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“Kam Long Mi, . . . Mekem Mi Savve Strongim Iufala”

“Kam Long Mi, . . . Mekem Mi Savve Strongim Iufala”

“Kam long mi, iufala wea waka hard and wea karem hevi samting, mekem mi savve strongim iufala.”—MATT. 11:28.

SONG 17 “Mi Laek Duim Datwan”


1. Olsem Matthew 11:28-30 storyim, wanem promis nao Jesus talem?

JESUS storyim wanfala nambawan promis lo olketa wea lisin lo hem. Hem sei: “Kam long mi . . . mekem mi savve strongim iufala.” (Readim Matthew 11:28-30.) Disfala promis hem no wanfala toktok nating nomoa. Olsem example, tingim wanem hem duim for wanfala woman wea safa from wanfala nogud sik.

2. Wanem nao Jesus duim for helpem wanfala woman wea sik?

2 Datfala woman hem barava needim help. Hem go lo staka doctor and hem hope olketa bae helpem hem for kamap gud moa. Bat bihaen 12-fala year, hem still no kasem eni help for sik blo hem. Lo Law blo Moses, datfala woman hem no klin. (Levitikas 15:25) Datfala woman herem hao Jesus savve healim olketa wea safa, so hem go for faendem hem. Taem hem lukim Jesus, hem tasim end lo kaleko blo Jesus, and semtaem nomoa sik blo hem finis nao! Jesus no just healim nomoa datfala sik, bat hao hem treatim datfala woman mekem woman hia for feel olsem hem kasem bak love and respect. Olsem example, taem hem story lo hem, Jesus kolem hem “dota” wea datwan showimaot respect. Datwan mas barava strongim datfala woman!—Luke 8:43-48.

3. Olketa wanem kwestin nao iumi bae ansarem?

3 Tingim, datfala woman nao go lo Jesus, hem nao duim samting. Hem semsem for iumi distaem tu, iumi nao mas duim samting for “kam long” Jesus. Distaem, Jesus no duim mirakol for healim olketa wea “kam long” hem. Nomata olsem, hem gohed for invaetem iumi taem hem sei: “Kam long mi, . . . mekem mi savve strongim iufala.” Lo disfala study, iumi bae ansarem faevfala kwestin: Hao nao iumi savve “kam long” Jesus? Wanem nao Jesus minim taem hem sei for karem yoke blo hem? Wanem nao iumi savve lanem from Jesus? Hao nao waka wea hem givim savve strongim iumi? And hao nao iumi savve gohed for strong taem iumi karem yoke blo Jesus?


4-5. Wanem nao samfala wei wea iumi savve “kam long” Jesus?

4 Wanfala wei wea iumi “kam long” Jesus, hem taem iumi duim best blo iumi for lane abaotem olketa samting wea hem talem and duim. (Luke 1:1-4) No eniwan savve duim datwan for iumi, iumiseleva nao mas study abaotem Jesus. Iumi “kam long” Jesus tu taem iumi disaed for baptaes and kamap wanfala disaepol blo Christ.

5 Nara wei wea iumi savve “kam long” Jesus hem for askem help from olketa elder lo taem iumi needim. Olketa hia “present” wea Jesus iusim for lukaftarem olketa sheepsheep blo hem. (Eph. 4:7, 8, 11; John 21:16; 1 Pet. 5:1-3) Iumi nao mas go, and askem help blo olketa. Iumi no expectim olketa elder for savve lo tingting blo iumi, and wanem iumi needim. Tingim samting wea wanfala brata wea nem blo hem Julian talem, hem sei: “From mi garem problem saed lo health mi mas lusim Bethel, and wanfala lo olketa fren blo mi talem mi, hem bae gud sapos mi askem olketa elder for kam visitim mi. Firstaem, mi tingse mi no needim. Bat bihaen mi askem help blo olketa, and datfala shepherding visit hem wanfala best present wea mi kasem.” Olsem tufala wea visitim Julian, olketa faithful elder savve helpem iumi for savve lo “tingting bilong Christ,” wea minim for luksavve and followim tingting and wei blo hem. (1 Cor. 2:16; 1 Pet. 2:21) Datwan hem best present wea olketa savve givim lo iumi.


6. Wanem nao Jesus minim taem hem sei “Karem yoke bilong mi”?

6 Taem Jesus sei: “Iufala waka witim mi,” or olsem footnote sei, “Karem yoke bilong mi,” maet hem minim for acceptim hao Jehovah givim paoa lo Jesus for duim samting. Hem savve minim tu for karem disfala yoke witim hem, and waka tugeta for Jehovah. So, for karem yoke hem minim iumi mas waka.

7. Olsem Matthew 28:18-20 storyim, wanem waka nao iumi kasem, and wanem nao iumi sure lo hem?

7 Iumi acceptim invitation blo Jesus taem iumi dedicatem laef blo iumi lo Jehovah and baptaes. Datfala invitation hem for evriwan, Jesus bae no rejectim eniwan wea barava laek for servem God. (John 6:37, 38) Evriwan wea followim Christ kasem datfala privilege for share insaed waka wea Jehovah askem Jesus for duim. Iumi sure Jesus bae evritaem stap witim iumi for helpem iumi duim datfala waka.—Readim Matthew 28:18-20.


Strongim olketa narawan olsem Jesus hem duim (Paragraf 8-11 storyim diswan) *

8-9. Why nao olketa wea hambol laek kam lo Jesus, and olketa wanem kwestin nao iumi savve askem iumiseleva?

8 Pipol wea hambol laek for kam lo Jesus. (Matt. 19:13, 14; Luke 7:37, 38) Why nao olsem? Bikos Jesus difren from olketa Pharisee. Olketa bigman hia no garem love and olketa praod. (Matt. 12:9-14) Jesus garem love and hem hambol. Olketa Pharisee laek for pipol tinghae lo olketa, and olketa praod tumas lo hae position wea olketa garem. Jesus no laekem datkaen wei, and hem teachim olketa disaepol blo hem for hambol and for helpem olketa narawan. (Matt. 23:2, 6-11) Olketa Pharisee laek for bossim pipol and laek for mekem olketa fraet. (John 9:13, 22) Jesus strongim narawan, thru lo love wea hem showimaot and wei wea hem savve tok kaen.

9 Waswe, iu lane from olketa samting wea Jesus duim? Iu savve askem iuseleva: ‘Waswe, pipol ting lo mi olsem man wea kwaet and hambol? Waswe, mi willing for helpem olketa narawan taem mi duim olketa kaen waka wea pipol ting daonem? Waswe, mi kaen lo olketa narawan?’

10. Hao nao Jesus treatim olketa wea waka witim hem?

10 Jesus duim samting wea mekem olketa wea waka witim hem for garem peace and feel hapi, and hem enjoyim tumas wei for trainim olketa. (Luke 10:1, 19-21) Hem encouragem olketa disaepol blo hem for askem olketa kwestin and hem laek for herem tingting blo olketa. (Matt. 16:13-16) Olsem wei wea olketa plant grow gud lo naes environment insaed lo wanfala greenhouse, olketa disaepol tu barava gohed gud lo waka blo olketa. Olketa kasem gud samting from olketa leson wea Jesus teachim and datwan mekem olketa garem olketa gudfala frut.

Kamap samwan wea isi for fren witim

Duim staka samting and gohed strong

Mas hambol and waka hard *

11. Wanem kwestin nao iumi shud askem iumiseleva?

11 Waswe, iu garem waka for lukaftarem olketa narawan? Sapos olsem, askem iuseleva: ‘Hao nao mi treatim olketa lo waka ples or lo famili? Waswe, mi mekem hem ples wea garem peace? Waswe, mi encouragem olketa narawan for askem kwestin? And waswe, mi willing for herem tingting blo olketa narawan?’ Iumi no laek for olsem olketa Pharisee, wea savve kros taem pipol kwestinim olketa and wea savve persecutim pipol wea garem difren tingting from olketa.—Mark 3:1-6; John 9:29-34.


12-14. Why nao waka wea Jesus givim lo iumi hem strongim iumi?

12 Why nao wei for duim waka wea Jesus givim lo iumi hem samting wea savve strongim iumi? Staka reason hem stap, bat bae iumi storyim samfala nomoa.

13 Iumi garem olketa best overseer. Jehovah nao Main Overseer blo iumi, and hem no wanfala raf boss wea no savve talem thankiu. Hem savve tinghae lo waka wea iumi duim. (Heb. 6:10) And hem givim strong wea iumi needim for duim olketa waka wea hem givim lo iumi. (2 Cor. 4:7; Gal. 6:5) Jesus hem King blo iumi and hem leadim iumi lo wei for showimaot example for iumi followim. (John 13:15) Olketa elder wea lukaftarem iumi, traem best for followim example blo Jesus, wea hem “nambawan man for lukaftarem olketa sheepsheep.” (Heb. 13:20; 1 Pet. 5:2) Olketa traem best for kaen, givim encouragement, and no fraet taem olketa teachim iumi and protectim iumi.

14 Iumi garem olketa best fren. Iumi pipol blo Jehovah nomoa garem wei for waka tugeta witim wan mind and barava lovem each other. Tingim diswan, iumi garem privilege for waka tugeta witim pipol wea evriwan garem gudfala wei and wea no tingse olketa gud winim olketa narawan. Olketa savve tumas hao for duim samting, bat olketa hambol and ting lo narawan olsem hem winim olketa. Olketa no just ting lo iumi olsem iumi waka tugeta nomoa, bat iumi olsem olketa fren. And datfala klos wei for fren hem barava strong, wea mekem iumi savve willing for dae for each other.

15. Hao nao iumi shud ting lo waka wea iumi duim?

15 Iumi garem best waka. Iumi teachim pipol truth abaotem Jehovah, and showimaot olketa laea samting wea Devil talem. (John 8:44) Satan putim hevi lo pipol, wea datwan mekem olketa no garem eni hope. Olsem example, hem laekem iumi for bilivim hao Jehovah no savve forgivim olketa sin blo iumi and hem no lovem iumi. Datfala nogud laea hem mekem pipol barava feel wikdaon! Taem iumi “kam long” Christ, iumi kasem forgiveness for olketa sin blo iumi. And tru samting nao, Jehovah barava lovem iumi evriwan. (Rome 8:32, 38, 39) Taem iumi helpem pipol for lane for depend lo Jehovah and laef blo olketa kamap moabeta, datwan hem wanfala hapi samting!


16. Hao nao waka wea Jesus askem iumi for duim hem no hevi olsem olketa nara waka wea iumi mas duim?

16 Waka wea Jesus askem iumi for duim hem no hevi olsem olketa nara waka wea iumi mas duim. Olsem example, taem iumi waka for selen, lo end blo day, iumi taed and no satisfae tu. Bat taem iumi iusim taem blo iumi for servem Jehovah and Christ, iumi barava feel satisfae. Iumi maet taed tumas lo end blo day and iumi forcem iumiseleva for go lo kongregeson meeting lo datfala evening. Bat taem iumi kasem bak haos bihaen meeting, iumi barava strong and no taed nao. And tu, taem iumi waka hard for preach and duim study seleva, gud samting wea iumi kasem hem winim nao hard waka wea iumi duim!

17. Wanem nao iumi mas luksavve lo hem and why nao iumi mas careful lo datwan?

17 Iumi mas luksavve iumi no fit for duim staka samting, bikos strong blo iumi hem garem spialaen nomoa. So iumi mas careful for no duim staka samting wea winim strong blo iumi. Olsem example, iumi maet weistim strong blo iumi for hipimap olketa material samting. Iumi savve tingim wanem datfala young rich ruler askem lo Jesus, taem hem sei: “Gudfala Teacher, wanem nao mi mas duim for kasem laef olowe?” Datfala young man hem obeyim Law. Masbi hem wanfala gudfala man bikos buk blo Mark hem sei dat Jesus “barava tingim hem.” Jesus talem datfala man for salem evriting blo hem and invaetem hem and sei: “Kam followim mi.” Datfala man laek for followim Jesus, bat hem no laek for lusim “staka samting” wea hem garem. (Mark 10:17-22) From datwan, hem les for karem yoke blo Jesus, bat hem gohed “busy for kasem staka selen.” (Matt. 6:24) So sapos iu nao datfala man, wanem nao bae iu chusim?

18. Wanem nao iumi shud duim samfala taem, and why nao olsem?

18 Samfala taem hem gud for iumi ting raonem wanem nao first samting lo laef blo iumi. Why nao olsem? Mekem iumi savve hao for iusim gud strong wea iumi garem lo wisefala wei. Wanfala young man wea nem blo hem Mark sei: “For staka year, mi tingse mi garem simpol laef, mi pioneer, nomata olsem, evritaem mi savve tingim nomoa selen and hao for garem gudfala laef. Mi ting raonem why nao laef blo mi hem hard tumas. Gogo, mi luksavve hao staka taem blo mi nao mi iusim for olketa samting wea miseleva laekem, and lelebet taem and strong nomoa mi givim lo Jehovah.” Mark changem tingting blo hem and samfala samting lo laef blo hem mekem hem savve free for duim moa samting for Jehovah. Hem sei “Mi savve wari samfala taem, bat witim help blo Jehovah and sapot blo Jesus. Mi winim nao olketa challenge wea mi feisim.”

19. Why nao hem important for gohed garem stretfala wei for ting lo samting?

19 Taem iumi karem yoke blo Jesus, iumi savve gohed kasem strong sapos iumi duim thrifala samting. First samting, gohed garem stret wei for ting lo samting. Iumi duim waka blo Jehovah, so iumi mas duim followim wei blo Jehovah. Iumi olketa wakaman and Jehovah nao boss. (Luke 17:10) Sapos iumi laek for duim waka blo hem followim wei blo iumi, bae iumi mekem hem hard for iumiseleva nomoa. Tingim, nomata wanfala strong buluka savve taed and garekil sapos hem laek go difren from datfala yoke wea masta blo hem kontrolem. Bat lo narasaed, iumi savve duim staka samting, and winim staka hard taem sapos iumi followim direction blo Jehovah. Tingim, no eniwan savve stopem wanem Jehovah laekem for mas happen!—Rome 8:31; 1 John 4:4.

20. Wanem nao shud muvim iumi for karem yoke blo Jesus?

20 Mek-tu samting, garem stretfala reason for duim samting. Goal blo iumi hem for praisem Dadi blo iumi Jehovah. Olketa lo first century wea letem wei for greedy or wei for tingim seleva for kontrolem olketa, no longtaem nomoa, olketa no hapi and lusim nao yoke blo Jesus. (John 6:25-27, 51, 60, 66; Phil. 3:18, 19) Bat, olketa wea lovem God and olketa narawan, gohed karem yoke blo Jesus lo full laef blo olketa lo earth, and olketa garem hope for waka witim Christ lo heven. Olsem wanem olketa duim, iumi tu bae gohed hapi for karem yoke blo Jesus, bikos stret reason nao muvim iumi for duim samting.

21. Olsem Matthew 6:31-33 storyim, wanem nao iumi expectim Jehovah for duim?

21 Mek-thri samting, garem stret tingting lo hao iumi expectim samting. Iumi chus finis for givim laef blo iumi for duim waka blo Jehovah and for waka hard. Jesus warnim iumi hao olketa bae persecutim iumi. Bat iumi savve expectim hao Jehovah bae strongim iumi for no givap lo eni hard taem wea iumi kasem. Taem iumi gohed for no givap, datwan bae strongim iumi go moa. (Jas. 1:2-4) Iumi expectim tu hao Jehovah bae givim iumi wanem iumi needim, Jesus bae lukaftarem iumi, and olketa brata and sista bae encouragem iumi. (Readim Matthew 6:31-33; John 10:14; 1 Thess. 5:11) Iumi garem evri samting wea iumi needim for no givap taem iumi kasem olketa hard taem.

22. Wanem nao iumi shud hapi lo hem?

22 Datfala woman wea Jesus healim hem kamap gud nao lo datfala sem day. Bat hem bae kamap gud for olowe only sapos hem kamap wanfala faithful disaepol blo Christ. So wanem nao hem duim? Sapos hem chus for karem yoke blo Jesus, then hem bae kasem reward for rul witim Jesus lo heven! Eni samting wea hem lusim for followim Christ, hem samting nating nomoa taem iumi markem witim datfala nambawan blessing for rul witim Christ lo heven. Nomata iumi garem hope for stap olowe lo heven or lo disfala earth, iumi barava hapi bikos iumi acceptim disfala invitation blo Jesus wea sei “Kam long mi!”

SONG 13 Christ Showim Example for Iumi

^ par. 5 Jesus invaetem iumi for kam lo hem. Wanem nao iumi savve duim for showimaot iumi acceptim datfala invitation? Disfala study bae ansarem datfala kwestin, and bae remindim iumi hao taem iumi waka tugeta witim Christ datwan savve strongim iumi.

^ par. 60 PIKSA: Lo olketa difren wei, Jesus strongim olketa narawan.

^ par. 66 PIKSA: Olsem Jesus, wanfala brata strongim olketa narawan lo olketa difren wei.