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WEKAP! No. 3 2018 | Comfort for Olketa wea Lusim Samwan

Hao nao iumi savve deal witim feeling for sorre taem samwan iumi lovem hem dae?

Olketa article hia bae storyim hao feeling for sorre savve affectim iu, and olketa samting wea bae helpem iu for deal witim datwan.


Taem Samwan Dae Iumi Savve Sorre Tumas

Taem marit partner, famili member, or fren bilong iumi hem dae, hem barava hard samting for deal witim and man savve sorre tumas. Readim samting wea olketa savveman and olketa wea lusim samwan talem abaotem diswan.

Hao Diswan Savve Affectim Iumi

Taem samwan wea iumi lovem hem dae, hao nao datwan bae affectim iumi?

Taem Iu Lusim Samwan—Samting wea Savve Helpem Iu

Staka wea lusim samwan wea olketa lovem sei samfala gud advaes helpem olketa for kasem comfort.

Nambawan Comfort for Olketa wea Sorre

Bible nao best samting for givim comfort long olketa wea sorre.

Disfala Magasin Storyim: Comfort for Olketa wea Lusim Samwan

Disfala Wekap! magasin savve comfortim and helpem olketa wea sorre from samwan hem dae.