot iumi lovem Jehovah taem iumi lovem and strongim olketa brata and sista bilong iumi long spiritual wei and comfortim olketa. (1 John 4:19-21) Aposol Paul sei: “Gohed for encouragem and strongim narawan, olsem iufala duim distaem.” (1 Thess. 5:11) Tru nao, evriwan long kongregeson, no just olketa elder nomoa, savve followim example bilong Jehovah and Jesus for comfortim and strongim olketa brata and sista.—Readim Rome 15:1, 2.

11 Samfala long kongregeson wea safa from olketa sik olsem depression, maet need for lukim doctor and kasem medicine. (Luke 5:31) Nomata olketa elder and olketa narawan long kongregeson, olketa no doctor wea kasem training for deal witim olketa kaen sik olsem, olketa savve duim samting for helpem and comfortim olketa. So evriwan long kongregeson savve “comfortim olketa wea sorre, helpem olketa wea wik, and patient long evriwan.” (1 Thess. 5:14) Evri Christian need for showimaot love and patient taem olketa trae for minim feeling bilong narawan, mekem olketa savve talem toktok wea bae comfortim and strongim olketa wea wikdaon. Waswe, iu savve comfortim and encouragem olketa narawan? Sapos hem wei bilong iu for duim datwan, bae hem moa isi for iu helpem olketa.

12. Storyim example bilong samwan wea kasem strong from love bilong olketa long kongregeson.

12 Hao nao wei for showimaot love savve strongim olketa wea barava feel sorre? Wanfala sista long Europe sei: “Samfala taem mi laek for suisaed, bat mi garem pipol wea barava helpem mi. Olketa brata and sista long kongregeson bilong mi sevem laef bilong mi. Olketa barava lovem and evritaem encouragem mi. Nomata samfala long kongregeson nomoa savve mi garem datfala sik depression, evriwan evritaem redi for helpem mi. Wanfala hasband and waef olsem spiritual dadi and mami bilong mi. Olketa lukaftarem mi gud, and evritaem redi for helpem mi nomata day or naet.” Hem tru, no evriwan savve givim help long sem wei. Bat wei for sapotim olketa wea feel sorre, savve barava helpem olketa for deal witim sorre feeling wea olketa garem. *


13. Wanem nao iumi need for duim sapos iumi laek for strongim narawan?

13 Willing for lisin. (Jas. 1:19) Wei for lisin and trae for minim feeling bilong man wea feel wikdaon hem showimaot iumi garem love. Maet iu savve askem olketa kwestin long kaenfala wei for helpem iu minim feeling bilong hem. Taem iu duim olsem, iu bae fit for helpem and strongim hem. Feis bilong iu savve showimaot iu really kea for hem. Taem hem laek story, iu need for patient and no katem story. Sapos iu patient for lisin, iu bae minim gud feeling bilong hem. Datwan bae helpem hem for trustim iu and hem bae willing for lisin long wanem iu talem for strongim hem. Taem iu showimaot iu barava kea for hem, datwan bae barava comfortim hem.

14. Why nao iumi no laek for judgem narawan?

14 No talem toktok for judgem man. Sapos samting iumi talem long man wea barava feel sorre mekem hem feel olsem iumi judgem hem, datwan bae mekem hem feel nogud go moa and diswan bae mekem hem no isi for iumi helpem hem. Bible sei: “Nogud toktok kat olsem sap naef, waes toktok mekem man helti.” (Provebs 12:18) Maet iumi no min for talem toktok for katem feeling bilong man wea barava sorre, nomata olsem sapos iumi no tingting gud bifor iumi toktok, datwan savve mekem man barava feel nogud. For strongim olketa, iumi mas trae for minim feeling and samting wea kasem olketa.—Matt. 7:12.

15. Wanem nao wanfala nambawan samting wea iumi savve iusim for comfortim narawan?

15 Iusim Bible for comfortim narawan. (Readim Rome 15:4, 5.) Bible hem kam from God wea savve “comfortim iumi and strongim iumi,” so dastawe iumi kasem comfort from olketa toktok insaed Bible. Iumi garem tu olketa Bible study tul wea savve helpem iumi. Iumi savve iusim Watch Tower Publications Index and Research Index for Olketa Jehovah’s Witness. Diswan bae helpem iumi for faendem olketa scripture wea iumi savve iusim for comfortim and encouragem olketa brata and sista.

16. Olketa wanem fasin nao iumi need for garem taem iumi encouragem wanfala Christian wea barava feel sorre?

16 Mas kaen and sorre long narawan. Taem iumi duim olsem, datwan bae encouragem and strongim man. Jehovah hem “Dadi wea kaen and sorre long iumi, and hem God wea givim iumi comfort wea iumi needim,” and hem “barava kaen tumas” long olketa wea worshipim hem. (Readim 2 Corinth 1:3-6; Luke 1:78; Rome 15:13) Paul showimaot nambawan example saed long diswan, hem sei: “Mifala kaen long iufala olsem wanfala mami wea lukaftarem gud pikinini bilong hem wea hem susum. So from mifala lovem iufala tumas, mifala hapi for sharem gud nius bilong God witim iufala and for givim tu laef bilong mifala for helpem iufala.” (1 Thess. 2:7, 8) Taem iumi followim example bilong God for kaen long narawan, maet hem olsem ansa for prea bilong samwan wea barava feel sorre.

17. Wanem stretfala tingting nao iumi shud garem wea bae helpem iumi for strongim olketa brata and sista?

17 No expectim olketa brata and sista for perfect. Garem stret tingting abaotem olketa brata and sista. Sapos iumi expectim olketa brata and sista for perfect, datwan bae mekem iumi feel nogud nomoa. (Eklesiastes 7:21, 22) Tingim, Jehovah no expectim olketa wea worshipim hem for duim samting wea olketa no fit for duim. Sapos iumi followim example bilong hem, iumi bae patient witim olketa narawan. (Eph. 4:2, 32) Winim wei for talem olketa for duim moa samting, iumi laek for praisem olketa for wanem olketa duim. Datwan savve encouragem olketa. Wei for praisem narawan savve strongim and helpem hem for ‘hapi long wanem hem duim’ insaed waka bilong Jehovah. Wei for duim datwan hem gud winim wei for comparem wanem olketa duim witim wanem narawan duim.—Gal. 6:4.

18. Why nao iumi laek showimaot love wea strongim narawan?

18 Evriwan wea worshipim Jehovah olketa barava spesol long hem and Jesus, wea provaedem datfala ransom. (Gal. 2:20) Iumi lovem tumas olketa brata and sista, and laek for barava kaen long olketa. For duim datwan, “iumi mas traem best for stap gud witim nara pipol and duim olketa samting wea savve strongim narawan.” (Rome 14:19) Iumi luk forward for stap long Paradaes and no sorre or wikdaon moa! No eniwan bae sik, no eniwan bae dae from sin, no eni war, persecution, problem insaed famili, or wei for feel wikdaon. Bihaen wan thousand year rul, evri man bae perfect. Olketa wea winim datfala last test bae kamap olketa son bilong Jehovah long earth and “olketa bae free olsem olketa pikinini bilong God, wea datwan hem nambawan samting.” (Rome 8:21) So iumi laek gohed showimaot love wea strongim and helpem narawan for hapi and kasem nambawan blessing long future.

^ par. 12 Samfala idea for helpem olketa wea garem tingting and feeling for suisaed, hem stap long article long Awake!: “Why Go On? Three Reasons to Keep Living” (April 2014); “When You Feel Like Giving Up on Life” (January 2012); and “Life Is Worth Living” (October 22, 2001).