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Man wea Hambol, Hem Nao Strong

Man wea Hambol, Hem Nao Strong

“Wakaman bilong Lord mas no raoa, bat hem mas kaen long evriwan.”​—2 TIM. 2:24.

SONG 120 Hambol Olsem Christ


1. Why nao maet samfala skulmate or workmate kwestin biliv blo iumi?

 HAO nao iu feel taem wanfala workmate or skulmate kwestinim biliv blo iu? Hao, iu fraet lelebet? Staka lo iumi feel olsem. Bat, kwestin wea samwan askem savve helpem iumi for understandim tingting blo hem or wat hem bilivim, and datwan givim iumi chance for sharem gud nius lo olketa. Samfala taem, samwan askem kwestin bikos hem disagree or laek for argue nomoa. Staka taem diswan happen bikos olketa herem samfala samting wea no tru abaotem wat iumi bilivim. (Acts 28:22) Nara samting, iumi stap lo “olketa last day,” taem wea staka pipol “no willing for agree” and “raf” tumas.​—2 Tim. 3:1, 3.

2. Why nao hem important for iumi hambol?

2 Maet iu ting, ‘Hao nao mi savve kaen taem samwan kwestinim biliv blo mi?’ Wat nao bae helpem iu? Wei for hambol bae helpem iu for no feel nogud kwiktaem, bat bae helpem iu for kontrolem seleva taem samwan tok spoelem iu or taem iu no savve hao for ansarem hem. (Prov. 16:32) Hem tru, maet hem isi for talem bat for duim hem no isi. Hao nao iu savve impruv lo wei for hambol? Hao nao iu savve hambol taem iu respond lo samwan wea kwestinim biliv blo iu? And if iu wanfala parents, hao nao iu savve helpem pikinini blo iu for lane for defendim faith blo hem witim hambol fasin? Bae iumi storyim.


3. Why nao iumi sei pipol wea hambol olketa strong and olketa no wik? (2 Timothy 2:24, 25)

3 Pipol wea hambol olketa strong, olketa no wik. Man need for strong mekem hem savve gohed keepim peace taem hem deal witim eni hard situation. Hambol fasin hem wanfala lo olketa frut blo “spirit.” (Gal. 5:22, 23) Datfala Greek word for “hambol,” samfala taem olketa savve iusim for storyim wanfala wild horse wea olketa mekem for kamap tame. Tingim wanfala wild horse wea kamap tame. Hem savve tame bat hem barava strong. Olsem datfala wild horse, hao nao iumi savve impruv lo wei for hambol and lo semtaem keepim strong blo iumi? Iumi no savve duim diswan witim own strong blo iumi. Iumi need for prea for holy spirit blo God, and askem hem for helpem iumi for garem disfala naes wei. Staka experience showimaot hao olketa brata and sista duim diswan. For example, staka Witness respond lo hambol wei taem pipol argue witim olketa. And datwan givim gud witness lo olketa narawan. (Readim 2 Timothy 2:24, 25.) Hao nao iu savve impruv and strong for showimaot iu hambol?

4. Wat nao iumi savve lanem abaotem wei for hambol from example blo Isaac?

4 Staka story lo Bible showimaot dat hem barava important for hambol. Tingim example blo Isaac. Taem Isaac stap lo land blo olketa Philistine lo Gerar, olketa neiba blo hem wea jealous stopem hem for iusim olketa well wea olketa servant blo dadi blo hem digim. Instead for Isaac faet for raet blo hem, Isaac lusim datfala ples and digim olketa nara well moa. (Gen. 26:12-18) Bat olketa Philistine claimim dat olketa well hia hem blo olketa tu. Nomata olsem, Isaac duim samting for keepim peace. (Gen. 26:19-25) Wat nao helpem Isaac for gohed hambol taem olketa narawan laek for mek trabol for hem? For sure, Isaac lukim gud example blo dadi blo hem Abraham, and hem lanem staka samting from wei blo hem for keepim peace, and from mami blo hem Sarah wea “kwaet and hambol.”​—1 Pet. 3:4-6; Gen. 21:22-34.

5. Wanem example nao showim olketa Christian parents savve teachim pikinini for luksavve dat wei for hambol hem important?

5 Hem gud for olketa Christian parents teachim pikinini abaotem why hem important for hambol. Tingim example blo Maxence, wea hem 17 years old. Hem mas deal witim olketa lo skul and pipol lo ministry wea raf. Parents blo hem patient for helpem hem for impruv lo wei for hambol. Parents blo hem sei: “Distaem Maxence savve hem isi for man kros and raf taem samwan tok spoelem hem, bat hem luksavve man wea strong nao hem man wea kontrolem hemseleva.” And distaem, Maxence hem barava hambol.

6. Hao nao prea savve helpem iumi for impruv lo wei for hambol?

6 Wat nao iumi savve duim taem iumi feisim wanfala situation wea no isi, for example, taem samwan tok spoelem nem blo God or Bible? Iumi shud askem Jehovah for holy spirit and wisdom mekem iumi savve respond kaen. Bat hao sapos bihaen nao iumi just luksavve dat hao iumi respond hem no kaen? Iumi savve prea abaotem datfala situation and ting raonem hao for deal witim datwan next taem. Then, Jehovah bae helpem iumi witim holy spirit mekem iumi savve kontrol kros and for hambol.

7. Hao nao wei for memorizim samfala scripture savve helpem iumi for kontrolem toktok and akson blo iumi? (Provebs 15:1, 18, SIPB)

7 Samfala Bible verse savve helpem iumi for kontrolem toktok blo iumi taem iumi feisim wanfala hard situation. Spirit blo God savve helpem iumi for rememberim olketa verse. (John 14:26) For example, olketa principle wea stap lo buk blo Proverbs savve helpem iumi for hambol. (Readim Provebs 15:1, 18, SIPB.) Disfala Bible buk Proverbs storyim tu olketa gud samting wea iumi savve kasem taem iumi kontrolem iumi seleva lo eni hard situation.​—Prov. 10:19; 17:27; 21:23; 25:15.


8. Why nao iumi need for luksavve lo samting wea mekem samwan for kwestinim biliv blo iumi?

8 Wei for luksavve savve helpem iumi tu. (Prov. 19:11) Samwan wea luksavve lo samting savve kontrolem hemseleva taem narawan kwestinim biliv blo hem. Tingim disfala tokpiksa. Taem iumi lukim wanfala iceberg, smol part blo hem nomoa showaot antap lo wata bat big part hem stap haed andanit. Lo sem wei tu, maet samwan askem iumi wanfala kwestin, bat staka taem iumi no savve wat nao real reason wea mekem hem for askem datwan. So bifor iumi ansa, hem gud for luksavve wat nao maet muvim hem for askem wanfala kwestin.​—Prov. 16:23.

9. Hao nao wei for luksavve and for hambol, helpem Gideon taem hem deal witim olketa man blo Ephraim?

9 Tingim hao Gideon respond lo olketa man blo Ephraim. Olketa barava kros, and askem why hem no kolem olketa for joinim hem for faet againstim olketa enemy blo Israel. Wat nao mekem olketa for kros tumas? Maet olketa praod. Nomata wat nao maet mekem olketa olsem, from Gideon garem wei for luksavve, hem talem toktok wea showimaot hem hambol and respectim olketa. Wat nao result? Bible sei, “kros blo olketa katdaon nao.”​—Judg. 8:1-3.

10. Wat nao bae helpem iumi for savve hao for ansarem samwan wea kwestinim biliv blo iumi? (1 Peter 3:15)

10 Maet wanfala workmate or skulmate kwestinim why iumi followim olketa hae standard lo Bible. Iumi bae duim best for defendim biliv blo iumi, bat lo semtaem respectim tingting blo hem tu. (Readim 1 Peter 3:15.) So instead for iumi ting lo kwestin blo hem olsem hem challengem iumi, hem gud for iumi ting lo datwan olsem wanfala kwestin wea important lo hem. Nomata wat nao maet mekem samwan for askem wanfala kwestin, hem gud for iumi respond lo kaen and hambol wei. Maet wanem iumi talem savve changem tingting blo hem. Nomata if hem no kaen or tok spoelem iumi, goal blo iumi hem for evritaem kaen.​—Rome 12:17.

Iumi savve ansa lo kaenfala wei if iumi ting raonem firstaem reason why samwan invaetem iumi lo wanfala birthday party (Lukim paragraf 11-12)

11-12. (a) Taem samwan askem iumi wanfala kwestin, wat nao iumi shud duim firstaem? (Lukim tu piksa.) (b) Storyim example wea showim hao diswan savve lead go for wanfala naes story.

11 If wanfala workmate askem why iumi no celebratem birthday, hem gud for tingim diswan: Hao, hem askem disfala kwestin bikos hem tingse iumi no savve garem olketa hapitaem? Or maet hem feel olsem datwan bae affectim hao iumi waka gud tugeta witim olketa narawan lo company? Iumi savve helpem workmate blo iumi for no feel olsem taem iumi appreciatim wei wea hem tingim olketa workmate and talem hem hao iumi tu laek for waka gud witim evriwan. Datwan maet givim iumi chance for story gud abaotem wat Bible talem abaotem topic blo birthday.

12 Iumi maet duim sem samting tu taem samwan askem iumi abaotem samfala sensitive topic. For example, maet wanfala skulmate sei Olketa Jehovah’s Witness shud changem tingting blo olketa abaotem homosexual. Hao, hem tingse iumi heitim pipol wea homosexual? Or hao, hem garem wanfala fren or relative wea homosexual? Waswe, hem tingse iumi heitim pipol wea interest lo datkaen laef-stael? Iumi savve talem hem dat iumi kea abaotem evri pipol and iumi respectim hao each wan garem raet for mekem own disison blo hem. b (1 Pet. 2:17) Maet iumi savve storyim hao taem iumi followim olketa standard lo Bible hem mekem iumi hapi.

13. Hao nao iu savve helpem samwan wea tok spoelem wei wea iu biliv lo God?

13 Taem iumi story witim samwan wea barava disagree witim biliv blo iumi, iumi shud no kwiktaem tingse iumi savve lo wat hem bilivim. (Titus 3:2) For example, hao if wanfala skulmate sei hem karangge for biliv lo God? Hao, bae iu tingse hem barava biliv lo evolution and savve gud lo datwan? Really, maet hem repeatim nomoa wat hem herem. Instead for debate abaotem science, iu savve givim hem samting for ting abaotem. Maet iu savve givim hem wanfala link abaotem creation wea stap lo Maet bihaen, bae hem willing for discussim eni article or video wea hem lukim lo there. Taem iumi showimaot respect, datwan maet helpem hem for laek lanem moa samting abaotem Bible.

14. Hao nao Niall iusim gud website blo iumi for stretem wat samfala talem abaotem iumi wea no tru?

14 Wanfala teenager wea nem blo hem Niall, iusim website blo iumi for stretem wat samfala talem abaotem iumi wea no tru. Hem sei: “Staka taem wanfala classmate sei mi no biliv lo science bikos mi trustim ‘buk wea man nomoa raetem’ winim for trustim science wea garem olketa pruv.” From disfala classmate no letem Niall for explainim biliv blo hem, Niall showim lo hem datfala sekson “Science and Bible” lo Bihaen, Niall luksavve datfala student readim olketa article lo there and hem barava willing for tufala discuss abaotem hao laef hem start. Maet iu tu garem sem experience.


15. Hao nao parents savve helpem pikinini for respond kaen taem skulmate kwestinim biliv blo hem?

15 Parents savve teachim olketa pikinini lo hao for respond kaen taem olketa narawan kwestinim wat olketa bilivim. (Jas. 3:13) Samfala parents iusim taem blo famili worship for practice witim olketa pikinini. Olketa ting raonem olketa topic wea savve kamap lo skul, discussim and duim demonstration lo hao for ansa, and teachim pikinini lo hao for story kaen and for kasem heart.​—Lukim box “ Practice Session Savve Helpem Famili.”

16-17. Hao nao maet olketa practice session savve helpem olketa young wan?

16 Olketa practice session savve helpem olketa young wan for explainim gud lo narawan why olketa bilivim wanfala Bible teaching and lo semtaem hem savve strongim biliv blo olketa seleva tu. Datfala series “Olketa Kwestin wea Young Pipol Garem” and olketa exercise for olketa teenager hem available lo Olketa designim olketa article hia for strongim biliv blo olketa young wan, and for helpem olketa preparem ansa lo own toktok blo olketa. Taem famili studyim olketa series hia, evriwan bae lanem hao for story kaen and for kasem heart blo narawan taem iumi defendim faith blo iumi.

17 Wanfala young wan wea nem blo hem Matthew, storyim hao olketa practice session helpem hem. Lo famili worship, staka taem Matthew and parents blo hem savve duim research lo olketa topic wea savve kamap lo class. Hem sei: “Mifala tingim olketa kwestin wea savve kamap, and mifala practicem hao for deal witim datwan followim research wea mifala duim. Taem mi savve gud lo wat mi bilivim, mi feel confident and hem isi for mi hambol taem mi deal witim olketa narawan.”

18. Wat nao important samting wea Colossae 4:6 storyim?

18 Nomata iumi explainim klia olketa samting, no evriwan bae acceptim wat iumi talem. Bat taem iumi story gud and kaen, datwan savve help. (Readim Colossae 4:6.) For storyim wat iumi bilivim, hem olsem taem iumi pasim ball for narawan. Iumi savve pasim isi or barava pasim strong. Taem iumi pasim isi, bae olketa nara player isi for kasem and bae iumi gohed for plei. Lo sem wei, if iumi story gud and kaen, maet staka pipol bae willing for lisin and iumi gohed for story. Bat if samwan laek for argue or tok spoelem iumi, iumi shud no gohed story witim hem. (Prov. 26:4) Bat staka pipol bae no olsem, maet olketa bae laek for lisin.

19. Wat nao shud helpem iumi for hambol taem iumi defendim biliv blo iumi?

19 Tru nao, taem iumi lane for hambol iumi bae kasem staka gud samting. Prea lo Jehovah for strongim iu for gohed hambol and kaen taem iu ansarem eniwan wea tok spoelem iu or kwestinim biliv blo iu. Remember, taem iu kaen hem savve help for stopem argue for kamap. And taem iu hambol, and talem olketa toktok wea showimaot iu respectim olketa wea lisin, datwan bae muvim olketa for changem tingting blo olketa abaotem iumi and olketa Bible truth. Iumi “mas redi evritaem for ansarem eniwan wea askem kwestin” abaotem bilivim blo iumi, ‘taem iumi duim olsem, iumi mas hambol and showimaot bigfala respect.’ (1 Pet. 3:15) Yes, iumi laek gohed for hambol bikos man wea hambol, hem nao strong!

SONG 88 Mekem Mi Savve Olketa Wei Bilong Iu

a Disfala article storyim olketa idea wea savve helpem iumi for defendim biliv blo iumi lo hambol wei taem samwan tok spoelem or kwestinim.

b For samfala idea moa, lukim article “What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?” lo 2016 Awake! No. 4.

c Iu savve faendem samfala idea wea savve helpem iu lo lo article series “Olketa Kwestin wea Young Pipol Garem” and “Olketa Kwestin wea Staka Pipol Askem Abaotem Olketa Jehovah’s Witness.”