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Help From Bible

Help From Bible

Waswe, samwan iu lovem hem dae?

  •  Go lo, and search for “comfort for olketa wea lusim samwan.”

Waswe, iu garem problem saed lo selen?

  •  Go lo, and search for “hao for iusim gud selen.”

Waswe, enitaem iu feel olsem iu no laek gohed laef?

  •  Go lo, and search for “no givap long laef.”

Waswe, iu garem sik wea no savve finis?

  •  Go lo, and search for “taem iu kasem big sik.”

Bible garem gudfala advaes for evriwan lo famili. Olketa Bible principle savve helpem man for mekem gudfala disison and for luksavve lo wanem hem stret and no stret.—PROVEBS 1:1-4.

Mifala invaetem iu for studyim Bible. Lukim video Why Nao Hem Gud for Studyim Bible?