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Jehovah Laekem Iumi for Hapi Joshua 1:6-9

Jehovah Laekem Iumi for Hapi Joshua 1:6-9

Fren Gud Witim God

Jehovah Laekem Iumi for Hapi

Joshua 1:​6 -9

OLKETA mami and dadi wea lovem pikinini, laekem pikinini for stap hapi and garem gudfala laef. Dadi bilong iumi Jehovah, laekem iumi olketa pikinini bilong hem long earth tu for stap hapi. From hem lovem iumi, hem showimaot hao for iumi stap hapi. Tingim toktok wea hem talem for Joshua wea stap long Joshua 1:​6-9.

Lukim disfala piksa, bihaen Moses hem dae, Joshua nao changem hem for leadim plande million Israelite. Olketa Israelite redi for go insaed long land wea God promisim long grandadi bilong olketa. God talem samfala advaes for Joshua and sapos hem followim, datwan bae helpem hem for kasem gud samting. Bat hem no Joshua nomoa bae kasem gudfala samting from olketa advaes hia. Iumi tu savve kasem gud samting sapos iumi followim.​—⁠Romans 15:⁠4.

Jehovah talem Joshua thrifala taem for no fraet and mas strong. (Verses 6, 7, 9) Tru tumas, Joshua mas no fraet and mas strong for leadim olketa Israelite for go insaed long Promis Land. Wanem nao hem mas duim for gohed strong and no fraet?

Olketa toktok from God nao bae helpem Joshua for no fraet and for strong. Jehovah sei olsem: “Iu mas no fraet and mas strong, mekem iu duim samting followim evri law wea wakaman bilong mi Moses komandim iu.” (Verse 7) Maet long datfala taem Joshua garem tu-thri buk long Bible nomoa. * Nomata olsem, for garem word bilong God hem no inaf for mekem man hapi. For kasem gud samting from datwan Joshua mas duim tufala samting.

Firstaem, Joshua mas readim word bilong God evritaem. Jehovah sei: “Iu mas readim seleva long kwaet wei long day and long naet.” (Verse 8) Wanfala buk sei olsem: “God talem Joshua for rememberim olketa Law bilong hem and for readim kwaet and ting raonem.” Wei for readim and ting raonem word bilong God evritaem, bae helpem Joshua for deal witim olketa hard taem wea bae kamap.

Mek-tu samting, Joshua mas followim wanem hem lanem from word bilong God. Jehovah talem hem moa olsem: “Duim evri samting wea olketa raetem insaed mekem diswan savve helpem iu for win and iu bae duim samting long wisefala wei.” (Verse 8) For Joshua win, hem mas duim wanem God laekem. Datwan hem barava tru bikos wanem Jehovah laekem mas kamap tru.​—⁠Isaiah 55:​10, 11.

Joshua followim toktok wea Jehovah talem and datwan helpem hem for garem hapi laef and satisfae taem hem faithful for worshipim Jehovah.​—⁠Joshua 23:14; 24:⁠15.

Waswe, iu tu laek for garem hapi laef olsem Joshua? Jehovah laekem iu for hapi, bat hem no inaf for garem Bible nomoa. Wanfala Christian wea faithful for longtaem finis sei olsem: “Readim Bible evritaem and followim.” Sapos iu evritaem readim Bible and followim wanem iu lanem, bae iu olsem Joshua, and iu “bae duim samting long wisefala wei.”


^ Olketa buk wea Joshua garem maet hem buk bilong Job, wan or tufala psalm, and faevfala buk wea Moses raetem (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy).