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Taem Samwan Dae Iumi Savve Sorre Tumas

Taem Samwan Dae Iumi Savve Sorre Tumas

“Waef bilong mi Sophia * hem sik for longtaem gogo hem dae. Mitufala marit for winim 39 year taem hem dae. Olketa fren bilong mi barava sapotim mi, and mi gohed busy tu. Bat for wan full year bihaen mi lusim hem, mi barava sorre tumas. Mi no savve kontrolem feeling and tingting bilong mi. Distaem hem klosap thrifala year bihaen hem lus, bat samfala taem mi savve tingim hem tumas and mi barava sorre.”—Kostas.

Waswe, eniwan wea iu lovem hem dae? Sapos olsem, maet iu garem sem feeling olsem Kostas. Taem marit partner, famili member, or fren bilong iumi hem dae, hem barava hard samting for deal witim. Olketa doctor agree witim datwan tu. Datfala magasin The American Journal of Psychiatry sei “taem samwan hem dae, olketa wea lovem hem tingim olketa bae no lukim hem moa and datwan mekem olketa barava sorre.” Sapos iu sorre tumas from samwan iu lovem hem dae, maet iu ting olsem: ‘Hao long nao bae mi gohed sorre olsem? Waswe, bae mi savve hapi moa? Wanem nao savve helpem mi for hapi moa?’

Disfala Wekap! magasin bae ansarem olketa kwestin hia. Next article bae storyim hao feeling for sorre savve affectim iu taem samwan iu lovem hem dae. Olketa nara article bihaen bae storyim olketa samting wea bae helpem iu for deal witim datfala feeling for sorre.

Sapos iu lusim samwan wea iu lovem, mifala hope olketa article hia bae comfortim and helpem iu.

^ par. 3 Long olketa article hia, mifala changem samfala nem.