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Showimaot Iu Tinghae Long Nambawan Present From God

Showimaot Iu Tinghae Long Nambawan Present From God

“From Christ hem lovem iumi, iumi gohed strong nomoa, bikos . . . Hem dae for evriwan and hem laef bak, mekem olketa wea laef no duim nomoa wanem olketa seleva laekem, bat for olketa mas duim wanem hem laekem.”—2 Corinth 5:14, 15.

SAMFALA maet forget for sei thankiu taem samwan duim gud samting for olketa. Samting wea happen bihaen Jesus healim tenfala man wea garem leprosy, showimaot datwan hem tru. Wanfala man nomoa ‘go bak long Jesus taem hem lukim sik bilong hem finis, and hem singaot big and praisem God.’ Jesus sei: “Tenfala man nao olketa gud bak moa, so wea nao nara naenfala?” (Luke 17:12-17) Diswan helpem iumi for tingim, iumi shud showimaot iumi tinghae taem samwan duim gud samting for iumi.

Datfala ransom hem wanfala present wea spesol winim eni nara present wea iumi savve kasem. So hao nao iumi savve showimaot iumi tinghae long wanem God duim for iumi?

  • Lane abaotem God. Nomata Jesus dae for iumi evriwan, datwan no minim evriwan fit for kasem laef olowe. Iumi mas lane abaotem God firstaem bikos Jesus hem sei: “For olketa kasem laef olowe, olketa mas lane abaotem iu, wea iu nomoa trufala God, and lane abaotem Jesus Christ, wea iu sendem kam.” (John 17:3) Sapos samwan talem iu taem iu smol, wanfala man sevem laef bilong iu, bae iu laek for savve moa abaotem datfala man and why hem sevem iu, iaman? Jehovah God nao man wea sevem iumi bikos long datfala ransom, and hem laekem iumi for savve long hem and for fren gud witim hem. Bible sei sapos iumi ‘fren gud witim God and bae hem fren gud witim iumi.’—James 4:8.

  • Showimaot faith long datfala ransom. Bible sei: “Man wea showimaot faith long Son hem kasem laef olowe.” (John 3:36) Hao nao iumi savve showimaot faith? Iumi mas duim samting. (James 2:17) Wanem nao iumi mas duim? Hem gud for savve long wanem God laekem and then followim datwan. * Prea long God and askem hem for forgivim olketa sin bilong iu and for hem givim iu klin konsens. Evriwan wea showimaot faith long datfala ransom bae garem peace, gudfala laef, and stap sef long future!—Hebrew 11:1.

  • Attendim Memorial bilong dae bilong Jesus. Jesus talem olketa disaepol bilong hem for rememberim dae bilong hem. Hem sei long olketa: “Gohed for duim diswan for showimaot iufala rememberim mi.” (Luke 22:19) Olketa Jehovah’s Witness bae celebratem dae bilong Jesus bihaen sun go daon long Tuesday, April 11, 2017. Datfala program bae go ahed for wan hour and bae iu herem wanfala tok wea storyim olketa gud samting wea iumi bae kasem distaem and long future, bikos long dae bilong Jesus. Last year, samting olsem 20 million pipol kam long Memorial. Mifala hapi for invaetem iu for kam hipap witim mifala for showimaot iumi tinghae long datfala nambawan present bilong God.

^ par. 7 Wei for studyim Bible bae helpem iu for lane abaotem God and for kamap fren bilong hem. Askem eni Jehovah’s Witness for helpem iu or go long website bilong mifala long