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Datfala yeast cell hem barava complicated. Nucleus blo yeast cell hem garem DNA wea givim instruction for datfala cell. Hem garem olketa barava smolfala machine wea transportim and modifyim olketa molecule. Diswan barava important waka wea mekem olketa cell gohed for laef.

Wat Iumi Lanem From Laef

Wat Iumi Lanem From Laef

Evriwea raonem iumi, iumi lukim olketa samting wea laef olketa grow, muv, and gohed for kamap staka. Olketa mekem planet blo iumi spesol and barava luk naes. And distaem, savve blo olketa man abaotem olketa samting wea laef hem winim enitaem bifor. Wat nao laef teachim iumi abaotem hao hem start? Ting raonem olketa point hia.

Luk olsem samwan nao designim laef. Evri samting wea laef hem made ap lo olketa cell. Olketa cell waka olsem olketa smol factory, wea duim staka thousand spesol process for reproduce and for mekem laef hem gohed. And kaen process olsem hem stap lo evri sismol samting wea laef. For example, tingim yeast wea olketa iusim for bake. Hem wanfala single-cell organism. Sapos iumi comparem witim human cell, disfala yeast cell hem barava simpol. Bat, really hem barava complicated. Nucleus blo yeast cell hem garem DNA wea givim instruction for datfala cell. Hem garem olketa barava smolfala machine wea transportim and modifyim olketa molecule. Diswan barava important waka wea mekem olketa cell gohed for laef. Taem yeast cell no garem kaikai, hem bae startim wanfala chemical process wea slowim daon hao hem waka. From datwan, packet yeast savve stap laef bat no active go kasem taem wea olketa iusim for bake.

For staka year finis olketa scientist studyim olketa yeast cell mekem olketa minim gud olketa human cell. Bat staka samting olketa no minim yet. Ross King, professor blo machine intelligence lo Chalmers University of Technology lo Sweden, hem sei: “Staka experiment nao stap yet for duim for helpem mifala minim hao yeast cell hem waka bat no staka biologist stap for duim datwan.”

So wat nao tingting blo iu? Iu ting disfala barava spesol design blo yeast cell hem pruvim samwan nao designim, or hem kamap seleva nomoa?

Hard for laef kamap from samting wea no laef. DNA hem made ap lo olketa molecule wea olketa kolem lo nucleotide. Each human cell hem garem 3.2 billion nucleotide. Olketa compound hia mas followim wanfala set pattern mekem datfala cell savve wakem olketa enzyme and olketa protein.

Hem hard tumas for raet pattern blo wanfala string blo nucleotide for form ap seleva nomoa. Chance for diswan happen, olketa calculatem dat hem bae 1 in 10150 (1 wea garem 150 zero bihaen). So datwan minim, luk olsem hem hard tumas for diswan kamap seleva nomoa.

For tok stret, no eni scientific experiment hem pruvim hao laef savve kamap from samting wea no laef.

Laef blo iumi man hem spesol. Iumi olketa man garem olketa wei wea mekem iumi for barava enjoyim laef. Olketa nara species no garem diswan. Iumi garem olketa ability for creatim samting, communicate witim pipol, and for showimaot feeling. Iumi savve barava enjoyim wei for teistim and smelem samting, herem saond, and for lukim kala and evriting wea stap raonem iumi. Iumi savve plan for future and laek for savve why iumi laef.

So wat nao tingting blo iu? Waswe, olketa wei hia kamap thru lo evolution bikos iumi needim for gohed laef and reproduce? Or olketa samting hia showim dat laef hem present from wanfala Creator wea lovem iumi?