No Givap for Worshipim Jehovah Olsem Peter
“Lord, iu go from mi, bikos mi man wea sin.”—LUKE 5:8.
SONG 38 Hem Bae Mekem Iu Strong
1. Hao nao Peter feel taem Jesus duim mirakol for kasem staka fish?
PETER spendem full naet for fishing bat hem no kasem eni fish. Then nomoa, Jesus sei lo hem: “Tekem boat hia go long ples wea hem deep, and putim go net bilong iufala long sea for kasem fish.” (Luke 5:4) Peter daotem if hem bae kasem eni fish, bat hem duim nomoa wat Jesus talem. Taem Peter and olketa wea fishing witim hem daonem datfala net, olketa kasem staka fish gogo net hia klosap brek nao. Taem olketa luksavve diswan hem wanfala mirakol, Peter and olketa man hia “barava sapraes.” Peter sei: “Lord, iu go from mi, bikos mi man wea sin.” (Luke 5:6-9) Peter feel olsem hem no fit for stap witim Jesus.
2. Why nao hem gud for iumi ting raonem example blo Peter?
2 Wat Peter talem hem tru, hem “man wea sin.” Bible storyim hao samfala taem hem talem and duim samfala samting wea hem regretim bihaen. Hao, samfala taem iu tu feel olsem Peter? Waswe, iu stragol for impruv lo wanfala wei or wik point blo iu? If olsem, for study abaotem example blo Peter savve encouragem iu. Hao nao olsem? Tingim diswan, hem isi nomoa for Jehovah no letem olketa for raetem olketa mistek blo Peter insaed Bible. Bat hem letem for olketa includim mekem iumi savve lane from datwan. (2 Tim. 3:16, 17) Taem iumi lane abaotem Peter wea garem olketa wik point and feeling olsem iumi nomoa, datwan helpem iumi for savve dat Jehovah no expectim iumi for perfect. Hem laekem iumi for no givap, and for gohed traem best nomata iumi garem olketa wik point.
3. Why nao iumi shud no givap?
3 Why nao hem important for iumi no givap? Bikos taem iumi gohed practice for duim wanfala samting, bae iumi impruv lo datwan. Tingim disfala illustration: Wanfala musician savve spendem staka year bifor hem kamap gud lo hao for pleim instrument blo hem. During lo datfala taem, maet hem pleim staka rong note, bat if hem gohed for practice bae hem impruv. Nomata hem garem skill for plei, maet samfala taem hem savve mistek. Bat, hem no givap. Hem gohed for practice mekem hem impruv. Lo sem wei, nomata iumi tingse iumi winim finis wanfala wik point, maet samfala taem iumi duim moa datfala mistek. Bat iumi need for gohed waka hard for impruv. Iumi evriwan savve talem or duim samting wea mekem iumi for regret, bat if iumi no givap, Jehovah bae helpem iumi for impruv. (1 Pet. 5:10) Bae iumi storyim example blo Peter for no givap, and lukim wei wea Jesus helpem Peter taem hem mekem olketa mistek savve encouragem iumi for no givap for gohed worshipim Jehovah.
4. Olsem Luke 5:5-10 storyim, wat nao Peter talem abaotem hemseleva, bat hao nao Jesus comfortim hem?
4 Bible no storyim why Peter sei hem “man wea sin” or wat kaen sin nao hem tingim taem hem talem disfala toktok. (Readim Luke 5:5-10.) Bat maet hem duim samfala serious mistek. Jesus savve dat Peter fraet, masbi bikos Peter tingse hem no gud inaf. Bat Jesus luksavve tu dat Peter savve gohed faithful. So Jesus talem Peter “iu no fraet.” Wei wea Jesus trustim Peter hem changem laef blo Peter. Bihaen, Peter and brata blo hem Andrew disaed for lusim fishing bisnis blo olketa and kamap full taem follower blo Messiah, and tufala kasem staka blessing.—Mark 1:16-18.
5. Wat nao olketa blessing wea Peter kasem from hem winim olketa negative feeling and followim Jesus?
5 Peter garem staka naes experience taem hem followim Christ. Hem lukim Jesus healim olketa wea sik, raosem olketa demon, and resurrectim olketa wea dae. b (Matt. 8:14-17; Mark 5:37, 41, 42) Peter lukim tu vision abaotem glory blo Jesus taem hem bae rul lo Kingdom, and datwan barava strongim hem. (Mark 9:1-8; 2 Pet. 1:16-18) Hem bae no lukim olketa samting hia if hem no followim Jesus. Masbi Peter hapi tumas from hem lo letem olketa negative feeling wea hem garem for winim hem and hem no miss aot lo olketa blessing hia!
6. Waswe, Peter kwiktaem for winim olketa wik point blo hem? Explainim.
6 Nomata Peter lukim and herem olketa samting hia, hem still stragol witim olketa wik point blo hem. Tingim samfala example hia. Taem Jesus explainim hao hem bae safa and dae for fulfillim Bible profesi, Peter tok strong lo hem. (Mark 8:31-33) Staka taem nao Peter and olketa aposol argue abaotem hu lo olketa nao hem important. (Mark 9:33, 34) Lo last naet bifor Jesus dae, Peter attakim wanfala man and katem off ear blo hem. (John 18:10) And lo datfala sem naet, from Peter fraet hem denyim fren blo hem Jesus. (Mark 14:66-72) Datwan mekem Peter for krae fogud.—Matt. 26:75.
7. Bihaen Jesus resurrect, wanem chance nao Jesus givim for Peter?
7 Jesus no givap for helpem datfala aposol wea barava discourage. Bihaen Jesus resurrect, hem givim chance lo Peter for strongim bak love blo hem for Jesus. Jesus talem Peter for lukaftarem olketa sheepsheep blo hem. (John 21:15-17) Peter hapi for duim wat Jesus talem. And lo day blo Pentecost, Peter lo Jerusalem and hem wanfala lo olketa first wan wea kasem anointing from holy spirit.
8. Wanem serious mistek nao Peter duim taem hem lo Antioch?
8 Nomata Peter kamap anointed Christian, Peter still deal witim olketa wik point blo hem. Lo 36 C.E., God sendem Peter lo Cornelius wea hem wanfala Gentile. And God anointim Cornelius witim holy spirit, wea datwan showimaot klia “God hem no favorim eniwan,” and olketa Gentile savve kamap part lo Christian kongregeson. (Acts 10:34, 44, 45) Lo datfala taem, Peter feel free for kaikai witim olketa Gentile, hem samting wea Peter no duim enitaem. (Gal. 2:12) Nomata olsem, samfala Jew Christian sei olketa Jew and Gentile shud no kaikai tugeta. Taem samfala Jew wea garem tingting olsem kam lo Antioch, Peter stop for kaikai nao witim olketa Gentile brata blo hem, luk olsem hem fraet nogud olketa Jew Christian hia feel nogud. Aposol Paul lukim samting wea Peter duim and tok strong lo Peter front lo evriwan. (Gal. 2:13, 14) Nomata Peter mekem mistek hia, hem no givap. Wat nao helpem hem?
9. Wat nao John 6:68, 69 storyim wea showimaot Peter hem loyal?
9 Peter hem loyal, hem no letem eniting for stopem hem for gohed followim Jesus. For example, wantaem Jesus talem samting wea olketa disaepol no minim, bat Peter gohed loyal lo Jesus. (Readim John 6:68, 69.) Lo datfala taem, winim for olketa hia askem Jesus for explainim wat hem minim, staka stop for followim hem. Bat Peter no duim datwan, hem luksavve ‘toktok bilong Jesus nomoa savve mekem man laef olowe.’
10. Wat nao Jesus duim wea showim hem trustim Peter? (Lukim tu piksa.)
10 Jesus no lusim Peter. Lo last naet blo Jesus lo earth, Jesus savve Peter and olketa nara aposol bae lusim hem. Nomata olsem, Jesus trustim dat Peter bae strong bak and gohed faithful. (Luke 22:31, 32) Jesus luksavve hao “nomata man savve laekem tumas for duim samting, maet body no strong for duim wanem hem laekem.” (Mark 14:38) Nomata bihaen Peter denyim Jesus, hem no givap lo Peter. Afta Jesus resurrect, hem appear lo Peter taem Peter stap seleva. (Mark 16:7; Luke 24:34; 1 Cor. 15:5) Datwan mas barava encouragem Peter wea sorre tumas lo wat hem duim!
11. Hao nao Jesus helpem Peter for luksavve dat Jehovah bae sapotim hem?
11 Jesus helpem Peter for luksavve hao Jehovah bae sapotim hem. Bihaen Jesus resurrect, hem duim nara mirakol moa for Peter and olketa aposol for kasem staka fish. (John 21:4-6) For sure, datfala mirakol helpem Peter for trustim dat Jehovah bae provaedem olketa material need blo hem. Maet Peter tingim bak toktok wea Jesus talem hao Jehovah bae provaed for olketa wea gohed putim “Kingdom . . . first samting long laef” blo olketa. (Matt. 6:33) Olketa samting hia helpem Peter for putim preaching waka first lo laef and no fishing bisnis blo hem. Lo Pentecost 33 C.E., hem no fraet for preach, and hem helpem staka thousand for acceptim gud nius. (Acts 2:14, 37-41) Bihaen, hem helpem tu staka Samaritan and olketa Gentile for kamap follower blo Christ. (Acts 8:14-17; 10:44-48) Jehovah barava iusim Peter for duim olketa big samting for helpem staka pipol from olketa difren ples for kam insaed kongregeson.
12. Taem iumi stragol witim wanfala wik point, hao nao example blo Peter savve helpem iumi?
12 Jehovah savve helpem iumi for no givap nomata iumi deal witim samfala wik point. Bat maet hem no isi, especially if iumi deal witim datfala wik point for lelebet longtaem finis. Samfala taem, maet olketa wik point wea iumi deal witim hem lelebet big winim olketa wik point blo Peter. Bat Jehovah savve strongim iumi for no givap. (Ps. 94:17-19) For example, bifor wanfala brata lanem truth hem wanfala homosexual and hem duim datwan for staka year. Then hem barava changem laef blo hem and followim wat Bible talem. Nomata olsem, samfala taem hem still stragol for deal witim datfala feeling. Wat nao helpem hem for no givap? Hem sei: “Jehovah nao strongim mi, and mi luksavve witim help blo holy spirit blo Jehovah . . . , mi savve gohed for followim wat Jehovah laekem mi for duim . . . Nomata mi garem olketa wik point, Jehovah gohed for iusim mi, and strongim mi.”
13. Olsem Acts 4:13, 29, 31 storyim, hao nao iumi savve followim example blo Peter? (Lukim tu piksa.)
13 Olsem iumi storyim, Peter duim samfala serious mistek bikos hem fraet lo man. Bat from Peter prea for no fraet, hem no fraet nao. (Readim Acts 4:13, 29, 31.) Iumi tu savve winim wei for fraet. Tingim wat happen lo Horst, wanfala young brata lo Nazi Germany. From hem fraetem olketa teacher and skulmate, tu-thri taem hem talem disfala toktok, “Heil Hitler!” Dadi blo hem no kros bat hem prea witim hem, and askem Jehovah for strongim hem for no fraet. Witim help blo parents and hem depend lo Jehovah, gogo Horst no fraet and gohed faithful. Bihaen Horst sei: “Jehovah nating lusim mi.” c
14. Hao nao olketa shepherd wea kea savve helpem olketa wea discourage?
14 Jehovah and Jesus bae no givap lo iumi nomata iumi garem olketa wik point. Bihaen Peter denyim Jesus, hem need for mekem wanfala important disison. Hao, bae Peter givap or bae hem still gohed disaepol blo Christ? Jesus prea lo Jehovah for strongim faith blo Peter for no wikdaon. Jesus talem Peter abaotem datfala prea and trustim hao gogo Peter bae gohed strongim olketa brata blo hem. (Luke 22:31, 32) Taem hem tingim bak olketa toktok blo Jesus, datwan mas barava encouragem hem! Taem iumi feisim samfala important disison, Jehovah savve iusim olketa shepherd wea kea for encouragem iumi for gohed faithful. (Eph. 4:8, 11) Paul, wea hem elder for long taem finis traem best for duim datwan. Hem askem olketa wea laek for givap for ting abaotem hao Jehovah pullim olketa kam lo truth. Paul helpem olketa for luksavve hao Jehovah loyal lo olketa and hard tumas for hem lusim olketa. Hem sei, “Mi lukim hao staka wea discourage olketa no givap bikos Jehovah helpem olketa.”
15. Hao nao example blo Peter and Horst showim samting wea Matthew 6:33 storyim hem tru?
15 Olsem Jehovah provaedem olketa material need blo Peter and olketa nara aposol, Jehovah bae provaedem material need blo iumi tu taem iumi putim Kingdom first samting lo laef blo iumi. (Matt. 6:33) During lo World War II, Horst, wea iumi storyim finis hem tingting for pioneer. Hem barava poor and hem no sure if hem bae garem inaf selen for sapotim hem for gohed duim full-taem ministry. Wat nao hem duim? Hem disaed for spendem full week lo ministry during lo visit blo circuit overseer, for lukim if Jehovah bae provaed for hem. Lo end blo week, Horst barava sapraes taem circuit overseer givim hem wanfala envelope wea garem selen insaed bat hem no talem hu nao givim. Datfala selen hem inaf for sapotim hem lo pioneer service for tu-thri month. Datfala present mekem Horst for luksavve dat Jehovah bae provaed for hem. Lo full laef blo Horst, hem putim Kingdom nao hem first samting.—Mal. 3:10.
16. Why nao hem gud for lanem moa samting abaotem example blo Peter and olketa samting wea hem raetem lo tufala leta blo hem?
16 Peter mas barava hapi tumas dat Jesus no lusim hem, olsem hem askem Jesus for duim! Christ gohed for trainim Peter for kamap wanfala faithful aposol and hem showimaot nambawan example for olketa Christian. And iumi lanem staka gud leson from datfala training. Peter storyim samfala lo olketa leson hia and staka nara leson moa lo tufala leta wea hem raetem for olketa kongregeson lo first century, wea distaem hem kamap part lo Bible. Lo next article, bae iumi storyim samfala reminder from olketa leta hia and hao iumi savve applyim distaem.
SONG 126 Mas Lukaot, Mas Faithful, and Mas Strong
a Purpose blo disfala article hem for encouragem olketa brata and sista wea stragol witim samfala wik point for luksavve dat olketa savve winim datwan and for olketa no givap for worshipim Jehovah.
b Staka scripture lo disfala article hem from Bible buk Mark. Luk olsem, Mark raetem olketa samting wea hem herem from Peter, wea Peter seleva eye witness lo olketa samting wea happen.
c Lukim Laef Story blo Horst Henschel, “Motivated by My Family’s Loyalty to God,” lo Awake! blo February 22, 1998.
d PIKSA: Piksa showim, parents blo Horst Henschel prea witim hem and strongim hem for no fraet, and for gohed faithful.