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Wat Olketa Scientist Hard for Explainim

Wat Olketa Scientist Hard for Explainim

Luk olsem olketa scientist studyim klosap evri samting wea olketa discoverem lo universe. Bat, staka important kwestin stap yet wea olketa no savve lo ansa blo hem.

Waswe, olketa scientist savve lo hao universe and laef hem start? Simpol ansa for datwan, hem no. Samfala sei wanfala branch blo science wea olketa kolem lo cosmology, hem savve explainim hao universe hem start. Bat, wanfala professor blo astronomy lo Dartmouth College, Marcelo Gleiser, wea no sure sapos God hem stap, sei: “Mifala no savve explainim yet hao universe hem start.”

Diswan semsem tu witim wanem article lo Science News magasin hem talem abaotem hao laef hem start. Hem sei: “Hem hard for iumi barava savve hao laef lo Earth hem start: Staka geological record abaotem wat hem really happen lo Earth lo bifor hem lus finis.” Olketa toktok hia showimaot hao science hem no savve yet lo ansa for disfala kwestin, Hao nao universe and laef hem start?

Bat iu maet ting olsem, ‘Sapos samwan nao designim laef lo earth, hu nao designim?’ Iu maet garem tu olketa kwestin olsem: ‘Sapos wanfala wise and loving Creator hem stap, why nao olketa man safa? Why nao hem letem staka difren kaen religion for stap? Why nao hem letem olketa wea worshipim hem for duim staka nogud samting?’

Science seleva no savve ansarem olketa kwestin olsem. Bat datwan no minim hem bae hard nao for iu faendem olketa ansa wea mek sense. Tru samting nao, staka pipol faendem ansa lo Bible wea mekem olketa satisfae.

Sapos iu laek for savve why samfala scientist wea studyim Bible bilivim dat wanfala Creator hem stap, go lo and search for “Tingting Bilong Samfala Abaotem Hao Laef Hem Start.”