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Hao Nao Technology Affectim Marit blo Iu?

Hao Nao Technology Affectim Marit blo Iu?

Taem hasband and waef iusim stret lo technology, datwan savve strongim marit blo tufala. Olsem example, hem savve isi for tufala contactim each other enitaem lo day.

Bat, samfala hasband and waef savve iusim rong lo technology so datwan savve . . .

  • spoelem wei wea tufala spendem taem tugeta.

  • mekem hem isi for waka disturbim famili.

  • mekem tufala no trustim each other and maet no faithful tu.



Wanfala hasband wea nem blo hem Michael sei: “Samfala taem nomata mi and waef stap tugeta, hem olsem waef no ‘stap nomoa.’ Hem gohed busy lo phone blo hem and hem savve sei, ‘Mi just garem chance for chekim phone nao ia.’” Wanfala hasband wea nem blo hem Jonathan sei lo kaen situation olsem nomata “olketa hasband and waef stap tugeta, bat hem olsem tufala stap farawe from each other.”

SAMTING FOR TINGIM: Haomas taem nao wanfala phone call, text message or notification hem disturbim wei wea iu spendem taem witim marit partner blo iu?​—EPHESUS 5:33.


Samfala pipol mas available evritaem for waka blo olketa for selen. Olketa narawan maet nomoa, bat nomata olsem olketa still faendem hem hard for just forgetim nomoa waka taem olketa kasem haos. Wanfala hasband wea nem blo Lee sei: “Nomata lo taem wea mi markem for spendem witim waef, hem hard tu for just leavim go nomoa olketa phone call or text message from waka ples.” Wanfala waef wea nem blo hem Joy sei: “Bikos mi waka from haos, waka hia lo there olowe nao. Taem olsem mi mas traem best for balance.”

SAMTING FOR TINGIM: Waswe, iu savve givim full attention lo hasband or waef blo iu taem hem story lo iu?​—LUKE 8:18.


Wanfala research faendaot dat wanfala main samting wea savve kosim raoa insaed marit, hem nao wei for iusim social media. Ten percent lo olketa wea olketa story witim sei olketa savve postim samting online wea olketa haedem from hasband or waef blo olketa.

Dastawe, pipol sei social media hem garem staka danger and hem isi tumas for mekem olketa wea marit for duim adultery. So iumi no sapraes taem olketa divorce lawyer sei social media hem wanfala main samting wea mekem olketa marit brekdaon distaem.

SAMTING FOR TINGIM: Waswe, iu savve haedem story blo iu witim samwan lo opposite sex from marit partner blo iu?​—PROVEBS 4:23.



Samwan wea no kaikai gud bae no healthy. Lo sem wei, samwan wea no spendem taem witim hasband or waef blo hem bae hem hard for garem healthy marit.​—Ephesus 5:28, 29.

BIBLE PRINCIPLE: “Luksavve long olketa samting wea barava important.”​—PHILIPPI 1:10.

Chusim olketa idea wea iu laek for followim, or raetem daon own idea blo iu for mekem technology no spoelem marit blo iu.

  • Mek sure for kaikai tugeta nomata lo wanfala meal each day

  • Markem taem for forgetim phone firstaem

  • Markem taem for iutufala savve duim samfala spesol samting tugeta

  • Offem olketa device lo naet, or putim farawe from ples wea iumi sleep

  • Markem 15 minute each day for leavim device stap fastaem and story tugeta

  • Markem taem for offem Internet lo device