Wat Iumi Lanem From Bible
“Diswan hem history blo skae and earth taem God creatim.” (Genesis 2:4, NWT) Disfala toktok lo Bible, hem showim wanem Bible teachim abaotem hao planet blo iumi hem start. Waswe, story lo Bible hem stret witim olketa fact blo science? Tingim samfala example hia.
Waswe, universe no garem eni start?
Genesis 1:1; NWT. Hem sei: “Lo firstaem God creatim skae and earth.”
Kam kasem haf lo mek-20 century, staka scientist bilivim hao disfala universe no garem eni start. Bat base lo wat olketa discoverem distaem, staka scientist luksavve dat universe blo iumi hem garem start.
Hao nao lukluk blo earth lo firstaem?
Genesis 1:2, 9; NWT. Olketa verse hia storyim hao full earth hem no garem eniting lo hem, and wata nomoa kavarem.
Datwan semsem witim wat olketa scientist distaem dicoverem. Biologist Patrick Shih sei taem planet blo iumi hem start “man no savve brithim air insaed bikos hem no garem oxygen . . . and lukluk blo earth lo datfala taem hem barava difren.” Astronomy magasin sei: “Olketa niu research showimaot hao firstaem wata nomoa kavarem full Earth and hem no garem eni land.”
Hao nao atmosphere hem isisi change?
Genesis 1:3-5, NWT. Olketa verse hia showim hao taem laet hem just start for kam thru lo atmosphere, hem no savve kasem surface blo earth. Bihaen nao, sun and moon just barava showaot klia.—Genesis 1:14-18; NWT.
Bible no talem dat God creatim evri samting wea laef lo earth insaed six 24-hour day
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center sei, lo firstaem atmosphere blo iumi hem mekem laet for no shaen klia lo earth. Hem sei: “Methane hem full ap and thik lo air and hem kavarem full earth lo datfala taem.” Bihaen, “taem datfala methane hem klia, then skae hem kamap blue.”
Laef lo earth hem kamap followim wat order?
Genesis 1:20-27; NWT, sei firstaem God creatim olketa fish, bird, olketa animal lo land, and then man. Olketa scientist bilivim dat olketa firstfala fish hem kamap longtaem bifor olketa mammal, and then olketa man kamap barava bihaen nao.
Bible hem no sei lukluk and wei blo olketa samting wea laef hem no savve change bihaen samfala taem
Wat Nao Bible No Talem?
Samfala pipol sei wat Bible talem hem no stret witim wanem olketa scientist distaem discoverem. Bat, staka taem why olketa tok olsem, hem bikos olketa no minim wat nao Bible really talem.
Bible no sei dat universe or earth hem 6,000 years old. Bat, hem just talem nomoa dat “lo firstaem” God creatim universe and disfala earth. (Genesis 1:1, NWT) Bible no talem hao old nao disfala universe.
Bible no talem dat God creatim evri samting wea laef lo earth insaed six 24-hour day. Bat, hem iusim word “day” for minim wanfala period of taem. For example, Bible iusim datfala toktok day for minim period of taem wea God iusim for creatim earth and evri samting wea stap lo hem, so sixfala day blo creation wea Genesis chapter 1 storyim hem insaed “datfala day wea Jehovah * God creatim skae and earth.” (Genesis 2:4, NWT) So diswan minim each wan lo sixfala “day” blo creation wea God iusim for preparem and creatim laef lo earth, hem savve minim olketa longfala period of taem.
Bible no sei lukluk and wei blo olketa samting wea laef hem no savve change bihaen samfala taem. Buk blo Genesis hem storyim hao God creatim olketa didifren “kaen” animal. (Genesis 1:24, 25, NWT) Disfala toktok “kaen” wea Bible iusim, hem no wanfala scientific word, bat luk olsem hem minim olketa didifren type grup blo olketa samting wea laef. So, diswan minim insaed wanfala grup hem maet garem olketa didifren species or variety. So sapos lukluk and wei blo wanfala “kaen” species wea stap lo wanfala ples hem change lelebet bihaen samfala taem, diswan fitim nomoa wat Bible talem.
Wat nao tingting blo iu?
Olsem iumi lukim, taem Bible storyim hao universe hem start, lukluk blo earth lo bifor, and hao laef lo earth hem kamap hem barava simpol and stret. So sapos olsem, waswe, Bible storyim tru samting abaotem Man wea creatim olketa samting hia tu? Encyclopædia Britannica hem sei, dat disfala main idea for sei laef hem kamap bikos lo wanfala supernatural event, hem fitim tu wat science hem talem. *