Why Prea Long Nem Bilong Jesus?
JESUS plande taem teach abaotem prea. Long taem bifor, olketa bigman long Jew savve prea long “kona long olketa main road.” Why nao olketa duim olsem? “For olketa man lukim olketa.” Olketa laekem pipol for lukim olketa and tinghae long olketa. Plande talem olketa prea wea long tumas, olsem wei for “talem staka toktok” nao bae mekem God herem. (Matthew 6:5-8) Jesus showimaot hao kaen wei olsem hem iusles nomoa, mekem olketa gudfala pipol wea prea for no duim datwan. Bat Jesus no teachim nomoa hao for prea.
Jesus teachim hao olketa prea bilong iumi shud showimaot hao iumi laekem nem bilong God for stap holy, Kingdom bilong Hem kam, and wanem Hem plan for duim for kamap tru. Jesus teachim tu hao fitim nomoa for iumi askem God for helpem iumi long olketa samting wea kasem iumi. (Matthew 6:9-13; Luke 11:2-4) Jesus iusim olketa tokpiksa for showimaot hao iumi need for gohed strong, garem faith and hambol mekem God savve herem prea bilong iumi. (Luke 11:5-13; 18:1-14) And hem strongim wanem hem teachim long wanem hem duim.—Matthew 14:23; Mark 1:35.
Olketa samting wea hem lanem olketa disaepol helpem olketa for prea gudfala moa. Bat Jesus weit go kasem lastfala naet wea hem stap long earth for lanem olketa disaepol bilong hem nambawan samting abaotem prea.
“Niufala Wei for Prea”
Long lastfala naet wea Jesus stap hem gohed strongim olketa faithful aposol bilong hem. Datfala taem nao nambawan taem for showimaot wanfala niu samting. Jesus sei: “Mi nao datfala wei and truth and laef. Mi nomoa wei for man kam long Dadi.” Bihaen hem talem disfala promis for strongim olketa: “Eni samting wea iufala askem long nem bilong mi, mi bae duim, mekem Dadi kasem glory from samting wea Son bilong hem duim. Sapos iu askem eni samting long nem bilong mi, mi bae duim.” Gogo for end long story bilong hem, hem talem: “Kam kasem distaem iufala nating askem eni samting long nem bilong mi. Askem and iufala bae kasem, mekem iufala barava hapi.”—John 14:6, 13, 14; 16:24.
Toktok hia barava important. Wanfala buk storyim diswan olsem “niufala wei for prea.” Datwan no minim Jesus laekem iumi for prea long hem and no long God. Nomoa nao, bat hem startim niufala wei for iumi savve story long Jehovah God.
Hem tru, God herem prea bilong olketa faithful wakman bilong hem from bifor kam. (1 Samuel 1:9-19; Psalm 65:2) Bat start long taem wea Israel kamap pipol bilong God, evriwan wea laekem God for herem prea bilong olketa mas luksavve hao Israel hem pipol wea God chusim. And bihaen, start long taem bilong Solomon, olketa mas luksavve hao temple nao ples wea God chusim for mekem olketa sakrifaes. (Deuteronomy 9:29; 2 Chronicles 6:32, 33) Bat datfala wei for worship hem for shortfala taem nomoa. Olsem aposol Paul raetem, datfala law wea Israel kasem and olketa sakrifaes long temple “hem wanfala shadow bilong olketa gudfala samting wea bae kam, bat hem no datfala barava samting.” (Hebrews 10:1, 2) Bat gogo, barava samting nao changem datfala shadow. (Colossians 2:17) Start long 33 C.E., wei for fren gud witim Jehovah no depend long wei for obeyim Law wea Jehovah givim long Moses. Bat hem depend nao long wei for obeyim datwan wea Law piksarem, Christ Jesus.—John 15:14-16; Galatians 3:24, 25.
Wanfala Nem wea “Hae Winim Evri Nara Nem”
Taem Jesus startim nambawan wei for story witim Jehovah, hem talemaot hao hem wanfala strong fren wea mekem wei for God herem and ansarem prea bilong iumi. Hao nao Jesus savve duim datwan for iumi?
Bikos iumi evriwan born sin, evri waka or sakrifaes wea iumi duim no savve mekem iumi klin for fren witim klinfala God bilong Romans 3:20, 24; Hebrews 1:3, 4) Bat Jesus dae for evri man and iusim body bilong hem wea no garem sin for changem bak evri sin mekem iumi savve fren bak witim God. (Romans 5:12, 18, 19) Evriwan wea garem faith long dae bilong Jesus and prea long nem bilong hem savve kamap klin from sin, mekem olketa fren gud witim Jehovah and “free for toktok” long hem.—Ephesians 3:11, 12.
iumi, Jehovah. (Taem iumi prea long nem bilong Jesus, iumi showimaot iumi garem faith long thrifala difren waka wea hem duim for mekem kamap tru plan bilong God: (1) Hem “pikinini sheepsheep bilong God,” wea dae bilong hem mekem wei for iumi free from sin. (2) Jehovah mekem hem for laef bak and distaem hem duim waka bilong “hae priest” for mekem iumi kasem gudfala samting from dae bilong hem. (3) Hem nomoa “datfala wei” for iumi savve prea long Jehovah.—John 1:29; 14:6; Hebrews 4:14, 15.
Taem iumi prea long nem bilong Jesus, datwan showimaot iumi respectim hem. Datkaen respect barava fitim bikos Jehovah laekem evriwan for prea “long nem bilong Jesus . . . , and evri tongue mas talemaot hao Jesus Christ hem Lord for givim glory long God wea hem Dadi.” (Philippians 2:10, 11) Bat winim datwan, for prea long nem bilong Jesus hem mekhae long Jehovah, datwan wea givim Son bilong hem for mekem iumi savve laef.—John 3:16.
Iumi shud prea “witim full heart,” no long wei for duim nomoa
For helpem iumi for luksavve long big waka bilong Jesus, Bible iusim olketa difren toktok and nem for hem. Olketa difren toktok and olketa nem hia helpem iumi for luksavve long gudfala samting wea Jesus duim finis, duim distaem, and bae duim for iumi. (Lukim box “Main Waka Bilong Jesus” .) Tru tumas, Jesus kasem “datfala nem wea winim evri narafala nem.” * Jesus kasem paoa ovarem evri samting long heven and earth.—Philippians 2:9; Matthew 28:18.
Hem No Samting for Duim Nomoa
Hem tru, iumi mas prea long nem bilong Jesus sapos iumi laekem Jehovah for herem John 14:13, 14) Bat iumi no laek talem evritaem disfala toktok “long nem bilong Jesus” and no tingim mining bilong datwan. Why nao olsem?
iumi. (Tingim disfala tokpiksa. Taem wanfala company raetem leta for iu, long end long datfala leta olketa maet raetem nomoa, “yours sincerely.” Long tingting bilong iu, waswe, datfala company showimaot trufala feeling bilong olketa, or olketa raetem nomoa toktok wea fitim wanfala leta? For tok stret, wei for prea long nem bilong Jesus shud garem bigfala mining long iumi winim toktok wea wanfala company raetem long end long wanfala leta. Nomata iumi “prea evritaem” iumi mas duim datwan “witim full heart” no long wei for duim nomoa.—1 Thessalonians 5:17; Psalm 119:145.
Wanem nao iu savve duim for no just talem nomoa disfala toktok, “long nem bilong Jesus”? Hao sapos iu ting raonem olketa nambawan wei bilong Jesus? Ting raonem wanem hem duim finis for iu and samting wea hem bae duim. Long prea bilong iu, talem thankiu long Jehovah and praisem hem for evri nambawan samting wea hem askem Son bilong hem for duim. Taem iu duim olsem, iu bae barava trustim promis wea Jesus talem: “Sapos iufala askem Dadi for eni samting, hem bae givim long iufala long nem bilong mi.”—John 16:23.
^ par. 14 Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words talem hao Greek word wea iumi transleitim “nem” savve minim “evri mining bilong datfala nem, paoa wea hem garem, wei bilong hem, waka bilong hem, glory, paoa, [and] wea nambawan.”