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Waswe, Planet Earth Gogo for Finis?

Waswe, Planet Earth Gogo for Finis?

Waswe, Planet Earth Gogo for Finis?

Wanem nao ansa bilong iu for disfala kwestin?

Long taem wea klosap kam, waswe, living long earth

(a) bae kamap gud lelebet?

(b) bae stap semsem nomoa?

(c) or bae kamap nogud go moa?

WASWE, iu trae for tingim olketa gud samting wea bae kamap? Iumi savve kasem staka gud samting sapos iumi duim olsem. Wanfala report showim hao pipol wea tingim gudfala samting, plande taem olketa healthy long body and tingting. Narafala report faendem hao olketa wea savve tingim gudfala samting evritaem, no savve garem sik long heart, olsem olketa wea no savve tingim gudfala samting abaotem laef. Wanem olketa faendemaot hem semsem witim wanem Bible talem bifor: “Heart wea hapi savve healim man, bat wei for feel sorre bae mekem olketa bon drae.”​—Proverbs 17:22.

Bat from evri samting wea olketa savveman talem bae happen long Earth bilong iumi, staka faendem hard for hapi and tingim gud samting evritaem. Tingim samfala samting wea olketa tingse bae happen.

Earth Stap Long Danger

Long 2002, Stockholm Environment Institute talem warning hao sapos iumi gohed for aftarem selen and no stop for spoelem Earth, luk olsem datwan maet startim “samting wea bae barava changem weather and olketa laef samting long disfala planet.” Report gohed for sei hao wei wea staka pipol poor and no stap gud and for gohed spoelem Earth, datwan savve mekem olketa kantri for krangge olobaot “from wanfala problem, go kasem nara problem.”

Long 2005, United Nations releasem Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Synthesis Report. Winim 1,360 savveman from 95 kantri studyim Earth for fofala year for mekem disfala report. Report hia talemaot bigfala warning olsem: “Evri samting wea man duim long disfala Earth hem barava mekem hem hard for Earth gohed gud, gogo iumi no savve bae Earth stap for olketa genereson wea no kam yet or nomoa.” Datfala report talem tu hao for missim bigfala trabol “staka change mas kamap bat olketa no duim samting yet.”

Anna Tibaijuka, big woman long United Nations Human Settlements Programme, talem toktok wea staka savveman start for agree long hem. Hem sei: “Sapos iumi gohed duim evri samting wea iumi duim distaem, wanfala big trabol bae kasem iumi.”

Gud Samting for Tingim

Olketa Jehovah’s Witness wea pablisim disfala magasin, bilivim tu hao klosap olketa bigfala change bae kamap long disfala Earth. Bat olketa biliv strong hao winim wei for Earth kamap nogud, evri samting wea bae happen bae mekem Earth kamap gud moa winim bifor. Why nao olketa tingim gudfala samting olsem? Bikos olketa trustim olketa promis bilong God insaed Bible. Tingim disfala promis: “Klosap nao man wea duim rabis samting bae finis; Nomata iu lukaotem olketa, bae iu no savve faendem olketa. God bae givim earth long olketa wea hambol, and olketa bae hapi fogud bikos olketa stap gud.”​—Psalm 37:10, 11.

Waswe, hope olsem hem wanfala dream nomoa? Bifor iumi ansarem datfala kwestin, ting raonem diswan: Plande thousand year bifor olketa samting happen, Bible talemaot stret olketa bigfala problem wea spoelem earth and olketa man distaem. Readim olketa scripture wea stap long nextfala story and markem wanem olketa talem witim wanem iu lukim wea happen long world distaem. Taem iu duim olsem, datwan bae strongim go moa wei wea iu savve trustim olketa promis long Bible.