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Wanem Nao Tingting Bilong God Abaotem Drink?

Wanem Nao Tingting Bilong God Abaotem Drink?

Wanem Nao Tingting Bilong God Abaotem Drink?

CREATOR bilong iumi, wea laekem iumi for kasem gud samting, hem no stopem man for drink sapos hem no ova tumas. * Dastawe Hem givim “wine for mekem man hapi, olive oil for mekem man enjoyim laef and bred for mekem man strong.” (Psalm 104:​15, Today’s English Version) Wanfala taem, Jesus Christ tanem wata for kamap “naesfala wine” for mekem olketa enjoyim marit feast.​—⁠John 2:​3-​10, New Jerusalem Bible.

Creator bilong iumi savve tumas hao drink affectim body and mind bilong man. Bible sei, Dadi bilong iumi long heven ‘teachim iumi for kasem gud samting,’ and hem barava warnim iumi for no ova tumas long drink. (Isaiah 48:17) Lukim olketa kliafala warning hia:

“No kamap drunk witim wine wea savve spoelem man.” (Ephesians 5:​18) “Pipol wea savve drunk . . . bae nating kasem kingdom bilong God.” (1 Corinthians 6:​9-​11, Jerusalem Bible) Bible barava stopem man for “drunk, olketa wild party, and olketa samting olsem.”​—⁠Galatians 5:​19-​21, Byington.

Distaem, iumi lukluk long samfala danger samting wea kamaot from wei for drink tumas.

Danger Saed Long Wei for Ova Tumas

Hem tru drink garem gud saed, bat hem garem tu olketa strong samting insaed wea savve affectim mind and body. Wei for drink tumas savve mekem olketa problem hia for kamap:

Wei for drink tumas savve spoelem gudfala tingting bilong man wea ‘bae mekem hem no tingting stret.’ (Proverbs 23:​33, TEV) Allen wea iumi storyim long firstfala story, hem sei: “Wei for depend long drink, hem no sik wea kasem body nomoa bat hem affectim tu tingting and wei bilong man. Diswan savve mekem man for no laek tingim hao drink hem spoelem narawan.”

Wei for ova tumas for drink savve mekem man laek duim samting wea hem no duim taem hem normal. Bible talem disfala warning: “Wine and swit wine nao aotem gudfala tingting.” (Hosea 4:​11) Long wanem wei? Drink savve trikim man and mekem hem no savve kontrolem tingting and samting wea body laekem. Datwan savve mekem iumi wikdaon and no duim stret samting. Drink savve mekem iumi foldaon and spoelem wei wea iumi fren witim God.

Tingim example bilong John. Hem raoa witim waef bilong hem and taem hem kros, hem go long ples for drink. Bihaen hem drinkim tu-thri drink for mekem hem feel gud, wanfala woman kam for story witim hem. John drinkim samfala drink moa, then hem go witim datfala woman and duim adultery. Bihaen, John barava feel nogud bikos hem hard for hem duim datwan sapos hem no ova tumas long drink.

Wei for ova tumas for drink savve mekem man story olobaot and duim krangge samting. Bible sei: “Hu nao kasem trabol evritaem? Hu nao raoa and faet? Evriwan wea wekap leit, and gohed for sei wanfala drink moa.” (Proverbs 23:​29, 30, Contemporary English Version) Wei for ova tumas for drink savve mekem iu “feel olsem iu long open sea, laek toroaot, olsem iu swing olobaot long mast antap long ship.” (Proverbs 23:​34, TEV) Wanfala man wea drink tumas savve wekap and “garekil bat nating savve hao nao datwan happen.”​—⁠Proverbs 23:​35, CEV.

Wei for ova tumas for drink savve spoelem health. Bible sei: “Gogo, [drink] savve baet olsem poison snek.” (Proverbs 23:​32, New International Version) Olketa wea studyim medicine pruvim datfala proverb hem tru. Wei for drink tumas savve poisonim body and killim man dae. Hem savve mekem man kasem difren kaen cancer, sik long liver and pancreas, hepatitis, low blood sugar, baby insaed bele savve nogud, stroke, heart problem, and staka nara problem. Nomata wanfala taem sapos man barava ova tumas, hem savve hafded or dae. Bigfala problem wea kamaot from diswan, hem no saed long medical nomoa.

Bigfala danger. Nomata sapos wanfala man ova lelebet for drink bat no drunk, datwan savve spoelem wei wea hem fren witim God. Bible barava tok stret: “Trabol long olketa wea wekap long early morning mekem olketa lukaotem drink nomoa, wea liu go kasem leit naet mekem wine nao kontrolem olketa!” Why nao olsem? Isaiah explainim spiritual danger wea kasem olketa. Hem sei: “Waka bilong Jehovah olketa no tingim, and olketa samting wea hem duim olketa no lukim yet.”​—⁠Isaiah 5:​11, 12.

Bible talem disfala advaes: “No stap midolwan long olketa wea savve drinkim tumas wine.” (Proverbs 23:20) Olketa mature woman kasem warning for no “drinkim tumas wine.” (Titus 2:⁠3) Why nao olsem? Maet man no luksavve hao isisi hem start for drinkim samfala drink moa winim namba wea hem drinkim bifor. And maet hem drink samfala taem moa winim bifor. Gogo, man wea drink olowe savve sei, ‘Wanem taem nao bae hem daylaet, mekem mi drinkim samfala moa?’ (Proverbs 23:​35, CEV) Olketa wea drink olowe barava stap long danger taem olketa laek drink long morning mekem olketa feel gud, bikos olketa ova tumas long naet bifor.

Bible talem warning hao olketa wea “ova tumas long wine, garem wild party, resis long drink, . . . bae peim kaon long datwan wea redi for judgem olketa wea laef and olketa wea dae finis.” (1 Peter 4:​3, 5) And Jesus talem disfala warning abaotem important taem wea iumi stap insaed. Hem sei: “Iufala mas lukluk gud long iufala seleva nogud wei for kaikai tumas and drink tumas witim wei for wari abaotem hao for kasem need bilong iufala mekem iufala for no garem stretfala tingting. Seknomoa, day [bilong Jehovah] kam bat iufala seke long hem olsem animal hem seke taem hem pas insaed trap.”​—⁠Luke 21:​34, 35.

Bat wanem moa olketa wea ova tumas long drink savve duim for ‘garem stretfala tingting’?


^ par. 2 Long disfala story, “drink” hem minim beer, wine, kwaso, or eni alcohol.

[Olketa Piksa long page 4, 5]

Wei for ova tumas for drink savve mekem staka problem kamap