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Taem iu obeyim parents bilong iu, hem olsem iu peim bak loan bilong iu long bank. Taem iu showimaot olketa savve depend long iu, olketa bae trustim iu


10: Narawan Trustim Iu

10: Narawan Trustim Iu


Iu laekem parents bilong iu, olketa fren bilong iu, and boss bilong iu for trustim iu. Pipol bae trustim iu sapos iu followim olketa rul, duim wanem iu promisim, and evritaem talem tru samting.


Staka taem, sapos iu showimaot hao pipol fit for trustim iu, olketa bae letem iu for duim samfala nara samting.

“Parents bilong iu bae trustim iu sapos iu showimaot iu mature and garem gudfala tingting, and duim olsem no long taem parents stap nomoa bat taem iu stap seleva tu.”—Sarahi.

BIBLE PRINCIPLE: “Sapos iu sei iu bae duim samting, iu mas duim datwan.”—Matthew 5:37.


Sapos iu laekem olketa narawan for trustim iu, olketa samting hia savve helpem iu.

Mas honest. Pipol bae no trustim iu sapos iu laea long olketa. Bat taem iu honest, and iu no haedem olketa mistek bilong iu, pipol bae trustim iu.

“Hem isi for honest taem evri samting hem gohed gud. Bat sapos iu honest nomata iu duim samting wea no stret, pipol bae willing for trustim iu.”—Caiman.

BIBLE PRINCIPLE: “Mifala laek for honest long evri samting wea mifala duim.”—Hebrew 13:18.

Narawan savve depend long iu. Olketa wea duim research long United States storyim barava important samting wea staka company lukluk for hem, taem olketa laek saenem man for waka. Company laekem man wea olketa savve depend long hem. Sapos iu showimaot iu man wea olketa narawan savve depend long hem distaem, diswan bae helpem iu taem iu big.

“Parents bilong mi luksavve mi duim olketa waka bilong mi long haos, and olketa no need for talem mi moa wanem mi shud duim. From mi duim olsem, olketa trustim mi.”—Sarah.

BIBLE PRINCIPLE: “Mi barava sure iu bae duim wanem mi askem, . . . mi savve iu bae duim moa samting winim wanem mi askem long iu.” —Philemon 21.

Garem wei for patient. Hem isi for olketa narawan lukim taem iu grow, bat hem tek taem for olketa lukim taem iu kamap mature and garem gudfala tingting. Dastawe olketa young wan mas patient.

“Hem tek taem for parents and olketa narawan trustim iu. Iu shud no tingse from iu duim gudfala samting wanfala taem nomoa olketa bae trustim iu. Bat sapos iu gohed for showimaot gudfala tingting, pipol bae start for trustim iu.”—Brandon.

BIBLE PRINCIPLE: “Showimaot [iu] patient.” —Colossae 3:12.